Gunpowder Falls Maryland USES OF A WATER RESOURCE TODAY AND TOMORROW By DERIC O'BRYAN and RUSSELL L McAVOY An ana lysis of the major demands on the Gunpowder Fal I s basin : living space, water supply, and recreation GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1815 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T, Pecora, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. GS 65-370 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1966 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 45 cents (paper cover) Contents Page Introduction._____________________________________________________ 1 What the basin provides today._____________________________________ 3 Living space._________________________________________________ 3 Location________________________________________________ 3 History __________________________________________________ 5 Population___ __________________________________________ 7 Economics.._ _____________________________________________ 7 Roads__________________________________________________ 10 Water resource.__---_---____________--____________-_-_________ 10 Water, a variable commodity._____-__-_____-____---___-____ 11 Averages and probabilities__________-__-____-___-_----_____- 14 Public supply for Metropolitan Baltimore____________________ 19 Supplemental supplies for industry________________-___-______ 26 Rural dependence on wells_________________-_-__--_--_______ 28 Ground water in the Piedmont-_________________________ 29 Ground water in the Coastal Plain______________________ 29 Waste disposal--__-___---___-__--___-_-_---___-----_--_,._- 32 Water quality..___________________________________________ 34 Effects of the geology._____--_-___-_-____-____-___-__-_ 35 Effects of man's activities__________________--_-----___- 37 Effects of storm-water runoff_________________-_-_-_--_-- 42 Effects of sedimentation._______________________________ 46 Recreation.._ _________________________________________________ 51 Looking ahead____________________________________________________ 53 Urban growth and zoning__.___._____-_____-_________-_-_-_____- 53 Population forecasts__-_____---____--_____-__-_____-------_---- 54 Projects and plans.___________.___________-__________-----_-_-- 57 Water for the metropolis from the Susquehanna River _ ________ 58 The Gunpowder Falls State Park_________________-___--_-_-_ 60 Zoning and related legislation________________-____----_---_- 62 Highways, byways, and a bridge. __ ___________-__--_-----__- 63 Suburbs and metrotowns__-______-__--____-_____-_-------_- 64 Reisterstown__ _ _______________________________________ 64 Carney-Perry Hall____-___________-_-_-________-__----_ 67 Towson-Cockeys ville. ________-_________--________---__- 67 Hereford-Belfast Road.________________________________ 67 Problems, choices, and compromises.__ _ ____________________-__-__-- 67 Living space versus water supply.___________-________-------____ 68 The potential sediment problem.--_-_____---____--___------- 68 An alternate metrotown site. _______________________________ 70 Water supply versus recreation.._____-_____________-_--------i-_ 75 Draft rates and water levels._____________________--_---_-_- 75 Augmenting the flow below Loch Raven Dam ________________ 79 Additional impoundments________-_______-._____-----_-_--- 79 Increasing the Patapsco water supply.___________-____------- 81 III Problems, choices, and compromises Continued Page Recreation versus living space_____--_---____-__-________-_____ 82 Publicly owned additional impoundments.___-__-____-----_-__ 83 Possibilities on the estuary________________________________ 84 Conclusions.__-_________-_---____-__--__-_--_-_-----______-_-_---_ 84 Selected references.________________________________________________ 88 Acknowledgments ______________________---_____-_----_--_---__-___ 90 Illustrations Page FIGURE 1. The three major uses of the Gunpowder Falls btfsin___-__ 2 2. Index map---_-__---_-_------_-_---____--__--_-_-_- 4 3. Map of basin population by election districts_____----__ 8 4. Graph of land used for farming in Baltimore County and in the Gunpowder Falls basin._____________________ 9 5. Chart of precipitation record and probable rainfall expectancies __.______-----_____-_--.__-_-____--__ 11 6. Graph of precipitation variability..--____._-________._ 12 7. Chart of average daily flow of Gunpowder Falls ________ 13 8. Graph of percentage of years when Gunpowder Falls flow is less than average.__________________________ 14 9. Generalized geologic map of the basin and ground-water zones ___________________________________________ 15 10-14. Graphs showing 10. Range of low streamflows from zone !_________ 16 11. Range of low streamflows from zone 2_________ 17 12. The water-cycle budget, Gunpowder Falls basin _ _ 17 13. Calculated fluctuations in the ground-water supply in a normal year__ ________________ 18 14. Water-level changes in Hydes well for 1961, measured and calculated._---_____-_--_____ 19 15. Sketch of development of Gunpowder Falls a^ a water supply ___________-----__-_------__--------__-__- 20 16. Graph of population and water used, 1910-63._________ 21 17. Map of water-service area (1964) and planned extensions._ 22 18. Graph showing probability of decreasing Liberty Reser­ voir contents_ _ _______________-_--___--__----___ 23 19. Graph of chance of failure of Gunpowder Falls water- supply system for various draft rates______________ 24 20. Chart of average daily flow of water over Lo?h Raven Dam, 1953-62_______________-_____-_-_-______ 27 21. Map of the Coastal Plain section of the basin and the Joppatowne well field.____________________________ 30 22. Chart of generalized logs of selected wells at Jopp^towne. _ 31 23-25. Maps of 23. Present (1964) and planned sewered areas______ 33 24. Reconnaissance surveys of Loch Raven Reser­ voir ___________________------_-_-_---_-__ 39 25. Reconnaissance survey of Prettyboy Reservoir __ 41 26-28. Recorder charts of 26. Runoff from area A__________-__--_-_--_--__ 43 27. Runoff from area B__________-----_-___---__ 44 28. Storm runoff from area A.__----___---------_ 46 IV FIGURE 29-31. Graphs showing Page 29. Relationships of dissolved substances to rainfall in area A__________._____________________ 47 30. Land use in the basin, 185<K2010_____________ 48 31. Sediment yield reflecting change in land use, 1850-1963______-_. _______________________ 49 32-35. Graphs showing population forecasts for 32. Baltimore City_-_---------__-_--_-----_--_- 55 33. Baltimore County_________________________ 56 34. Metropolitan Baltimore____________________ 56 35. Gunpowder Falls basin._____________________ 57 36. Graph of water used by metropolitan Baltimore from 1900 to 1962 and projected to 2010. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - _ _ _ 58 37. Map of present and proposed recreational areas ________ 61 38. Map of possible metrotown sites____________________ 65 39. Chart of capacity loss to sediment in small impound­ ments. ___-____________-_--_-_____--_-_____----_- 69 40. Chart of projected annual sediment yield as urbanization increases ______________--__-___________-__------_ 70 41. Sketch map of Long Green Valley, a possible alternate metrotown site._______----____-___________---_--_ 72 42-44. Graphs showing 42. Low streamflow from Long Green Valley______. 73 43. Relations between draft rates and probability that Loch Raven Reservoir contents will fall below indicated amounts,._________________ 77 44. Amounts that draft rate can be increased witt additional reservoir capacities______________ 80 45. Map showing possible route of pipeline that could be built to divert water to Patapsco River basin. _______ 82 Tables Page TABLE 1. Water budget by months for the Gunpowder Falls basin, 1884- 1960__ _-_-- __- - _---------_--------.------ 13 2. Chemical analysis of water from selected streams in zone !__-_ 35 3. Chemical analysis of water from selected streams in zone 2_ _ _ _ 36 4. Water needed for Metropolitan Baltimore_____________-___- 59 5. Suitability or readiness of metrotown sites for urbanization-. 66 Gunpowder Falls, Maryland USES OF A WATER RESOURCE TODAY AND TOMORROW By Deric O'Bryan and Russell L McAvoy Introduction The Maryland watercourse known as Gunpowder Falls is a lovely landscape and a sustaining and relaxing environment a natural commodity for man to use and enjoy. The stream is not large, but as a water supply it is one of the most important in Maryland. More people depend on it for water than on any other water source within the State, and more money has been spent over a longer period to develop, treat, distribute, and protect its water than for any other Maryland stream. At 14 cents per thousand gallons, the water is one of the best bargains in Maryland, and a high-quality product, too, for the quality of Gunpowder Falls water is comparable with that of the best public supplies in the Nation. And it all belongs to Baltimore the Baltimore Bureau of Water Supply holds rights to all surface or runoff water in the entire Gunpowder Falls basin. Different people value Gunpowder Falls in different ways. To each of the 1.4 million water users the proportionate capital value share of the Metropolitan Baltimore water system is about $160. Each of Maryland's taxpayers is contributing about $5 towards the acquisition of a State park in the basin; development and mainte­ nance of that park will cost more on a continuing basis. Every one of the approximately 1,000 families who settle annually (the number increases
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