M' T^f^J,! -Sf, m^m' THE SOVIET UNION UNDER THE NEW TSARS i-o^ \^^ /icuA n . THE SOVIET UNION UNDER THE NEW TSARS WEI CHI >)5, University of Texas Libraries THE UNlVERSrTY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING fcst Edition 1978 EDITOR'S NOTE 'J'he Soviet Union, birthplace of the Great October J {involution, was the world's first socialist state founded by Lenin. However , since the Khrushchov-Brezhnev clique usurped Party and state leadership some 20 years aR'o, it has pursued a counter-revolutionary revisionist line in betrayal of Lenin and the revolution. A fine so- cialist country has degenerated into a social-imperialist one. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has restored capitalism on all fronts on the domestic scene. It enforces a fascist dictatorship and enslaves the people of various nationalities in the Soviet Union. The Bolshevik Party founded by Lenin has degenerated into an out-and- out revisionist and fascist party. A handful of bureau- crat-monopoly capitalists keep a stranglehold on the coun- try's economy, and have turned the socialist ownership of the means of production into their ownership, Soviet literature, art and education, once instruments of the dictatorship of the proletariat, have become instruments of dictatorship over the proletariat. Soviet society today stinks of capitalism, of degeneration and corruption. This small handful of bureaucrat-monopoly capitalists and new bourgeois elements perpetrated a huge confidence trick which allows them to live off the fat of the land, while the Soviet working class and other labouring people are oppressed and exploited, reduced once again to wage- contradictions, na- slaves With the deepening of class sharpening. In a word, the tional contradictions are also a small number of Soviet Union today is a paradise for ele- bureaucrat-monopoly capitalists and new bourgeois people, hell for the millions of labouring ments, and a _ CONTENTS Soviet revi- On the international front, the ambitious pie. In their un- sionists stick their fingers into every can hardly wait bridled aggression and expansion they They have turned Mongoba A l''AS(^IST PARTY CLAIMING TO BE "A PARTY OF THE to swallow the entire world. WHOLE PEOPLE" dependen- 1 and some East European countries into their World countries, they 'I'll!': HANKKUPT NINTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN 13 cies and colonies. As for the Third of them for have also extended their claws to a number nil'; DECLINE OF AGRICULTURE 22 subversion and even direct armed intervention. plunder, nil'; REAL NATURE OF STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES 30 infiltration and In Western Europe they are engaged in their conten- MAKING PROFITS BY ANY MEANS expansion, for Europe is the main area of world hegemony. At — An Analysis of Soviet State Commerce 38 tion with the United States for become the most present Soviet social-imperialism has MASTERS OF THE STATE YESTERDAY, WAGE SLAVES dangerous breeding ground of war in the world. TODAY 46 shows how revisionism and capitalism This pamphlet HOURGEOIS DICTATORSHIP, BOURGEOIS EDUCATION 52 Union. From reign supreme in all fields in the Soviet by negative example^ SOVIET REVISIONIST LITERATURE AND ART SERVE this source of teaching material THE POLITICAL LINE OF SOCIAL-IMPERIALISM lessons 61 people everywhere can draw proper historical world's first so- THE DECADENCE OF SOVIET SOCIETY 72 from the case of the degeneration of the cialist state. A PRISON OF PEOPLES 83 A FASCIST PARTY CLAIMING TO BE "A PARTY OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE" Since the Khrushchov-Brezhnev renegade clique seized jK^wer and started pushing its revisionist line, the Com- inunist Party of the Soviet Union, founded by Lenin and Stalin, has degenerated into the political arm of the Soviet bourgeoisie, a fascist party trying to hide its true Ic^atures by claiming to be the ''party of the whole people." Chairman Mao pointed out: ''The rise to power of revi- sionism means the rise to power of the bourgeoisie." The Khrushchov-Brezhnev clique, representing the in- terests of the old and new bourgeoisiej is a gang of revisionists who have sold their birthright to follow the capitalist road, though they have hidden themselves in the Party for a long time. As soon as this clique came to power, it altered the proletarian nature of the Party, did away with the dictatorship of the proletariat, re- versed the country's socialist orientation and changed the Party's programme and its line. As every Marxist-Leninist knows, a political party is always an instrument of class struggle, and the Commu- nist Party is the vanguard of the proletariat, a party built on the revolutionary theory and in the revolutionary style of Marxism-Leninism. When the Soviet revisionists began to advertise their "party of the whole people," Marxist-Leninist Parties all over the world scathingly denounced this FASCIST DICTATORSHIP rather sinister claim, pointing out thai this ^^party of the whole people" was in fact nothing less than a 'V\\r C.P.S.U, has now been reduced to a tool used by political party of the bourgeoisie. The proportion enforce a barba- of workers ili<> bureaucrat-monopoly capitalists to within the revisionist Soviet Communist Party has been mits fascist dictatorship throughout the country. When decreasing steadily. For example, more than per I'.iczhnev and his cohorts flaunt the tattered banners of 70 cent of the members elected to the Central Com- mittee t\\r "party of the whole people" and the ''state of the at the 19th Party Congress were dismissed during the Party's whole people" and harp on the shopworn theory of the 20th-22nd congresses. In a single year, 1963 more "(lying out of class struggle" and ''the democracy of the 64, than 160,000 members, mostly workers', were expelled whole people," as Khrushchov did before them, their sole from the Party. Great numbers of the real representatives |)urpose is to cover up the fascist dictatorship they exer- of the working class, the real Marxist- Soviet revi- Leninist revolutionaries, cise both inside and outside the party. The have been castigated and per- secuted by sionists have recruited deserters and renegades and con- the Soviet counter-revolutionary revisionists Many .';fantly engage in factional activities for personal gain; have been removed from leading posts. Represent- atives of the fliey are ruthless in their persecution of all genuine Com- bourgeoisie have usurped Party and state power, restored munists who adhere to Marxism-Leninism and of those capitalism and become the chieftains of the dictatorship who show any signs of upholding justice. It will be recall- of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat. In recent years Brezhnev <^d how Khrushchov, on the pretext of "combating the and company have been in. sisting, with a t:ult of personality," lashed out at Stalin and how he open- guilty conscience, that the Party ''has tightened control ly rehabilitated old-line revisionists, counter-revolution- over the growth of its membership" so that ''the aries and bourgeois representatives of all shades, restor- working class has occupied a leading position m the social ing their party membership and glorifying them. At the composition of the Party/' They hope in this way to convince time, he promoted his own lackeys to leading posts people that their so-called "party of same the whole unscrupulous than people" still ^^retains its class nature." at all levels. Brezhnev is even more Lenin pointed out more than ". his predecessor. He has enlisted old and new bourgeois 50 years ago: , . wheth- er or not a party is all really a political party of the workers elements and promoted them to dominant positions in does not depend solely upon a membership of workers Fields. Time and again the Khrushchov-Brezhnev clique but also upon the men that has conducted massive party purges, suppressing many lead it, and the content of its actions and its political is recent tactics. Only this latter deter- party members and cadres. A case in point the mines whether we really Between March have before us a political party ^'i-enewal of party membership cards." of the proletariat." 1 973 February 1975, nearly one million party mem- This statement shows up in its true and light Brezhnev's bers said to have "alien thoughts" were purged. The claim about '^the social composition of the Party.': Soviet journal Party Life acknowledged that in the course of renewing membership cards, party organizations have s" n if jHitl so on. In this way, fascist dictatorship over punished still more severely those members alleged tc III. |M-n|t|r lias been intensified. have 'Violated the requirements as set forth in the Party Hir/hhrv and company have continued to strengthen Constitution.''^ During that period, large numbers of party Mm- fihrady modernized "Internal Security Force" which cadres at the grassroots level in different parts of the ..imply ronsisls of troops put at the disposal of the ruling country were removed from their posts and, in the armec I dare to rise I h Mr li» suppress those Soviet people who forces, 30 per cent of the party cadres were dismissed I •! 1 f I oc- H 1 1 . 1 1 1 M n The Soviet revisionists have on many This purge, hke previous ones, was directed first and < I i..n;; ordered the troops out to shoot and kill so as to foremost at party members who dissented from or resist . I iiij*uish the flames of resistance of the people at home. ed the revisionist ruling group. Ai'cording to information trickling through news reports In the Soviet ^^party of the whole people'' and '^state lioin Tbilisi, Chimkent, Kharkov, Kaunas, Tallin, Minsk, of the whole people/' fascist rule is as brutal as in Hitler l.i'iiiti^^i-ad and Novosibirsk, mass strikes, parades, demon- Germany.
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