r They Weren't Alarmed The Weather Today PATEIlSON, N. I. (UP)-When the fire truck In the lire bouse at 7Z laebon street «lautht lire Y6~rday and Fair. Warmer in extreme east today. To­ the firemen couldn't put U out, they IIneW' jo I wbai to morrow fair and warm. High today around do. Thel' tornN In a Ilre alarm. at owal1 90; low tonight 60. Yesterdayls high was Three other Pa~rson companies responded and pul 77; lowl 63. Pollen count 396. out the blue. Eat. l86S-Vol. 80, No. 288- UP. AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. Sept.2. 1945-Five Cents Fourth Liberal-Labor Group President Truman Gets CIO-PAC Support Endorses Truman Candidacy Berlin Chiefs In WA HINGTO (JPj- P r id nl Truman won the ndo em nt for election of his fou rth labor -liberal g roup y terday- tbe I politieal act ion committee. A fifth- the Liberal Party of New York- 8rrang d to hook its wagon to the Truman slar at 8 n ight m eting in few York ity. Exc pt for the American Labor party in r w Y ork, whicb is upportin.g H enry A . Wallace's Second Parley Progr sive party candidacy, and some other for mer new deal elements backing the former vice­ SegregaUon Again president, the Truman-Barkley ticket n6w has won the o{,ficial Halts Wallace Talk Blockade End 'Squealed On' by a Silent Doll support of majori ty strength in li beral groups which used to rally NEW Y RK ( A dop d-up mamma doll that couldn't say to the Roosevelt banner. In Southern Trip mamm till manag d to u al on tom n y t rd y. Includes OIO-PAC Seen Possible They include the OIO-PAC, BIRMINGHAM, ALA. (UP) Tbe meo, broth r., wer arl' t d and clillrg d with ill gal wlwse unanimo us support was Henry W[lUace refused to speak p s. ion f oar ot i ' . pledged Mr. Truman during B here late yesterday because police A eh on th brotb 1'8 ' a.ctinti 1 d to 8. sear 'h or tll ir White House caLI yesterday; the had segregated his audience of partm nt wbere a dpt th'" found doll or"tht' ty V th t says CIO executive board by a vote of 3,000 whites and 1,000 Negroes .. mamma" wh"o queez d. 35 to 12 , and a private 'Committee waiting at. the court-house steps. He qu z d it. But it wouldn't By 'ma mma." of most APL uniot:! heads, as well WalJac did nol even leave his II broke it open. IDllide, inst ad of the ,'oic box, police said, as the Americans for Democratic car. An aide explained that he found 8 bott Ie of eocain . Action , organized in 1947. would not address a segregated George HarriSOn , president of audience. Three eggs were thrown the Brotherhood of RaJ lroad at the aide while he spoke. None Clerks and organizing chairman of of them hit him, however. the new AFL pro-Truman com- Wallace continued on to subur­ Budenz Calls Stevens mltlee, told White House report- ban Bessemer, where seeregatlon ers he irTformed Mr. Tr uman th at laws had also been Invoked for the leaders or AFL unions having a occasion. membership of seven million are He failed to make a speech Top u.s. Communist now su pporting him. there, because city authorities had The anticipated backing by New barred .Negroes from the munici­ NEW YORK ( P )-Al and r Ste\' n., whom th govel'n­ Air circles llld Ul at pl'l'para­ York's liberal party was regarded pal pnrk, the only place available lions \\ f'rl' und r way for poslbl IIlt'llt seek t o d E' port II (\. r \' luUon-' 'king 'ommlloi t agent, by Democratic party leaders as a tor a po li tical address. About 100 "nding ot till' Anglo-Am rlean wa. til'. cribI'd yest rday III an Amprieoll 'ollllllunh;t who wield d probable big offset of ALP de!ec- persons booed when the aide 110 " r Illl 'ut as ( ,1 \V'rf'phot., airlift "Wi thin 10 d ys." We. t­ Ifr that i'ol'lller ly wi Ided by EorJ Browd r or er­ tions to the Wallace column. again set forth the anti-dlscrim- lInrt E isl r. The late President Roosevelt ination stand. PRESIDENT TR f AN AND CIO PRE IDENT Philip (urray shake rull1d at the Wblt 1I0u e ler lOn", railway officIal aId Iht'y carried New York state by only, Murray's all nouncemeut that the TO )JIllIUcal action commlttt'e woul d up,lorl 1T. Truman In tht' So v- hGd 1.>"1 n al rll'd to r ume nor- ' t l'n'Il., IlJIlO known II. ,. J. P t I' , " wa Ill' '1l ~!'( 1 ut (\. deporta­ 316,591 In 1944. The ALP and La~e r. In a r adio address from ember electlon. The aDnoon menL I'ame yesterday. t r In Ult' da tilt l'r sldput III d tat ml'nl 111 •.11 traffIc t{) B rlin "som tim tion h cU'ing by J.JOui F. Liberal parties each more than Blrm1Ogh am, Wallace charged that calltor for rtpeal or the T ft- Il rtlt'y labor d . B lwe n furr y and . lr. Tnlm n bove J ack Kroll. aft .. r Sf·lli. 5." Buut' lJ z. form r l'd itor of the made up his margin. The tormer northem steel interests we r e OJO · PA IlJrt'ctor. Hope that th blo kade might Benes Unconscious, Communist Daily Work r. Budenz cas t 496,405 votes and the latter responsible for ~he conditions oun iJ lifted was t: nine r- renounced the party, became a 329,235 for Roosevelt. whl c ~ prevented hiS gp echea he~e 111:111 nf'W P;IP r rt'porl (rom Mall­ Catholi c and look /I t aching job HUa T-H Act and 10 Gadsden, Ala., earlier ID cl~l>ul " ill the Soviet zon , stal­ Hope for Life Dims t Fordham university. A forerunner of what Mr. Tru- the day. Both are steel centers. Charles A. Beard in ' lllul Ru .·s ian-zone railway oe­ Seek To Averl Dock Strike ra'iuls hud pronounced the rail­ Bud nz • ld th at h took orden man may elaborate upon in his Wallace charged that Republic SEZIMOVO USTl, CZECHO­ from St vens over a thr e-year opening campaign speech next Steel and U.S. Steel's subsidiary. way betw n Berlin Dnd the w t ) Anemia Victim at 73 fit to handll' "any od of tr iahl SLOVAKIA (UP) Former period and was II ssiined to meet opening campaign speech next Tennessee Coal, lron and Railroad Pr id nt Eduard n s. uncon- members at th Sovl t lecret po­ Monday in Detroit was seen In a company, controlled the polltical und pa ·nec·r Il·arfil'." B The rollrulld had ortil'! lice. Labor day statement made public machines in the two cities. Bclous since cu rly Tuesday was clu ed (OJ: "Tf'pllirs." Th m lings, he said, took by the White House. --- not xp ct d to live throuah the place in var ious Child. restaur­ In it the President again called Says U. S. Airforce 3- llour Talk niahl, an otticlal spokesman 8ald 10r repeal ot the Tail-Hartley act., I st n ght. ants in New York and the Slev­ His statemen t came atop charg Settle Walkout at Till' miJitury governors of th from ens hotel In hlcago. H WBS dl­ curbing inflation to give workers Is 'Flexed for War' cnllqll 'r d country _ U.S. Gen. Ben B, 64, is Bute r lna more for their money, raiSing the hurled by wat rfront I' ct d to turn over Information Harvester Plants Oe3rd, who wrote ' tOllr than Llll'iu 0 luy, British C n. Sir hard ning ot th art ries. on antl-Stoli n Trotskylt groups minimum wage frm 40 to 75 cents ST. LOUIS (UP)- The U.S. air­ that CIO long:hore n gotintol'lI Urian RoJJ rWJJl. F r neh Lt. Gen. Although easily the most pop­ In the United Slat . an hour, providing social securi ty force is "flexed for war," Gen. were "stallln,," and had "no in· lllCACO (UP) _ The Cl 30 buoks in IllS long e81t rr d - l'ielT Ko 'mg and Sovi t Mar£hal ular figur In Cz cho lovakill . the and health insurance to addltional Hoyt S. Vandenberg, airfor ~ e chIef tention 01 r eaching- an ogreem nt" unit (/ autl) work rs union y lilt'f- vO!\'d to hh:lury nd polllic$, ,I- V. V . Sokolovsky · /TIpl tor I arly r publ chand Thomas .Ma. ryk S l vens, Budenz aid, WIIS a lop workers, and an enlarged depart­ of stult, said yesterday. In the continuous ncilotiullon bl'­ I J 'd Ull' h PJ, \.a l Aug. 2. thr huur. 1 te y tl!rdoy to di - founded litter World War I, III re Communi t w ith pow r as &real ment of labor with "adequate" clay 1C' . j~'hl'(l /I" 'rl'f>nwnl with II i "hy ..I C'1 ans said hi:; de ,th Though poised for quick acUon, ing conducted 1Il th ' fadlllg hours l 'U the pl'oblem brought uJ) t was no crowd oround his aumm r nl Browd r, once pr sldent of the statt and lunds.
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