FREE Vol. 3, No. 1114 Published Published Every Every Other Other Wednesday Wednesday April March 21 –10 May - 23, 4, 2010 2010 Arrest made Commander in Faria Quinn Fenwick Beach murder new VPD Assistant Chief case Commander Quinn Fenwick is the by Tim Pompey new Ventura Police Department’s (VPD) It caused panic in north Ventura Assistant Chief. Commander Fenwick was County and along the coast of Ventura: sworn in on April 1 in a ceremony at the Ven- the brutal stabbing and murder of Brock tura Police Department and assumed his po- and Davina Husted last May in their Far- sition on April 3. ia Beach residence. Now there appears to In selecting Commander Fenwick Police be a break in the case. “After 10 months Chief Corney said, “Quinn has all of the at- of exhaustive work, an arrest was made tributes needed for this position, most nota- in one of the most traumatic multiple bly his willingness to give 100% each and homicides in Ventura County history,” every day and the recognition that first Sheriff Bob Brooks said. and foremost it is our people that make Charges in the case were announced this department great.” Added Corney, by District Attorney Greg Totten on “This was an extremely difficult decision Tuesday, April 13. A six-count com- to reach. Quinn was selected internally plaint in the triple homicide had been from amongst our department’s six Com- filed against Joshua Graham Packer of manders, all of which are extremely talent- Ventura. Packer is being charged for a ed, dedicated, and capable individuals.” triple murder in the slayings of Brock Commander Fenwick began his career City Corp has recently come under the leadership of former Deputy Sheriff and City Coun- as a Police Cadet with the VPD in 1981. He and Davina Husted as well as their un- cil candidate Ken Cozzens. Pictured here in front of City Corp’s headquarters are Brian born baby, Grant. was hired as a Police Officer in 1986, and ul- Calvert, Zac Mandernacht, Volunteer Coordinator Mallory Taylor, Brian LaBare, Paul timately promoted to his current position of The charges carry with it the use of a Durand, and Center Director Ken Cozzens. For the full story see page 5 knife in the commission of the murders Commander in January 2001. Commander as well as three special circumstance alle- Fenwick currently oversees the Traffic and called the rules discriminatory toward gations: 1) the suspect committed multi- Special Operations Divisions with responsi- thrift stores. Andrews felt singling out ple murders, 2) those murders were com- bilities for the Traffic Unit, School Resource Stricter rules thrift stores didn’t make sense and apply- mitted during a robbery (defined as the Officer Program, Training, Volunteers, Alco- ing rules such as these to all stores would intent to take something by force), and hol Enforcement Officer and Program, and have been a better move. 3) the murders were committed during a target thrift Youth Services programs. Commander Fen- A number of council members have burglary (defined as the intent to enter a wick has also worked as a K9 Officer, Field- insisted the intent of the ordinance is residence and commit a felony). stores Training Officer, Major Crimes to prevent messes in downtown which is Because of the special circumstance by Rebecca Wicks home to eight thrift stores. allegations, Packer’s conviction means Earlier this month the Ventura City New rules which will be specific to that he could face either life in prison Council enacted new measures aimed di- thrift stores in Ventura include: without the possibility of parole or rectly at how thrift stores operate includ- Storefront window displays will be the death penalty. As of this writing, ing what their storefront windows will maintained in a professional and attrac- there has been no announcement from hold as well as ensuring the limitation of tive manner. the District Attorney’s office about items lingering both in front and in back Stores will have a dedicated area in- whether or not his office will seek the of the stores. side the building for receiving donations death penalty. The regulations stemmed from con- with store property free of trash and de- Packer’s attorney asked that his ar- versations which began when long-time bris at all times. raignment be delayed until next month. antique dealer Nicholby’s closed and Donations will only be received dur- The judge granted the request. Arraign- locals were informed a Goodwill store ing business hours. Donations cannot be ment is scheduled for May 12. The spe- would be moving in. Concerns about displayed or stored outside. Continued on page 4 the size of the alley behind the store and Loading and unloading must take donations building up in the small front place in a designated zone. and back door areas quickly cropped up Stores must add signage and light- Assistant Chief Quinn Fenwick pressuring the city to act. ing to discourage illegal dumping and in Investigator, Supervisor of the department’s The city council voted 6-1 to enact some cases will need to add video cam- Special Enforcement Team, and was also a an emergency ordinance which takes ef- eras to document illegal dumping. member of the department’s SWAT team for fect immediately and impacts both cur- City officials warn rules will not be four years. Quinn holds a Bachelors Degree rent and future stores. The measures proactively enforced due to budget and from the University of California at Santa require new stores to submit an appli- staffing constraints. Investigations Barbara and graduated from Command cation for a city development director’s and fines will occur as a result of docu- College in 2009. permit which would then be reviewed mented complaints. Said Commander Fenwick, “I am very at a public hearing. According to Goodwill officials the excited and grateful to have been selected as According to the city the change new rules will not stop Goodwill from its Assistant Chief. Chief Corney has placed his should save new thrift stores money. planned June opening on Oak and Main trust in me and I know it was a difficult de- Previously the permit required Planning Streets. cision for him to make, especially consider- Commission approval, took approxi- This new emergency ordinance was ing the quality of candidates from which he mately 90 to 120 days and cost $5,684. put in place because the rules must be made his decision. VPD really is a part of my Now, an application will cost $1,625 and approved by the Coastal Commission family as I have been with this department could take as little as 60 days to process. because of its location. Because it is un- for my entire law enforcement career. I am Former Ventura High student Joshua Graham The only vote against the ordinances known when the commission will review honored and look forward to helping fur- Packer has been charged with 3 murders was by Councilman Neal Andrews who Continued on page 8 ther guide VPD on the road to success.” 2 April 21 – May 4, 2010 Ventura BREEZE It’s Never Been Easier Getting To & From LAX $35 one way, $65 round trip Discounts for groups and charters! Depart Ventura 4:30am • 6:30am • 8:30am • 10:45am • 1pm • 3:15pm • 5:30pm • 7:30pm •Oxnard departs 15 minutes later. •No departures: 7:30pm Vta, 7:45pm Oxn, 9:30pm LAX-on Saturdays only. 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Ventura Avenue, Ventura CA 93001 805.628.3448 Ventura BREEZE www.venturabreeze.com Y our Hom etown P aper Ventura BREEZE April 21 – May 4, 2010 3 Opinion/Editorial I would like to con- Ventura Charter School’s day-long Earth On Sunday the fun continued gratulate Breeze writer Day Eco Fest at Promenade Park (that’s with Art Walk, many live performances Tim Pompey for being right next to Seaside Park if you didn’t throughout downtown and the Avenue The Ventura Breeze is your free local community selected to serve on know). and a wonderful kid’s fashion show at newspaper published every other Wednesday and the board of the Turn- And the day ended at 6pm with the Bell Arts Mattress Factory, located on circulated throughout Ventura and to many locations ing Point Foundation. official opening of the WAV project with in Ojai and the Channel Islands Harbor located in Ventura Avenue, with their wonderful Sheldon Brown Just another way that all of Ventura’s “dignitaries” in atten- artist galleries and comedy at the WAV. Oxnard. Publisher we are serving the PUBLISHER community. Now this has absolutely nothing to Sheldon Brown Ventura County must do with Ventura but two incidents of [email protected] Ventura County must return more false billings have happened to me lately than $850,000 to the City of Thousand return more than that makes it extremely important that PET EDITOR Oaks for an error made in payments for you carefully review all of your bills.
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