The Church of the Blessed Sacrament S7*7`G S`31 J` O3J`1 TJ_7 F7,1 23, 2020 Congratulations, Bishop Donald DeGrood! Are you in need of graces? St Peter of Alcantara said: “Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and he is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them.” Come visit our Lord in our adoraon chapel; He is waing for you. Call Pay Germain at 651-788-3876, Kathy Ebert at 651-247-5185, or the parish office for a regular hour that fits your schedule. Hours of greatest need are Sunday at noon, Monday at 2 pm, Tuesday at 8 am, or Friday at 8 am or 8 pm. “In our daily life, we strive to know, love, and serve God and others, as Catholic disciples of Christ. ” 2119 Stillwater Avenue East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55119-3508 Website: blessedsacramentsp.org Phone: 651-738-0677 Fax: 651-738-6492 Check us out on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/blessedsacramentsp To Register: Please pick up a New Parishioner Packet in the Gathering Space or call the Parish Office. Church of the Blessed Sacrament Live a Life of Mercy image of God. They should be treated accordingly, not with a toler- Recently, I posted a controversial arcle ance that accepts sin, or with an avoidance of proclaiming the truth, but through acons and words that truly exemplify the love on social media, and not surprisingly, I we have received from our Father. This is a love that calls us to was met with a slew of responses from conversion and holiness, but one that is kind and merciful. friends describing ways they either agreed or disagreed with me. It was like So, in the end, I realized that posng the arcle didn’t help anyone a lot of social media debates — one see Christ beer. Instead, it sowed a seed of division and discord. sided, heated, and in the end, some- The readings this weekend urge us to live a life of mercy in order to what pointless. As I reflected, I won- be holy so we can be saints someday. A saint is one who sees the dered if my posng was necessary much less virtuous. Had I ac- beafic vision. That vision needs to start on earth in how we treat complished what I set out to do? Did I change anyone’s mind, or those around us who are temples of the Holy Spirit, the same Holy did I sr up discord in friends who normally interact in unity? Was Spirit with whom we want to spend eternity. my posng helping further the kingdom of God on earth, or did I Angie Windnagle compete against that goal? As I ponder the readings for this weekend’s Mass, I find my an- Cerenity - Marian of Saint Paul Senior Living (200 Earl swer. The theme of holiness is pervasive in each reading, but look- Street) is in need of Spiritual Care Volunteers! ing deeper, the theme of mercy shines even more. Indeed, all of We would love to hear from you if you'd like to deliver holy Christ’s followers are called to be as holy as He is. But more than communion to the homebound within our campus, that, the holiness we are called to is only made possible by his un- be a Eucharisc minister during our M-F 1:00 Mass, ending mercy, as the psalmist rightly proclaims: “As far as the east lector or do some one-to-one vising with some residents in is from the west, so far has he put our transgressions from us.” It need of company. simply isn’t enough to say we want to be like Christ. Instead, true Please contact Jackie Bruns @ 651-793-2116 disciples are called to be living witnesses of His love and mercy to or [email protected]… all those they encounter — whether in person, online, or in pass- no one can help everyone, BUT everyone can help someone. ing. The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order shares that “… all people DJ-7`J`B V-J`? of good will, are called to build a more fraternal and evangelical Operaon Andrew Dinner – world so that the kingdom of God may be brought about more March 3, 6 – 8 p.m., Archdiocesan Catholic Center, St. Paul effecvely. Mindful that anyone ‘who follows Christ the perfect man, becomes more of a man [i.e., human] himself,’ let them exer- Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father David Blume, Director of cise their responsibilies competently in the Chrisan spirit of ser- Vocaons, invite men discerning the priesthood, ages 16 – 50, to vice.” dinner and conversaon with vocaons tesmonials on priesthood and religious life. It is typical for a pastor, religious or youth minis- To me, this rule exemplifies precisely how we are to heed the ter to accompany each discerning guest. Register online words of Jesus in the Gospel. He doesn’t call us to keep count, to at www.10000vocaons.org before March 2. hold on to grudges, or to constantly defend ourselves when Quesons? Email [email protected] or call the wronged. When I posted the controversial arcle on social media, Office of Vocaons at 651-962-6890. it was clear that everyone had an opinion to defend. Rather than helping build a more evangelical and fraternal world, the post be- Miriam Dinner – came a space for “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” only Tuesday, March 10, 6 – 8 p.m., Holy Cross, Minneapolis with words and intellectual arguments. Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda and Father David Blume, Director of In the first reading, Moses is called by God to not only be holy, but Vocaons, invite women, ages 16 – 35, who are discerning conse- to show no revenge. The andote to the selfish desire for revenge crated life to join us for a Miriam Dinner. Come for an evening of is mercy. Even from the days of Moses, God has shown mercy is prayer and dinner with consecrated women sharing their vocaons one of His greatest aributes. This mission of mercy is also given to tesmonies. It is typical for guests to be accompanied by their pas- all His followers. tor, consecrated religious, or youth / campus minister. The psalm connues with this theme as we sing of the Lord’s kind- Please RSVP before March 6 at 10000vocaons.org. ness and mercy. I o en wonder if my social media acvity is a re- Quesons? Email [email protected] or call the flecon of God’s acon or the opposite. I wonder if those who fol- Office of Vocaons at 651-962-6890 low me could say my posts are “kind and merciful.” God reveals Himself as a just judge who speaks immutable truth, but this is not Wednesday morning volunteer separate or isolated from His unending kindness and love toward We are looking for some help with answering phones on Wednes- humanity. If I don’t follow that same mission, I cannot say I’m truly day mornings [9:30 am thru noon]. We occasionally have other Chrisan. misc. projects that can easily be completed at the Welcome desk in the Gathering space. If you are looking for an opportunity to help The final gut check for me is found in the words of St. Paul in the please contact John or Joy in the parish office. We very much ap- second reading as he reminds us that we are temples of the Holy preciate the volunteers who come in during the week to help us Spirit. This means that even those who disagree with me bear the with the phones. Expect blessings! Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ♦♦♦ 2/23/2020 S PARISH ADMINISTRATION 651-738-0677 T Rev. Benny Mekka, Pastor ……..…………….……….… ext. 11 A John Florin, Business Administrator ....................... ext. 10 Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey F F Joy Hoffman, Administrave Coordinator …..………. ext. 12 Open Now! Deacon Jerry Saladin…………………..……….………952-607-9636 D I Blessed Sacrament is participating in a parish survey R Carol McKenna, Parish Nurse ….………………………….ext. 15 about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership E FAITH FORMATION 651-738-0677 C Connie Hill, Director…………………………….………...….... ext. 14 Institute as part of the Archdiocesan Synod Process. T O MUSIC Don’t forget to share your feedback on the Disciple Maker R Jan Meulemans, Director……………………..……..651-307-7865 Y Index! The Survey is LIVE and will be open until March 1. PRAYER LINE Using your smart phone, tablet or computer, you can visit Please call Carol McKenna………………..………..651-492-2778 PARISH COUNCIL: [email protected] www.disciplemakerindex.com or pick up a paper copy in S A the Gathering Space. This link is also available on the par- - Parcipaon in the Bapsm preparaon program is a C BAPTISM ish website. R prerequisite for Bapsm. Schedule with the Parish Office. RECONCILIATION- Daily: M-F immediately following Mass A & Saturday 3:00-3:45 pm We need your help in making this a success, M E MATRIMONY- Make arrangements with the pastor at least six so please participate! N months before the date. For questions, T ANOINTING OF THE SICK - Please call the parish office if you or a S family member is going to be hospitalized. Also, if you are home- contact the parish office at 651-738-0677 bound and wish to receive the Eucharist or a friendly visit, please or Patty Germain at 651-788-3876. call the parish office. P LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS ARE AVAILABLE- Please come to the Sacristy R before Mass to arrange to receive one.
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