THE • The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 43: ISSUE 77 THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,2009 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Lecture discusses off-campus activity Sessions Attorney C.L. Lindsay instructs students on how to organize police free parties provide order to throw a police-free [tell them to] tell you. Don't tell alcohol that can be seen in pub­ By SARAH MERVOSH party, the most important step the police," said Lindsay. "Don't lic give the police reasonable News Writer being making nice with your ever underestimate the power suspicion, which gives them a neighbors. of a crappy gift, [like] a $5 bottle legal opportunity to enter the support Last night, Student The most common reason for of wine ... Trust me, it's midc residence. Government brought speaker the police to show up at parties night. It's loud. They're angry. He also said students need to C.L. Lindsay to campus to is because of a noise complaint But then they say, 'Oh but that's be careful with invitations, espe­ 'Let's Talk' program offers inform students of underage from the neighbors, Lindsay that nice boy who bought us a cially online invitations. drinking laws, ana to share his said. In order to avoid this, stu­ box of Franzia. "' · "You don't want to make it a help beyond St. Liam legal advice on how to throw a dents should approach their He also said students should public event," he said. "If every­ police-free party and what to do neighbors and let them know make sure all of their parties body's invited, that includes the if the cops do show up. about the party beforehand, he are indoors, and in the base­ enforcement." By KAITLYNN RIELY Lindsay, the executive director said. ment, if possible. Not only does Another suggestion when Associate News Editor of the Coalition for Student and "Let them know that you are this help with noise, but lindsay throwing a party is to put two Academic rights, advised stu­ having a party and most impor­ also said the law states that any For students who just want dents to take a few key steps in tantly ... if-there's a problem, signs of underage drinking or see LECTURE/page 6 to talk about a problem they are having, but don't know if they need counseling, there is now a room in LaFortune where, once a week, they can consult with' a professional from the University Jenkins speaks on Aquinas' legacy Counseling Center. The sessions, part of a pro­ gram called "Let's Talk" are Presentation emphasizes saint's work in unifying communities of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's free, completely confidential and require no paperwork or appointment, staff psycholo­ ~-· ..·. said. gist Dr. Megan Brown said. By SARAH GUNN St. Thomas Aquinas exem­ "We're aware that not all News Writer plified the role of faith and students are comfortable inquiry through his discus­ coming to the University University President Fr. sions and works done at the Counseling Center or even John Jenkins in a presentation University of Paris, where he need counseling, but they entitled "Faith, Inquiry and was engaged in disputations, may still want to talk to a Community" discussed the Jenkins said. In these disputa­ professional about issues," legacy left by St. Thomas tions, Aquinas, students and she said. Aquinas for Catholic universi­ faculty would discuss ques­ The 15-20 minute consulta­ ties. Jenkins gave his presen­ tions about a given subject tion sessions were inspired by tation to a packed room at the and their correlating objec­ a program of the same name college on the day of the Feast tions, he said. The sessions of at Cornell University, which of St. Thomas Aquinas. questioning and objecting shared the information with Jenkins emphasized the were followed with analysis other colleges, including importance of Aquinas in uni­ where past theologians and Notre Darpe, at a conference fying the communities of great thinkers were utilized and through e-mails and dis­ Notre Dame and Saint Mary's. for evidence. cussions. Being a Catholic university This is one thing Jenkins "Notre Dame is the first and college, both institutions stressed as a great impor­ 'franchise' of the 'Let's Talk' have a responsibility to prop­ tance in an intellectual com­ variety," Brown said. erly integrate faith and munity - the communion of The University Counseling inquiry in an intellectual com­ past and present thinkers for Center hopes the program munity, he said. The schools analysis and disputations. will expand its resources to TAYLOR ITSELL!The Observer are also responsible for teach­ Jenkins said that Aquinas had students who normally would University President Fr. John Jenkins speaks during lecture given at ing students how to live a Saint Mary's Student Center Lounge Wednesday night. ' good and virtuous life; he see AQUINAS/page 6 see SESSIONS/page 6 Cold not causing delays Keenan Revue tickets Winter weather closures and are based on a variety of factors being distributed today By AARON STEINER are participating in "It's a Bird, News Writer ByJENNMETZ It's a Plane, It's the Keenan News Editor Revue!" on all levels - writing, acting, working back stage and South Bend weather continues Tickets for one of Notre composing music. to reach extremes with tempera­ Dame's most notorious sketch "Superheroes are very in right tures dipping to record lows as comedy shows, the Keenan now," Wheeland said, citing students returned to campus ear­ Revue, will be distributed today. popular·movies like "The Dark lier this month. Last year's allotted tickets were Knight" and "Iron Man" as While the weather might con-. snapped up in 20 minutes. inspiration for the theme . tinue to test the hardiest of stu­ Revue director Danny "It gives a lot of options for dents, assistant vice president for Wheeland said he is very excit­ skit ideas and cool artwork in news and information, Dennis ed about this year's show, which terms of production, programs, Brown said the University said the has a superhero theme. T-shirts and posters," he said. decision to delay or cancel classes Those seeking coveted Revue Besides the usual du Lac­ requires careful consideration by tick~ts should come early, he mocking, the Revue will present several parties. I said. "They're usually gone new content, featuring some Students walk to class in the extreme winter weather of very, very fasi." see COLD/page 6 South Bend. About 100 men from Keenan see REVUE/ page 6 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, January 29, 2009 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: DID YOU MAKE A NEW YEARS' RESOLUTION? IF SO, HOW'S IT GOING? McDonalds or·BK? Free will or fate? God or no God? The Olicken or the egg? These are all ageless questions that every man must answer before he can call himself a man. Claire Davis Elise Jordan Michael Kemp Margaret Helen Jenn O'Neill Kristy Cloetingh Wydysh Our modem society has provided us · freshman freshman freshman freshman freshman with new questions one must answer to be Farley Farley Keough freshman McGlinn McGlinn a man (or woman, of course) of the 21st McGlinn century. Not the least among these is the , endless debate: McDonald's or Burger "New Years' "My New Years ''To be as "My New Years' "To stop King? resolutions are resolution was perfect as "To be 'Ring by Resolution is to somersaulting A very wise man once told me that the Spring ... of my most important for people who to stop putting Claire Davis. make my in guys' dorms questions are those Dan Murphy are flawed. I myself in Obviously, it's freshman year' boyfriend act pretending to be that do not have am already embarrassing not quite been ... I'm single. " more human- a SuperSpy. It's answers. This is not one of those ques- Sports Editor perfect." situations. It successful. " like. It's going not looking tions. VVhenncomes has absolutely fabulously promising. , to fast food not been going .. .just kidding. supremacy, the crown clearly goes to the King. well." Mickey D's brings plenty of competition to the table. The Big Mac is as American as Uncle Sam driving a stock car blasting Toby Keith tunes; the Happy Meal was and IN BRIEF still remains a pioneer; and the breakfast selection is second to none in the fast food There will be an engineering community. But somewhere along the line blood drive today from 10 the golden arches lost their way and a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Burger King picked up the slack. Engineering Lounge (2nd In the aftermath of Morgan Spurlock's floor Cushing Hall) Room 217. "Super Size Me" documentary and the Doners may sign up by calling "Jared Craze," burger joints from coast to Donna Fecher at 574-631- coast tried to fat-proof their menus. Words 5432 or by going to the AME like side salad, veggie wrap, and java office in 365 Fitzpatriek Hall. mocha latte started sneaking out of fancy This event is sponsored by Pi French coffee shops and into drive-thru Tau Sigma Mechanieal menus. Words that would make Ronald Engineering Honorary McDonald or Dave Thomas turn over in Fraternity. their graves. One place, Burger King, stayed true to Diavolo will perform Foreign their principles and in doing so set itself Bodies, an original new work apart from the rest. VVhile McDonald's was co-commissioned by the cleaning the grease out of its deep fryers, University tonight, Friday, and Burger King introduced the BK Stacker.
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