E1736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 11, 1997 I want to sincerely congratulate Gary tain financing for huge investments in equip- Ansonia residents have always had toward Karnopp, his wife Cynthia and their two chil- ment to produce sterile disposable medical their community. At that time, buildings were dren, Lindsey and AlyssaÐand I want to rec- products as part of the ``disposable revolution'' illuminated and heated in ways that dan- ognize his contributions to San Diego County in medicine. gerously exposed families and businesses to and his achievement in receiving the Distin- Becton Dickinson grew rapidly, diversifying fires. Residents wisely recognized the need for guished Service Award from the San Diego from the 1950's through the 1980's to enter more firefighters and signed petitions actually Building & Construction Trades Council. many aspects of the health care industry, in- offering themselves as volunteers for this new f cluding diagnostics, while continuing to lead company. Because of the people's true com- the medical device market. mitment and dedication, the Webster Com- BECTON DICKINSON & CO. 100TH Over the years, Becton Dickinson has dem- pany was officially incorporated on January 7, ANNIVERSARY onstrated a strong commitment to corporate 1897. social responsibility, funding basic research Since responding to their first fire on Factory HON. MARGE ROUKEMA and higher education, health care assistance Street that August with only one 550 hose OF NEW JERSEY in developing nations, and support of commu- cart, the company has since extinguished hun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity based health, social service, civic and cul- dreds of fires, including the massive blaze at Thursday, September 11, 1997 tural organizations. Its products have played the Blake Bus Co. in the 1950's and the arson major roles in the fight to end polio and the of the Arnold Building in 1987 and 5±7 Jewitt Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- development of crash test ``dummies'' to im- Street in 1995. They've had tremendous suc- gratulate Becton Dickinson & Co.Ðalong with prove the safety of automobiles. cess at saving people's homes, retrieving all of its employees and their familiesÐon the Sales for the company have grown dramati- thousands of irreplaceable belongs, and most 100th anniversary of the founding of this glob- cally, from $2,639 in the first year of business important, rescuing hundreds of Ansonia resi- al medical technology company. Becton Dick- to $2.8 billion last year. Approximately 18,000 dents. inson is one of the largest and most important workers are employed in 80 locations in 40 Mr.Speaker, as a State and a nation, we employers in my district. It is more than just a countries. Research and development in 1996 can truly learn a lot from past and present major economic force, however. It is a com- amounted to $154 million while the company Webster volunteers. Their dedication and self- pany whose products have saved the lives made $3.6 million in contributions to charitable lessness on behalf of the greater Ansonia and improved the health of millions of people organizations, not including significant product community is symbolic of an older time, when around the world. It is also a shining example donations to disaster and humanitarian relief cities and towns were more rooted and people of the proverbial good corporate citizen, play- both in the United States and overseas. knew their neighbors. We must learn from ing an active role and making important con- Throughout a century of growth, Becton their example, embrace volunteerism, and in tributions to all the communities in which it Dickinson's commitment to raising the quality turn create stronger communities across our does business. of health care worldwide has remained con- State and Nation. Becton Dickinson was founded after Max- stant. Its founders' passion for excellence is f well W. BectonÐa medical supplies sales- still reflected in the dedication and hard work manÐand Fairleigh S. DickinsonÐa stationery of its employees. Becton Dickinson brings the THE RETIREMENT OF SOUTH AF- salesmanÐmet on a sales trip in 1897. The miracles of modern medicine to millions of RICAN STATESMAN F.W. DE two traveled together, became friends, and de- people around the world. KLERK AND THE CRITICAL IM- cided that fall to form their own company to I would like to take this opportunity to thank PORTANCE OF USIA'S INTER- import medical devices from Europe. The this leading company for the contributions it NATIONAL VISITOR PROGRAM choice of medical devices as their line of busi- has made to the world of medicine and to our ness was simpleÐDickinson realized that community in northern New Jersey. Under the HON. TOM LANTOS Becton's small satchel of thermometers was leadership of Chairman Clateo Castellini, we OF CALIFORNIA easier to carry than his heavy sample cases of can rest assured that this dedication and com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stationery. mitment will continue. I wish Becton Dickinson Thursday, September 11, 1997 From those early days up to the present, many years of continued success. Becton Dickinson has built a reputation for f Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, just yesterday, quality. Dissatisfied with the reliability and the South African National Party elected a quality of imports, the partners soon began to WEBSTER HOSE, HOOK AND successor to F.W. de Klerk, who has served manufacture their own syringes and clinical LADDER COMPANY HONORED for many years as the head of the party. Mr. thermometers. The company quickly outgrew de Klerk is the former President of South Afri- its New York City home and, in 1907, moved HON. JAMES H. MALONEY ca. In 1990, he rejected his party's policy and to a new factory in East Rutherford, N.J., be- OF CONNECTICUT his country's laws which established the vi- ginning its long association with the Garden IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cious apartheid system, freed Nelson State. When World War I halted medical im- Mandela, and began negotiations which led to ports from Europe, Becton Dickinson began to Thursday, September 11, 1997 the generally peaceful transformation of South set the standard for all-glass syringes. Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, Africa from a racist society to one that is mov- During World War II, the company geared I rise today in the U.S. House of Representa- ing toward a pluralistic, multiethnic, open soci- up for war production and produced innovative tives to pay tribute to the outstanding and cou- ety. In 1993, Mr. de Klerk and Nelson new products such as the first sterile dispos- rageous service of past and present Ansonia Mandela were jointly awarded the Nobel able blood donor kits for the Red Cross and Webster Hose, Hook and Ladder Company Peace PrizeÐan award that was an appro- a new device to collect blood in glass tubes. firefighters. Since 1897, generations of Web- priate honor to Mr. de Klerk's statesmanship, Other Becton Dickinson innovations included ster volunteer firefighters have put their lives foresight, and commitment to principle. machines to manufacture syringe needles on the line, time and time again, on behalf of Mr. Speaker, I pay tribute to Mr. de Klerk's automatically rather than by hand, syringes the Ansonia community. They've responded role in the transformation of South Africa. He with interchangeable parts, and the ACE ban- with only a seconds notice to save the lives of now retires from public life to have the time to dage. others without even contemplating the threat- chronicle the significant changes that he has Following the war, control of the company ening dangers awaiting them. This kind of self- both witnessed and helped to bring about. Mr. passed to the founders' sons, Fairleigh S. less and courageous work on behalf of the fel- de Klerk gave his farewell address to the Dickinson Jr. and Henry P. Becton. On a per- low citizens must be honored to the highest South African parliament on Tuesday, and I sonal note, I can testify to the high standards degree. join his colleagues in the parliament in paying of personal character and integrity that Dick Knowing that during this anniversary year tribute to him. and Betty Dickinson and Henry ``Hank'' Becton many will focus on the factual history of the Commentators around the world have re- brought to the business community and phil- Webster Hose Company, I want to honor each acted to Mr. de Klerk's announcement by tak- anthropic and civic communities of northern and every firefighter who has so generously ing note of the key role he played in ending New Jersey. Product lines were broadened given of his or her body and heart to the city apartheid and moving his country toward de- and new businesses acquired as the company of Ansonia. The historical collective effort by mocracy. I have no doubt that change eventu- expanded nationally and internationally. The which the company was started is the best ally would have come to South Africa, even sons took the company public in 1962 to ob- demonstration of the tremendous dedication without Mr. de Klerk's efforts; justice cannot September 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1737 be denied forever. There is general agree- mation Agency convinced him that race rela- has made to UTEP and the community of El ment, however, that without Mr. de Klerk the tions could not be left to run their course.'' Paso, and indeed, for the advancement of transition to democracy would have been a Clearly, Mr. Speaker, that was a vitally im- race relations in this country. He has inspired much longer, much more painful, and certainly portant moment in the development of Mr.
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