Carmine Galante Part 6 of 12

Carmine Galante Part 6 of 12

92.n.2»-1-an-M-I-n-nab-A---_-A---A-,92__..._,,L._-. _....._,_ _ _ , . i . , ""'_i_" """""' - ""'M" . ._» ff,4. .____ L__ _.,;;_j_:---==~14:-1.u-»;;;F'_T:l=*--'~l";;.: -.'_;'92 .' »:'_....-,-A.-..,;..a:..=a..-=. ...¢. >7 __; ,';,g_' ' L ..... __-- -_. ;-. ~» . >" *1 , . '92 , ' -1 . ~»L;,._-. ., ,, - ix I *1...-ii" .- _ _ ~., : 92 .;,- - 1 z .3, . ' . 'r'Z T -. ,: Fri "*92:- --.-'.;' :1 ; ., r;v.i.=.u ---~' .""' ' - ._. ":r."" --._:?._'& I ; =»@:'-H. "1..,v:': a4§¥p'l~?92j1 . b 70 J: i 0 J *--5§'a+'$Yr .l ' . .1;*.._§ --:.h92i?..2 ;. _,_ -1' 1-i~ i '1 =92-.- ,' I- . béc 1 C 5. -.1 ' 'F-A -.-;_- s r 75' -. ,-My.1,-_ .-1 .- _:;§1 ,.... 1 > ;~¢.-1* T T..17 . ,.;__,. a, -... ._ - .__.-:..: ff? >- -i!_r L i»i ' * >13. - - 7C =.1 ;.- -1 .:-iv: '_ -}._ ?_. ..~.__. L .,,,._ .»,r_-__¢. -._.. F 3=5» . -_, .. 9 A; . A-%a%%$:f~% '..'_.x. -rC_ Y _: 1-;-F - #1 ;§.--Y; I .1: .5: ~-,¢ _ ...~:=. ~ !4~&;JW .,, é '.,.. »a- .1 .=1 . -.1? H j.1'%_ *1-3",". 1 _;92'.;_ . - YT ;-1" . 1 , ._._ at-'§' --'.-r~' 1:?--:2 "5:'.'. - RUG. L . 'J Llri,er- 2». ""~{- . N'=1, ~. '-,3 , .-92 .. la. '- -' ~ .-.10 . .5}. __ -kg»- _ . '" .?_.=*'*';. :2 . V >_ -3. ';. =1q__._. pf; ".3 z. ~92- . ;.'i.Q ~., =~ - _, 9-. , E E" _|_#._.|'- '-1:-LQ. 1-.. ,1 ---e--92 ' 92- =- -.L-.A,,_ _.' 4-L;.d*4 .»--. ~__- .-..§..L_..H......n-an_. -= = l - -_ -__.-___ - '.. --_ - __-_.- ' ;.....¢.¢.-" .:_..-'..1._-....' '_,.. " J _ ,__,_;_ _|,,,L,_,.|_,_H_92,,_,___,,___,__J_____ . '_ __¥..-1,:-1;-'r_é~_¢J-£=_*__:! ___,...-...-Ava? -0 92. .» J.1 . - .~-w _,r:<__. 1 - .m_ ML; _ ' ' n ' '"_'__ 1' 1, , ' . Q Q . .; ._. 4 '92~ - NY 92-911 ..______ __ _,____ __....__. H W, - V V ~ - -- -- - -' - - ~ '.i.<>_F .. Q.- : y, ?_CB_IMINA Ac*r:v;11IE-S L_ A 4_.";?.': 1. A. Organized *;; Crime - ~ _ . -_ .._ . Y= _ ."!- - - 1.-925-;§l P '1' -- bqc 1, -1 o n ., &¬ :"""*-Ti -- , Btibjéct of r""'n:= 5-; 0 @1115 1n,*q-qggtigati eves he wasone of the inciivi who H.'92 Jet. 7 .. 1 ":_ s.~*2¥ . ,b 7c ._ ..-.:1-:'1-T"--D 11> b I --1":-J-." b 1-. >- 14l Jég - *1f?;i ' w -1 . ."<; - ' - . .4 '5 . T-To Q.-av-1 and that smbiect is a nartner with one » - I ' 1 P MI_,,_ 5* . .Pvt ¢. 1 - _ , - ':92;,:|;,,-I =-... __,______ -__ - _ _!_~H:2;;-._<1a.-.;!~ ' e .-1 T"-,.=-.", T"%g 2 V 10 =-QFQQM J- " '_ _ , » largest Ea waavisea n that GALANTE trGa1 has area '[apiece" ofand that the =1-5 rII' ;1L_92;n . - ' 1' *é-1*" - pr"! '" - ;,_-.5_ .-=1_-3.;-_. A '1_"_"""""''_"""" '$ ' MW '-'* "**"""*="=*"""""-'-"'""-' J -'-.--n---v---.2-..i........-.-..'._.-¢-.=92.- "--- ' -.¢...'.-,.a-»._.|_H_...;- .~. Li b l~/ =% .'I92-,-~-___V_, __ Gs W e .. _ ..._._.' = " vee '§:-P'fj'.~ '1. -- ,;e$ ;~= 1% ,__ "ea 4 . ¢Eas_ -N*E*t -Wee . K, NY 92-911 - l. .. Q; V '2? , . .. .. ._____i ,_r_:..,,,_ ,, , __ ,_{__,ii._ W I ;-,T_ ."-_-_.a_'¢ Fat-=. R :=i ¢._.-F.-,,.. -. i-E'i"~L"l 4 _ .=!'-~. , ' 1 b 7 9 Y, --;- -.1 _ " --.-¢4 :| " ';__-'.u TM; _ _;,, ,1: : .3,~ '-?929292Q31.-_~_ * 1 _ - ' in-' .?"T'.-~ . .. sq -,-_f-'- _, Inforant advised that since the recent Wt" .":i_._;, publicity GALANTE has received, the "heat" has been put lg $1 - on him in the Montreal area and he has bee g rant advised that "T M0 is now handling sub_ o e w =.. ,-'- .1 4,10 ~% 1 4 ' _ { . '7._. .,.,,_,_g. he ._.,__._.-- .0.iii: Z 31'; .;'. ,. 2-»- -,-1".-_'! _:..f,-9 1"" ' .10 IQ - Q L g. _92 .' iii '5}I I , .3 we.._r92'J- '1-'0 ; '=-- <.. il. - at - I l ' l=1 _ -- .. J- ees C. Narcotics * !.92,-_» ,0n the morning of June 3, 1958, numerous =.;.;_2.*.*"'.'individuals were reported by the New York press to have E~27?-:. " been arrested by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. It " v§Y-await was reported on one occasion that CARMINE GALANTE was 1 ,_ V ,_ e amongthose who had been arrested; however, later releases -"- 5-T""7'.".'-'1*'ii revealed that he had not been arrested but that he was .. -.__.____.._.i..-_-_.-._._i_..__._.._..... ._._. _____ _ _. -*'~~'se~-*'--*'~**--_._»._:,_.i.......... _ i__ .- _..__--_ - .--...._-.......... ii..--_-.*_-eW __ A 1' T .-'1=T~. -">1 ww- 3%; 3%" _ -=-4",:;.., . -1,: 1%? '7. "Fr; iei ¬§ NY 92-911 .H . I .wm% _ . .3 .-G :_.. ~% - .,#'_ ~n,.- ._N . '-5'2~'-4 A ______,_ . _ . _ __ . , I__ "3; - - It has previously been reported that JOSEPH?L._" »~~ 1 -1-.1 1DI PALERMO,also known as JOEY BECK, is an associate»- .92. .-K,»-~ - 1-=1?I if Zfg tax violation in 197. In the New York "Daily News" dated July H, 1958, anarticle appeared reflectingthat he % . _ _.,/.W.. ea? I92,_'=.' .-1*= DI PALERMO,described American.distribution boss .5-*1 .1 ~ of the multimillion dollar drug ring, was arrested ._ 1.»' ""rthersubjectand~wasoarrestedmwithhimonana1eehe1e:e .r5 by FederalNarcotics Agentsat the corner of East Nth -es _,:. F Street and Second Avenue, on July 4, 1958. DI PALERMO -,n was further described as an inviteeto the Apalachin A - -.i.'.J.f__ "WW Convention and a close friend of such big time dope W-.- '- *lH peddlers as NIG ROSEN and NATALE EVOLA. ..._-..;_;_. b'Z _=-V. =- 1; ___ b'lD I -10- 1,?= VI; AUTOMOBILES Q F; T1I-' l -,_..'5; . r-I! It has previously been reported that the s ect ..-;_._, 3 .e registered to g I g mg 22%-"ii New York. ,_ Z .- ~'~.-'1 #§ On May 16, 1958 the realty re examined Q1" . _,_., as ertained tha Houseand ax? ' .,,. -T57 . j.197 _- 4-» as -.£ "1 I I *- : *'5?-uj§'K.§ ...» _= '-"3-11:» ~;-..- 1, 7Q On May16, 1958, Chief Clerk, Nassau b C County Boardof Elections, _. -- ~ 1.. -_ _ _ -_ - A-----4i~_'3-1'inri92|||r--'- ln*'[email protected]_____-';A - -_- -'-'-___-.__;..._-_....'__ - . .. .. _ .._¢&' -;' {'4I_- _..-.__f M _1'_;_"r_,:___lip ______,_'___:_4,,.,";;l_____,,_;__,_,_,__4-_h__,;,'___,,___,,_?_4i,.',,_. _. r. :;_ _v__g@.==a-xae-er:-:-4.3,:--.>L.-.E,_ -. -010 .__- Q Q, '3'. ._ Qt if" ' " 4 92:-. »-92'.". -9.5. -"P-i92*@~ .§- 7'7"? "'2;-."<lr_| . _.. 1 --..-1-u -..-l.v..- °°"">@ s .--"4EE"'-:1-. r q .1" ""5-"W -I »_--=?~'-I: "f--5iEI' . NY9a@n. .. .. inn it i .- -.,~-if in 2 C on .____i_..F.iE_._i.8.___. l'92-Y._ y , whoresides in j a 1953 kl :§§%Ir ,- -r b-7C. the general vicinity o ~=. $15":-I ream or tan - :".2'.~ or 195!-L Pontiac hardtop, c ,-2. g;=,:'*;?-?:;§.;b'1 . bottom parked in fron . ,, _ _c.,.__as inf 5."; l It had 1958"" l ; .5.. New York license IL 7 . .A -H» J! ;.; .,.;.¢ T - 3»-'* u1C On May 19, . 3 is ,9 7Q that ILT572 is listed ..';~>'-'< ' Brooklyn, New York, for . < i;-ii.-ya . 5 75» tan and blue. His business was shown as - in"..=-',1 =2-1. "' w 2,.. _:_-_ F-_ 1 .. .1- :,,': a 27" '2. :.92;-.11- c. ,,; -,. ;».»'. -s . 3'->».-év . kIZ"?zD _..=e bfqb1?C YOI'1{, fOI 8. fl-,1 W 42'-i 1 w 19, 1953, $5535 7 1,? !.. _ an :-.-, - ,__.__; 5...; 5 {K who have .4-_';,,_____.,__.__u_,_ t the address. No »5;_-1. other family name is known at the address. 'Q; ~" I J9 7C ' build --..-A-..-at-1. -.155 -P '-r .-.._';:'92-1. ~ ---1 oi 3 a plumbing contractor - place of business ééie £ 7 C . _l.&:. b? not known. ves a Ford station 2;!'-.5-1 3,-.3"** f-;-. av?-.

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