* You ought THE U BAYSH O RE 4 * * * 4 to know Improvements slated for Midland Park ABERDEEN MIDLAND PARK in Cliffwood will be INDEPENDENT ☆ * A ☆ The Weekly Newspaper renovated this year with $60,000 in ☆ ☆ federal Community Development funds, Township Manager Paul Gleason said Vol. 13 No. 12 20 Cents Monday. Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1982 Gleason said he hopes that the town­ ship also will receive matching state Green Acres funds for the project. Sub-zero temperatures keep burglars at home The $60,000 grant is part of more than $300,000 in CD funds which the township will receive in the next two years, Gleason said. The township will also receive $85,000 this year, $75,000 in 1983, and $100,000 in 1984 for water line and street repairs. In Bayshore thawing out from record cold snap 1984, the township will receive an addi­ tional $50,000 to continue its home im­ By Judith McGee Feeney The fire was brought under control within were brought to the Bayshore Senior Citizens provement program. The cold weather that gripped the Bayshore • 30 minutes, Wilson said. Center after the break was discovered at 6:52 area for a week eased yesterday, bringing Dinkes was renovating part of the house at a.m., police said. Borough, township councils relief to shivering residents. the time, Wilson said, adding that combusti­ All but four residents returned to their to meet with school hoard Weather forecasters predict that ble fluid, such as varnish and shellac may rooms at 11 a.m., police said. The remaining temperatures will continue to hover around MATAWAN have contributed to the blaze. four residents returned after the rooms were 30* today and tomorrow. Throughout the cold COUNCILMEN from Aberdeen and Aberdeen police reported that a man was repaired, police said. spell, in which Bayshore tem peratures dipped Matawan are scheduled to meet with the injured Thursday when his gun accidentally Robert Scapicio, health officer for Hazlet to 4° below zero, police and health officials Matawan Regional Board of Education discharged during a blaze at an Aberdeen and Aberdeen, reported “one or two com­ reported few major weather-related pro­ tomorrow to discuss the board’s pro­ business. plaints” of lack of heat in Hazlet. blems. posed $19.2 million budget for 1982-83. Walter White was discharged yesterday “Unfortunately, they were both for private But minor problems were abundant. Superintendent of Schools Kenneth from Bayshore Community Hospital, homes,” he said yesterday, “so there was not Police and service stations reported many Hall invited the officials to the 7:30 p.m. Holmdel, where he had been treated for a much we could do for them.” calls from stranded motorists. dinner meeting at Broad Street School. gunshot wound. “Unbelievably, in Aberdeen, where we The Monmouth County office of the Under the proposed budget, Police said White, the owner of Aberdeen have about a half-dozen large apartments, we Automobile Club of Central New Jersey Matawan's school tax rate could rise by Diesel Co.. Route 34, was injured during a fire got just two calls,” Scapicio said. "One was in reported a one-day record of more than 300 24 cents per $100 of assessed valuation that started in the oil-heating system of the Matawan Terrace, and it was corrected that calls from motorists on Monday. from $2.42 to $1.66. Aberdeen’s school tax firm’s office trailer. day after we spoke to the landlord.” Police reported a number of “fender- could rise by 41 cents from $4.01 to 4.42. Township firemen brought the fire under The other call was from an elderly woman benders,” but major accidents were few. If voters reject the budget in the April 6 control quickly, police said, but White was in­ who was cold although her apartment met Hazlet and Aberdeen police said the cold school election, the two municipal coun­ jured as he tried to take the gun out of its state heating requirements, he said. weather reduced the incidents of theft. cils can make budget cuts. case. Robert Hary, health officer for Matawan, • “The snow has kept everybody inside,” a Police said that heat from the blaze ap­ Keyport, Holmdel, Keansburg, and Union Hazlet policeman said. “There were no Cross Country promises parently caused the gun to fire. Beach, said he received fewer calls than in breaking and entries, no larcenies." Utilities reported a high demand for fuel past years. Joseph Artelli of 2153 Route 35 created this ice mountain by suspending a garden hose and improved services Area police reported two weather-related and many frozen water lines, but health of­ “In most cases, the furnace or boiler has allowing water to drip over a tree. The hose must drip so that pipes at the nearby Charles of ABERDEEN fires. ficials said they received few complaints broken down from overuse,” he said. “Once the Ritz factory do not freeze. Artelli said he agreed to monitor the water flow several years MORE TELEPHONE LINES are be­ Several Middletown firemen were treated about lack of heat or floods. in a while, the fuel has just run out or the ago. (Photo by Chuck Steiner.) ing installed at the offices of Cross Coun­ for exposure at the scene of a house fire in the N.J. Natural Gas Co. officials said its pipes are frozen.” try Cable Co., Township Councilman River Plaza section Sunday. custom ers set a new record for fuel consump­ Large apartment complexes had minor Theodore Fitch said Monday. Fire officials are continuing an investiga­ tion on Jan. 10. The firm twice cut supplies to problems that were corrected quickly, he Company officials said they have or­ tion to determine what caused the fire, which Midland Glass Co., Aberdeen, and Interna­ said. dered more telephone lines, Fitch said, gutted a two-story wood frame' house at 25 tional Flavors and Fragrances, Union Beach, “Our other problems have been with people Council says parking ban because so many residents have com­ Davis Lane. so it could meet residential demand. in single-family homes,” whose owners live plained that it is difficult to find an open Marc Dinkes, the property owner, was unin­ Both factories used alternate sources of fuel out of town, he said. line. jured, Fire Chief Charles Wilson said, but a to continue production. Hary said he has arranged one emergency Service disruptions in the Cliffwood pet cat died. Residents of a Keansburg rest home were fuel supply through the County Board of needed for snow removal Beach section have been caused by freez­ Firemen from the River Plaza, Lincroft, evacuated Jan. 12 when a pipe in the sprinkler Social Services. By Judith McGee Feeney because the township did not post no-parking ing, snow-laden lines, he said. and Old Village fire companies and the Air system broke, flooding the three-story According to Mary DeRidder of the MCOSS, ABERDEEN signs. Councilmen will meet Monday with Compressor Unit responded to the blaze at building, police said. applicants must have no fuel before being Township officials may ban parking on all Township officials in 1979 estimated that representatives of Cross Country and of 11:30 a.m. The Oceanview Rest Home’s 23 residents considered for emergency fuel service. municipal streets during snowstorms because posting signs would cost approximately TKR Cable Co., a firm that is seeking to of difficulties in plowing during last week’s $ 10,000. purchase Cross Country. T o vacant Sycamore Drive School storms. But if the parking ban applied to every Besides Aberdeen, Cross Country Michael Trotta, public works director, is street, Gleason said, signs would have to be serves Matawan, Keyport. Keansburg, studying the problem and is expected to make posted only on roads where motorists enter and Union Beach. recommendations during the next several the township. • School board to move offices weeks. Township Manager Paul Gleason said Fitch suggested that the township ban park­ Firemen seek okay Monday. ing on alternate sides of streets so that By Barbara Williams P rabhu member who objected was (Joseph) Mor­ board office building right away. Nothing Gleason said that plows could not pass residents without driveways will have some­ for expansion plan HAZLET ales.” drastic is going to happen in the next couple of through some streets because cars were where to park. HAZLET The Board of Education will move its ad­ Board member Harvey Wortzel did not y ears.” parked on both sides of the road. Although Gleason said that is one of the The Planning Board is expected to ministrative offices to the vacant Sycamore attend the conference meeting. Morales also said he suspects the board The problem increased the cost of snow alternatives being studied, he added that it grant site plan approval for a Drive School and sell its Hazlet Avenue When reached by telephone yesterday, offices may be housed at the Sycamore Drive removal, he said, because township workers would be an inefficient solution. 6,4000-sq.-ft. addition to the N. Center­ building, Board President Mary T. Donohue Morales said he thought the board should School only temporarily, “but I probably often had to return to plow the obstructed “We prefer to be able to have all the streets ville fire Co. building on Middle Road at said last night. spend more time trying to lease the Sycamore won’t be around when that decision is made.” streets later. plowed overnight," Gleason said. “With alter- its meeting Thursday. “I can’t see any sense in keeping a good D rive School. While Assistant Superintendent of Schools “Overall, we got very good comments on nate-side-of-the-street parking, we would Fire company spokesman Frank Wood building empty, while the board offices are “I don’t know that the proper studies were Michael Cleffi organizes the transfer, Board the snow removal,” Gleason said, adding that have to plow one side one night, and then said the proposed addition is expected to crowded into a dilapidated old building,” Ms.
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