GERT JAN BESTEBREURTJE RARE BOOKS CATALOGUE 206 THE DUTCH EAST INDIES THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA PART I GERT JAN BESTEBREURTJE Rare Books Langendijk 8, 4132 AK Vianen The Netherlands Telephone +31 - (0)347 - 322548 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our Web-page at http://www.gertjanbestebreurtje.com CATALOGUE 206 THE DUTCH EAST INDIES THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA PART I – LESSER SUNDA ISLANDS – BORNEO CELEBES – THE MOLUCCAS Prices are quoted in euro, for clients within the European Community 9 % VAT will be added to the prices. Illustration on cover no. 61 POS, Mary. Werkelijkheid op Bali. 's Gravenhage, W. van Hoeve, (1947). LESSER SUNDA ISLANDS KEPULAUAN NUSA TENGGARA BALI – LOMBOK – SUMBAWA FLORES - SUMBA - TIMOR 1 ADAMS, Marie Jeanne. a.o. Decorative arts of Sumba. Amsterdam, Pepin Press, 1999. 4to. Wrappers. With numerous illustrations (many in colours). 160 pp. € 35,00 € 35,00 A description of the textile collection of the Rotterdam Ethnographic Museum. Marie Jeanne Adams. life and death on Sumba. Jill Forshee. Unfolding passages: weaving through the centuries in East Sumba. Akit Djajasoebrata & Linda Hanssen. Sumbanese textiles. 2 ADATRECHTBUNDELS. Volume XLII: Gemengd (Sumatra, Molukken, Bali, etc.). 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1943. Wrappers. IV.494 pp. € 40,00 Customary law as used in shaping the legal system in the Dutch East Indies. 3 ADATRECHTBUNDELS. Volume XXII: Gemengd (Java, Molukken, Celebes, Bali, etc.). 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1923. Wrappers. VIII,464 pp. € 40,00 4 ADATRECHTBUNDELS. Volume XXXIX: Gemengd (Java, Molukken, Celebes, Sumatra, Bali, etc.). 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1937. Wrappers. XVIII,598 pp. € 40,00 5 ADATRECHTBUNDELS. Volume XXXVII: Bali en Lombok. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1934. Wrappers. VI,584 pp. € 40,00 € 40,00 6 ARNDT, P(aul). Mythologie, Religion und Magie im Sikagebiet (östl. Mittelflores). Ende-Flores, Arnoldus, 1932. Original printed wrappers, uncut. 326 pp. € 75,00 Flores (Pulau Flores) is one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, a group of islands in the eastern half of Indonesia. The Sika people are an ethnic group native to the region of east central Flores. - Scarce. 7 BALI. Bali, kringloop van het leven. Tentoonstelling gehouden naar aanleiding van het tweede lustrum van de Delftse Ethnografische Vereniging. (Met inleiding van C.H.M. Nooy-Palm). Delft, Ethnografisch Museum, 1966. 4to. Wrappers. With plates. € 18,00 8 BALI. Bali. The wonderland. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., ( ca.1930). Tall 8vo. Pictorial wrappers. With 8 photograpic illustrations by P.J. Baarda including a centrefold displaying two dancing girls after a photo by Satake. 12 pp. € 25,00 € 25,00 Brochure published by the Official Tourist Bureau of the Netherlands East Indies. With some other photographs than in the Dutch brochure. - Fine. 9 BALI. Balinese cloth painting Kamasan palintangan astrological calendar depicting males, females, demons, animals, birds, etc. Kamasan, Bali, Indonesia, (20th century). Modern cloth, separated into 7 x 7 squares. at the top a row of gods, from left to right: Sunday: Indra, Monday: Sri, Tuesday: Brahma, Wednesday: Wisnu, Thursday: Guru, Friday: Giri Putri, Saturday: Durga Ca. € 125,00 € 125,00 This story cloth or Balinese astrological calendar is dramatic and vivid, originally painted in the second half of the 19th century in Kamasan. It depicts gods, and demons in a journey with mortals. It is painted in a traditional fashion on glazed cloth. It iterates a story in the fashion of a comic strip with handwritten titles. - Fine condition. 10 BALI. - DAGVERHAAL van eene reis van den resident van Bali en Lombok, vergezeld van den controleur voor de politieke aangelegenheden en de Poengawa's Ida Njoman Bandjar en Goesti Njoman Raka naar Karangasem en Kloengkoeng van 11 t/m 26 apil 1898. - RAPPORT van de reis van den controleur Schwartz naar Bangli. 1899. - DAGVERHAAL van eene reis van den resident van Bali en Lombok vergezeld van den controleur voor de politieke aanrakingen en de Poengawa's Ida Bagoes Gelsel en Goesti Ktoet Djantik naar Tabanan en Badoeng, van 17 juli t/m 5 augustus. 1899. Batavia, 1900. Wrappers. With 3 maps. (20) pp. - (Offprint T.B.G.). € 18,00 11 BARRAUD, C. & J.D.M. PLATENKAMP. (Ed.). Rutuals and socio-cosmic order in Eastern Indonesian societies. Leiden, 1989-1990. 2 volumes. Wrappers. With illustrations. (136; 168) pp. € 35,00 Bijdragen KITLV. - Part I Nusa Tenggara Timur; Part II Maluku. 12 BAUM, Vicki. Liefde en dood op Bali. Roman. 3e druk. Utrecht, W. de Haan, 1953. Pictorial cloth. 304 pp. € 18,00 € 18,00 Vicki Baum (1888 -1960), an Austrian writer, visited Bali in 1935 and became close friends with the painter Walter Spies. With historical and cultural input from Spies, she wrote Liebe und Tod auf Bali, which was published in 1937 and translated into English as Love and Death in Bali. The book was about a family that was caught in the massacre in Bali in 1906 at the fall of the last independent kingdom in Bali to the Dutch. 13 BINNERTS, C. 'Alles is in orde, heeren .. !' Een dagboek van het eiland Flores uit het jaar 1943. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1947. Modern batik binding (original wrappers preserved). 106 pp. € 45,00 Diary of the voyage by SS Tazima Maru from Java to Flores and the stay at Maumere-camp. 14 BLOYS VAN TRESLONG PRINS, P.C. Bij de situatie-kaart van het lustverblijf te Narmada (Lombok). Batavia, 1899. Wrappers. With large folding plan.. 14 pp. - (Offprint T.B.G.). € 18,00 15 BORNTRAEGER-STOLL, Eveline & Gianni ORSINI. Gerard Pieter Adolfs 1898-1968. The painter of Java and Bali. Frans Jansen editor. (Wijk en Aalburg, Picture Publishers, 2008). 4to. Half cloth. With numerous photographs and coloured reproductions of the paintings. 420 pp. € 150,00 € 150,00 The first comprehensive monograph about Ger Adolfs, born in Semarang. He was a Dutch painter, watercolourist and graphic artist, who was also a good photographer. Written by his granddaughter and her husband. The main subjects of his work were scenes of Java and Bali. He stands out on account of the striking frankness of his style. 16 BOSCH, F.D.K. Bali en de zending. (Antwoord aan Dr. Kraemer). - With: H. KREAMER. Repliek op 'Bali en de zending'. (No pl., ca. 1932). 4to. Wrappers. 77 pp. - (With annotations). € 18,00 17 BURGERS, A. Voorlopige Manggaraise spraakkunst. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1946. Wrappers. 252 pp. € 65,00 Bijdragen KITLV. - Provisional Manggarai language grammar (Flores). 18 EERDE, J.C. van. Aanteekeningen over de Bodha's van Lombok. (Batavia, 1901). Half cloth. (20) pp. - (Offprint TBG). € 30,00 19 EERDE, J.C. van. Gebruiken bij den rijstbouw en rijstoogst op Lombok. (Batavia, 1902). Wrappers. (11) pp. - (Offprint TBG). € 18,00 20 EERDE, J.C. van. Gids voor de tentoonstelling betreffende Oud-Javaansch en hedendaagsch Balisch Hindoeïsme. Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1915. Sm.8vo. Pictorial wrappers. 119 pp. (Koloniaal Instituut). € 25,00 21 EERDE, J.C. van. Het grondbezit op Lombok. ('s Gravenhage, 1904). Wrappers. (31) pp. - (Offprint Indisch Genootschap). € 18,00 22 EERDE, J.C. van. De Toetoer Monjèh op Lombok. ('s Gravenhage, 1906). Half cloth. (92) pp. € 40,00 Offprint BKI. - 'Dit 'verhaal van de aap' is het meest populaire lontargeschrift op Lombok, gemaakt door den Sasak Djero Michram, desahoofd van Pantjor (Oost Lombok), in het Sasaksch en, voor zoover na te gaan, oorspronkelijk' (Lekkerkerker, Bali en Lombok, 336). 23 EERDE, J.C. van. De Toetoer Tjilinaja op Lombok. ('s Gravenhage,1913). Half cloth. (35) pp. € 30,00 Offprint BKI. - 'Tjilinaja is een troetelnaam voor eene prinses van Daha, waarom deze roman ook bekend is onder den naam Toetoer Datoe Dehe' (Lekkerkerker, Bali en Lombok, 415). 24 ELBERT, Johannes. Die Sunda-Expedition des Vereins für Geographie und Statistik zu Frankfurt am Main. Festschrift zur Feier des 75 jährigen Bestehens des Vereins. Frankfurt am Main, Hermann Minjon, 1911-1912. 2 volumes. 4to. Original half cloth (vol. II rebound in same style). With 7 maps (5 folding), 62 photographic plates and 200 illustrations. XXV,274; XV,373 pp. € 275,00 € 275,00 First edition. - Johannes Elbert explored in early 1910 the Nusa Tenggara islands in East Indonesia e.g. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Salayer, Tukang Besi, Flores and Wetar, and also the islands of Southeast Sulawesi such as Muna, Buton, Kabaena, Rubia, Mengkoda, and several other areas of Java and Sumatra. Although the main purpose of the expedition was to explore the geographical relationship between the Asian and Australian area, this report also contains scattered items of information on the customs. - A good copy. Cat. KITLV, 1e suppl., p.4; Müller 0316. 25 FISCHER, Otto. Kunstwanderungen auf Java und Bali. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, (1941). Decorated gilt cloth. With photographic plates. 227 pp. - (Library stamps on title-page). € 18,00 € 18,00 26 FLEISCHMANN, Arthur. - JANSEN, Fr. (Ed.). Bali in the 1930s. Photographs and sculptures by Arthur Fleischmann. Editor Frans Jansen. Text by Paul de Bont & Dominique Fleischmann. (Wijk en Aalburg, 2007). Folio. Half cloth, with dust-jacket. With coloured illustrations and many photographic plates by Arthur Fleischmann. 248 pp. € 65,00 The Hungarian artist Fleischmann (1896-1990) spent two years on the island of Bali from 1937 till 1939. During that period he created a fascinated collection of figurative sculptures and photographs. 27 FORBES, Henry O(gg). A naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. A narrative of travel and exploration from 1878 to 1883. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1885. Original pictorial cloth gilt (extremities of spine damaged). With coloured frontispiece, 6 maps (3 folding), and many wood- engraved plates and illustrations. XIX,536 pp. € 275,00 € 275,00 First American edition. - The Scottish zoologist H.O. Forbes (1851-1932) travelled from the Keeling Islands through Indonesia between 1878-1883 visiting The Cocos Islands, West Java, South-Sumatra, Timor, Ambon, Larat (one of the Tanimbar Islandst), and Buru.
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