-1-OL Last updated: July 9, 2021 Department of Sociology, UCLA olizardo.bol.ucla.edu 264 Haines Hall, Los Angeles, CA, 90095 0000-0002-5405-3007 310-267-5438 Google Scholar [email protected] Semantic Scholar @omar lizardo Publons Omar Lizardo University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) Education PhD, Sociology, 2006. MA, Sociology, 2002. Brooklyn College, City University of New York (Brooklyn, NY) BS, Psychology, 1997. University of California, Los Angeles Academic 2018–present. LeRoy Neiman Term Chair Professor, Department of Positions Sociology. University of Notre Dame 2016–2018. Professor, Department of Sociology. 2012–2016. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology. 2006–2012. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology. 2008–2018. Member, Interdisciplinary Center for Network Science and Applications (ICenSA). 2008–2018. Faculty Fellow, Kroc Institute for Peace Studies. 2008–2010. Faculty Fellow, Nanovic Center for European Studies. Wroc law University of Technology (Politechnika Wroc lawska) 2015–2016. Visiting Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Man- agement. University of Trent 2007–present. External Member, Centre for the Critical Study of Global Power and Politics. University of Arizona 2000–2006. Graduate Assistant, Department of Sociology. American Sociological Association Professional Section on Consumers and Consumption Section on the Sociology of Emotions Section on Mathematical Sociology Section on Theory Memberships Section on the Sociology of Culture International Network for Social Network Analysis Social Science History Association Cognitive Science Society 1 -2-OL Last updated: July 9, 2021 Distinctions, – Elected member, Sociological Research Association, 2019. – (with Michael Strand), American Sociological Association Section on Honors, Theory Theory Prize for Outstanding Article for “Beyond world im- and Awards ages: Belief as embodied action in the world” (Honorable Mention), 2017. – (with Jessica Collett), American Sociological Association Section on Emotions Recent Contribution Award for “Embarrassment and so- cial organization: A multiple identities model” (Honorable Mention), 2015. – (with Robert Fishman), American Sociological Association Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology Charles Tilly Best Arti- cle Award for “‘How macro-historical change shapes cultural taste: Legacies of democratization in Spain and Portugal,” 2014. – (with Aaron Striegel, Shu Liu, Lei meng, Christian Poelleabauer, and David Hachen) Best Paper Award at The Fifth ACM Hotplanet Workshop, Hong Kong 2013. – American Sociological Association Section on Theory Lewis Coser Award for Theoretical Agenda Setting, 2013. – American Sociological Association Section on Culture Clifford Geertz Prize for Best Article for “How cultural tastes shape personal net- works,” 2008. – (with Jessica Collett), American Sociological Association Section on Religion Best Graduate Student Paper Award for “Why biology is not (religious) destiny: a second look at gender differences in religiosity,” 2005. – (with Jessica Collett), American Sociological Association Section on Emotions Best Graduate Student Paper Award for “Socioeconomic status and the experience of anger,” 2005. – University of Arizona Department of Sociology’s Raymond V. Bow- ers Graduate Student Paper Competition for “Why biology is not (religious) destiny: a second look at gender differences in religiosity,” 2005. – University of Arizona Department of Sociology’s Raymond V. Bowers Graduate Student Paper Competition for “The effect of employment status on gender differences in culture consumption,” 2003. – Student Paper Competition, Graduate Division General Social Survey for “The effect of employment status on gender differences in culture consumption” (Honorable Mention), 2003. 2 -3-OL Last updated: July 9, 2021 Seth Abrutyn and Omar Lizardo (Eds.). Handbook of Classical Socio- Books logical Theory. New York: Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/ book/9783030782047 John Mohr, Christopher A. Bail, Margaret Frye, Jennifer C. Lena, Omar Lizardo, Terence E. McDonnell, Ann Mische, Iddo Tavory and Fred- erick Wherry. 2020. Measuring Culture. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press. cup.columbia.edu/book/measuring-culture Elliot Weininger, Annette Lareau and Omar Lizardo (Eds). 2019. Rit- ual, Emotion, Violence: Studies on the Micro-Sociology of Randall Collins. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429464157 Omar Lizardo. 2021. “Habit and the explanation of action.” Journal Peer-Reviewed for the Theory of Social Behaviour. doi:10.1111/jtsb.12273 Articles Shikang Liu, Fatemeh Vahedian, David Hachen, Omar Lizardo, Chris- tian Poellabauer, Aaron Striegel and Tijana Milenkovic.´ “Heteroge- neous network approach to predict individuals’ mental health.” ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 15: 1-26. doi:10.1145/3429446 Cheng Wang, Omar Lizardo and David Hachen. 2021. “Using big data to examine the effect of urbanism on social networks.” Journal of Urban Affairs 43:40-56. doi:10.1080/07352166.2018.1550350 Cheng Wang, Omar Lizardo and David Hachen. 2021. “Using Fitbit data to examine factors that affect daily activity levels of college stu- dents.” PloS One 16: e0244747. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244747 Rados law Michalski, Boles law K. Szymanski,´ Przemys law Kazienko, Chris- tian Lebiere, Omar Lizardo and Marcin Kulisiewicz. 2021. “So- cial networks through the prism of cognition.” Complexity. doi: 10.1155/2021/4963903 Seth Abrutyn and Omar Lizardo. 2020. “Grief, Care, and Play: Theoriz- 2020 ing the affective roots of the social self.” Advances in Group Processes 37: 79-108. doi:10.1108/S0882-614520200000037004 Brandon Sepulvado, Michael Lee Wood, Ethan Fridmanski, Cheng Wang, Matthew J. Chandler, Omar Lizardo, David Hachen 2020. “Pre- dicting homophily and social network connectivity from dyadic behav- ioral similarity trajectory clusters.” Social Science Computer Review. doi:10.1177/0894439320923123 Ethan Fridmanski, Michael Lee Wood, Omar Lizardo and David Hachen. 2020. “Clustering in a newly Forming social network by subjective perceptions of loneliness.” Journal of American College Health. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1806852 Cheng Wang, Omar Lizardo and David Hachen. 2020. “Using Fit- bit data to monitor the heart rate evolution patterns of college stu- dents.” Journal of American College Health doi:10.1080/07448481. 2020.1775610 Cheng Wang, Omar Lizardo and David S. Hachen. 2020. “Neither influ- ence nor selection: Examining the co-evolution of political orientation and social networks in the NetSense and NetHealth studies.” PloS one 15: e0233458. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0233458 3 -4-OL Last updated: July 9, 2021 Omar Lizardo, Brandon Sepulvado, Dustin S. Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor. 2020. “What can cognitive neuroscience do for cultural sociology?” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 8: 3-28.* doi:10.1057/s41290-019-00077-8 Shikang Liu, David Hachen, Omar Lizardo, Christian Poellabauer, Aaron Striegel and Tijana Milenkovic.´ 2020. “The power of dynamic social networks to predict individuals’ mental health.” Biocomputing 25: 635-646. doi:10.1142/9789811215636_0056 Jeff Larson and Omar Lizardo. 2019. “Institutional movement logics 2019 and the changing shape of the U.S. social movement field, 1960–1995.” Social Forces. 97: 1389–1422.* doi:10.1093/sf/soy122 Omar Lizardo. 2019. “Simmel’s dialectic of form and content in re- cent work in cultural sociology.” The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 94:93-100. doi:10.1080/00168890.2019.1585664 Louis Faust, Cheng Wang, David Hachen, Omar Lizardo, Nitesh V. Chawla. 2019. “Physical Activity Trend eXtraction: A framework for extracting moderate-vigorous physical activity trends From wearable fitness tracker data.” JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 7:e11075. doi:10.2196/ 11075 Omar Lizardo. 2019. “Specifying the ‘what’ and separating the ‘how’: Doings, sayings, codes, and artifacts as the building blocks of institu- tions.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations 65(A): 217-234. doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X2019000065A021 Louis Faust, Priscilla Jimenez-Pazmino,´ James K. Holland, Omar Lizardo, David Hachen and Nitesh V. Chawla. 2019. “What 30 Days tells us about 3 Years: Identifying early signs of user abandonment and non- adherence.” Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth): 216-224. doi:10.1145/3329189.3329196 Shikang Liu, David Hachen; Omar Lizardo, Christian Poellabauer, Aaron 2018 Striegel and Tijana Milenkovic.´ 2018. “Network analysis of the NetHealth data: Exploring the co-evolution of individuals’ social net- works and physical activities.” Applied Network Science 3:45. doi:10.1007/s41109-018-0103-2 Omar Lizardo, Dustin S. Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor and Michael Lee Wood. 2018. “Visualizing bring-backs.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 4. doi:10.1177/2378023118805362 Ashwin Bahulkar, Boles law K. Szymanski,´ Kevin Chan and Omar Lizardo. 2018. “Impact of attributes on group formation.” Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM): 1250-1257. doi:10.1109/asonam. 2018.8508658 Louis Faust, David Hachen, Omar Lizardo and Nitesh Chawla. 2018. “Quantifying subjective well-being using trends in weekend activity.” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare In- formatics (ICHI): 123-129. doi:10.1109/ichi.2018.00021 *Lead article. *Lead article. 4 -5-OL Last updated: July 9, 2021 Omar Lizardo. 2018. “The mutual specification
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