Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80247-5 - The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift Edited by Christopher Fox Index More information SUBJECT INDEX Addison, Joseph: Cato, 42; friend to Swift, Borges, Jorge Luis, 60 32, 39–40; language academy proposal, Boulter, Archbishop Hugh, 62 153; literature, power union, 44; stylistic Boyle, John (Earl of Orrery), 15, 106, 108 differences from Swift, 42–43 The British Bulwark (Burnet), 151 Aeneid (Virgil), 82 Brown, Norman O., 28 ancients/moderns controversy: in The Battel Browne, John, 138 of the Books, 80; Swift on, 41–43, 118, Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, 77–78, 165 203–6, 248;inA Tale of a Tub, 80 Burnet, Thomas, 151 Anglo-Irish elite, 57–58 Burney, Frances, 108 Anne, Queen of England, 23, 33, 35 , 44 Butler, Joseph, 246 Antrim County, Kilroot parish, 18, 93–94, Butler, Samuel, 76, 191 162, 170, 207, 243 Butterfield, Herbert, 2 Arbuthnot, John, 32, 41 Atterbury, Francis, 156, 191 career, early years: overview, 49–50; authority of the Church, 172, 208; Temple’s executor, 18; Temple’s secretary, established forms of, 213–14; free-thinkers 17, 18 vs., 214; in government, 37; Swift and, 61, career, literary: ambition in: 164, 168–69, 213–14, 252; subversion vs., disappointments, 70, of legacy, 59, 81, in print materials, 208 202, religious principles vs., 18, 19, 20, autobiography, in works of Swift (see also 126; background, 17, 50; censorship entries under Gulliver’s Travels; Verses on advocated, 208; old age, 27, 234; sedition the Death of Dr. Swift): “The Author accusations, 24, 25; success in, 58–59 Upon Himself,” 23, 185, 190; Family of career, political: ambition in, 21–22, 23, 31, Swift, 15, 16, 27, 68; “In Sickness,” 190; 40; disappointment in, 50, 198–99; First Market Hill group, 52; Polite Fruits negotiation, 20–21, 33, 163, 165; Conversation, 125–26; Pope, letter to friendships from, 32; literature, power (1722), 25, 26 union in, 44–45; Pope, letter to (1722), 25, 26; retirement from, 23;asTory Bailey, Nathan, 194 party supporter, 21–22, 23, 34–35, 38–39; Ball, Elrington, 104 as Whig party supporter, 33, 37; Whig vs. Barber, Mary, 106, 108 Tory allegiance, 2, 19–20, 35–36, 38–39, 40 Behn, Aphra, 41 career, political-writer: overview, 31; Bentley, Richard, 204–5, 248 ambition in;, 40 The Examiner editor, Berkeley, Earl of (Charles), 19, 162, 252 21–22, 34–35 , 40; Irish perspective, 32; Bettesworth, Richard (“Booby”), 63, 195 personal loyalties in, 32–33; religious Bindon, David, 136, 137 orientation in, 32–33 Bolingbroke, Viscount (Henry St. John), 32, career, religious (see also entries under 36, 40, 43 St. Patricks’ Cathedral; religion, Swift’s 266 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80247-5 - The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift Edited by Christopher Fox Index More information subject index vocation): ambition in, 44, 49, 50, 163, against, 32; Swift on, 33, 38, 169–72, 209; 198; chaplain to Earl of Berkeley, 19, 162; Whig, Tory party positions, 19, 20, 33, 37, defender of the church, 8–9, 18, 33, 38 164–65, 172, 214, 245; dissent/dissenters, Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris position on, 9, 18, 20, 33, 35 , 139, 162, (Bentley), 204 207; First Fruits negotiation, 20–21, 33, Donellan, Anne, 106 163, 165; Kilroot parish, County Antrim, Donoghue, Dennis, 197 18, 93–94, 162, 170, 207, 243; Laracor Downie, J. A., 35–36 parish, County Meath, 19, 21, 50, 162–63; The Drapier’s Letters (see also Wood’s ordination, 17; Sacramental Test Act Halfpence project): overview, 24–25, position, 162, 170–71, 172, 207; Stella as 136–37; background, 56, 105–6; Gulliver’s hazard to, 99; A Tale of a Tub and, 35, 206 Travels compared, 67; liberty defined in, Carolan, Turlough, 63 60; reward for naming the author, 25, 57, The Case of Ireland . Stated (Molyneux), 137; symbolism in, 58; Walpole brogue 251 event, 58 Castle, Terry, 84 The Drapier’s Letters no. 1, 56, 136 Cato (Addison), 42 The Drapier’s Letters no. 2, 136 Cato’s Letters (Gordon and Trenchard), 42 The Drapier’s Letters no. 3, 56, 136 Christianity Not Mysterious (Toland), The Drapier’s Letters no. 4, 24, 57–58, 67, 249–50 137 Church of Ireland (see Ireland, Church of) The Drapier’s Letters no. 7, 129–30, 136, 137 Cibber, Colley, 235 Dryden, John, 75, 118 Clarke, Samuel, 167 Dunciad (Pope), 236 The Closing Years of Dean Swift’s Life Dunkin, William, 69, 81 (Wilde), 15 Dunton, John, 81 comic sense in Swift’s work: comic hero of love, 109; in poetry, 183–84, 196, 200, Eachard, John, 165 235; in prose, 67, 119, 125, 188 Earbery, Matthias, 151 Congreve, William, 39, 48 economics, Swift on: context in copper-coinage controversy (see Wood’s understanding, 130; the currency system, Halfpence project) 139, 140;(see also The Drapier’s Letters); Cotton, Charles, 81, 83 Dublin weavers predicament, 133, 141; Cowley, Abraham, 188 emigration, 139; national bank proposal, Cromwell, Oliver, 203 134–35; reputation as nationalist and, 135; Curll, Edmund, 200 solutions to Irish situation: boycott of Wood’s coin, 136, economic self-reliance, Dampier, William, 80, 223 24, importing corn, 141, Davys, Mary, 108 import-substitution proposal, 133–34, Defoe, Daniel: imprisonment, 44; Swift’s outdated positions in, 140–41, uniqueness dislike of, 85, 224, 234; language academy of Irish problems, 133, 138–39 proposal, 153; The Life ...ofRobinson economics, Swift on (prose) (see also A Crusoe ...Mariner, 224–25; literature, Modest Proposal; prose, Swiftian, on power union, 44; the novel in works of, economics; The Drapier’s Letters): An 41; The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters, Answer to a Paper called a Memorial of 44; as Whig, 37 the Poor Inhabitants, Tradesmen, and Delany, Rev. Patrick, 3, 24, 52, 106 Labourers, 141; Answer to Several Letters Denham, John, 118–19 from Unknown Persons, 129; “Causes of Dingley, Rebecca, 19, 26, 96 the Wretched Conditions of Ireland,” 138; Dioptrica nova (Molyneux), 252 A Letter from a Lady in Town to her dissent/dissenters (see also Sacramental Test Friend in the Country, Concerning the Act): as fanatics, 171–72; Occasional Bank, 135; A Proposal for the Universal Conformity Bill, 35 ; occasional conformity Use of Irish Manufacture, 24, 54–56, 130, practice, 32, 170; political restrictions 133–34; Proposal that all the Ladies and 267 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80247-5 - The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift Edited by Christopher Fox Index More information subject index economics (cont.) Fabricant, Carole, 182, 189, 195 Women of Ireland should appear fanatics (see enthusiasts) constantly in Irish Manufacture, 130; A Fanny (Jong), 108 Short View of the State of Ireland, 59, Farquhar, George, 48 138–39; Some Arguments against Faulkner, George, 25, 59, 69 Enlarging the Power of the Bishops, 129; Fielding, Henry, 75, 76, 188 Swearer’s Bank, Or Parliamentary Security Fifteen Sermons (Butler), 246 for a New Bank, 134; The Wonderful Finch, Anne (Lady Winchilsea), 93 Wonder of Wonders, 134; The Wonder of First Fruits tax, negotiation by Swift, 20–21, All the Wonders, 134 33, 163, 165 economics of Ireland: overview, 129, Fitzgerald, Charles William, 100 130–31, 138; currency system, 130–31, 140 Fleetwood, Rev. William, 157 (see also Wood’s Halfpence project); Fontenelle, 204 England contrasted, 138–39; increases in Ford, Charles, 51, 52 publications on, 132; national bank friendships of Swift: class structure in, 196; proposal, 129, 131, 134–35; trade disappointments in, 236; Irish, 51–52;in restrictions, 5, 55, 130, 133, 140, 141 old age, 29, 236; poems on, 51–52; politics Ehrenpreis, Irvin: biographical sources, and, 32, 39–40, 196; public nature of 15–16; depression of Swift, 89;on“A literary, 41; of Scriblerus Club, 22, 41; Description of a City Shower,” 82; English with women, 92–93, 106 hostility towards Swift, 29; on Jane Waring, 94; on Stella, 95; on Temple and Gay, John, 188, 216 Swift, 17 Georgics (Virgil), 82 Elias, A. C., 76 Godolphin, Lord Treasurer, 33, 163, Eliot, T. S., 60, 73, 249 194–95 Ellmann, Richard, 16 Godwin, William, 245 Elstob, Elizabeth, 155 Gordon, Thomas, 42, 43 England, A. B., 187 Grattan, Henry, 251 England: economic overview, 128; Grattan, Robert, 51 fragmentation in social structure, 39; Grierson, Constantia, 108 South Sea Bubble, 134, 191; wealth and The Grounds and Occasions of the class structure in, 128 Contempt of the Clergy and Religion England, Swift on: the abusive relationship, Enquired into (Eachard), 165 53, 251; as consumers of the Irish, 6 (see Gulliver’s Travels: overview, 216, 225–26; also A Modest Proposal); the enslavement autobiographical bits: comedic sense in, of the Irish, 54–56; powerful vs. powerless, 67, 109, government propagandist, 35, 54, 60; rapists of Ireland, 62 Gulliver, similarities, 234, 236, English Humorists (Thackeray), 245 interpretation of, 26, as mirror of enthusiasts: as fanatics, 171–72, 209, 213, personality, 15, political naivete,´ 31; 242–43, 247; Swift’s position on, 214;as background, 26, 52, 80–81, 232; children’s materialists, 212–13, 241; plain language understanding of, 229; comparative and, 174; political/social upheaval and, reading strategy, 222–26; criticism: 243; satirized, 147, 207, 209, 212, 214; deconstruction of, 183, of Swift, 220–21, voice of madness given to, 242–43 perfectibility debate, 233, 245,at Erskine-Hill, Howard, 232 publication, 217–18, on satirical allusions, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 26, by Scott, Thackeray, 245; cultural (Locke), 155–56 context of, 218–22; The Drapier’s
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