COMMISSION 27 OF THE I. A. U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Nos. 1701-1800 1979 November - 1980 June EDITOR: B. SZEIDL, KONKOLY OBSERVATORY 1525 BUDAPEST, Box 67, HUNGARY HU ISSN 0374-0676 CONTENTS 1979 No Page 1701 M.K. HART, K. KING, B.R. McNAMARA, R.L. SEAMAN and J. STOKE: Photoelectric Minima of AW UMa and W UMa ............ ... 1 1702 Z. KVIZ: Minima of Southern Eclipsing Variables, 1975-1979 Siding Spring ........ 1-2 1703 M.A. CERRUTI: Light Elements of V 757 Cen ...... 1-3 1704 C.H. LACY and D.S. EVANS: New Eclipsing Binary Results Obtained with a Reticon Detector 1-3 1705 S. HOWELL and R.J. PANEK: Variability of SS433... 1 1706 E.P. BELSERENE: The 1978 Nova in Sgr ........... 1-2 1707 B. WARNER: High Speed Photometry of U Sco ....... 1-2 1708 R.H. KOCH, F.B. WOOD, D.R. FLORKOWSKI and J.P. OLIVER: A Selection of Observationally Attractive Close Binaries ........... 1-4 1709 R.H. KOCH, F.B: WOOD, D.R. FLORKOWSKI and J.P. OLIVER: Photoelectrically-Neglected Eclipsing Binaries .................... 1-3 1710 M. SZTAJNO: Photometric Observations of TT Ari ... 1-4 1711 H.W. DUERBECK, B. LEMKE and E. WILLERDING: Interstellar Lines in the Spectrum of Nova DN Geminorum (1912) ............. 1-3 1712 IL-SEONG NHA and JANG HAE JEONG: Times of Minima of Six Eclipsing Variables ............ 1-2 1713 J.J. CLARIA and R.F. SISTERO: RY Indi: Light Elements ................................ 1-2 1714 B.S. CARTER and M.W. FEAST: The Eruptive Variable in Scorpius: A Symbiotic Star ......... 1 1715 M. HOFFMANN: Photoelectric Observations of RW Comae Berenicis ............. 1-3 1716 C.D. PIKE and C. LLOYD: The Nature of V986 Oph ... 1-4 1717 K. OLAH: On the Light Variation of HD 209813= HK Lac ........................... 1-4 1718 B. SZEIDL: Radial-Velocity Variations of DY Her ... 1-3 1719 G. KOVACS and L. SZABADOS: BD+4d4009, A New Bright Cepheid Variable .... .. 1-4 1720 W. WENZEL: Object Stepanyan 153519 Possibly of U Geminorum Type .................... 1 1721 E. MARILLI and G. STRAZZULLA: UBV Photoelectric Observations of V 1016 Cyg during 1979... 1-3 1722 JOHANNA JURCSIK and L. SZABADOS: Period Increase in FG Sge ............................ 1-4 1723 E.F. GUINAN, G.P. McCOOK, J.L. FRAGOLA and A.G. WEISENBERGER: Variations in the Light Curve of V711 Tauri (HR1099) ..... .. 1-3 1980 1724 P. MAYER: Light Elements of the Eclipsing Binary LY Aurigae ............................ 1-3 1725 R.I. KILADZE and R.SH. NATSVLISHVILI: New Flare Stars in Orion ....... .......... 1-2 1726 R.SH. NATSVLISHVILI and N.D. MELIKIAN: Flare Stars in Orion .............. .... ...... 1 1727 N.D. MELIKIAN, N.N. KILJACHKOV, A.A. AVERIANOV, O.I. STALBOVSKY, V.S. SHEVCHENKO and N.A. SHUTIOMOVA: Slow Brightness Variation of the Star UV Cet ................. 1-2 1728 G. BURKI and M. MAYOR: HR 7308, A Short-Period Cepheid with Variable Amplitude ... ... 1-4 1729 P.G. NIARCHOS: Photoelectric Light Curves of VW Cephei ............................. 1-4 1730 E.A. KOLOTILOV and R.M. RUSSEV: Inverse P Cyg Profile of H_alpha in the Spectrum of the Red Giant HD 139216=tau^4 Ser ............ 1-2 1731 W. GOTZ: A New Flare Star in the Praesepe Cluster (=S 10834) ...................... 1 1732 S. EVREN. Z. TUNCA, O. TUMER, A.Y. ERTAN, C. IBANOGLU, M. KURUTAC: New Light Curves of RS CVn. 1-2 1733 T.D. PADALIA: Photoelectric Photometry of the Spectroscopic Binary HD 91948 ........ 1-4 1734 J.R. PERCY: The Variability of HR 8768 ....... 1-2 1735 H.M. MAITZEN: Photometric Variability of the Silicon Ap-Star HD 43819 ............ 1-3 1736 P. ROVITHIS and H. ROVITHIS-LIVANIOU: Photoelectric Minima of VW Cephei .... ............ 1-2 1737 A.Y. ERTAN, Z. TUNCA, S. EVREN, O. TUMER, M. KURUTAC and C. IBANOGLU: The Light Curves of RT CrB .......................... 1-2 1738 H.W. DUERBECK and W.C. SEITTER: Notes on the Spectrum of U Scorpii and on Its Position among the Recurrent Novae ........... 1-4 1739 U.S. CHAUBEY: Flare Like Activities in Eclipsing Binary DI Peg ........................ 1-3 1740 A.L. DUMITRESCU and R. DINESCU: The Elements of the Eclipsing Binary HU Tauri .......... 1-2 1741 O. TUMER, M. KURUTAC, Z. TUNCA, S. EVREN, A.Y. ERTAN and C. IBANOGLU: B V Light Curves of SZ Psc ........................ 1-3 1742 J.D. FERNIE: Further Note on HD 219018, Comparison Star to SZ Psc ....................... 1-2 1743 MARTHA H. LILLER: Historical Light Curve for Stepanian's Variable Star in Serpens .. 1-3 1744 H.K. BRANCEWICZ and T.Z. DWORAK: Catalogue of Parameters for Eclipsing Binaries... 1-2 1745 J,D. DORREN, N. RIAZI, E.F. GUINAN and M.K. HART: Photometry of HR 5110 ............... 1-3 1746 I. JANKOVICS, J. KELEMEN, M.K. TSVETKOV and K.P. TSVETKOVA: Flare Star Observations in the NGC 7000 and IC 5070 Region in 1977-1979 .................... 1-2 1747 W. GOTZ: The Brightness Increase of DR Tauri ... 1-2 1748 M.M. VILLADA: Accurate Positions of Some R Coronae Borealis variable Stars .......... 1-2 1749 M.K. TSVETKOV, S.A. TSVETKOV and ASSYA G.TSVETKOVA: Flare Stars in the Pleiades Region ... 1-2 1750 N.D. MELIKJAN, I. JANKOVICS, KATYA P. TSVETKOVA and M.K. TSVETKOV: The First Flare Star in the Region Near gamma Cygni ... 1-2 1751 L. PATKOS: Photoelectric Minima of Eclipsing Variables..................... 1 1752 MARTHA H. LILLER and R.A. SCHOMMER: Photometric Observations of the Variable (?) UV- Bright Star K1082 in M15 ...... .... 1-2 1753 C. BARTOLINI, A. DAPERGOLAS, G. PARMEGGIANI; A. PICCIONI and M. VOLI: Rho Vir: A Hot Delta Scuti Star ? ........... 1-3 1754 S.C. JOSHI, B.S. RAUTELA and B.B. SANWAL: Spectrophotometric Observations of Mira Ceti.. 1-2 1755 P. RENSON and J. MANFROID: Nouvelle recherche de periodes d'etoiles Ap observees a l'ESO - IV ....................... 1-2 1756 D.W. COATES, L. HALPRIN, G.N. HEINTZE and K. THOMPSON: Further Observations of SX Phoenicis ...................... 1-2 1757 C. BARTOLINI, A. DAPERGOLAS, A. PICCIONI and M. VOLI: The Delta Scuti Variable GG Vir .................... ... 1-3 1758 J.E. HESSER: A Low-Amplitude Red Variable Star Near the Globular Cluster NGC 6352 ... 1-3 1759 R. GRAVINA: Spectroscopic Observations of CI Cygni in 1978 and 1979 ...... ......... 1-2 1760 M. GOOSSENS, C. STOOP and C. WAELKENS: Periods and Mean Light Curves of 22 Long Period Variables in a Field Centered at alpha=13h, delta=-70d ........... 1-18 1761 R. HAEFNER and R. SCHOEMBS: Spectroscopic and Photoelectric Measurements of nu Eri 1-5 1762 G.E. McCLUSKEY, Y. KONDO and J. RAHE: Phase- Dependent Mass Flow in UW CMa ..... 1-2 1763 EUROPEAN Ap WORKING GROUP: Results of the First Photometric Run at ESO by the European Workgroup on Ap Stars ........... 1-3 1764 D.S. HALL, G.W. HENRY, H. LOUTH, L.P. LOVELL and CH. STEPHAN: 6 Iota Trianguli: A New Variable Star ................... 1-3 1765 K. OLAH: Variability of the Red Dwarf Star Gliese 83.3 .... .............. 1-2 1766 R.S. STOBIE: IAU Colloquium No. 58 on Stellar Hydrodinamics ........................ 1 1767 R. DIETHELM and A. GAUTSCHY: Elements for CSV 8853= Wr136 ......... .............. 1-3 1768 P.B. BYRNE: Request for Cooperation from Optical and Radio Observers .............. 1-2 1769 TATIANA RUSSEVA and R. RUSSEV: Three New Red Variable Stars, V10 and V15 in M13.. 1-4 1770. E.H. OLSEN: HD 17576AB: A Variable G Dwarf with a Very Hot Subdwarf Companion ..... 1-3 1771 W.P. BIDELMAN:One Less Carbon Star ............ 1 1772 O.J. EGGEN: Short Period Variability of HD 33474 1-2 1773 R.C. CRAWFORD and E.C. OLSON: New Photometric Activity in U Cephei .............. 1-3 1774 M.I. KIBARDINA and L.A. OURASSINE: Coordonnees precises de supernova 1980 dans NGC 3733 ...................... 1 1775 A. ALKSNIS and A.S. SHAROV: On the 1978 August Peculiar Nova in M 31 ........... 1-2 1776 G. ROMANO and L. ROSINO: A Deep Minimum of MV Lyrae ......................... 1 1777 P. ROVITHIS and H. ROVITHIS-LIVANIOU: Photoelectric Minima of Some Eclipsing Variables .. 1 1778 B. VETO: Ultraviolet Observations of the Silicon Star HD 179761 ........... 1-2 1779 I. JANKOVICS, N.D. MELIKJAN and M.K. TSVETKOV: Three New Flare Stars .............. 1-2 1780 I. JANKOVICS, M.K. TSVETKOV and J. KELEMEN: Flare Star Observations in the Pleiades - Region in 1979 .......... 1-2 1781 B.B. BOOKMYER and P.A. BASILICO: Improved Ephemeris, UX Eridani .............. 1 1782 U. HOPP and S. WITZIGMANN: B V Observations of Pleione (BU Tau) 1977- 1980 ....... 1-2 1783 O. TUMER, S. EVREN and Z. TUNCA: New Photoelectric Times of Minima and the Period Variations of the Eclipsing Variable W UMa 1-3 1784 M.E. CONTADAKIS, F. MAHMOUD, L.N. MAVRIDIS and D. STAVRIDIS: Photoelectric Observations of the Flare Star EV Lac in 1975 1-8 1785 W. WENZEL: On the Periodicity of SS 433 ....... 1 1786 G. GIURICIN, F. MARDIROSSIAN and F. PREDOLIN: Revised Photometric Elements of Y Leo 1-2 1787 M. ZEILIK, LINDA BAYLISS and P. HECKERT: Infrared Photometry of Algol ....... 1-4 1788 M. PETIT: Etoiles variables ou suspectes de grande parallaxe ............... 1-2 1789 HERTA GESSNER: Variability of Nebulous Object at 5h44m +46.4d ................ 1 1790 F. MARDIROSSIAN, F. PREDOLIN and G. GUIRICIN: Revised Photometric Elements of ST Aqr ......................... 1-2 1791 M.V. MEKKADAN, A.V. RAVEENDRAN and S. MOHIN: photometry of HD 166181 .......... 1-4 1792 S. AVGOLOUPIS, L.N. MAVRIDIS and P. VARVOGLIS: Photoelectric Observations of the Flare Star UV Cet in 1978 .......... 1-4 1793 S. AVGOLOUPIS, P. PHYLACTOPOULOS, G. KAREKLIDIS, L.N. MAVRIDIS and P. VARVOGLIS: Photoelectric Observations of the Flare Star EV Lac in 1978 ........
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