S5736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 1997 organizations committed to killing son. Phil Jackson, along with Jerry cused and give it their all and their Americans and citizens of other coun- Reinsdorf as the owner, and others, can best, even under adverse cir- tries. Business as usual should not pro- take pride in what the Bulls have cumstances. Certainly, that is what ceed with such regimes, and President brought to professional sports and bas- this team has proved over and over Clinton should not have to be coaxed ketball. again that they can do. They can win, into aggressively enforcing U.S. The Bulls’ record of 171 victories and whether it is at the old Chicago Sta- antiterrorism laws to isolate these 30 losses over the last two seasons has dium, in L.A., in Phoenix, or in the countries. This provision will diminish set a new standard of excellence. Mi- new United Center. It doesn’t matter the financial resources available to ter- chael Jordan, in the last five full sea- where they play. They bring the same rorist states for their campaign of vio- sons, has earned five championship values, talent, and, most important, lence and hatred, and I urge the Presi- rings and five MVP awards in the play- the same heart to the game. That is dent’s firm support for this anti-ter- offs. The numbers speak for them- why they are world champions. That is rorism weapon contained in the foreign selves. why they are America’s team. affairs reform legislation before the You could go through the list of Chi- Of course, in this last game Steve Senate today. cago Bulls and find the greatness and Kerr can distinguish himself with the I thank the Chair and yield the re- sportsmanship and the kinds of leader- 17-foot jumper, which was what some mainder of any time I might have. ship we in Chicago are so proud of. I might call the ‘‘Hail Mary’’ play. You Mr. DURBIN addressed the Chair. would be remiss to not mention the just held your breath while it was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- contributions of Scottie Pippen, Luc going on. He drew on the spirit of John ator from Illinois is recognized. Longley, and so many others who are Paxon and made the game-winning Mr. DURBIN. Thank you, Mr. Presi- part of this great team, and Steve play toward the end of the game. But dent. Kerr’s clutch shot in the last game he could not do it alone; it was a team made the difference. He had had a effort. f My colleague pointed to the special tough time up to that moment, but CONGRATULATIONS TO THE relationship between Michael Jordan when he was given the ball, he was CHICAGO BULLS and Scottie Pippen, two very unique, there. very special players. I think it can go Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, my col- Yesterday, there was a big celebra- without saying that Michael Jordan is league, Senator CAROL MOSELEY- tion in Chicago. The Sun came out for the greatest player in the history of BRAUN, and I would like to take the a few minutes. People gathered for a basketball, and we are really fortunate floor for 10 minutes to address an issue great rally. I thought the comment to have him as a leader of this team. of great importance, one that is appro- made by Michael Jordan was especially priate to consider as we debate the for- In terms of leadership, certainly appropriate. He said yesterday: Coach Phil Jackson gets high marks eign affairs bill, because this is an This championship goes out to all the issue, to us, of worldwide significance. for the kind of calm, deliberative, working people here in the City of Chicago, thoughtful approach he brings to the Is there a spot in the world so re- who go out every day and bust their butts to game, which is more than just a sport. moved, so distant, so isolated that if make a living. you would go there today and say that It really is an exercise and demonstra- Well, Michael Jordan reminded us tion of human spirit and values that you were from Chicago, that the people that so many of us who take pleasure takes place out on the basketball living in this far corner of the world in watching professional sports can court. would not immediately respond: ‘‘The identify with all of the effort made on I have a special place in my heart for home of the Chicago Bulls and Michael the court and on the field. There are no Jerry Reinsdorf, who recently worked Jordan?’’ I don’t think there is a spot two stronger fans of the Chicago Bulls out a situation in correcting an injus- in the world where you could find peo- on the floor of the U.S. Senate than tice. He single-handedly was able to en- ple who are not aware of what hap- myself and my colleague, Senator courage the baseball owners to award pened in the great City of Chicago—for CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN. We want to sa- pensions to the players of the old in 5 of the last 7 years, our Chicago lute the Bulls. We are proud of them. Negro League that had been denied Bulls have won the championship of We are proud of the city of Chicago, pensions, because when they went to the National Basketball Association. the city that works. We are looking the majors, there wasn’t enough time We believe, quite modestly, that Chi- forward to making it a six pack next to qualify for pensions. At my request, cago has become the world’s capital of year under the leadership of Phil Jack- he took that issue up and took it to the basketball—of course, our chief of son, Michael Jordan, and Scottie owners and, after all these years, they State none other than Michael Jordan. Pippen. have awarded pensions to those old Those who watched the NBA finals, I yield to my colleague, Senator baseball players. Jerry Reinsdorf, I particularly that fifth game, will never CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN. think, demonstrates the best in sports forget the contribution made by this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. and sports owners. Again, I know he great athlete. Obviously suffering from ASHCROFT). The Senator from Illinois has every reason to be as proud of this some illness—flu or worse—he managed [Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN] is recognized. team, as we all are. to muster the strength and courage to Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN. I thank my At the same time, I think it must be lead the Bulls to an important, abso- colleague from Illinois. I just want to said that the Utah Jazz played a phe- lutely critical victory. How many say that the Chicago Bulls have been nomenal game. They were a dignified times we saw him running down that such a source of joy to those of us from team, a disciplined team. Karl Malone court, wondering if he could get from Illinois. But also, because of their long- and John Stockton were the equivalent one end to the other, only to perform standing pursuit of excellence and of Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan, spectacularly when given the ball. demonstration of excellence, they have in a way, from another part of the That has been his hallmark, but not become America’s team. I don’t think country. They distinguished them- just as an athlete, but as a person. He there is a single team in this country selves in the gentlemanly way in which is truly a good person. Unfortunately, that can boast 5 years of National Bas- they handled themselves throughout in the game of sports, you can’t say ketball Association championships. We the series. Utah has nothing to be that about all of the champions. You won in 1991 against the Lakers; in 1992, ashamed of. If anything, they have ev- can certainly say it about Michael Jor- against the Trailblazers; in 1993, erything to be proud of in the kind of dan. against the Suns; in 1996 against the game they played in the championship Of course, the chief of intelligence in Supersonics; and, of course, recently, competition in which they engaged. this world capital of basketball is none against the Jazz. They supported themselves very well. other than Coach Phil Jackson. Mi- It has been done because the players Utah and the rest of the country can be chael Jordan and Coach Jackson have a on the Chicago Bulls are—in the terms proud of them as well. Their coach, I rare relationship, and Michael Jordan of a great football coach from our think, has a great future. Working has made it clear that when he plays town—‘‘Grabowski’s.’’ ‘‘Grabowski’s’’ with that team, he has a lot of good basketball, it will be with Phil Jack- are people who work hard and keep fo- material to work with there. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:15 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S17JN7.REC S17JN7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY June 17, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5737 As my colleague pointed out, we are The amendment is as follows: that an Exocet missile 10 years ago not satisfied with number 5. At the appropriate place in the bill, insert struck the U.S.S. Stark and killed 37 Grabowski’s always want to do better, the following: American sailors. This missile is a and we are looking for the six pack, or SEC.
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