The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine University of Maine Alumni Magazines University of Maine Publications 5-1941 Maine Alumnus, Volume 22, Number 8, May 1941 General Alumni Association, University of Maine Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 22, Number 8, May 1941" (1941). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 489. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines/489 This publication is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Maine Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAY, 1941 * e ji ~ji i Ab u> £ kb /P lb <T\ £ u/ kb /P T tb rr\ kb /P GENERAL CONTRACTORS <A7 <T\ kb /p BANGOR, MAINE kb <T\ kb /p rr\ /n tb rr\ kb /P COMPLETE tb rr\ kb /p BUILDING SERVICE <b kb /P % i tb rr\ /p <b <T\ BUILDERS OF u/ kb <T\ /P New Chemical Engineering Laboiatory ATA Fraternity House /p FOR UNIVERSITY OF MAINE /P Temporary Housing at Bangor Airport Corps of Engineers U. S. Aimy /P <------- ■>&- -3C 3C=--------=3t_. X— ->C— X ------------X--------------- X X- ip--------------------4CL Vol. 22, No. 8 MAY 1941 Published monthlv, from October to June inclusive bv the Lnive-sit> of Maine General Alumni Association Business ofhcc Room 414, 6 State ^a,ne» The Maine Alumnus, University ot Maine, Orono, Maine Subscription price, $2 00 per year, included in annual alumni dues of $3 00 National Advertising representatives The Graduate Group. Inc , 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, Boston Chicago. Detroit Los Angeles, and San I rancisco Member. American Alumni Council Entered as second class matter at the Post Oftice at Bangor Maine under act of March 3, 1870 »t COMMENCEMENT! Commencement plans for Stearns, 41, of South Pai is Maine’s 70th annual week-end progiam Toastmaster of the banquet this year will include as always a varietv ot pro­ will be Ted W Monroe '24, of Boston gram events of intci est to alumni. Cen- \nother tegular feature will be award­ tei mg around the busy program of ing of attendance cups to classes having Saturday, lune 7, Alumni Day the “old the hugest pei cent and actual attendance grads ” part ot the program will featuie at reunion This will be done by Geoige particulaily the activities and antics of 1) Bearce, '11. president of the Geneial thnteen reunion classes ranging trom (Continued on Page 6) Speaker: Frank Fellows, ’ll, 1891, the fifty-year golden anniversaiy U. S. Congressman group, through the c’asscs ot 1902, ’03, 04, ’05, to 1916, the twenty-htth anni­ versary group and 1936 this year’s Commencement Program—1941 youngstcis Special i cumons will be scheduled by 1911 and 1931 and a regu- Thursday. June 5 lai get-together bv the group ot 1921 8 '0 pm Commencement Ball—Alumni Memorial ’22, 23 24 Advanced lepoits indicate that 1916 will set the tone with an amount Friday, June 6 of enthusiasm and enjoyment which has ( a m-8 pm Alumni Registration—Alumni Hall haidly been equalled m Commencement 10 30 a m Senior Class Picture—Coburn Green recently Excellent rcpoits arc also com­ 11 00 Senior Class Meeting—Little Theatie ing in fioin othei classes 1 45 pm Class Day Exeicises—The Oval* A new tcatuie of the Commencement 2 00 Alumni Council Annual Meeting program for this year will be ground 3 30 Pageant—given bv All-Maine Women—Coburn Green* breaking ceremonies toi the new hbiary 4 30-6 00 President and Mrs Hauck—"At Home”—President's House building on the proposed site at the south 6 15 Semoi Skulls Initiation and Banquet—Tarratine Club, Bangor end of the mall opposite Alumni Memori­ 7 30 Athletic and Campus Movies—Little Theatre al Gym at 2 15 pm A bnet impiessive 9 00 Student Hop—Alumni Memorial ceremony will officially launch actual Saturday, June 7 construction activities toi the building 7 45 am Class Breakfasts (See Class program) for which alumni have so long been vvoik- 8 a m -5 p m Alumni Registration—Alumni Hall mg and waiting 9 00 Reunion Class Meetings in headquarters rooms As usual the high spot ot the Alumni 9 00 Board of Trustees Meeting Day program will be the Alumni Ban­ ’0 30 Geneial Alumni Association Annual Meeting—Little Theatre, quet on Satui day evening Headlined Alumni this yeai as featuie speakei will be Frank 12 15 pm Assemble in order by classes in fiont of Alumni Memorial! Fellows, ’ll, of Bangor, sei v mg his first 12 30 Alumni Luncheon—in honor of Fifty-A’ear Class 1891— term as Congressman in A\ ashington Memorial Gymnasium Representing the alumnae on the progiam 1 45 Concert by the University of Maine Band—Site of New Library will be Kay Hoctoi, 36, ot Concord, 2 15 Ground Bleaking—The New Library N H On the piogiam with these two 2 45 University ot Maine Foundation—Annual Meeting alumni will be President Artliui A 2 45 Reunion Class Frolics—The Oval! Hauck’s yearly welcome to the alumni, 3 45 Baseball Game—Alumni vs Seniors—Baseball Field! a bi let woid from the 25-yeai class piesi- 3 50-5 00 Alumnae Tea tor Alumnae, Faculty. Wives and Guests— dcuL Lewis O Bai rows, ’16, and woid Fstabiooke Hall trom the senior class piesident Rogei 5 30 Alumni Paiade—Classes assemble at Class Stakes on the Mall! 6 00 Alumni Banquet—Alumni Memorial 9 30 Alumni Hop—Alumni Memorial Myron Peabody, ’16, will lead the Parade of Classes as Marshal on Sunday, June 8 Alumni Day. 10 30 am Baccalauieate Service—Alumni Memonal Addiess by Rev John Bui ford Pariy, DD, Ministei Wellesley Congregational Church, Wellesley, Mass 6 45 Alumm-Scmoi Smg—The Oval! Monday, June 9 9 30 am Commencement Exercises—Alumni Memonal Addiess by Dean Carl Ladd. N Y State College of Agri- cultuie, Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y (Events scheduled on Daylight Saving Time) * Alumni Memorial Gymnasium, it inclement weather 7 Alumni Memonal Field House, it inclement vve«thei :|L ttle Theatie, Alumni Hall, it inclement weathei. The Great Twenty-Fifth Plans tor 1916 s biggest and best itself not without reason as one of the Rcumon the quai tei-century silvei-plated stiongest and best unified class gioups twenty-filth are lapidh taking shape foi among the alumni has been shown again the week-end ot June 6 to 8 Latest news in the enthusiasm with which the twenty- troni hcadquaitcis says Waltei \\ fiith leumon has been undeitaken Fiom Ike” Webbei involves an invasion ot Maine to Calitoima north to Canada Oiono which the natives will long re- and south to Louisiana, men and women mcmbei Ab class seci etai y-ti easurei and ot 1916 aie planning foi June Membeis the unanimous choice toi Reunion Chan- of the class aie indeed scattcicd in many man Webbei has plans undeiway toi a paits ot the country Fiom the middle Reunion which will 1 tally be worthy ot west and tai west the class claims such what evtiy membti ot 16 knows to be men as John A Burke Piesident ot the the most outstanding class eyer to weai Wisconsin Gray Iron Foundry Company a cap and gown m Milwaukee, Basil E Barictt, Agent The tiadition ot 1916 in the way of toi the Tiavelci’s Insuiancc Company in Reunions is a deep-iooted one As re­ Cleyeland, Ohio, Clarence E Dole, with cently as 1938 with the twenty-fifth just the Standard Vacuum Oil Company in Cla ss President Lew Barrows will aiound the coinei, this class totaled the San Francisco and Tim Bonney in l ong speak for ’16 at the Alumni Ban­ thud largest legistration at Commence­ Beach California Canada claims at quet. ment and easily yyalked oft with the least one membei ot the class who has Twentieth Century Attendance Cup announced plans foi coming back in June Then total ot torty-one 1 cgisti ations Eaile E Shaw, Chief Forest Engineei The maishal toi Alumni Day events, bi ought them 1/6% class attendance foi International Paper Company in tiaditionally one of the twenty-fitth year This year they aie making eyery effort Montreal Scyeral other men m the papei group, will this year be Myron ‘ Shoity ’ to hayc a still bigger group smiling into industry of whom the class is justly pioud Peabody, ot Springfield Mass, \ssistant the camera than that shown beloyy arc C Earle Libby, head of the Depait- Ticasurei of the Fedeial Land Bank Alieady some fifty members ot the ment ot Pulp and Papei in the New Yoik The state ot Maine will send besides Ex­ class aie said to haye signified their good State College ot Forestry in Syracuse Governor Barrows such men as Ficdci- intentions ot being with the old gang in Arno Nickerson in White Plains New ick Robie, Secretary ot State Franz L June High on the list stand the names York a consulting chemist, Eyerett I< Buikett foimer Attorney General, and ot the class officers E\-Goyernor Lewis Mansfield in Fryebuig with Robert Gair numcious others who will help the class O Barrows ot Newport, as class pi evi­ Company ot New York. Tom Mangan ‘ i emember w hen ’ dent, will be on hand to lend his official with International Paper Company at Piogram details for the big time aie as well as peisonal suppoit to the pro- Liveimoie Falls, and Roger Bell Mill taking shape although not yet completed giam and Vice President Fred P Loring Manager, D M Bare Company in Friday evening will start events with a is looking after the local interests of the Pennsylvania Baltimore claims two of big get-togethei dinner and ‘ remember Reunion on the campus the outstanding members of the class, when" meeting On Saturday morning
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