WHOCARES GILLAN AND Turkey-armenIa IommI’s band album frIendshIp symbol be- PRESENTED IN YEREVAN ING DEMOLISHED pAge 4 PAGE 2 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia May 3-May 16, 2011 THEMA PRESIDENT SARGSYAN INVITED A MEETING WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF THE MANAGEMENT OF armenIa’s largesT agro processIng COMPANIES “Quote of the week” “ArmeniA needs A new policy AgendA which would rule out Any impediment to the shAp- ing of A middle clAss in the country.“ tigrAn SargsyAn prime minister of rA President serzh sargsyan invited today a government. According to serzh sargsyan, meeting with the participation of the man- at these meetings he has been stressing the Upcoming Events agement of Armenia’s largest agro process- importance of working with the state rev- MAY 18: President of the Europe- ing companies. At the meeting with the enue committee and, in general, importance an Parliament Jerzy Buzek arrives leaders of a dozen of the processing com- of the entire process pertinent to tax collection. Armenia panies from the capital and marzes, which “when i say “process”, i don’t mean just the was held at the yerevan Beer ltd, present entries into the state budget, but rather sim- MAY 18-19: PM Tigran Sargsy were the rA ministers of Agriculture, fi- plification of the process, relieving the busi- an will leave for the Republic of nance, and chairman of the state rev- nesses of unduly burden with the expectation Belarus on a two-day official visit enue committee, who presented problems that the entrepreneurs will consciously do existing in the area of agro purchases and their best to fulfill their tax obligations, since MAY 28: Armenia marks Repub- processing, reforms carried out in the areas we don’t have other sources of revenue to pay lic day of tax and customs administration, which pensions, wages and defense expenses. that’s will touch different spheres, including crea- why, in this process we take every precaution JUNE 4: St. Petersburg’s Petrovsky tion of favorable conditions for the devel- not to create risks related to budget spending. stadium will host EURO 2012 Rus- opment projects for the private enterprises After the meeting with the leaders of the mining sia vs. Armenia engaged in the area of agro processing. industry and the bankers, i felt it would be right At the outset, the president noted that his to hold the next meeting with the leaders and USEFUL LINKS meetings with the major enterprises and owners of the processing enterprises because we • www.president.am taxpayers are intended to discuss directly meet every year, talk about purchases of agricul- • www.gov.am with the businessmen their problems, talk tural produce and interaction with the farmers. • www.parliament.am about the present and the future of the en- May 5, 2011 full story www.president.am • www.mfa.am terprises working in different areas, and • www.armenpress.am speak about their cooperation with the • www.panarmenian.net • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF border-crossIng procedures To be sImplIfIed THE WEEK cabinet sitting was held to- within a month’s time. the national statis- Aday under the chairmanship tics service was earmarked AMD 100mn in • MAY 3: Despite NKR’s warn- of prime minister tigran sargsyan. preparation for the census due on october ings, Baku spoils for the fight Before proceeding to the agenda, the prime 12-21, 2011. the census will help collect data • AH minister dwelt on re- on Armenia’s social • MAY 5: Gomidas Institute in Lon- public of Armenia con- and demographic situ- don publishes Talaat Pasha’s Re- trol chamber’s findings ation, the population’s port on Armenian Genocide and issued a series of as- geographical distribu- • AH signments to that effect. tion, employment (eco- • MAY 7: SOAD kicks off global reunion Backing the 2011 census nomic activity), educa- tour over South America in Edmonton program, the govern- tional background and • AH ment proposed the state housing conditions. • MAY 8: May 9: Victory Day, Wedding statistics Board to draft the government pre- in the Mountains and liberated Shushi a census questionnaire scribed a state bor- • AH der crossing regime including the rules for implementing cross-border motor, air and other • MAY 11: Affordable Cars for Young communications, the border checkpoints, the demarcation posts’ description and installation Families program to launch in Armenia modes, the state borderline maintenance rules, as well as a procedure to follow in letting in and • AH out passengers, means of conveyance, animals, freight and other items across the state border. • MAY 13: Three Armenian the prime minister suggested adopting a protocol decision: “citizens keep sending complaints sambo wrestlers win bronze and grievances stating that especially after the passage of the law on mandatory insurance, they at European Championships spend too much time at the border getting through the prescribed formalities. we asked the • AH central Bank to take up the matter and suggest a solution. following a consultation held with • MAY 16: Migration issues the cBA, the insurance companies said to be prepared to provide services on the spot. in view have priority position on Ar- of the above, we should commission the 3 marz governors concerned, as well as the ministry of menia-EU cooperation agenda territorial Administration and the state revenue committee by the government to earmark the AH needed sites as shortly as possible cooperating with the central Bank and insurance companies.” the government amended a previous decree to simplify the land category changing procedure for landed entities. in this connection, prime minister tigran sargsyan reiterated the need for SEYRAN OHANYAN: THE ARMY providing citizens with high-quality services and called on public officials to take the trouble working day and night on the problem as they are supposed to facilitate the task of our citizens. has properly fulfIlled its the executive next endorsed the bill on repatriation which stipulates the key prin- Tasks ciples, as well as the rules and regulations of repatriation-related state policy. n his interview with “haylur” news the meeting approved a number of other draft laws which will be sub- iprogram of the public television, Ar- mitted to the national Assembly in the manner established by law. menian minister of defense seyran oh- in conclusion, the government accepted the proposal on signing a free trade zone treaty with the CIS anyan talked about the cases of cease- states. the arrangement seeks to ease the traffic of goods and passengers across the CIS borders. fire violations by Azerbaijan, about the activeness of snipers, as well as about the The armenIan foreIgn affaIrs MinIsTer edward nalbandI- organization of the spring recruitment. an meT with The YSU’s sTudenTs and professors in response to the question whether that the ceasefire regime has allowed Azerbaijan first graduates and audience of the avoid serious casualties, win time and pre- MFA’s new established diplomatic pare for future military adventures, while, school who have already taken dip- the Armenian side could have had greater lomatic office at the rA ministry of achievements if not the ceasefire, seyran oh- foreign Affairs are the graduates of anyan said: “to be able to correctly evaluate this university. those young people, from professional point of view, we should who sat on your student chairs yes- first of all understand the task that the Art- n may 13, the Armenian foreign min- terday, today work at the ministry of sakh Armed forces had, and how that task Oister edward nalbandian visited the foreign Affairs of Armenia and they was solved. the liberation movement of yerevan state university, where he will form the foreign policy of our Artsakh was not meant for taking over the had a meeting with the professors, country tomorrow. you have approximately the whole Azerbaijan – it was meant to liber- teaching staff and students of vari- same age as our newly independent state, 20th ate Artsakh, ensure security for the people ous faculties of the university. year of which expires this year. you of Artsakh, and force the rival to peace. i the meeting was initiated by the YSU were born along with our newly think the army fully realized its task. As a student council in the frames of the independent state and as much you lawful example of democratic society, to- 20 th Anniversary of the republic of Armenia. grow up, you will have the age of our day the people of Artsakh are ensuring their in his speech, edward nalbandian said, country. its concerns and success- progress. As for Azerbaijan’s winning time, i “dear youth, you are probably of- es, difficulties and victories were a believe one should be naive to think that time ten told that you are the future of the part of your life. i wish you suc- has played in the hands of Azerbaijan only.” country. it is a simple truth and cess- your successes will be the May 16, 2011 full story www.armradio.am the bright example of it is that the successes of our country. May 13 2011 www.mfa.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA SERZH SARGSYAN: ARMENIA, SwITZERLAND HAVE POTENTIAL RA GOVERNMENT APPROVES for boosting cooperation OFFER ON SIGNING FTA WITHIN rmenian president serzh sarg- CIS Asyan said that Armenia and switzerland have great potential for boosting cooperation and expressed interest in full usage of the existing op- portunities in economic cooperation. sargsyan told a joint press conference with his swiss counterpart micheline calmy-rey that the countries can co- operate in jewelry and watchmak- granting Armenia a status of hon- ing industry, as well as agriculture, orary guest at the geneva interna- tourism, culture, science and art.
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