Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings Q1: While talking to people about the recent assembly elections, it was found that some people were not able to cast their vote, did you cast your vote or not? N (%) 1: Did not vote 258 5.0 2: Voted 4864 94.9 8: No response 6 .1 Total 5128 100.0 a: (If voted in Q1 ) who did you vote for? N (%) Valid (%) Valid 01: Congress 2005 39.1 41.2 02: BJP 2386 46.5 49.1 03: BSP 69 1.3 1.4 04: NCP 39 .8 .8 05: CPI 6 .1 .1 06: CPI-M 12 .2 .3 07: AAP 22 .4 .5 08: BTP (Chhotu Vasava) 61 1.2 1.3 09: Shiv Sena (SS) 12 .2 .2 10: PAAS 2 .0 .0 11: JD-U 11 .2 .2 12: JVP/AIHCP 10 .2 .2 92: NOTA 13 .3 .3 95: Independent 194 3.8 4.0 98: Don’t know/Can’t say/No response 23 .4 .5 Total 4864 94.9 100.0 Missing 99: N.A. 264 5.1 Total 5128 100.0 b: (If voted in Q1 ) Thinking about whom to vote for, when did you finally make up your mind? N (%) Valid (%) Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 1 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) Valid (%) Valid 1: On the day of polling 1330 25.9 27.4 2: A day or two before the polling 529 10.3 10.9 3: During the campaign 337 6.6 6.9 4: Before the campaign started 1227 23.9 25.3 5: After the announcement of candidate 762 14.9 15.7 6: After Modi started campaigning 248 4.8 5.1 7: Others 69 1.3 1.4 8: No opinion 348 6.8 7.2 Total 4850 94.6 100.0 Missing 9: N.A. 278 5.4 Total 5128 100.0 c: (If voted in Q1 ) Did election officer correctly put mark on your finger? N (%) Valid (%) Valid 1: Checked but mark not found 127 2.5 2.6 2: Checked and mark found 4470 87.2 92.3 8: Could not check the mark see 246 4.8 5.1 Total 4842 94.4 100.0 Missing 9: N.A. 286 5.6 Total 5128 100.0 d: (If voted ) While making up your mind whom to vote for, did you consult anybody? N (%) Valid (%) Valid 1: No 2901 56.6 59.6 2: Yes 1765 34.4 36.3 8: Can't say 198 3.9 4.1 Total 4864 94.9 100.0 Missing 9: N.A. 264 5.1 Total 5128 100.0 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 2 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings e: (If yes in Q1d ) Whose advice did you consider the most? N (%) Valid (%) Valid 01: Local political leader 111 2.2 6.3 02: Husband/wife 499 9.7 28.3 03: Other family members 483 9.4 27.4 04: Leaders of your caste/community 45 .9 2.6 05: Friends/Neighbore 289 5.6 16.4 06: Colleagues 59 1.1 3.3 07: Head/Sarpanch of village 31 .6 1.7 08: I decided my own 147 2.9 8.3 97: Others 6 .1 .4 98: Can’t say 96 1.9 5.4 Total 1765 34.4 100.0 Missing 99: N.A. 3363 65.6 Total 5128 100.0 f: (If not voted in Q1 ) what was the main reason behind you not casting your vote in this election? N (%) Valid (%) Valid 01: Out of station 84 1.6 32.5 02: Sick 69 1.4 27.0 03: Not interested in voting 19 .4 7.2 04: Somebody prevented/ fear of violence 1 .0 .3 05: Did not have voter I-card 12 .2 4.7 06: No good choice 3 .1 1.2 07: Someone else had voted in my place before I went to voting 1 .0 .5 08: Me/ whole village boycotted elections 1 .0 .4 09: Name was missing in electoral roll 10 .2 3.9 10: Others 4 .1 1.7 98: Can’t say 53 1.0 20.6 Total 258 5.0 100.0 Missing 99: N.A. 4870 95.0 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 3 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) Valid (%) Total 5128 100.0 Q2: After the election, who would you like to see as the Chief Minister of Gujarat? N (%) 01: Vijay Rupani 1154 22.5 02: Anandiben Patel 455 8.9 03: Nitin Patel 96 1.9 04: Amit Shah 143 2.8 05: Jitu Vaghani 52 1.0 06: Ganpat Vasava 3 .1 07: Bhupendrasinh Chudasama 4 .1 08: Chiman Separaiya 4 .1 09: Atmaram Parmar 6 .1 10: Babubhai Bokhiria 3 .1 11: Dilip Thakor 6 .1 12: Jayesh Radadiya 2 .0 13: Keshubhai Patel 2 .0 14: Jai Narayan Vyas 3 .1 15: Narendra Modi 427 8.3 16: Any other leader from BJP 39 .8 17: Bharatsinh Solanki 548 10.7 18: Arjun Modhwadia 106 2.1 19: Shaktisinh Gohil 205 4.0 20: Tushar Chaudhary 21 .4 21: Siddharth Patel 57 1.1 22: Sonal Patel 41 .8 24: Naran Rathwa 9 .2 25: Any other leader from Congress 274 5.3 26: Shankersinh Vaghela 14 .3 27: Praful Patel 9 .2 28: Hardik Patel 80 1.6 29: Chirag Patel 30 .6 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 4 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) 30: Ketan Patel 9 .2 31: Alpesh Thakore 137 2.7 32: Jignesh Mewani 4 .1 33: Yatin Oza 6 .1 45: Ahmed Patel 88 1.7 85: Any other leader not mentioned above 39 .8 90: Anyone can be chief minister 37 .7 98: Can’t say/No response 1016 19.8 Total 5128 100.0 Q3: Which party did you vote for in the 2014 Lok Sabha election? N (%) 01: Congress 1409 27.5 02: BJP 2744 53.5 03: BSP 40 .8 04: NCP 10 .2 05: CPI 3 .1 06: CPI-M 10 .2 07: AAP 10 .2 08: BTP (Chhotu Vasava) 9 .2 09: Shiv Sena (SS) 14 .3 10: PAAS 1 .0 11: JD-U 8 .1 12: JVP/AIHCP 4 .1 90: No party 2 .0 92: NOTA 4 .1 95: Independent 312 6.1 98: Don’t know/Can’t say/No response 547 10.7 99: Not voted 1 .0 Total 5128 100.0 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 5 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings Q4: People participate in several activities during the election campaign. Did you participate in the following activities? a: Attended election meetings N (%) 1: No 2809 54.8 2: Yes 2214 43.2 8: No answer 106 2.1 Total 5128 100.0 b: Participated in election rallies N (%) 1: No 3692 72.0 2: Yes 1341 26.1 8: No answer 95 1.9 Total 5128 100.0 c: Canvassed door to door N (%) 1: No 4206 82.0 2: Yes 778 15.2 8: No answer 144 2.8 Total 5128 100.0 d: Collected or contributed funds N (%) 1: No 4420 86.2 2: Yes 478 9.3 8: No answer 230 4.5 Total 5128 100.0 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 6 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings e: Distributed leaflets or put up posters N (%) 1: No 4201 81.9 2: Yes 727 14.2 8: No answer 200 3.9 Total 5128 100.0 Q5: During election campaign, did any candidate, worker from the following parties come to your house asking for vote? a: Congress N (%) 1: No 1467 28.6 2: Yes 3526 68.8 8: No answer 135 2.6 Total 5128 100.0 b: BJP N (%) 1: No 1402 27.3 2: Yes 3595 70.1 8: No answer 131 2.5 Total 5128 100.0 c: Other parties/independent N (%) 1: No 2939 57.3 2: Yes 1982 38.6 8: No answer 207 4.0 Total 5128 100.0 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 7 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings Q6: And during election campaign, did the following parties contact you through phone call, SMS or recorded voice? a: Congress N (%) 1: No 3053 59.5 2: Yes 1925 37.5 8: No answer 151 2.9 Total 5128 100.0 b: BJP N (%) 1: No 2909 56.7 2: Yes 2051 40.0 8: No answer 168 3.3 Total 5128 100.0 c: Other parties/independent N (%) 1: No 4106 80.1 2: Yes 782 15.2 8: No answer 241 4.7 Total 5128 100.0 Q7: Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the performance of the following government? a: Narendra Modi-led BJP/NDA Government at the Centre during the last three and half years N (%) 1: Fully satisfied 1855 36.2 2: Somewhat satisfied 1941 37.9 3: Somewhat dissatisfied 725 14.1 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 8 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) 4: Fully dissatisfied 475 9.3 8: No opinion 132 2.6 Total 5128 100.0 b: The work done by your incumbent local M.L.A. N (%) 1: Fully satisfied 1185 23.1 2: Somewhat satisfied 2321 45.3 3: Somewhat dissatisfied 975 19.0 4: Fully dissatisfied 490 9.6 8: No opinion 156 3.0 Total 5128 100.0 c: BJP government of Gujarat in last five years N (%) 1: Fully satisfied 1689 32.9 2: Somewhat satisfied 1791 34.9 3: Somewhat dissatisfied 900 17.6 4: Fully dissatisfied 549 10.7 8: No opinion 198 3.9 Total 5128 100.0 Q8: Thinking of how you (or your family in the case of first time voter) have voted in the assembly elections in Gujarat in the last many years, how would you describe yourself – are you traditionally a Congress supporter or a BJP supporter? N (%) 1: Congress 1572 30.6 2: BJP 2238 43.6 3: Other parties 164 3.2 7: Not a supporter of any one party 631 12.3 8: No response 524 10.2 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 9 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) Total 5128 100.0 Q9: While voting in this assembly election, what was the most important issue for you? N (%) 01: Electricity supply 45 .9 02: Drinking water supply 191 3.7 03: Educational facilities/school/college/education/ teachers 96 1.9 04: Health facilities/hospital/doctors/treatment 26 .5 05: Good condition of roads 59 1.2 06: Poor condition of roads 152 3.0 07: Infrastructure in cities/facilities in cities/poor condition of cities 21 .4 08: Public transport facilities/buses 31 .6 09: Railway connectivity 4 .1 10: Neglect of my area 22 .4 11: Cleanliness/sanitation 55 1.1 12: Unemployment/lack of jobs 650 12.7 13: No companies/factories 12 .2 14: Gap between rich and poor/exploitation of poor 22 .4 15: Poverty 338 6.6 16: Food and Clothes 5 .1 17: Housing 67 1.3 18: Inflation/price rise 553 10.8 19: Prices have come down 29 .6 20: Corruption (generally) 240 4.7 21: Corruption of BJP government 60 1.2 22: Drought/low rainfall 7 .1 23: Floods 5 .1 24: Irrigation issues 11 .2 25: MSP of crops 57 1.1 26: Farmer problems/agricultural problems 56 1.1 27: Development (generally)/vikaas 689 13.4 28: Development under BJP rule 228 4.4 Lokniti-Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, CSDS Page 10 Gujarat Post-poll 2017-Findings N (%) 29: Lack of development under BJP rule/development did not take place 37 .7 30: Economic growth 55 1.1 31: Increasing crime/deteriorating law and order 15 .3 32: Crimes against women/rape/Women’s safety 26 .5 33: Issue of terrorism 5 .1 34: Una flogging incident 1 .0 35: Atrocities against Dalits 5 .1 36: GST (generally) 115 2.2 37: Happy with GST/good move 29 .6 38: Unhappy with GST/poorly implemented/unnecessary 29 .6 39: Demonetisation/notebandi (Generally) 10 .2 40: Happy with demonetisation/good move 8 .2 41: Unhappy with demonetisation/poorly implemented/unnecessary 37 .7 42: Caste/protection of one’s caste 4 .1 43: Religion/protection of one’s religion 6 .1 44: Gujarati pride/asmita 2 .0 45: Communalism/secularism/Hindu-Muslim brotherhood 14 .3 47: Neglect of Muslims 4 .1 48: Hindutva/Hindu pride 6 .1 49: Ram Mandir/Babri Masjid issue 5 .1 50: Cow protection 6 .1 51: Harassment in the name of cow protection 5 .1 52: Issue of nationalism 3 .1 53: Change/Change of government/Parivartan/removing BJP from power Stability/No 57 1.1 change/another chance to BJP govt.
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