BANK REGISTER litutd W««kl7, Entered u Satond-OIsM Uattir at tbe Foil- VOLUME LII, NO. 16. offlct at Bad Bank, N, J.. undar th» Aot of M«nsh >. 1870. EED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. COMING RACE MEETING, A FINE VASE OF DAHLIAS, LINDBERGH USED THIS PLANE. DOINGS OF WOMAN'S CLUB TO BUILD STORM SEWER RETIRES ON A PENSION. Ho Flow to Mttlno In Airship Now Railroad Agent Was Late Only Twice PRIEST PUTS OUT FIRE. LAKESIDE TRACT SOLD, at tho Bed Bank Airport EVERYTHING IN BKADINES JOE KENNEDY SHOWS SEED- BUSY TIMES PLANNED FOR THE WILLIAM MEABS GETS A RUM- In 1!) Years of Service. Tho Air View flying sorvlco, oper- BLAZE THREATENED ST. AG- nOTJOHT HY HOWLANO B. JONE9 FOB SATURDAY'S FBOOBAM. LINGS AT MONTHLY EXHIBIT FALL AND WINTER. SON CONTRACT. Samuel F. Patterson, who has been ators of the Rod Bank airport, whi telegraph operator and afjtmt at tho NES'S CHURCH. FOH ,131,600. Terry Ell of tho General Burden Es- havo tho state agency for tho Aero- Atlantic Highlands railroad station Preparations Hlmlo to Entertain 1.0M marlne-KIom airplane, havo us Seventeen Bonds Drawn for Itcricmp- Ho Was (lie Lowest of Flvo Bidders— Hesidonts of Atlantic Highlands In a (nto Won thn Ilnrtlett Troo Com- llop—Hooked Bug nnd I'ntchworlc Four Ordinances Adopted—Flro De- since 1880, retired last week and will Tho SUIO'WIM Made Iiy Hawkins Farm I'olka at a Full Course Wn pany's t'rlie—Other Winners Were demonstrating (hip a plane which jCCceivo n pension for tho rest of his State ol Apprehension Due t Brothers, Wno Also Sold iJlot iior—Two Itaces to bo Held for thi was flown by Colonel Lindbergh from Quilt Classes Formed—A Talk on partment Recommendations—Com- Three - Recent Fires Believed to Charles Rice and Matthew Ctirrnn, Womanly Beauty. mittees Within Appropriations. life. Mr. Patterson's first job was an Week Five Oilier Proportion at Bod Farmers. Keyport to Malno. Lindbergh late operator and shortly afterward ho Huvo Been of Incendiary Origin. I!.ink, Fair Hnvon and Runison. Joseph G, P. Kennedy of. Mrs. Uzal Everything Is In readiness for th bought an Aeromarlne-Klem- plani Tho Red Bank Woman's club, at |ts A contract to lay a storm sewer on became, assistant agent. In 1880 ho H. McCartor's estate won first prlz for his wife. Belief that a firebug la about Is Hawkins Brothers of Monmouth fourth annual farmers' day and rac- October meeting Friday, opened the part of Btngbam avenue and Black wa» appointed agenf. He was also causing the residents of Atlantic ing meet of the Monmouth count Thursday night at tho monthly flow- Jack Caaey, airport manager, i Point road was awarded last Thurs express agent until 1893, when a sop- street sold six tracts or plots of land er show of tho Monmouth county hor- oesslon by singing tho federation Highlands no small amount of worry. last week, tho total prlco of tha five hunt racing association on Saturda; making a demonstration tour this Bong, with Mrs. Victor King leading day night by the Rumson commls r.rato offlco waa established for the Three, fires at that place recently on the estate of Amory L. Haskcll 1 ticultural Boclety held at Red Men's week with an Aeromarlne-Klom ship sionorn to William Mcars of Rumson express department. During all his plot'i being $80,700. Four of tho' hall at Rumson. Perry Ell, green- the singing and with Mrs. Georgo are believed to have been of Incendi- tracts sold are In the borough of Mlddletown township, near Re to all tho New Jorsoy alrportB. Ivlns at tho piano, A nummary of on a bid of $2,832.RO. Four other bids yonrs with tho railroad company he ary origin and Uio police are keeping Bank. The Btooplechase race eoursi houoo foreman on tho Gonoral How- were received, they being S . S. was late for work only twice. Rod Bank and tho other property Is ard S. Bordon estate, captured th tho minutes of tho executive board a close watch whilo making their in the borough of Rumson. has been put In first-class conditio meetings held during tho Bummer was Thompson ^ Co. $2,951.20, Peter De- rounds at night. and all the other preliminary worl monthly prize of the Bartlott tree ex- Tho tract that brought tho high- pert company. Tho socloty'a annual read by tho secretary and new mem- Ponti $3,583, Red Bank sanitary sew- Tho barking of a dog led to the has been dont;J bers of the club who were elected er company $3,582.32 and Fred Mc- est price was a plot on the Lakeside exhibition at tho Red Bank armory CHURCH'S BIG CAMPAIGN, discovery of a fire In tho rear of St. tract on thn east sldo of Broad street. There will bo seven events, tjio firs was unusually successful and It was during tho summer were welcomed. Dowell $3,748.20. ELECTION AND FEAST. Agncs's church ono night last week. Tho recent rummage sale held by This property was formerly the Bey^ starting at half-past one o'clock I decided to hold tho show thero every RED BANK BAPTISTS ELATED Four ordinances were adopted Tho dog is owned by Rev. Michael cr farm and It was bought about two the afternoon. On tho race commit- year. tho club realized $153 and this, with They wero an ordinance for improv- H. Callahan, rector of tho church. other bond money on hand, wns'uaod A BIG MEETING OF THE AMER- years ago hy tho Fort Lauderda|n tee aro W. Strother Jonen, Jr., chair- Mr. Kennedy also received B6 point OVEB THEIB SUCCESS. ing Maplnwood avenue, nn ordinance From tho rtictory, Father Callulmn's leal estate company, which is com- man, Amory L. Haskell, Edwin Stow- for tho payment of clubhouse bonds. for sidewalks on the weBt side of ICAN LEGION MONDAY. nice, Miss Catherine: Callahan, saw a toward tho grand prize, which la Bondholders whoso bonds were posed of men who had made very art III, W. B. Ruthrauff, C. Maur Contributions Amounting to $750 Lennox avenue, an ordinance repeal- light flickering back of the church. profitable investments at Fort Laud- awarded annually to the member drawn wero Mr3. Lewia S. Thompson, Arrangements Made to Hold Boxing Jones, Thomas 8. Field, Bufus C. scoring tho most points at the month- Mudo on Sunday Towards raying ing an ordinance vacating that por- Sho spoke to Father Callahan about enlate in Florida. The plot Bold Is Flnoh, E. Oaddlo PlUffT and Edwar tho Church Debt of $3,000—Two Mrs. William A. Patterson (3), Mrs. tion of the Avenue of Two Rivers ly- Bouts at tho Armory and to Havo it and he thought she saw tho red ly exhibitions, and a certlflcato ol Myron V. Brown, Mrs. H. Raymond at tho southwest cornor of Broad A. Hurd. Mr. Hurd has charge of th< Coining Events. ing between tho properties of tho an Armlstco Day Parade—Action lights on tho street v/herc sidewalks etrect and Garflrid place. It com- merit. The certificate and award o: Eisner, Mrs. Anna do la Reussille, Deferred on Community ChoBl. cntrleB, which closed on Monday. O) 90 points is tho highest single awan Rumson fishing club and a new ordi- aro being laid. prises threo lots, two of them beln^ • Wednesday and Saturday, Octobo Tho roll call campaign at the Red Mrs. Herbert W. Hill, Mrs. Oscar nance to replace the ordinance re- that has over been made.at a month- Bank Baptist church scored another Morris, Misses Rosa and Ida Weis, Soventy-flvo members of Shrews- Tho dog was outside and it started 05 feet -wide and fronting on Broad "23d and 26th, will bo tho EBBCX fox- ly show. Mr. Kennedy's exhibit wa pealed. There was a mistake in the bury post of the American legion of to bark. Father Callahan went out street, and tho remaining lot having hounds race meet nt Far Hills, No big success on Sunday. There was Mrs. Victor Eisner, Mrs. H. J. Kess original ordinance and a new ordi- a vase of single seedling dahlias, sinv an rittendanco of 245 persons at tho ler, Miss Almeda MacQuilton, Mra, Red Bank met Monday night and and found tho cellar door of tho a frontage of fifty feet on Garflold Jersey, and on November Cth. and 8th nance was necessary. church on fire. He put out the blaze place. This makes a corner plot the second annual steeplechase of th Uar to a vase, with which ho won a services and contributions of $750. Slgmund Eisner, Mrs. Harriot Can- elctod tho following officers: first prize at tho nnnual show. Tho names of church-members liv- non and Miss Mabel Hall estate. In a letter Robert M. Cadman, an Commanded— William NOBIOWB. with buckets of water. Then ho with 130 feet frontage on Broad Fatrfleld county hunt club will b engineer for the insurance schedule aroused John McLoilghlin and Philip street and 150 feet frontage on Gar- he(d. Those two events, with that al Tho exhibit made by Mr. EH was a ing In what Is known as tho second Senior vice commander—Robert A. Ken- basket of autumn foliage arranged Baptist church district of Red Bank A hooked rug class has been start- rating office, stated that tho pumper nedy. Dihkelborg, who live near by, and fleld place.
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