20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri.. Get. 1, 1982 New law becomes Cheney Tech stops Bolton ‘ABSOLUTELY IMMACUALTE” hot political issue East of the River . p a g e 3 . page 15 Real Estate In Excellent condition, this Sunny, mild Manchester, Conn. THROUGH THE YEARS has numerous amenities. 3 Bedrooms, FarnHy Room with Fleldstone »"'eP'®ce, 2 car over-size on Sunday Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 home ownership has been the hesl garage, 2 plus acres. Call todayl $149,900. — See page 2 Single copy 25c investment a family can make ... ilaiirhpstpr MpralJi ‘VINYL SIDED CAPE” IT STILL IS Some cosmetic work Is needed on this 6 room House nixes Cape with 3 bedrooms, full basement, private back yard in nice area. VA-FHA possible. Priced right at $57,900.- STRAND REAL ESTATE 156 East Center St., Manchester balanced 646-2000 ________ MANCHESTER >89,500.00 2 MANCHESTER Take your time and Inspect the budget bill outside of these homes . “MUST BE SEEN” $37,000 Unit 14 Al B«ll Court, Em I Hartford 4,000 square feet of prime in­ One bedroom condominium, appllanced kitchen, wall to wall. Assumable mortgage. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Congress it is the American people who are $51,000 40 Home Terrace, East Hartford won a political shootout with Presi­ shortchanged,” he said. dustrial space including — Tw o bedroom ranch, gas heat with extra Insulation, dent Reagan Friday and prepared to During questioning, Reagan said two enclosed porches and large yard. hit the campaign trail, with the it was “ Tip (Speaker Thomas i $69,900 191 Woodland Straat, Mancheatar FANTASTIC LOB HOME Three bedroom ranch, U/i baths, flreplaced living House soundly beating a con­ O’Neill) who beat the American BOLTON Yoom, large family room and garage. stitutional amendment that would people.” You must see this immaculate 9 room Dutch $70,900 16E Ambaaaador Drive, Manchester have required a balanced budget. Reading his angry statement in 600 sq. ft. of air-conditioned Three bedroom townhouse condominium, 2 full and 2 Colonial nicely situated on 2.7 acres. What a beauty. The House, after buckling to the White House press room, half baths, ifamlly room. VA Approved. Reagan’s highly touted demand for Reagan blasted the Democratic Privacy without being isolated. $119,900. carpeted office space. $79,900 122 Florence Street, Menct^eeter Tw o family home. 2 bedrooms each unit, appllanced a vote on the amendment, rejected leadership for employing delaying kitchens, one fireplace, 2 car garage, Democratic and Republican ver­ tactics to block the amendment, $84,500 591 Adame Street. Mencheater sions by wide margins. The votes then suddenly scheduling debate and Eight room Colonial. 4 bedrooms. 2 full baths, two car were certain to become major cam­ offering a watered-down substitute. Loading dock, all utilities, garage and Inground pool. Spacious 8 room garrison colonial on a huge lot. $91,500 116 Shepard Drive. Mancheatar paign issues in the weeks before the “ Today I share the deep, burning good parking, central. Eight room Colonial, 4 bedrooms, 2 and one half baths, First floor family room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, elections. anger, I think, of millions of flreplaced family room and two car garage. large eat-ln kitchen, formal dining room, Although a major legislative .Vmericans,” he said. “ Despite $95,000 124-126 Florence Street, Mancheatar appliances, wall to wall throughout and 2 car gar defeat for Reagan, the rejection was stonewalling by the Democratic Four-four duplex. Separate heating systems, two age. bedrooms each, appllanced kitchens. certain to be used by Republicans in nembers of the House of Represen­ $3.00 per square foot. Heated. Immadlate occupancyU the congressional campaigns. tatives, the majority of voters final­ IMPRESSIVE PROPERTYI When you choose one to suit you, ly forced a vote — or members THE HOUSE also Friday This commercially zoned property is ideally give us a call. IV e will be glad to forced a vote — on the balanced overwhelmingly approved a com­ situated on Main Street, Manchester, Locate your budget amendment.’ ’ Emergency landing office here and have plenty of show you around. promise stopgap funding measure the Vi acre lot! Owner financing available. Asking for the federal government, which I’HE HOUSE FIRST rejected a A single-engine airplane made an emergency landing in a technically ran out of money hours watered-down Democratic sub­ field behind the houses on Carriage Drive Friday after­ $107,900. REAUOftS DANIEL F. REALE, INC. 'uordon earlier and took initial steps toward stitute for Reagan’s constitutional noon. None of the three people in the plane — which was REALTDRS closing down. amendment 347-77, then immediate­ apparently on its way to Brainard Field In Hartford — was WARREN E. HOWLAND, Inc. RLTY The Senate lyas expected later to ly defeated the White House-backed injured in the landing, made with the landing gear ALIBRIO REALTY, Inc. 175 Main St., Mancheatar 182 South Moln SI., MonchotUr I 05 MAIN ST m M AN C . join the House in approving the com­ version 236-187, 46 short of the retracted. The plane’s pilot, Frank Ahearn, (shown 555 Main Straat 643-1108 ManchMtar promise continuing resolution, 649-0817 846.4S2S MLS 0 4 3 -2 174 required two-thirds for an addition speaking to Manchester police officer Gary Frost) said H which was drafted during a joint to the Constitution. that was the safest way to make the landing because conference committee Thursday. In the Senate, a bitter public feud C President Reagan was also expect^ between hot-tempered Sen. Ted wheels could have gotten caught in ruts in the field. You probably already know McCAVANAGWS to sign it. ' Stevens of Alaska, the assistant (Above) Joseph Paries, of 70 Carriage Drive, the only The House voted 290-123 for the Republican leader, and acerbic Sen. eyewitness to the incident, examines the plane. Paries, an Tom Eastman BUY OF THE WEEK! resolution late in the day, after first Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, ex-pilot, said he heard the plane com e over the hill in the debating and voting on Uie proposed flared for the second straight day. background and knew immediately it was in trouble. He balanced budget constitutional Metzenbaum. a self-appointed said he ran behind the plane as it landed and yanked the amendrrient. watchdog, has been blocking some doors open when it stopped to help the people out in case • Tom grew up on In a separate voice vote, the of Stevens’ pet bills in the waning of an explosion. Parts of the plane’s propeller and exhaust Hollister Street and has House agreed lo^a Senate amend­ days before the recess, fueling the T pipe were scattered in the field and picked up by the lived In Manchester all MANCHESTER ment to the resolution giving Alaskan’s ire. crowd of neighborhood kids who came to observe the his life. Forest Hills, exceptional buy In this oversized 8 room Colonial working air traffic controllers an Asked by reporters his personal • Maybe you graduat­ that offers a spacious living room, and master bedroom suite. annual 6.6 percent pay increase. feelings about his Ohio colleague. plane. State police and the Federal Aviation Authority are ed from Manchester 1st floor family room, dining room & kitchen, many extras In­ Barring an unexpected obstacle. Stevens replied, “ Personally, I investigating the incident. cluding central air conditioning. Only $109,000. High with Tom In the Congress was expected to recess in think he’s a pain in the ass.” class of 1975. the evening for an election-period Metzenbaum, reached immediate­ H#»rRlrt-nhotos by Pihto • Or maybe you’ve met recess that will run until the, begin­ ly after, said one of Stevens’ bills Tom at Manchester ning of a lame-duck session Nov. 29. was “ grand larceny” and referred Community College. President Reagan, filled with a to the Alaska Republican as “ the • Then again, maybe “ deep, burning anger,’’ charged the Alaska gas and oil senator.” W O O DUND MANOR CONDOMINIUMS you've played softball Democratic House leadership with In the House, opening debate on with Tom or beat him playing politics in the defeat of the the budget-balance amendment. Police press search in 'monstrous crime' at dafts. amendment. Rep. Richard Billing, D-Mo., U&R built 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units feature • Or maybe you re­ “ We’ll fight on,” Reagan told declared: “ This is the most political member him from Al reporters after his proposal was spacious rooms, separate basements, in­ EXCELLENT STARTER or RETIRE­ White House I have ever dealt Sieffert’s, where he soundly defeated by the House. with.” dividual heat, and are fully appllanced. helped you decide South Windsor MENT HDME ’’The American people are . We invite comparison for quality and price. 1 which refrigerator or Like new 2 year old 6 room Contemporary Colonial. 1st floor overwhelmingly with us and their AMENDMENT, simtliar to family room, formal dining room, kitchen and eating area. 4 This 2 bedroom Ranch features a modern 6th death laid to Tylenol numbers are growing.” narrowly approved by the bedroom — $41,900, 2 bedroom — $51,900, microwave oven to bedrooms, 2'/^ baths, above-ground pool, executive location. TOM EASTMAN buy. $132,000. kitchen and bath. Priced at $48,900, this • When C onfess busU the, budget Congress to and 3 bedroom — $56,900. home Is an excellent buy In today’s marketl ® ® adopt a balanced budget each year. CHICAGO (UPI) - A sixth death and cyanide poison added to some of band and brother-in-law, died perverted juvenile prank. There’s Tom Is atm In the business of helping people. If Deficit spending would be limited was attributed to cyanide-laced the capsules.’’ Wednesday and Thursday.
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