Assemblyman dies after long illness Byrne, colleagues pay tribute to Kozloski ByPAMABOUZEID called, Kozloski would turn to him in the assembly and say returning the wild turkey to New Jersey and producing a FREEHOLD — Gov. Brendan T. Byrne joined county "It's not too bad for a poor kid from a coal-mining town, to be stronger strain of the species. Democrats and Republicans in paying tribute to As- here." Gov Brendan T Byrne, who signed that bill in mid- semblyman Walter J. Kotloski, son of a Pennsylvania coal His interest in the problems of clammers and lobstermen October, yesterday described Kozloski as a distinguished miner and three-term Democratic assemblyman from the in the coastal area of his district, in the handicapped, the assemblyman" who "showed great courage" during the past 11th District, who died yesterday at »:» a.m. in Monmouth farming community and the horse industry, made him a few months Medical Center, Long Branch, after battling chronic kidney popular and outspoken politician at home and in Trenton. During his years in the Assembly. Kozloski served as vice failure and pancreatitis for more than two years. Kozknki's concern for the people in his district and the chairman of its Agriculture and Knvironnincnl Committee Kozloski, who was forced by Illness to campaign from his wildlife in Monmouth County was displayed in two bills which and as a member of the Institutions, Health and Welfare hospital bed and was defeated earlier this month in his bid for were passed earlier this year. Committee, and as Gov Byrne's appointee to the state's a fourth Assembly term, was eulogised as a legislator who The first, was passed by the Assembly unanimously last Permanent Council on Armed Forces Liaison. served his constituents with distinction and a courageous man January, and gave condominium unit owners the power to Van Wagner, who ran in three Assembly campaigns with who waged a heroic battle against the illness which claimed elect at least 25 percent of the membership of a governing him, said Kozloski "took a grass-roots approach to every- his life. board of the condominium when they own 25 percent of the thing " His illness kept Kozloski under strict medical surveillance units. The voting power of unit owners increases according to "He was a public servant and no matter how sick he for most of last summer and fall, and forced him to conduct the number of units owned. became he never stopped being concerned about his legisla- most of his campaign for re-election to a fourth Assembly In effect, the bill specifies under what circumstances tion. He would study several sides of an issue and try to boil it term from his hospital bed His defeat at the polls last Nov. t control of a condominium must pass to the unit owners and down to the needs of the people he represented, " Van Wagner was his flnt in the 13 years since he made his first race for limits the duration of management and service contracts of a said Freehold Borough Council in 1M6. He was elected to the condominium to two years if the unit owners have not elected One of the qualities which made Kozloski so popular. Van Assembly in 1V73 and re-elected in 1075 and 1977 at least 75 percent of the governing board. Wagner said, was his accessibility. Kozloski, who lived on Schiverea Ave , here, with his wife In a very different area, Kozloski sponsored a bill designed "Everyone knew who he was. When he first became ill, I and four children, was a teacher in Howell Township. to help the state Department of Environmental Protection in would drive through Manalapan and places in Western Mon- Auemblyman Walter J. Kotlotki Assemblyman Richard Van Wagner, D-12th District, re- its Wild Turkey Restoration Project, which is aimed at Src Kozloski, page 2 The Daily Register VOL. 102 NO. 129 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1979 20 CENTS Iran crisis due to go before the U.N. today UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The UN. Security tire world." He asked that the council "be con- gime's charges against the shah and the United Council was expected to begin debate today on the vened urgently in an effort to seek a peaceful States. But the council refused to grant the Ira- U.S.-Iranian crisis in response to a request from solution." nian request because it had not replied to a Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim contending Diplomatic sources said they expected the 15 council statement Nov. 9 urging immediate re- that it is the most serious threat to peace since council members to consult privately this morn- lease of the hostages. the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Before word of Waldheim's request for a coun- The United States, which for nearly two weeks cil meetirtg reached Tehran, Pars, the official blocked an Iranian request for the debate, agreed Related stories on page 2 Iranian news agency, reported Bani Sadr would because it believed the debate would result in a fly to New York today to address the council and strong resolution demanding release of the 49 demand that the United States surrender the Americans held hostage in the U.S. Embassy In ing and to meet publicly in the afternoon to start shah. Several hours later a government spokes- Tehran for three weeks, a State Department the debate. man said the trip was delayed a week because of official said. These sources said they expected council the Ashura religious holiday and the national The hostages were visited yesterday for the members generally would make it very clear that referendum Dec. 2 on Iran's new Islamic constitu- • MUUf iun MMO >v Larrv Pinu first time since their ordeal began Nov. 4 by an they considered the main issue release of the tion. HONOLULU BOUND — Lt. Gen. Thomas Rienzi, left, a permanent deacon who American official as tens of thousands of Iranians Americans held by Iranian students demanding Waldheim in his letter to the council president will take up. chaplain duties in Honolulu In 1960, speaks with Rev. Joseph held the daily anti-American demonstration out- that the U.S. government surrender the deposed spoke of "the grave situation which has arisen" Mokrzvcki of Star of the Sea R.C. Church in Long Branch and Grand Knight side. The official, Rep. George Hansen, R-Idaho, shah for trial in Iran. in U.S.-Iranian relations, with the United States Michael Donohoe of the Long Branch Knights of Columbus. reported the captives were still being kept with The Iranian Foreign Ministry said it wel- "deeply disturbed ... at the detention of its their hands tied loosely and were "anxious" but comed's Waldheim's action, but Acting Foreign diplomatic personnel" and Iran seeking redress healthy. He also reported one of them was re- Minister Abolhassan Ban! Sadr would not go to for what it regarded as injustices of the previous covering from chicken pox. New York until next week. A spokesman said regime. Lt. Gen. Thomas Rienzi, Iran's U.N. delegate, Kazem Shimrany, would Waldheim in a letter to Security Council Presi- "The international community," he said, "is represent his government in the debate until then. dent Sergio Palacios de Vizzio of Bolivia said the increasingly concerned that the level of tension tension between the United States and Iran Bani Sadr asked on Nov. IS for a council between these two countries threatens peace and "could have dangerous consequences for the en- meeting to hear the Iranian revolutionary re- See Iran crisis, page 2 a 'permanent' deacon By I'AM ABOUZE1D the Burma Theater of War in WWII He LONG BRANCH - It was the end of has had several tours of duty at Fort one vocation and the beginning of anoth- Monmouth Saudis gain control of Mosque er when Lt. General. Thomas Rienzi And. Michael Donohoe. grand knight of traded In his army greens for the church the Long Branch Knights of Columbus cloth last August. And as one who was RIYADH, SAUDI Arabia (AP) - Saudi troops ported the attack was led by two armored per- Council said, " he is a personal friend and Diplomats said the men who took over the married in the Star of the Sea Roman combed the Grand Mosque in Mecca today, seek- a permanent deacon in the church and shrine in the holy city 4(0 miles southwest of sonnel carriers that circled the inner courtyard, Catholic Church here 34 years ago, it was ing remnants of the band of Moslems who seized firing into the ramparts of the building where the because he was in town, we wanted to take Riyadh were members of the ultra-conservative appropriate that he return there yester- advantage,of it ' Islam's holiest shrine six days ago. Otelba tribe from southern Saudi Arabia. Their intruders were holed up. day to perform one of his new duties as a Rienzo. a Monmouth County citizen "The whole mosque Is under our control," Oil leader, who proclaimed himself the messianic Other armored personnel carriers took up permanent deacon of the church. Minister Ahmad Zaki Yamani told reporters In Mahdi, or prophet, and was Identified as and voter since 1945. said that if he positions outside the building and after the fight- Rienzo, director general of the North "hadn't been spoiled by Honolulu. I would Riyadh after Saudi troops routed the armed men "Johaiman," was reported among those cap- ing was ended, government troops could be seen Atlantic Treaty Organization's com- have gotten into politics here or would from the upper floor of the building Saturday tured.
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