Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICLIL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 11063-VE STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized VENEZUELA HIGHWAYMANAGEMENT PROJECT DECEMBER 1, 1992 Public Disclosure Authorized LAI Department Public Disclosure Authorized Infrastructure Operations Division Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in theperformance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EOUIVALENTS Currency Unit = Bolivar (Bs.) US$1.00 = Bs. 69.30 (September 30, 1992) This exchange rate has been used throughout the report unless otherwise indicated WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Metric System FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADT - Average Daily Traffic BMS - Bridge Management System CAVN - Compania Venezolana de Navegacion National Shipping Company CVG - Compania Venezolana de Guayana Guayana Regional Corporation DCV - Direccion de Conservacion Vial Road Maintenance Directorate DGSVT - Direccion General Sectorial de Vialidad Terrestre General Directorate of Roads IDB - Inter-American Development Bank INP - Instituto Nacional de Puertos National Port Agency ERR - Economic Rate of Return MTC - Ministerio de Transporte e Comunicaciones Transport and Communication Ministry PDVSA - Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. National Petroleum Company PERL - Public Enterprise Reform Loan PMS - Pavement Management System SA - Special Account SAVA - Servicio Autonomo de Vialidad Agricola Autonomous Service for Agricultural Roads SOEs - State-Owned Enterprises TAL - Technical Assistance Loan VOCS - Vehicle Operating Cost Savings VENEZUELA FOR OMCIAL USE ONLY HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Tableof Contents Loan and Project Summary ............................................. (i) I. THE TRANSPORT SECTOR ...................... 1 A. Overview of the Transport System ........... ........................ 1 B. The Road Transport Industry . ...................................... 1 C. Ports and Shipping ............................................. 2 D. Railways .............................................. 3 E. Sectoral Organization ............................................ 3 F. Bank Sector Experience and Strategy ........... ....................... 4 I. THE ROADS SUBSECTOR . ......................................... 5 A. The Road Network ................. 5...................I'll...I5 B. Road Administration, Decentralization, Concessions ......................... 6 C. Financing and Cost-Recovery . ...................................... 7 D. Organization and Management ....................................... 8 E. Highway Planning and Programming ........... ....................... 9 F. Highway Maintenance Management ........... ........................ 9 G. Investment and Maintenance Expenditures .............................. 10 H. Environmental Management . ..................................... 11 m. THE PROJECT ............................................. 12 A. Project Origin, Rationale and Objectives ............................... 12 B. Project Description ............................................ 13 C. Project Cost and Financing . ...................................... 17 D. Project Environmental Impact and Economic Evaluation ..................... 19 E. Project Risks ............................................. 19 IV. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION . .................................... 20 A. Institutional Responsibilities . ...................................... 20 B. Organizational Arrangements . .................................... 20 C. Implementation Program . ........................................ 21 D. Procurement ............................................. 24 E. Disbursements, Accounts and Auditing ............................... 25 F. Monitoring and Supervision Plan . .................................... 26 V. AGREEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION .............................. 27 This report is based on the findingsof an appraisal missionwhich visited Venezueladuring April-May 1992. The mission comprised Messrs. Jacques Cellier (Task Manager, LAIIN) and Paul Autret (Pavement Specialist, Consultant).Mr. Gerard Liautaud(Highway Engineer, LAIIN) contributedto the report. Mr. Jose Alonso-Biarge (Peer Reviewer, LA3IN)provided technical advice. Ms. Joy Obialorprovided administrative support. Messrs. Asif Faiz, Vahram Nercissiantz,and ArmeaneChoksi are respectivelythe managingDivision Chief, Projects Adviser, and DepartmentDirector for the operation. | This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance or their officialduties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosedwithout World Bank authorization. VI. ANNEXES 1. SupportinyTables and Charts Tablesa: 1.1 Venezuela's Vehicle Fleet .................................. 29 1.2 Road Densities in Latin America and Caribbean Countries ............... 30 1.3 PetroleumProducts, Price Structure and Adjustment .................. 31 1.4 Evolutionof Road Expenditures, 1982-1992........................ 32 1.5 SummaryResults of EconomicEvaluation of ExpresswayProjects .... ...... 33 1.6 Project Costs and Financing ................................. 34 1.7 Estimated Scheduleof Disbursements ............................ 35 ch=: 1.1 Organizationof the Ministryof Transport and Communications .... ........ 36 2. Assessmentof Network Condition ................................. 37 3. Network Maintenanceand RehabilitationStrategies ...................... 40 4. Decentralizationand Strengtheningof HighwaysManagement .43 5. Project Quantitiesand Cost Estimates. ............................... 51 6. First-Year Rehabilitationand ResurfacingProgram ........ ............... 55 7. Economic Analysis of First-Year Program .58 8. Monitoringand SupervisionPlan .............. .................... 63 9. SelectedDocuments and Data Availablein the Project File .................. 65 MC: IBRD No. 22154: Venezuela VENEZUELA IGHWAYMANAGEMENT PROJEC Loan and Project Summary Borrowr: Republic of Venezuela Executing Agency: The Ministry of Transport and Communications(MTC) Amount: US$150.0 million equivalent Terms: Repayment in 15 years, including five years of grace, at the Bank's standard variable interest rate. Project Objectives: The project's primary objectives are to: (a) rehabilitate and maintain the national paved highway network; and (b) establishsustainable institutional mechanisms to ensure effective road maintenancein the future within a framework of a decentralizedroad administration. Other related objectives are to: (c) develop and implementpolicies and mechanismsfor adequate funding of road maintenanceand efficient recovery of road costs; (d) encourage privatesector participationby contractingout routine maintenanceactivities and transferring expresswaysto private concessionaires;(e) strengthenthe road maintenancecapabilities of the operational road administration units, and the policy formulation, planning, and monitoring systems of MTC's highway maintenanceoffice; and (f) develop and improve compliancewith environmentalstandards in the transportsector, particularlyfor highways. Project Description The project would consist of: (A) a policy and institutional development program, includingtechnical assistance and trainingof staff, to: (a) prepare and implementa program to decentralize the maintenance of the road network and help transfer management of expressways to private concessionaires;(b) design and establish appropriate road cost- recovery and maintenancefunding policies and mechanisms; (c) develop and establish a highway managementsystem to help DGSVT prepare and monitor efficient highway and bridge rehabilitationand maintenancestrategies, standards, and programs; (d) formulateand implement a plan to contract out maintenance; (e) strengthen the technical capacitiesof MTC state directorates and state public works departmentsto manage and supervise road maintenancecontracts; and (f) establish a capability in MTC to develop, implement and monitor environmentalstandards and guidelines for roads; (B) an investment program consisting of the highest-priority highway and bridge rehabilitation and resurfacing componentsof MTC/DGSVT's1993-97 program, includingthe rehabilitationofabout 3,000 km and the resurfacing of about 4,800 km of highways;and (C) a maintenance program consisting of routine and periodic maintenanceworks, which would be fully funded with local resources. Project Benefits: The project, by helping to retard the deteriorationof the highwaysystem through improved maintenancewould: (a) avoid further losses of valuable capital investedin public roads; and (b) contribute to growth in agriculture, industry and exports by substantiallyreducing the cost of road transport. It would also contribute to: (c) enhanced accountabilityand more ii efficient use of public resources in the highway subsector; and (d) mitigation of adverse environmentalimpacts of highway constructionand maintenance. Project Risl&s: Project risks include: ineffective managementof project by MTC/DGSVT; inadequate supervision of works and contracts by decentralizedunits; and insufficient allocation of resources by the Government. In order to minimize these risks, the project includes: (a) a well-defined project implementation program and organizational arrangements; (b) strengthening of DGSVT's key planning and control responsibilities as well as implementationcapabilities of the decentralizedunits;
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