Drafted TMT 06/12/07 Page 1 of 4 Skinny Wartime Treatment Study Act Section 1. Short Title The Wartime Treatment Study Act Section 2. Findings and Purpose Findings Congress finds that: • During WWII, 600,000 Italian-born and 300,000 German-born U.S. resident aliens and their families were deemed as “enemy aliens” and limited by the U.S. Government in travel and personal property rights. • The U.S. arrested, interned, or otherwise detained thousands of European Americans, including American-born children, and in some cases deported them to European Axis nations. • Millions of European Americans served in the armed forces and thousands sacrificed their lives in defense of the United States. • Due to the quota system, immigration regulations, and visa requirements in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the U.S. restricted entry of Jewish refugees who were fleeing persecution or genocide and sought safety in the U.S. Purpose To establish two independent, fact-finding commissions to review the facts and circumstances surrounding injustices suffered by Europeans Americans, European Latin Americans, and Jewish refugees during World War II. This supplements a preliminary study published in December 1982 by the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, which studied the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Section 3. Definitions • The term “during World War II” refers to the period between September 1, 1939, through December 31,1948. • “European Americans,” “Latin Americans,” and “German Americans” refers to U.S. citizens and resident aliens of said ancestry. • “European Latin Americans” refers to persons of European ancestry residing in a Latin American nation during WWII. Subtitle A. Commission on Wartime Treatment of European Americans Section 101. Establishment of the European American Commission Establish a commission composed of 7 members, in which the • President shall appoint 3 members; • the Speaker of the House of Representatives • Majority leader of the Senate shall each appoint 2 members within 90 days of enactment. In both the House and Senate leaders shall work in consultation with the majority and minority leaders. The commission shall include 2 members representing the interests of Italian Americans and 2 members representing German Americans. Drafted TMT 06/12/07 Page 2 of 4 Skinny Quorum shall consist of 4 members, but a lesser number may hold hearings. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among its members. Commissioners shall be appointed for the life of the Commission. Members of the Commission shall serve without pay. All members shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel and other expenses incurred by them in their duties. Section 102. Duties of the European American Commission The Act proposes to establish the following duties of the Commission: • A comprehensive review of the United States’ actions during WW II regarding arrest, exclusion, internment, exchange, or deportation with respect to European Americans and European Latin Americans. • An assessment of the underlying rationale of the U.S. Government’s decision to develop related programs and policies, and the perceived benefits and impact of such programs and policies. • Compilation of a list of the detention and internment facilities where they were held, and those who died and were bom in those facilities • Recommendation of appropriate remedies, including how civil liberties can be protected during war or invasion The commission shall • Hold public hearings • Submit a written report of its findings to Congress no later than 18 months after the date of the first meeting. Section 103. Powers of the European American Commission The Commission may require, by subpoena or otherwise, • Attendance and testimony of witnesses • Production of physical evidence or materials Section 104. Administrative Provisions The European Commission is authorized to • Appoint and fix compensation of personnel • Obtain services of experts • Obtain detail of any Federal Government employee • Enter into agreements with Administrator of General Services for procurement of necessary services • Procure supplies, services, and property • Enter into contracts Section 105. Funding $600.000 shall be available to carry out this subtitle. Section 106. Sunset The Commission shall be terminated 60 days after it submits its report to Congress. Drafted TMT 06/12/07 Page 3 of 4 Skinny Subtitle B. Commission of Wartime Treatment of Jewish Refugees Section 201. Establishment of the Jewish Refugee Commission Establish a commission composed of 7 members, in which the • President shall appoint 3 members; • the Speaker of the House of Representatives • Majority leader of the Senate shall each appoint 2 members within 90 days of enactment. In both the House and Senate leaders shall work in consultation with the majority and minority leaders. The commission shall include 2 members representing the interests of Jewish refugees. Quorum shall consist of 4 members, but a lesser number may hold hearings. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among its members. Commissioners shall be appointed for the life of the Commission. The President shall call the first meeting of the Jewish Refugee Commission not later than 120 days after enactment. Section 202. Duties of the Jewish Refugee Commission The Act proposes to establish the following duties of the Commission: • A review of the facts surrounding the U.S. Government’s refusal to allow Jewish and other refugees fleeing persecution entry into the U.S. during the period between January 1, 1933, through December 31, 1945, as well as the perceived impact and benefit of such refusal. • Review of Federal refugee law and policy relating to those fleeing persecution and genocide, including recommendations for making it easier in the future for victims to obtain refuge in the U.S. The commission shall • Hold public hearings • Submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to Congress no later than 18 months after the date of the first meeting Section 203. Powers of the Jewish Refugee Commission The Commission may require, by subpoena or otherwise, • Attendance and testimony of witnesses • Production of physical evidence or materials Section 204. Administrative Provisions The European Commission is authorized to • Appoint and fix compensation of personnel • Obtain services of experts • Obtain detail of any Federal Government employee • Enter into agreements with Administrator of General Services for procurement of necessary services • Procure supplies, services, and property • Enter into contracts Drafted TMT 06/12/07 Page 4 of 4 Skinny Section 205. Funding $600,000 shall be available to carry out this subtitle. Section 206. Sunset The Commission shall be terminated 60 days after it submits its report to Congress. S7062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 5, 2007 Smith Stevens Vitter another commission to review the U.S. [Rollcall Vote No. 185 Leg.] Specter Thune Warner Government’s treatment of Jewish ref­ YEAS—67 NAYS—! ugees fleeing Nazi persecution during Akaka Gregg Nelson (NE) Akaka Harkin Nelson (NE) World War II. Baucus Hagel Pryor Baucus Inouye Pryor Bayh Harkin Heed Bayh Kennedy Reed These commissions would complete Bingaman Hutchison Reid Bingaman Kerry Reid the work of the Commission on War­ Boxer Inouye Roberts Boxer Klobuchar Rockefeller Brown Isakson Rockefeller time Relocation and Internment of Ci­ Kennedy Brown Kohl Salazar Burr Salazar vilians created by Congress in 1980 to Byrd Kerry Byrd Landrieu Sanders Sanders Cantwell Lautenberg study the relocation and internment of Cantwell Klobuchar Schumer Schumer Cardin Kohl Cardin Leahy Snowe Japanese Americans during World War Shelby Carper Levin Carper Landrieu Stabenow II. Thanks to that commission, this un­ Smith Casey Lieberman Casey Lautenberg Sunnnn fortunate episode in our history finally Clinton Leahy Snowe Clinton Lincoln Specter Collins McCasklll Tester received the official acknowledgment Coburn Levin Conrad Menendez Voinovicli and condemnation it deserved. My Coleman Lieberman Stabenow Dorgan Miknlski Webb Collins Lincoln Sununu Durbin Murkowski Whitehouse amendment would simply allow that Conrad Lugar Tester Feingold Murray Wyden work to be completed. It is time to Dorgan McCaskill Thune Feinstein Nelson (FL) pass this legislation now before all of Durbin Menendez Voinovich Feingold Mikulski Webb NOT VOTIN the individuals affected by these poli­ Feinstein Murkowski Whitehouse Biden Dodd McCain cies are gone. I urge my colleagues to Graham Murray Wyden Brownback Johnson Obama support the amendment. Grassley Nelson (FL) The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who NAYS—26 vote, the yeas are 41, the nays are 52. yields time? Alexander Craig Kyi Under the previous order requiring 60 Allard Crapo Lott The Senator from Alabama is recog­ Bennett DeMint Martinez votes for the adoption of this amend­ nized. Bond Dole McConnell ment, the amendment is withdrawn. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, there Bunning Domenici Sessions Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I Chambliss Bnsign Stevens move to reconsider the vote. are two problems with the legislation, Cochran Enzi Vitter as detailed in a 5- or 6-page memo­ Corker Hatch Warner Mrs. CLINTON. I move to lay that randum from the Department of Jus- Cornyn Inhofe motion on the table. NOT VOTING—6 The motion to lay on the table was tice, Richard Hertling, the principal Deputy Assistant ~ Attorney* General Biden Dodd McCain agreed to. Who ojiphsei thisTegisiation. First,
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