P-Rf'-er- TRDttSDAT, HAItCR g, tgw mattrl|r0t?r- Snifnins li^rald Become a Partner, in a Great Humanitarian Work—Join the Red Cross Una Brown, Mias gUhsl Robb, Mias Robb, Mra. John Burks, and Mra. The Odd fallows win exemplify Ii^ n g R. such of 87 Arvine Catherine McGulrs, MIsa Helena Ann McCann. Place, regional vice president of Covenant Women the Brat degree In Bast Hartford, Auction Offers Booth, Miaa Mary Taylor,' Misa Milk Fed Broilersy About Town the NaUonal Home Building Aeao- Betty Willard, Mlea laabelle Ra­ Average Dally Net Preae Run The Weather tonight. AU membera are re- daUon; and Mrs. John Radell vice Plan Smorgasbord iliiuuMl el P. a Weathe gan, Mies Bhnily Gove, Miss Helen Fryers, Roasters FM the Month et February. 1950 M M T IfariBMU OMMir A ^ - quasted to be at Odd Fellows hall chairman of the Republican Town Fine Selection Ikites, A. Hyatt Sutllffe, Mrs. An­ luy. if®. M. Bp®iiji*_^war not later than 7:30. ,'^.*"***^S committee of Marlborough, will be Mrs. Robert WIdham o f Benton na McCann, Mrs. Frances Miller, and Capons PWr, windy aad €»f the Past Grand Masters will guest speakers at the Joint meet­ street, president o f the 0>venant Mrs. Laurie Carlton, and Mra. Ma­ v £ n x m , win iMkl it* bualnaM Dressed, elsaned naS wbMn S. thla aftemoaat < follow the reguUr meeting of the ing of the Manchester Women’s Congregational Ladles Aid Socie­ rion Lynch. HALE'S 9,877 iimUnf tomorrow «T*nln* ®t Odd Fellows tomorrow evening at Unusual Items to Be Wrapped la eeUopkaas aad bsM oeM*r tealghtt Saturday fair ' Republican Club and the Republi­ ty, and MISS Ellen Johnsoh o f The articles will be classified and Memher of the AndH JiatirhpHtpr lEuptiittg Upralb »l(h t o'clock In tho State Armory. la deep freeM fer year eea- ■lowly rklag temperature. 7:80. can Activities Committee. Wed­ Maple atreet, have been appointed Presented at Educa* placed on display by the sorting Bureau of Ofcnlatlous oo-chairmen of a large committee Headquarters vealeaee. Ne waHlag. I M . Harty Sweet and Mre. EI- nesday evening of next week at tional Group^s Fair committee: Miss HUvie Johnson, Manchester— A City o f ViUase Charm OMr Weden, repreaentin* the locm In the second of the aeries of the American Legion hall, which of women o f tne society and Miss Esther Grsnatrom, Biss Es­ church, who have algnlfled their FOR Amarloan lagton unit, made their I>nten classes being held at cen­ Is open to all. Mrs. Radell who ther Anderson, Mtia Catherine Prices Are L&wer church, at 8 o'clock on Tluirs- wlllingneas to put on a real Swed­ annual elalt today to the Newing­ ter Is Instructor for the Hartford A special feature of the rum­ Shea, Miss Mary Burks, Miss Ma­ (ClaMtScd AdvertWug ou Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MARCH 10. 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS day evenings, Rev. Dudley ish Smorgasbord. It is several DeUvety la MaaekesMr VOL. LXIX, NO. 135 ton RoapltaL In conjunc^n eith County Republican Women’s As­ mage sale and food fair of the rion Casey, Mrs. Laura Velte, Mrs. will speak on “Strength ’^roiigh sociation conducted a school of years since the women of this Gertrude Quish, Mrs. Nora Mc­ Friday Bveolags other auxiliary members from dif­ Manchester Education Aasoclatlon, Christian Discipline” ; and Rev. Instruction yestei-day at the Ho­ church have undertaken a similar Cann, Mrs. Evelyn Gerard, Mrs. ferent towna. They d l'trijm t^ Clifford O. Simpson on Justifica­ task, and they solicit the interest Saturday, March 18, in the .Hol­ Helen Bobyk, Mra. EMna Samuel- dgarettea, atampa and other Items tel Bond. H. A. FRINK tion By Faith." Anyone Interest­ and patronage of the parishioners lister school, wll Ibe an auction of son. Million Dollar Blaze Senate Group to the paUenta, purchased from Solllvaa Ave. Wapplag ed Is welcome to attend the meet­ and townspeople. Cashiers for the sale will be: A. funds contributed by each of the James B Wilson, secretary of several line pieces of furniture, TeL Blaa. 715S After 4 P. M. ing tonight.' The date set is Saturday, Hyatt SuUlffe, Misa Doris Klbbe Freed Doctor Still Wherry Hits Urging uniU during the year. the local Civil Service Board, In­ electrical appliances and choice March 25, and ticketa were dis­ and Lawrence Leonard. Misa Jean W ill Get Data vites attention to the fact that tributed today for two sittings, foods, with Prineipal Edson M. Lowe and Miss Catherine Putnam New Thoroughly the closing date for receipt of ap­ one at 5:30 and a second_for 6:45 Bailey acting as auctioneer. will be In charge of wrapping arti­ G iv e ! plications In the examination for p. m. Membera of the Aid Society The project is for the benefit of cles for purchasers. Chester Rob­ Is Facing Hearing On Red Cases Proper home nursing can Zone Deputy Collector has been and the Covenant League wll Manchester Memorial Hospital, inson, George Potterton, and Fred MATTRESSES Modem Home extended until March 21. Posi­ Suspended Sentence often mean the difference be- Join forces In disposing of the tic­ and to secure variety and value Ware will act aa floorwalkera. tions to be tilled are In various The food sale will be conducted It is better to have a good tfreen long Illness and quick re­ For Sale kets, making plana for the feast for the sale, members of the col­ offices of the Treasury Depart­ and preparing the doiens of dishes lection committee, with a repre­ in the lobby of Hollster school and rebuilt mattresS' than a McCarihy Contends He covery besides contributing to By Medical Board 4 Rooms completed and ment, Bureau of Internal Revenue, that go to make up a regulation sentative In each school, have gath­ will include the following home­ Ranges, Refrigerators cheap new one. We re­ Will Back Up ChBrges the comfort of patients. I..ast located In Connecticut and pay smorgasbord. They will be able to ered the following types of mer­ made foods: large 2nd floor ready for make and sterilize all types year the Red Cross awarded 14 $3,100 per annum. The necessary serve about 60 at a table, or 125 chandise: Baked beans, bread,-pies, cakes, Washers and All Communist^Spy Ring Be Given Soviet Spy finishing. Lot 60 17!>. application blanks can be obtained of mattresses. certificates to Manchester wom­ \ altogether. Reservations may be Clothing, furniture, linens, books, and cookies, "nie food sale la be­ Sander Acquitted of Hotel Burns; at the local post office. made by telephoning Mrs. Carl ing arranged by the following: In State Department en for completion of home comics, stationery, vlctrola rec­ Other Appliances 93 Hemlock Street Helgerson wife of the pastor, ords, dishes, cooking utensils, and Miss Hazel Hooey, Mies Made­ Murder in Death o f wa • i nursing courses. Help keep Jones Furniture and Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98. 2-1.544 or Mrs. WIdham,,7430. jewelry. line Brown, Miss Elisabeth Ben- Cancer • Riddled Pa­ Washington, March 10— ($5 — Senator Criticizes Ache* American health standards high O^en for Inspection Sunday Paul Paige, boy organist of the The following teachers are serv­ net, Miss Helen Smith, Miss Han­ Floor Covering 1 WO r erish Heroine o f Icy Rescue Daughters of Scotia, will hold a Senator McCarthy (R-Wla) work­ Aclieson Hurls son for Recommenda* by supporting the 1950 Red meeting at 7:45 tomorrow evening church, will play a number of se­ ing on the collection committee: nah Jensen, Miss Virginia Bradley, 36 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 tient; Society House Call T, Shannon, 7469 Mrs. Daisy Bill, Mrs. Herbert ed today on “ a number of import­ Cross fund campaign! at the Masonic Temple. lections between 6:15 and 6:45. Miss Carrie Seymour, Miss Made- lion; Says Secretary O f Delegates Planning Former Coal Miners ant rases" which he contended will New Batllecry back up his chaiges that a Com­ Should Have I.iel I.4IW Meeting for Sunday Victims When 72- munist spy ring U operating In the Room Hostelry Blazes State department. ‘Total Diploiniiry' Now Take Its Course as Candia, N. H., March 10.— The Senate Foreign Relations lA>ng as Derision Made A VISIT TO PINEHURST WILL SUGGEST MANY DELICIOUS FOODS (JP)— Dr. Hermann N. Sander, subcommittee which Is Investigat­ Urgpfl to Beat Rus­ Consistent Shopping At Benton, 111., March 10.—(P)— ing his accusations, amid much Gubitchev Subject to acquitted of murder in the Fire destroyed the 72-room Hud- arguing, la in recess until Monday. sians in Cold War ITS CONVENIENT! death of a cancer-riddled pa­ hotel on Benton’s public McCarthy said he believes he can American Prosecution SOFT-WEVE tient, atiil faces a hearing be­ square early today, taking a re­ finish outlining his cases In about Washington, March 10—(S’)- A SHOP fore the State Board of Reg­ ported toll of two lives. five hours then "If I am not Inter­ new cold war bait leery — "total TOILET TlSSn Washington, March 10.— FRIDAY MORNING istration in medicine. Dr. Fire Chief Marvin Hobbs of rupted." diplomacy" — waa raised f«'r (/P)—Senator Wherry (R., Benton Identified the victims The committee voted late yester­ HALE'S Self Serve John S. Wheeler, state health Americana today by Secretary of Neh.), criticizoct Secretary of There’s extra parking space! Mike Ellff, 67. nearly blind, and day to refrain from further Inter­ officer and secretary of the George Summers. 71. both former ruption In the hope McCarthy will State Achesnn.
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