' • rl ·' 140 Redstonian 1965 EDITORS: Sheila Brachna Rita Fitzmaurice SPONSORS: Mrs. Martha Barantovich Mr. Paul Polink REDSTONE HIGH SCHOOL Republic, Pennsylvania "Our todays and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build." Longfellow Our '65 REDSTONIAN With fondest memories we have filled. Our classes, teachers, friends Remain forever dear. Our dances, parties, victories and defeats Reappear in pictures clear- Cherished memories we shall hold. To keep intact these events When reminiscing in later years, We present- The 1965 REDSTONIAN. The beauty of Indian summer gives Redstone a glow of attraction. "But I'm still getting a Russian speaker.'' exclaims Michele. Marlene is For a job well done, senior cheerleader' receive recognition. amused as Mr. Joswick tries to spot the error. 2 Founn down and one to go. Yean! Touchdown! " A dollar for every dent," chuckles Mr. Urani. Mr. lucostic and Mr. DePasquale accept the new driver education car. knows this will be anotner long, People .................. ... ... 22 Classes 36 Athletics 90 Activities ............ 104 Climaxing a halftime performance, Sheila twirls her flaming baton with precision. Office aides welcome new faculry members. A familiar scene at two-thirty. Carefree sum,mer days are past; Ringing school bells sound again. New friends meet; old friends greet, Once more studies rezgn supreme. August. • • 4 "'eptember . • • Sports events add zest to school, Our football team ts tnsptnng. Classmates attain good study habits; Alert minds grow more inquiring. Before band practice begins, Karen catches up on her studies. "Should I or shouldn't I?" muses Joey 8arantovich. "Victory tonight!" roar fired·up daS$mates at the firSt pep meeting. 5 Student reacher, Mr. Swtrlz, tutors puzzled lrig student Eugene Whetzel. Black cats and pumpkins add a feeling of Halloween to Mrs. Oefigio's room. Pretty colors paint a scene; Goblins romn the halls. Students don their study masks To make parents feel al home, Pep Club workers paont a cheery welcome sign. Tead>ers compliment their trlislic work. For good grades through the fall. October. • • 6 After a SJellar pre-game perlormance at the Steeler vs. Eagles game, R.H.S. Band members relax and enjoy the gridiron action. ~·ore the hectic halftime rush, band boosters take time 10 join "the Pepsi 9~"'.er.afion.0 "Oh man! If only this darn leg would slop pammg. I just goua gel back in that game," thinks Tommy Jubeck. 7 November • • • Rendering thanks Is the thought To which we are inclined. Being grateful for what we have Is uppermost in our mind. To celebrate National Education Week, Eileen and Rita create a meaningful bulletin board, "Welcome Visitors." Mr. William Poole, Admissions Director of Woynesburg College, ourlines to 1tudenrs rho many advanrages his school offert. Seniors liJten attentively. Wirh a look of pride in her eye•, M11. Fred Dobek accepts a beautiful corsage al Senior Band Parents Night. 8 "Boy, this candy mac-hine empties in a hurry!" thinks Roger Casteel. "Would the lady like a cookie or a glass of soda?" inquires lou and Wayne. ~~Boys, you know these refreshments are fattening,'' quips Joanne. Orc:f.ering name cards and invitations is an annual event for 5eniors. ;:.-1 d ictates his order to Carol. 9 Senior art students capture the real meaning of Christmas in mosaic form. Mrs. Park transfe,. her artistic know·how to interested students. Beautiful wax candles are the result of time and patience. Displaying ornate Christmas figures, pupils show the student body examples of their creative talents. Ice and snow disguise the cantpus, And Christmas carols fill the halls. Students display artistic talents; "Silent night, holy night," carols Marty Kulikowski. Her sweet voice blend& with the solemnity and peacefulness of December. Their joyous scenes adorn the walls December 10 • • • Oavod B~our and Jack Reagan discuss tho sch&dule of events for a legi olative seosion with Harrioburg officials. The•e boys served in the model Hi·Y Ccfngreos as reprcsenterive• from Fayette County Hi·Y Association. IS •nd•ng their melodiou• ronco, Chemistry Club carolers spread the Christ· r-.es feeling. Residents of Republic welcome il heartily. Phyllis Hohman surprises everyone with her unique design. II Adam McKean selects Mr. Joswick and a bevy of girls to pose with his winfer masterpiece. Beauty reigns supreme at " Snowflake Fantasy." Mr. Santo LaPresta" state employee, audits teachers' attendance records. Mr. lu· costic and Mr. Caputa awair approv-al. Out with the old, in with the new, Classmates resolve to do their best. New year promises spur hard work, Results take form on mid-term tests. January • • • 12 -= -g :o the beauty of "Wonderland by Night," Rosie, petite Amid the hustle and bustle of party time, senior girls use com· s..-:<"'C""'re, poses with Frostie. mercia! skills to produce clever programs. ""!Utrong party goers pause to glance at Mr. Snowman who adorns the ; m entrance at the senior party, "Snowflake Fantasy." Beatnicks on the scene-Romeo gets quite a licking from Daddy.O· 13 Tired feel •re a major problem of senior dren-up day. These "cute beauties"' •rrive at a practical solution. Admirmg the modern elemttnlary building, school and stale officials note the unique ~llern ond colors ot the lop of the fa;ade. 14 Under Mrs. Elliot's tutelage, Roseanne's creative abilities come to life. February • • • Cupid's dart strikes Redstone High, Good feelings begin to flaw. Though classroom antics abound, Ideas flourish; studies grow. "Steady, Joyce," yells Mary lou. "This is a boy's sport?" Ron Woods outjumps his opponent as court action comes alive. 15 "Remember that date," Mrs. Barantovich warn•. " That deadline will be here before you ond I know it." March • • • Although strong winds blow outside, Inside all ts calm and still. True scholars study diligent To develop personal skill. Using her acrobatic skill, Patty performs on the perollel bars. Olivia and Betty Before the 6:15 bell rings, Cheryl and Andrea add the wonder how she does it. fin ishing touches to their hairdos. 16 Lynda and Harry enjoy sitting out a dance. Under Mrs.. Baron's supervtston, guidance aides acquire valuable information to use in choosing a career. Stella and Mary louise execute basic steps of the new dance craze "the ierk." "Mary Ann, I said I would carry your books-but those can't be for just three periods." 17 The Marines offer a modern array of firearms to interested N.R.A. mem­ bers. Jack and Patty like this machine gun the best. Filing student information is just one of the many tasks for guidance office helpers. Valerie DeMark learns to locale mate­ rial quickly and efficiently. "'Umm, that looks good." Spring weather brings on hearty appetites 18 April showers happiness upon Redstone's campus. Steve and Mary Margaret 1oyously share an umbrella as they wait for the bell -opc:y .,·les flash u seniors receive their pic:ture re1ults. Clusmate• appear ~IT'O<'OUS. Education showers opportunities Upon students of each grade. Spring days are very welcome, While thoughts of winter fade. a=.gnosia-• pl1in c1se of "spring fever/' rem1rks Mrs. Bierer. Poor ~ wonders if he'll soon recover. April e e e 19 Donning caps and gowns, seniors ponder past experiences which have led to this special day. Time flies by so quickly, Graduation comes too soon. Seniors pass all final tests, "Farewell Song" is their last tune. 20 May. • • ]ztne . • • Carefree summer days are here, ."'c hool bells toll the end. Friends part and bid farewell .'i[!hs of joy and sadness blend. "Sey" Mr. Cumrninga rully knows how to make a test rough.'' :tuer chtmiata. Juno 4 .•• Bobby Rohaley becomes a senior; Kathy Jackson, a junior. R·E.O·N·E? What happened to D.S.T- GRADUATION. 21 - --·~ ·- - School board members and superv•s•ng principal prepare for a regular monthly meeting. SEATED left to right are: Mr. Frank Malosky, Mr. Rudolph Sozich, Mr. John Caputa, Mr. Joseph Kovalik, Mr. James Soyle, Mr. Tony leon, Mr. Raymond Sigwalt, and Mr. Joseph DeCarlo. School Board • • • Junior high principal, Mr. Tauone, completes homeroom rosters for the '64-'65 Assistant high school principal, Mr. Surns, keeps daily absentees carefully. school term. 24 ~ston. •dminiur•ton, Mr. John Caputi, Mr. John Sigwalt, and Mr. Frank Lucostic. ch~ck last.minute details prior to the opening of the new Colonial School. _4dministration • • • SCHOOL BOARD PRINCIPALS - !:~dent Joseph De Carlo Supervising Principal John Caputa JC.e President Raymond Sigwalt Curriculum Co-ordinator . John Sigwalt Setre•ary Frank Malesky High School Principal . Frank Lucostic --:!su•er Joseph Kovalik Assistant High School Principal • John Burns ~oers •. Rudolph Bozich Junior High School Principal Tony Tassone James Boyle, Tony Leon 25 MRS. ERNESTINE ALBERTS MR. JOSEPH BALABON English IV . Physical Education English Department Head Mr. Williams cautions Gloria Moore to recall basic fundamental facts involved. Gloria Gamon completes wO<k accurately. MRS. M. BARANTOVICH MRS. MARTHA W. BARON Our Faculty • • • Librarian Guidance Counoelor Guidance Counselor "A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Adams Our instructors lay the foundation on which We pupils mold our lives. Stressing ultimate goals and careers, They guide us students toward success. MISS BEITY BELLAN MR. SAMUEL BILL MR. JOHN BURNS MR. A. C. CARDARELL I General Science Band Academic Biology Health Education Biology 26 M!.~Y JO ClARA MR. RICHARD COGLEY ~:anomies Typing I, II OHice Practice Having learned the basic principles of art, students now epply the rules. Mrs. Elliott, noting areas that need more or less shading, points them out to each student Individually. MR. VINCE COPPOLINO MR. G. H. CUMMINGS Wood Shop Chemistry .a "'"''ce Mrs. Gallagher gives operational instructions for the dictoohone to MR. ORLANDO D'AMICO MRS.
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