The Oxford History of World Cinema EDITED BY GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota Buenos Aires Calcutta Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris Sao Paulo Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York © Oxford University Press 1996 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 1996 First published in paperback 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organizations. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Data available ISBN 0-19-811257-2 ISBN 0-19-874242-8 (Pbk.) 7 9 10 8 6 Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Butler & Tanner Ltd Frome and London I should like to dedicate this book to the memory of my father, who did not live to see it finished, and to my children, for their enjoyment. Acknowledgements This book has been a long time in preparation and in the course of it I have received help from many quarters. I am grateful first of all to my contributors, and in particular to those who, as well as diligently writing their own contributions to the book, also acted as informal advisers on the project -- notably Thomas Elsaesser, Charles Musser, Ashish Rajadhyaksha, and A. L. Rees. I also received specialist advice from Stephen Bottomore, Pam Cook, Rosalind Delmar, Hugh Denman, Joel Finler, June Givanni, David Parkinson, Jasia Reichert, and, most valuably of all, from Markku Salmi. I had administrative help in the early stages from my niece Rebecca Nowell-Smith, and editorial assistance -- all too briefly-from Sam Cook. For the last two years my Assistant Editor has been Kate Beetham, to whom my debt is indescribable. Lael Lowinstein helped with the bibliography. Picture research was conducted by Liz Heasman, whose knowledge and judgement are unrivalled in this tricky field. The tiresome work of tracing picture permissions devolved on Vicki Reeve and Diana Morris. For this normally thankless task they deserve particular thanks. And thanks, too, to my editors at the Oxford University Press, Andrew Lockett and Frances Whistler, especially for their patience. Translations are by Robert Gordon ( Italy: Spectacle and Melodrama, The Scandinavian Style, Italy from Fascism to Neo-Realism, Italy: Auteurs and After); Gerald Brooke ( The Soviet Union and the Russian Émigrés); Timothy Seaton ( Cinema in the Soviet Republics); and Nina Taylor ( Yiddish Cinema in Europe, East Central Europe before the Second World War, Changing States in East Central Europe). G.N.-S. Contributors Richard Abel ( USA) Rick Altman ( USA) Roy Armes (UK) John Belton ( USA) Janet Bergstrom ( USA) Chris Berry ( Australia) Hans-Michael Bock ( Germany) David Bordwell ( USA) Royal Brown ( USA) Edward Buscombe (UK) Michael Chanan (UK) Paolo Cherchi Usai ( USA) Donald Crafton ( USA) Stephen Crofts ( Australia) Chris Darke (UK) Rosalind Delmar (UK) Karel Dibbets ( Netherlands) Michael Donnelly ( USA) Phillip Drummond (UK) Michael Eaton (UK) Thomas Elsaesser ( Netherlands) Cathy Fowler (UK) Freda Freiberg ( Australia) David Gardner ( USA) Douglas Gomery ( USA) Peter Graham ( France) David Hanan ( Australia) Phil Hardy (UK) John Hawkridge (UK) Susan Hayward (UK) Marek and Malgorzata Hendrykowski ( Poland) Michèle Hilmes ( USA) Vida Johnson ( USA) Anton Kaes ( USA) Yusuf Kaplan (UK) Philip Kemp (UK) Peter Kenez ( USA) Vance Kepley ( USA) Marsha Kinder ( USA) Hiroshi Komatsu ( Japan) Antonia Lant ( USA) Li Cheuk-to ( Hong Kong) Jill McGreal. (UK) Joe McElhaney ( USA) P. Vincent Magombe (UK) Richard Maltby (UK) Martin Marks ( USA) Morando Morandini ( Italy) William Moritz ( USA) Charles Musser ( USA) Hamid Naficy ( USA) James Naremore ( USA) Kim Newman (UK) Natalia Nussinova ( Russia) Ed O'Neill ( USA) Roberta Pearson (UK) Duncan Petrie (UK) Graham Petrie ( Canada) Jim Pines (UK) Jean Radvanyi ( France) Ashish Rajadhyaksha ( India) A. L. Rees (UK) Mark A. Reid ( USA) Eric Rentschler ( USA) David Robinson (UK) Bill Routt ( Australia) Daniela Sannwald ( Germany) Joseph Sartelle ( USA) Thomas Schatz ( USA) Ben Singer ( USA) Vivian Sobchack ( USA) Gaylyn Studlar ( USA) Yuri Tsivian ( Latvia) William Uricchio ( Netherlands) Ruth Vasey ( Australia) Ginette Vincendeau (UK) Linda Williams ( USA) Brian Winston (UK) Esther Yau ( USA) June Yip ( USA) Contents SPECIAL FEATURES XV LIST OF COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS XVII GENERAL INTRODUCTION XIX REFERENCES XXII INTRODUCTION 3 Origins and Survival PAOLO CHERCHI USAI 6 Early Cinema ROBERTA PEARSON 13 Transitional Cinema ROBERTA PEARSON 23 The Hollywood Studio System DOUGLAS GOMERY 43 The World-Wide Spread of Cinema RUTH VASEY 53 The First World War and the Crisis in Europe WILLIAM URICCHIO 62 Tricks and Animation DONALD CRAFTON 71 Comedy DAVID ROBINSON 78 Documentary CHARLES MUSSER 86 Cinema and the Avant-Garde A. L. REES 95 Serials BEN SINGER 105 French Silent Cinema RICHARD ABEL 112 Italy: Spectacle and Melodrama PAOLO CHERCHI USAI 123 British Cinema from Hepworth to Hitchcock JOHN HAWKRIDGE 130 Germany: The Weimar Years THOMAS ELSAESSER 136 The Scandinavian Style PAOLO CHERCHI USAI 151 Pre-Revolutionary Russia YURI TSIVIAN 159 The Soviet Union and the Russian Émigrés NATALIA NUSSINOVA 162 Yiddish Cinema in Europe MAREK & MALGORZATA HENDRYKOWSKI 174 Japan: Before the Great Kanto Earthquake HIROSHI KOMATSU 177 Music and the Silent Film MARTIN MARKS 183 The Heyday of the Silents GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 192 INTRODUCTION 207 The Introduction of Sound KAREL DIBBETS 211 Hollywood: The Triumph of the Studio System THOMAS SCHATZ 220 Censorship and Self-Regulation RICHARD MALTBY 235 The Sound of Music MARTIN MARKS 248 Technology and Innovation JOHN BELTON 259 Animation WILLIAM MORITZ 267 Cinema and Genre RICK ALTMAN 276 The Western EDWARD BUSCOMBE 286 TheMusical RICK ALTMAN 294 Crime Movies PHIL HARDY 304 The Fantastic VIVIAN SOBCHACK 312 Documentary CHARLES MUSSER 322 Socialism, Fascism, and Democracy GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 333 The Popular Art of French Cinema GINETTE VINCENDEAU 344 Italy from Fascism to Neo-Realism MORANDO MORANDINI 353 Britain at the End of Empire ANTONIA LANT 361 Germany: Nazism and After ERIC RENTSCHLER 374 East Central Europe Before the Second World War MALGORZATA ENDRYKOWSKA 383 Soviet Film Under Stalin PETER KENEZ 389 Indian Cinema: Origins to Independence ASHISH RAJADHYAKSHA China Before 1949 CHRIS BERRY 409 The Classical Cinema in Japan HIROSHI KOMATSU 413 The Emergence of Australian Film BILL ROUTT 422 Cinema in Latin America MICHAEL CHANAN 427 After the War GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 436 Transformation of the Hollywood System DOUGLAS GOMERY 443 Independents and Mavericks GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 451 INTRODUCTION 463 Television and the Film Industry MICHÉLE HILMES 466 The New Hollywood DOUGLAS GOMERY 475 New Technologies JOHN BELTON 483 Sex and Sensation LINDA WILLIAMS 490 The Black Presence in American Cinema JIM PINES 497 Exploitation and the Mainstream KIM NEWMAN 509 Dreams and Nightmares in the Hollywood Blockbuster JOSEPH SARTELLE 516 Cinema Verité and the New Documentary CHARLES MUSSER 527 Avant-Garde Film: The Second Wave A. L. REES 537 Animation in the Post-Industrial Era WILLIAM MORITZ 551 Modern Film Music ROYAL BROWN 558 Art Cinema GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 567 New Directions in French Cinema PETER GRAHAM 576 Italy:Auteurs and After MORANDO MORANDINI 586 Spain After Franco MARSHA KINDER 596 British Cinema: The Search for Identity DUNCAN PETRIE 604 The New German Cinema ANTON KAES 614 East Germany: The DEFA Story HANS-MICHAEL BOCK 627 Changing States in East Central Europe MAREK HENDRYKOWSKI 632 Russia After the Thaw VIDA JOHNSON 640 Cinema in the Soviet Republics JEAN RADVANYI 651 Turkish Cinema YUSUF KAPLAN 656 The Arab World ROY ARMES 661 The Cinemas of Sub-Saharan Africa P. VINCENT MAGOMBE 667 Iranian Cinema HAMID NAFICY 672 India: Filming the Nation ASHISH RAJADHYAKSHA 678 Indonesian Cinema DAVID HANAN 690 China After the Revolution ESTHER YAU 693 Popular Cinema in Hong Kong LI CHEUK-TO 704 Taiwanese New Cinema JUNE YIP 711 The Modernization of Japanese Film HIROSHI KOMATSU 714 New Australian Cinema STEPHEN CROFTS 722 New Zealand Cinema BILL ROUTT 731 Canadian Cinema / Cinéma Canadien JILL MCGREAL 731 New Cinemas in Latin America MICHAEL CHANAN 740 New Concepts of Cinema GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 750 The Resurgence of Cinema GEOFFREY NOWELL-SMITH 759 BIBLIOGRAPHY 767 INDEX 785 PICTURE SOURCES 823 Special Features Chantal Akerman 755 Tomás Gutiérrez Alea 744 Robert Altman
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