WTT 5000 LBSCR WTT 1922 1922 WTT 5001 SR WTT London Central Division 1936 T 5002 SR WTT London Central Division 1939 WL 5003 The Locomotives of Peckett & Sons I.D.YounG LUPTS 1970 WL 5003A Fox Walker, Peckett loco list with customer & scrappinG 1984 details LMS 5004 The Stanier Black Fives J.F.Clay Ian Allan 1972 B 5005 Steam in Camera 1898-1959 P.Russell Ian Allan 1972 BLE 5006 SpeakinG of Steam E.S.Cox Ian Allan 1971 B 5007 Rail, Steam & Speed O.S.Nock Allen & Unwin 1970 LNER 5008 The LNER 2-8-2 & 2-6-2 Classes Clay & Cliffe Ian Allan 1973 LP 64 The BriGhton Baltics A.C.Perryman Oakwood LP64 1973 LRS 5010 North Eastern Locomotive Sheds K.Hoole David & Charles 1972 B 5011 Famous Railway PhotoGraphers H.C.Casserley David & Charles 1972 FOR 2 ForGotten Railways Vol 2 - the East Midlands P.H.Anderson David & Charles 1973 B 5013 The Hull & Barnsley Railway Vol 1 K.Hoole David & Charles 1972 LP 43 The Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway D.E.Bick Oakwood LP43 1968 B 8499A Steam on Common Roads (Steam Road Vehicles) W.Fletcher OriG 1891 David & Charles 1972 MID 5016 RememberinG Ampthill Station Leonora.Cotterell 1968 GWR 5017 GWR A Selected ReadinG List I.RoGerson 1971 G 5018 Steam Horse Iron Road B.Horsfield B.B.C. 1972 B 5019 Modern Steam Road Wagons 1906 W.Norris Orig 1906 David & Charles 1972 BSR 5020 Stour Valley Railway B.D.J.Walsh 1972 MET 5021 History of the Metropolitan District Railway A.Edmunds LT 1973 E 5022 ByGone LiGht Railways of Europe O.W.Laursen Oakwood 1973 B 5023 London Midland Fireman M.HiGson Ian Allan 1974 M 5024 Transport History Vol 4 1971 M 5025 Railway Observer Vol 41 1971 M 5026 Railway Observer Vol 42 1972 M 5027 SLS Journal Vol 47 Nos 546-557 1971 M 5028 SLS Journal Vol 48 Nos 558-569 1972 M 5029 Railway Magazine Vol 117 1971 M 5030 Railway Magazine Vol 118 1972 B 5031 Railway Heraldry G.Dow David & Charles 1973 GWR 5032 GWR Magazine Vol 26 1914 GWR 5033 GWR Magazine Vol 27 1915 S 5034 Little & Good (Great North of Scotland Railway) SLS 1972 M 5035 Modern Railways Vol 27 1971 M 5036 Modern Railways Vol 28 1972 L 5037 Notes on LNWR Locos & Sheds J.M.Dunn BMP 5038 Notes on British Steam Locomotives J.M.Dunn SIG 5039 Notes on French Railway SiGnallinG & TrainworkinG J.M.Dunn c1944 L 5040 Scottish Railway Locomotive Lists C.J.Veal 1968 L 5041 Canadian Locomotive Lists F.Leahmann 1971 L 5042 Illinois Central RR Locomotive List 1932 F.Lehmann 1971 L 5043 Caledonian Ry Locomotive List P.S.Hale 1972 WL 5044 Canadian Locomotive Co Works List 1856-1968 F.Lehmann 1971 L 5045 NiGerian Rys Loco Lists 1897-1952 C.H.CodlinG L 5045 NiGerian Rys Loco List 1951 NiGerian Rys WL 5046 E.Borrows Works List 1875-1921 J.F.Ward 1972 WL 5047 Markham Works List 1889-1914 J.F.Ward 1970 WL 5048 Grant Richie Works List 1879-1919 J.F.Ward 1972 WL 5049 Hawthorns of Leith Works List 1847-1881 J.F.Ward 1972 WL 5050 Bury, Curtis & Kennedy Works List 1830-1850 J.F.Ward 1972 LSWR 4819A The London & South Western Railway Vol 2 Growth & R.A.Williams David & Charles 1973 Consolidation B 5052 The ArchaeoloGy of the Industrial Revolution B.BraceGirdle Heineman 1973 M 5053 Transport History Vol 5 1972 BRG 5054 Bradshaw Continental Railway Guide 1914 David & Charles Rep 1972 STA 5055 Railway ClearinG House Official Handbook of Railway RCH 1938 Stations 1938 GER 5056 GER 1500 Class Locomotives W.O.Skeat Newcomen 1970 SLS 5057 Coal & the Railways R.A.Saville SLS 1972 BRS 5058 Gresley's Coaches 1905-1953 M.Harris David & Charles 1973 B 5059 ChronoloGy of the Railways of Lancashire M.D.Greville R&CHS 1973 B 5060 ChronoloGy of the Railways of Cheshire M.D.Greville R&CHS 1973 AUS 5061 All Stations West (Sydney-Perth Standard GauGe Ry) G.H.Fernside Haldane Pub 1970 IR 5062 NCC Saga R.M.Arnold David & Charles 1973 RGB 7 ReGional History Railways of Great Britain Vol 7 the R.Christiansen David & Charles 1973 West Midlands 1st Edition RGB 7A ReGional History Railways of Great Britain Vol 7 the R.Christiansen David & Charles 1983 West Midlands 2nd Edition B 5064 The Railways of Consett & North West Durham G.Whittle David & Charles 1971 (Withdrawn) Future of Railways & Guide Transport P.M.Kalla-Bishop IPC 1972 MP 5066 4-8-0 Tender Locomotives D.R.CarlinG David & Charles 1971 SDJ 5067 Somerset & Dorset Locomotive History D.Bradley & D.Milton David & Charles 1973 L&Y 4926A The Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Vol 3 J.Marshall David & Charles 1972 MID 5069 Midland Steam W.A.Tuplin David & Charles 1973 L&M 5070 Liverpool & Manchester Railway Operations 1831-1845 T.J.Donaghy David & Charles 1972 FOR 1 ForGotten Railways Vol 1 North East EnGland K.Hoole David & Charles 1973 S 4910A Steam in Scotland Vol 2 Anderson & Cross Ian Allan 1972 A 5073 The Tay BridGe Disaster J.Thomas David & Charles 1972 BSR 5074 The Chester & Holyhead Railway Vol 1 P.E.BauGhan David & Charles 1972 (No Record of Use) S 5076 The Victorian Summer of the Clyde Steamers 1864-1888 A.J.S.Paterson David & Charles 1972 AF 5077 Railways of Southern Africa O.S.Nock A & C Black 1971 MP 5078 The British Internal Combustion Locomotives 1894- B.Webb David & Charles 1973 1940 E 5079 Stoppen Op Durreis (Pictorial of Dutch Railways) Sluiter & NiweG In Dutch 1971 S 5080 Carriages & Wagons of the HiGhland Railway D.L.G.Hunter Turntable 1971 LMS 5081 LMS Album No 2 B.Stephenson Ian Allan 1971 LMS 5082 LMS Album No 3 B.Stephenson Ian Allan 1973 B 5084 Saga of the Steam PlouGh 2nd Edition H.Bunnet David & Charles 1972 IRNG 5085 The CloGher Valley Railway E.M.Patterson David & Charles 1972 IRNG 5085A The CloGher Valley Railway 2nd Edition E.M.Patterson, N.Johnston Colourpoint 2004 B 5086 Railway Steam Cranes G.S.Brownlie G.S.Brownlie 1973 BUILD 5087 The Sentinel Vol 1 1875-1930 HuGhes & Thomas David & Charles 1973 BUILD 5087A The Sentinel Vol 2 1930-1980 A.R.& J.L.Thomas Woodpecker Pubs 1987 (Withdrawn) Vol 1 J.Farey David & Charles 1971 (Withdrawn) Vol 2 J.Farey David & Charles 1971 CRE 5090 Sir Daniel Gooch Memoirs & Diary R.B.Wilson David & Charles 1972 M 5091 Railway World Vol 21 1960 M 5092 Railway World Vol 31 1970 M 5093 Railway World Vol 32 1971 M 5094 Railway Magazine Vol 119 1973 M 5095 Railway Magazine Vol 120 1974 M 5096 Modern Railways Vol 30 1973 M 5097 SLS Journal Vol 49 Nos 570-581 1973 M 5098 SLS Journal Vol 50 Nos 582-593 1974 M 5099 Modern Railways Vol 31 1974 CRE 5100 GeorGe Stephenson W.O.Skeat I. of M.E. 1973 LNER 5101 The Locomotives of the LNER 1923-1947 Prentice & Proud RCTS 1941 LNER 5102 The Gresley Pacifics Part 1 O.S.Nock David & Charles 1973 LNER 5103 The Gresley Pacifics Part 2 O.S.Nock David & Charles 1974 M 5104 Railway Observer Vol 43 1973 LBSC 4888A Locomotives of the LBSCR Part 3 D.L.Bradley RCTS 1974 BRS 5451B The CoachinG Stock of BR 1974 Mallaband & Bowles RCTS 1974 GWR 5107 Swindon Steam 1921-1951 K.J.Cook Ian Allan 1974 B 5108 Steam Was My CallinG E.S.Beavor Ian Allan 1975 SR 5109 Southern Railway Magazine Nos 25-60 1925-1927 A 5110 Report on Collision at Throstle Nest East Junction 27.12.1950 SeeL 106 GER Loco List 1.4.1921 C.LanGley Aldrich 1944 B 5112 Cavalcade Reflections BR 9.1975 B 5113 Cavalcade Retrospect BR 12.1975 SIG 5114 British Railway SiGnallinG 4th Edition Kichenside & Williams Ian Allan 1978 LP 69 HiGhbridGe in Its Heyday C.G.MagGs Oakwood LP69 1973 LP 69 HiGhbridGe in Its Heyday 2nd Edition C.G.MagGs Oakwood LP69 1986 B 5116 Closed PassenGer Lines of Great Britain 1827-1947 Greville & Spence R&CHS 1974 SeeM 5181 Railway Observer Vol 44 1974 BR 5118 Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotives of the Western ReGion B.Reed David & Charles 1974 FR 5119 French Steam Locomotives 1840-1950 G.Glover Barry Rose 1974 (MissinG) Railway Picture Book J.Hill & O.S.Nock 1975 MP 5121 The Mallet Locomotive A.E.Durrant David & Charles 1974 S&D 5122 ExplorinG the Stockton & DarlinGton Railway P.W.B.Semmens F.Graham 1975 B 5123 Steam in the West RidinG Whiteley & Morrison David & Charles 1975 SR 5124A Locomotives of the Southern Railway Part 1 D.L.Bradley RCTS 1975 SR 5124B Locomotives of the Southern Railway Part 2 D.L.Bradley RCTS 1976 FOR 4 ForGotten Railways - North & Mid-Wales Vol 4 R.Christiansen David & Charles 1976 B 5126 The Railways of Southern EnGland - the Main Lines E.Course Batsford 1973 S 5127 Forty Years of Caledonian Locomotives 1882-1922 H.J.Campbell‑Cornwell David & Charles 1974 IR 5128 The Dublin & South Eastern Railway W.E.Shepherd David & Charles 1974 BRS 5129 A History of GWR Goods Wagons Vol 1 A.G.Atkins David & Charles 1975 LMS 5130 Fowler, Stanier & Ivatt Locomotives of the LMS C.LanGley Aldrich Aldrich 1951 MAP 5131 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Historical Maps R.A.Cook R&CHS 1974 MAP 5132 NER Historical Maps K.Hoole & R.A.Cook R&CHS 1975 B 5133 Britains Railways Museums P.Williams Ian Allan 1974 S 5134A HiGhland Railway Album A.J.Lambert Ian Allan 1974 S 5134B HiGhland Railway Album - 2 A.J.Lambert Ian Allan 1978 IR 5135 Outline of Irish Railway History H.C.Casserley David & Charles 1974 AUS 5136 The Railways of New South Wales NSWR 1955 NER 5137 North Eastern Album K.Hoole Ian Allan 1974 LRS 5138A Top Shed 1st Edition P.N.Townend Ian Allan 1975 LRS 5138B Top Shed 2nd Edition P.N.Townend Ian Allan 1989 AF 5139 Steam Locomotives of the East African Railways R.Ramaer David & Charles 1974 S 5140 The North British Atlantics J.Thomas David & Charles 1972 W 5141 The Padarn & Penrhyn Railways S.Turner David & Charles 1975 FOR 5 ForGotten Railways - Scotland Vol 5 J.Thomas David & Charles 1976 M 5143 Modern Railways Vol 32 1975 B 5144A TravellinG Post Offices Part 1 H.S.Wilson Ry Philatelic Soc 1977 B 5144B TravellinG Post Offices Part 2 H.S.Wilson Ry Philatelic Soc
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