& TUT. OltEGOXIAX, arOXDAT, 3IAIICIT. 10, 1917. 15 George and make him love me like he given was the poor showing made yes- the next few days, that boat will ply ASrCSiEMENTS. 5 V. uster do." terday by Irsa in a workout with Ad between this city and The Dalles. That LITTLE BOXERS ARE SEAVEY HIGH GUN Santel. Pacific Coast Champion Santel FUND TO AID FRENCH will make two boats of that line run- N "Golf helps a ballplayer's hitting, be- threw Irsa five minutes after they had ning between these two points. The TICKET OFFICE SALE cause It teaches you to keep your eye gone on the mat in the Y. M. C A. gym- Dalles City now making the run. OPENS TODAY on the ball." says Tris Speaker. "I nasium here. If the State of Washington cannot ! played more golf last year than ever be prepared the Bailey Gatzert will be ATTRACTING NOTIGE before, and I won the batting chami RANCHER WILL RAISE BEER put in shape immediately for the run. HE1LIG plonship of the American League." Should a railroad strike be called &dwJlI Portland Nimrod Takes Hon- Bal Masque Thursday Night the river steamer lines in this city 3S2g NEXT iHUR. HOSFORD IS ATTFAn IX SWIM Gns Corns, of Tiller, to Devote 160 would put on capacity service. Special Price Matinee Saturday. ors at Shoot at Donald. Attracting Interest. ' COHAN & HARRIS Present Brilliant Acres to Park for Pets. SPOKANE AND KALISFFXIj TIED Dramatlo Hit Frank Watkins Mult-nom- ah of Bamtamweights Shows Close Second In ROSEBURG, Or March 18. (Spe- ' THE List may post- Club Event. cial.) Deer extinction be Wallace . Kellogg Second More Than for poned by law. but to Gus Gorus, of and In HOUSE OF GLASS Class More than 16 miles have been covered WHITNEY Tiller, the only, way to protect the Place In Inland Empire Shoot. by O. J. Hosford, who is leading the WINS HANDICAP vanishing species' is by'prov'ding parks. SOCIETY TO TAKE PART Years. Indoor SPOKANE. 18. : Several marathon swim now going on Mr. Gorus, while in Roseburg Friday, March Spokane and Splendid Cast Superb Production among the members of the Multnomah purchased five deer from W. E. Mars-ter- s, Kalispell teams in the Inland Empire Eves: Floor. S1.S0. Bal.. si, 75e, 60r. Gal.. Amateur Athletic Club. Hosford has and will Immediately move them telegraphic trapshootlng tournament 60c. Sat. Mat.: Floor, si. BaL, L ac gone the length of the Winged "M" to a park he will establish on Lis place retained their positions in the first SOc Gallery, 60c tank 1160 times, but he is being closely Hubbard Marksman Breaks 24 of in Southern Douglas County. If United States Enters War Money place today, while Wallace and Kellogg HERMAN HOLDS TITLE pressed by Frank E. Watkins. 25 Targets. Special According to Mr. Gorus he will fence dropped into second place. The four PETE The swim In Erent. de- Derived From Charitable Event teams were place as will last for a month, 160 acres and the enclosure will be tied for first a VOW THIS WEEK and there are two more weeks for it Twenty-thre- e Take Part in voted exclusively to raising deer. In result of last week's shoot. FUN MCS1C LAUGHTER to run. Watkins Is but 39 laps behind a few years he expects to have a large Will Be Diverted to the Although Kellogg defeated We- - Hosford. The 1160 laps covered by 160-Blr- d Contest. herd. The deer will be taken to Tiller American. Bed Cross. natchie. its opponent in today's Kid Williams Clamors for Return Hosford is equivalent to 39,000 yards. by automobile truck. matches, its score was less than that ST. PLAYHOUSE Following are the results up to and Mr. Marsters, previous owner of the of Kalispell, in the shoot-of- f of their Morrisonllth and llth St. Main 476T, A 6802 Bout With Champion Johnny Including the work of Saturday night: animals, had them for some time and tie. Harry Gayhart. of KalispelL re TONIGHT, 8:15; EVERY NIGHT O. J. 1160 laps; EL Wat- pets. tains his lead for honors, THIS '" Hosford. Frank DONALD. 18. (Special) they are excellent Individual WEEK Li Coulon Furnishing Real kins. 1121; Albert Weisendanger, 815; Or, March The Bal Masque that will be given by with a total of 122 birds out ot 125. BARGAIN PRICE MAT. TOMORROW. Reed Klepper, 674; Ed Burrell. 662; A. James W. Seavey. of the Portland CUEISTS START PLAY TONIGHT the Alliance Francaise next Thursday Today's scores follow: ANY SEAT. too. "Come Back" in East. L. Roberts, 1S4; H. Cramer, 126: G. W. Gun Club, was high gun here today in night at Cotillion Hall. Fourteenth Sunnyslde, 109; Garfield. 116. Also Matineee Thursday and Saturday '.J B1U FUN, Smith, 120; F. J. Gronnert, 110; C. C the big 150-bl- rd race, held under the and Washington streets, promises to be Spokane. 117; Palouse, 110. THE MUSICAL HIT Mallory, 102; Jack Pollock. 83. auspices of Donald Gun Club. Mr. Lo Dno and Bntler to Tie for Pocket one of the biggest and most wormy Potlatch. 119; Pendleton. 111. the charities undertaken in Portland for Kalispell. 124; Wallace. 114. Seavey broke 145 bluerocks, while his Billiard Title. year. given only 114; 118. MUTT and boys of pugilism, the wee toys the The affair that is Wenatchie. Kellogg. JEFF'S Hartc. teamwate, Frank M. Templeton. winner The first block of 200 points in the once a year for the benefit of the Lewiston. 118; Pomeroy, 104. blgr The wee boys year, 1000-pol- at- re making: a noise. AGGIE NINE IS WORKING of the Pacific Coast handicap last nt championship contest for the French Red Cross, is attracting the WEDDING In this Instance mean the bantam- was next in line with 143 out of the of ultra-fashionab- le of 150. tention the SEAL SECONDS WIN, 6 TO 2 Tonight, 2Sc. 85c, 75c Tomorrow weight scrappers. No since the days Portland. Mat.. 25c. 50,belluig Chicago, was Mark SiddalL of Salem, finished third One of the most noteworthy features Tickets t Theater. vhen Harry Forbes, of with 141, one point behind him Roy bantamweights there REGULARS SHUT ' TN while of the dual social and charitable event Corhan Scintillates and Mac-- ruler of the has OUT SCRUBS was Frank M. Troeh, of Vancouver, is the promise that in case the United been as much Interest in this class and FIRST GAME OF SEASON. Wash., holder of the National amateur States should bo involved lm the war. hold Shows Power. L'" It can truthfully be said, too, that there championship. Charles Lelth, of the the funds are being gathered for Broadway of that SACRAMENTO, CaL. March 18. and hasn't been a more classy band Woodburn Gun Club, rested in fifth the French Red Cross will be diverted (Special.) Ad Machold. Sacramento's Morrison glove-wielder- s. Inland Empire Trip Revised and K position, while sixth honors were won to the use of the American society. BAKER ago, by profes- representative' with the Seals, had too There was a time, and not long gotlattona Are Under Way for Carl J. Schilling, a Portland "Portland at this time is aeked to do much foa the Marysvllle Giants, play- "Always a Show of Quality." when there weren't enough good boys sional, with 138. its little share to help care for the ing their first game of the season here Tonight All Week Mats. Wed, Sat. t to competition even inter- Games With Spokane Indiana. Peter Whitney, of Hubbard, won the wounded In France," said J. Andre today. Machold only THE ALCAZAR PLAYERS IN make the 80-3- allowed five bits esting, but that isn't the case now, handicap event and with it the 0 Fouilhoux. one of the chief sponsors and fanned eight batters. for there are more than enough classy Remington rifle. He was standing at and patrons for the event. Playing for the first time since Join wallopers to make it exciting. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, the rd line and broke 24 out of "Other cities throughout the United ing the Seals in Spring training:. Rov Corvallis. March 18. (Special.) Coach 25. Carl J. Schilling, a Portland pro- States have worked all the year for the charge of club, Bantams Formidable. candi- C. Corhan. in the scintil ARIZONA - List of may Flack has started his baseball fessional, tied Whitney, while H. benefit of the Red Cross, while this city lated in brilliant fashion. Score: Anyone who doesn't believe this dates at regular work on the outdoor Knight, a professional, and E. H. Kel- is asked to contribute only once, and R-- H. E.l . following diamond. R. H. E. By Augustus take a slant r.t the list: ler, Portland Gun Club amateur, were that in the shape of a social event of Seals 6 10 0 Marysvllle.. 2 5 8 Thomas i - Ertle, St. Paul. The try-o- ut of season came next 23. Twenty-thre-e nimrods to America's Greatest Drama Johnny first the with Interest themselves. Batteries Machold and Sepulveda: . Pete (Kid) Herman. New Orleans. Thursday, wnen 150-bl- rd many persons First time In years. Remarkable produc- - the regulars took the shot In the race. 'There are probably in Meikle, Anderson and tion-Evenings: Kid Williams, Baltimore. 150-bl- rd Lassltoi. Chicago. scrubs Into camp, 6 to 0. Following are the scores in the Portland who will desire to contribute Johnny Coulon, de- 145; will 6c. Sue, 75c Mats .. 25c. 60c Pal Moore, Memphis.
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