* 1 HQAG A NO SONS Ca// 224-236 J / BOOK BtNOERS 3 PAPERS-*- Your County News Line Clinton News Day or Night 15 Cents 28 P January 17,1.973 117th Year Vol, 37 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 ^9es In St Jdhns, Bath Township '..^ finder' Sewers suffer sndgs an sewage treatment plant here, must now ST JOHNS - Federal budget cuts Averse effect upon St Johns' pro- nationwide community development BATH - Thanks to the Miohigan 03 s er projects, including the $4 million wait 4 to ifyears for federal aid in their outlined by President Nixon have had P ™ ™ project, A number of Attorney General's office the proposed Are you concerned about construction. Bath sewer system is a "neither here getting the straight facts.on a Of the 352 applications for aid in nor there" project question which arises but don't Michigan, renovation of the St Johns An original ruling by the attorney, kngw where to find,the answer? plant is No. 79 on the priority list, with general said Bath could not finance the We'll find the facts for ques­ funds to install new sewers and a lift project because it amounted to more station farther down at No. 97. than 10% of the unit's state equalized tions submitted by our readers. Current inflationary construction Just drop us a line at FACT valuation. ,, costs will probably make the project Cost of the project would require FINDER, Clinton County News even more expensive by the time aid is, bonds to be issued totalling $3,550,000. St Johns 48879. available. City officials fear this delay, According to the attorney general's may make the city's share prohibitive. decision, the unit can only enter into a Q~I would like to know why there is no St Johns must pay 10 percent of the bonded indebtedness over $1,200,000. public rest room in St Johns. I was in St • cost., Bath Township's state equalized Johns to shop and the rest room at the With the present cost estimated at valuation is $12,000,000. Municipal Building was locked. I asked $3,457,500 for sewer expansion and in 2 stores if they had a rest room 1 $461,000 for the lift station, the city's Patrick Berardo, attorney could use and all said no. I realize they share would come to about $391,000 if representing the township, said the' are misused, but why not make 1 on the work could be done now. But, in 4 or attorney general's office would not main street that you could pay 10 cents 5 years inflation could bring St Johns' accept the full faith and credit of the as other towns do. DC, out-of-town total share to half a million dollars. county, a procedure used in many cases shopper Harvey Weatherwax, City Manager, to finance costly projects. said it would be financially impossible He said they changed their minds last A~It seems you had the answer when for the city to "go-it-alone" because week and would permit the township to you said you "realized they are tthat would require levying 7 or 8 mills finance the project if, they did not have misused." Tom Hundley, city clerk, over a period of 30 years. to levy taxes to pay for it. said the Municipal Building restrooms Revenue sharing would not solve the That would be possible through hook­ are open during regular downtown problem either, he said, because the up charges and monthly payments for business hours, butwere forced closed city's share amounts to only $70,000. service. after hours because of the extent of . "I can't say whether the govern­ However, he said between Thursday vandalism. ment's decision was right or wrong," and Monday, they changed their minds * Weatherwax stated, "Because I'm not and are not allowing Bath to proceed Q~Many a Friday evening this winter familiar with finances in the federal with the project. when we have approached the city of St budget." • Berardo said he will appeal for the Johns on M-21 from the west we can see "If I knew more about it I might be township once more in an effort to get the red light atop the General able to say whether I think it was a wise the attorney general to change the Telephone Tower from Forest Hill move or not," he added. opinion. Koad, a distance of 6 miles. However, when we get into the Southgate Shop­ ping Center, I have looked toward the south to see if I can see the red light Nome Mrs Zeeb atop WRBJ Radio towers, a distance of about a mile. But, at no time have I been able to see the red light. Why is it that the light atop WRBJ towers cannot to Hospital Board be seen? Doesn't WRBJ have any red signal light atop their towers for ST JOHNS - Paul E. McNamara, Mrs Zeeb is the first woman elected aviation purposes? AFH, PEWAMO Clinton Memorial Hospital ad­ to serve the hospital in this capacity. ministrator announced the ap­ A-A short answer for a long question. pointment of Mrs Irene Zeeb to the ' A lifelong resident of Clinton County, Yourfriehdlv WRBJ announce Larrv-' hospital's board of director&.this week. Mrs Zeeb is also first vice-president of Patrick explained~(He'statipn,s towers , Mrs ZeeB"was elected to the post by the Clinton Memorial Hospital do not meet the height where lights are the executive committee of the Clinton Auxiliary. While a resident of DeWitt, required. The low altitude of the towers Memorial Hospital association to fill a she was a member of the DeWitt Public do not pose a threat to night aviators. If vacancy created by deceased member School board for 7 years, serving as they're flying that low, they^re in William Richards Sr. Annual elections secretary for 5 years and presidentfor 2 trouble to begin with. at the hospital are Jield each year in years. ' ' May. ( The executive committee members SHE AND HER husband, Virgil, are are: Lorenz Tiedt, president of the owners and operators of. Zeeb Fer­ Speak board of trustees; Earl Lancaster, vice- tilizers, Inc in St Johns and Mrs Zeeb president of the board of trustees; John serves as vice-president of the com­ Out Rumbaugh, secretary-treasurer of the pany. \ trustees; Bruce Fowler, chairman of ,ED NOTE: Last week's Speak Out the board of directors and Mrs John A resident of 1103 Hampshire Dr in St was inadvertently omitted from the Paradise, chairman of the hospital's Johns, the couple has 2 children and 1 County News. The question asked "Do Auxiliary. * grandchild. you feel there"is a possibility of a peace settlement in Vietnam in the next 6 weeks?" Since that time, it was an­ nounced Monday that a bombing halt Hot time in St Johns was called because of the progress of Nominate 2 for Soil the peace negotiations. Our answers, A mid-morning fire Monday turns a St Johns Oil Company fuel truck into a boiling inferno. Driver of the truck, which YES: 40% was parked at the company's bulk plant for loading, Gary Biddinger, said he was loading the vehicle when the fire "It^seems the US is making more started. He was burned on the arm and face and suffered smoke inhalation. Admitted to Clinton Memorial Hospital, he Conservation director headway than it ever has since the war was listed in good condition. Action by St Johns firemen and a Lansing foam truck crew prevented 3 large tanks within 10 started" ... "I think Kissinger and feet of the burning truck from exploding. ' -» Nixon meant it when they said before ST JOHNS-The nominating com­ Feb 3 at the Clinton County Soil Con­ the election that peace would come mittee consisting of Donald Swagart, servation District Annual Meeting at soon" .. ."After all this time, I hope Leland Trierweiler, Sr, George Baird, Smith Hall. so." Max Loudenbeck, and Harry Harden The meeting begins with dinner at 12 County News Tourney Saturday have nominated Forest Wesseler of noon. Tickets may be obtained from 'NO: 60% Watertown 'Township and David district directors Stanley Baird, "It may qome soon, but I don't think Conklin of Olive Township for the Clarence Manning, Kenneth Louden­ in 6 weeks" ... ."Are we any closer directorship held by Clarence Manning, beck, William Mayers, or Robert now than we have ever been?" Manning has served on the board of Moore, and at the office at IdO South ... "How long has it been since we Wrestlers tangle in the Clinton County Soil Conservation Ottawa, St Johns. were told peace was at hand before the District since 1954. He says, "I am 60 r election?" years old and it's time to let someone Verlen Kruger will show his colored younger serve on the District Board.," slides on two70"x70" screens about his THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: * The election will be held Saturday, Cross Continent Canoe Voyage. Governor William Milliken has proposed a tax cut. Do you feel it will Pewamo-Westphalia get the Legislature's stamp of ap­ proval? Saturday is the day. Clinton County Coach Bill Brown saysjie expects YES NO wrestlers will invade Pewamo - Ovid-Elsie* strong performances from the,nucleas \ Westphalia High School for the 4th of his team, Mike Schneider, Annual Clinton County .News Wrestling Ovid-Elsie carries a strong 4-1 record heavyweight, Rick Pearson, 167; Bob Tournament, Saturday, Jan 20. into the tournament. They have com­ Hunter, 145; Don Lew, 126 and John Jaycees present Participating will be Bath, DeWitt, peted against Perry, St Johns, Hayes, 119.
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