at iii- BeCnTeueûI tô ????G filé "One can admire ftxííler for "the conduci! »Tenf. (Tra ? G» cooE, ???G G? fhese even Impudence."! »nltnnls that fed there. It beennie »Tays he saitl. "If It amounts to Kenlus. the Billy McGinn!« Say. teacher. I'll ba «lusts the otlices of ttie White House Till·! rra«lle of the infant Saviour when ho and liny is «*ert!iin!y it ceni us of take a quarter no ? '?* call It square!. keeps things tidy there as the tra- SCEMC effrontery.. wns laid within the > ROUTE lie ought la aa rough trough by Life. 1 t r 11 pin. encouraged. Wlaat do his mother and cam«· in time to be re- The presiiients ami their advisors are you say to a collection for tilm for gard«·«! as one of the most sacrati TO THE WEST Christinas?" usually men of advance«! years, and it things on earth. This broken piive or Is to he of »*SV secoml generation from them Ü Hours I ? int and Ry way the was 2G> reply dropped silver gratin« tnk«»n from Itcthlchem that the Whil«· House l«»oks f«»r the frill¬ Minutes to .Norfolk dollar in niy hat ami gave ft to the nt th«· time «»f tlie Mussulman invasion ies of «hibllio ?! <m Christmas »lay. IblTafgblUKlMH speaker, wlio duplicated the coin and In the year «»12 nnd was» ¦iimwiBM carried to Woman's II.c Companion. 7 ::·:, sent the hat through the ear. the Koine, ho las a..m.-Week days-I^ocal pas- where G??? The«Ml«>!-Ùjis took JVic *^to N»wport News it from ami way st»· ion»}. eeagnra panning hand to hand. charge of it as one of the most pr«»cious ? «(«mini Chrintiiran Cantoni. »:0oa. ?.. -Dailv-I iniited-Arrlves Wh«Mi It came ha«k it contained of relms. ben ? ... .? ?. Williams $»».G>0. Tbe burning of the a dien fag«it is a .Newport News '«?·;»? iu I let the child handle it. then took care Whether or not the The Cijo? tut^^ttV1 (J0.* »'·. Norfolk 11 -San now Good µ at. grating curious «ustom observ«*«! in Devon and I-any Smelai- Arn van Wil inn - of It for ban· 4 ; ß p. tn . liim till his arrival at his des¬ shown is the true relic, it is on N.wpi.rt New. 5 ¦» certainly Somerset Christmas eve. Tlie >la ' " um tination. Whan we stopped at a sta¬ exttvmcly ohi ami is for 5.00su. "w ·?? m. interesting this season of the year It Is fagot consists of gre«>n ash stmks cut p. lii.-W.«k.lavs ?'*'*··-«'"*?,,???µ t.. ··»?Old Point SATURDAY_DECEMBER 24. 1904 tion on the outskirts of St. a that reason ami because of j|T MAIN Lena, associations fW easy t,, miess who ;t is ti,.it lengthways ¡md fastened into a. IJWB-WE»THí>UND. man boarded the «ar that have BOntty S2 m..hxc«>pt Sunday t«> Clifton Forire and. coming up gathered about it since it be¬ holds the tirst in the a Bañadla with withy hands. At 8 to the boy, to«·!, luci In his arms came one of the ^¦»J^ place ville, fc>t. Louis and and mementos cherished in hearts of the childretiof Ameri¬ «»'clock iu the evening this is placed Chica:-.· kisst*d him. lint the one who can he¬ the it is one of asS! ??. imperial City, the ca. Today dear old Santa Claus «ui tba fn»' with much ceiviiiony. when 10.4.> m..Daily.LimitedSCffiSÍ ??}'s~5=to tiniilii.najaC*o«dniiat.i roine familiar on short acquaintance Is greatest treasures of tli«· ancient rnaj Louisville. Hi. Lottie nnd * be out of sight, but lie, is undoubtedly the family anil invited guests are gath¬ JAMKH EtTVKB Chic·«, "Raising not likely to netHalt familiarities In Church «>f Santa Maria ??"20 a. LINK Maggiora». not ont of mint!. He is ered romiti the hearth. Th«· llames m.-Dailv-Expr.-Hs to others. The child his it consists probably re tou Lynchburg, I«. piante«! list right of live worn bars. These celving hundreds of letters lick rouiiil th«· burnii«», antl, when the ge anU P*-**··***!*»» between the eyes of his captor. are of wood, worm «»aten and daily.via SaaaT* Christmas gray, Hie IIreplace or through the register first gr«MMi withe bidding the fag«»ts **l*jwSjj.Weekdava.Local to Esmnnt The iiutii explained to us that he was that looks as though it might be oak TIANIUKHIVK routes- telling of tie fond hopes that bursts, glasses are raised and emptied Norfolk »..'«Old PointRICHMOND FROM theiioy's father antl his «-hilil liad powdcre«! with tlour. ? he bars m. 10.-05 a. m. w**k nana average ere fixetl some to "? (*-hristinns"' the break 11.45a. daily. tui,l r.-OO p. m. day·. upon especial and Merry m daily,*' miN.-wnor» away long enough to forget him. about a yard in length, and the entire toy, M» a loeal 8,-U) p. m. *??°G· Funds In the meantime, as if to the ing of each bond is the signal for a From CiiK-tnttati anddaily I took tre father's address antl dur¬ grating is suspeml«»d in a case bring West torn a. m dail» crystal thought of this geiinl old saint ever fresh toast. Legend a«'«'Ounts for ttiis '',n·' the silver rS»8b*2,,Btaantoa -".-UH,,y·*,Mmn. 4 . p. at. 2? 82 ing day [i 'hristmus) went to the by ribbons. custom the that a tire Ex. tíundav WAS to house. I freshly to us. on the streets and in by story of ash (¡or.loiwviU,. I Baine haaaa spemi Christ¬ found very nice people In Im¬ This ease is supported on carve«l gobi the w»hx1 warmed the stable cept Sunday,Atx-omiu«)dations;20 a»-a··-***¦a. m. ex¬ ina*. As ? shops we can see men dressed like at Hethlehcm, .lati..« bad aa chiiiiren.in- poverished circumstances. Their boy nnd silver feet, and its full length is a while local tradition River Line Local from Clifton was not Santa Clans. tells of a greeu- BUT FAIBKST «>F ALL WAS MARJORY DAW. ?« · m Eemont Forge daada had taken home with him the where¬ ni«»ter, its height half a meter. <·« dally. Accom. 8:40a. ni. ex- BaaiTtod--holi«lays, It Is Iu the mitist of all this tur¬ wootl Bra kindled by Alfred the Greet pt Sunday. especially Christmas, bored me. withal to buy a Christmas dinner. surmounted by a beautiful enaineletl holiday tl.'tlg S,:m ¡,G????. C E. DOxTaB W. O. moil how «hilaren ever during his lonely wanderings In Som¬ were a Christ mas evo ball. Cimi WAKTHEN, I wished tlu· season arata over and the WALDON WELDKON. statue of tbe infant .lesus. many stop to They having Manager. Li>t. ask who Santa China or erset. In a moment hia arms were about tho 1'aseAg't near yaar begun. The train pulled out During the yt»ar this magnificent re- really is, fair waist. of tlie and 1 What cared he station, took up a news¬ QUEER CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Ihpiary is inelos«xl lu a golden case ami Ruaala'a Belated ( hrl.tuin«. for the wrath of papa? paper. disposed on one of the altars of the There are two Christmnses at the And he covered her cheek with his kisses Suddenly my paper was crushed buck Small l'urtici«·«, of Rndlnm rreaented church. At Christmas time it Is ex¬ Russian embassy, but the real celebra¬ In hast.» Norfolk and Western R. R. on a LEAVE ?.??????» my batea«, pair of small arms were by London \\ omen. pose«! to view, and the festival of the tion comes an Jan. C>. The fact that the To the strnlns of the piano afar. (DAILY), BYRD But with a thrown aromi«! my neck ami the round is terminates an she. cry, reached and turned STREET STATION. There this to be said of the latest nativity with imposing joyous festival is, by reason of the use the . :00 A. m. face Oaf a about four up gas. NORFOLK LIMITED. Arrivée at boy years oltl was fad of London society women.tbe giv¬ procession In which the relic is curried, of the Russian calendar, somewhat be¬ When he .saw, to his horror, alas and alas. Norfolk 11:20 A. M. 8tope at thrust within Tin inch of Waverly and Suffolk. only Peersbur«·. my nose. Dy ing of small particles of radium as the solemn occasion being preshle«! lated does not. however, affect tbe en¬ He'd been kissing his sweetheart's 0:00 A.m. what mamma ! CHICAGO EXPRES Buffet Parloi right he assumed to treat ? per¬ Christmas presents.that none of the over by a cardinal..New York Trib¬ thusiasm with which the celebration is Car Petersburg to fect lu this Then up came the guests In response to Pullman Lym-bturg and R-iar&k·., ¦llamar demonstrative recipients can complain of having re¬ une. carri»*»! <*ut. At a time wtien most of her call. S'eeper Roanoke to Cclttnbu« and fashion I could not conceive. Bluoftldtc < In« l.i.mil also Roaoka to ceived a cheap gift. To give radium in tier American friemls are removing the While papa was quite purple with rage. Knoxville, and Knoxville to Chattanooga, and "You little scamp, what do this « "tirisi mu m Carda. Memphas. you way costs from $10 to $G>0, the out- Christmas gr»*ens from their homes 12*20 o. m. mean?" The first Christmas card ever And that Shaw was a cad they agreed, Roanoke Express for Farmville, tit ne«*essnry therefor consisting of a pub¬ Countess Marguerite Cassini, the mis¬ one and all.
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