Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 8813 High tide:9:3Op-M2 Partly cloudy; tide-- :57pm Low 6 Winds N 8-12 kts SunALe -- :44am becoming S 14-18 kts; Bay condi- H-igh-------- 91 tions 2-4 ft. Low --------- 74~ T v ony1t hoTe-baed daiy Vol. 32, No. 166 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, August 29, 1977 U.S. Cuba to begin formal contact Carter launches effort (AP)--For the first time since specialists, to discuss differences sically doesn't want to lift the em- to win ratification diplomatic relations between the or, normalization could come about bargo .until Cuba adopts a less in- United States and Cuba were severed through meetins involving high-level terventionist policy toward Africa of treaty in 1961, the two countries are to officials. and until there's progress in other begin formal contact on a steady With the scheduled opening of the areas. (UPI)--With a bit of flag waving, basis this week. The U. S. and interest sections, State Department Meanwhile, on a more modest scale, and some behind the scenes talks with Cuba plan to open what are known as sources say, relations probably have preparations for the opening of the American businessmen, the Carter Ad- "interest sections" in each other's reached a plateau which may remain interest sections continue. In ministration is launching a full- capital September 1. unchanged for quite a while. This Washington, an advance party of scale effort to win Senate ratifica- The interest sections are an ef- excludes the possibility, considered Cubans is refurbishing the old Cu- tion of the proposed new Panama Ca- fort to improve communications be- unlikely, of a sudden Cuban retreat ban Embassy in the northwest section nal treaty tween Washington and Havana. Bi- on issues the U. S. regards as im- of the capital. Officials say the President Carter is relying on lateral issues will be discussed portant, such as Havana's military building will be one of the most public opinion to get some yes votes through direct contact, rather than role in Africa and its demands for closely guarded in Washington. on Capitol Hill, and to this end, he through third parties. Puerto Rican independence. And in Havana, Americans are work- plans a fireside chat to explain de- It won't be an ambitious under- Progress on these issues could ing on the U. S. Chancery and the tails of the proposal that would taking at first, however. The in- quicken the normalization process. ambassador's residence. Heading give Panama control of the canal by terest sections will devote them- As for the issue of primary concern the ten member U. S. diplomatic the year 2000. selves largely to such matters as to Cubans, the U. S. trade embargo, mission in the Cuban capital will But it doesn't end there. cultural and sports exchanges. They the Carter Administration favors be Lyle Lane, a career diplomat. A colorful treaty signing ceremony will not be able to deal with the its continuation until normalization The apartments the Americans will has been scheduled next month, and substantive issues dividing the has proceeded further. live in already have been leased. sources report that the administra- U. S. and Cuba. This is not a rigid policy, ac- In what may be an omen of future tion will woo businessmen with in- Still, the two sides could appoint cording to the State Department Cuban-American relations, the U. S. terests in the canal, and call cam- special negotiating teams, equipped sources, but the administration ba- residences are located in what's paign volunteers back to work to with lawyers, economists or other considered the best section of Havanaldrum up public support. Theutoit mainoes job Pntaendahere of public contact ty has Pbeenput in the hands of a task enforce headed by top presidential U.S. Embassy in Moscow hit by fire MannorderesaideHamilton Jordan. (UPI)--The crippled U. S. Embassy In the words of one administration in Moscow, the site of a devastating A Soviet man was trying to enter giveiP "onesource, of the problems we have fire Friday night, installed a vi- the U. S. Embassy in Moscow yester- is that there's no real base of tal new communications link yester- day when witnesses say Soviet mil- day, re-establishing contact between itiamen violently forced him into lThere'snot a group of people who Washington, and the embassy and an unmarked car and drove off. (UPI)--Police in Miami say have it as their top agenda item, installations. other U. S. diplomatic Several Americans arriving on the a man allegedly ordered two of his so we're having to go out and find At the same time, U. S, Ambassador scene quote the unidentified man as foster children to douse a third people who will work to help us get the fire, Malcolm Toon told reporters having yelled, "they say it's a with gasoline, then had them ignite passage." which swept through the top four party of workers. I say it's a the gas. The victim, a 16 year old There may be no such help from at floors of the Chancery, was appar- party of slaves," Soviet guards boy, suffered severe burns, and is least one political group. ently caused by "an electrical often prevent Soviet citizens from in critical condition at a Miami Texas Governor olph Brisco says although fault." Toon said that entering the embassy, despite pro- hospital. Police say Jack Walker, be disagrees sharply on the Canal in top-secret documents were kept tests by U. S. officials. who ordered the isolation, is being treaty, and that the issue will be the damaged area, there appeared to held without bond in Dade County included for debate along with Car- be no compromisee of security." Jail. The two other foster child- term's policies on energy and illegal ran were placed in a youth detention aliens when the Southern Governors Voyager 1 launch facility. All three have been Conference opens in San Antonio to- Judge strikes a blow charged with attempted murder, day. Police say Vernon Swain suffered on behalf of students p.ostponed severe burns on his face, back, neck and chest during the attack Saturday. Americans consider (UPI)--A municipal court judge in (UPI)--The jet propulsion lab in Swain, a ward of the state like Ravenna, Ohio has struck a blow on Pasadena has announced that the the other two foster children, had behalf of the students who ever had launch of Voyager I has been put off been living with Walker and Walker's neighborhoods good to stay after school to write 100 for at least two days, and possibly wife for about three weeks. times on the blackboard, "I will not more, because of problems on Voyager Juvenile officials refuse to com- throw chalk." I. ment on the case and refuse to dis- places to live That makes the date for Voyager I's Kent State University Professor cuss the background of any of the (UPI)--A government study indicates by lift off September 5, at the earli- Edward McGehee has been sentenced children involved most Americans consider their neigh- est. Judge James De Vinne to write a Florida pays foster parents up to borhoods good places to live, in- disobedi- Voyager II is now 1,500 word essay on civil some 4.4 million $137 a month for each foster child cluding about three-quarters of those miles from earth, ence. headed for Jupiter and provides free medical care and with incomes of $5,000 or less. 68 per- and Saturn, The professor was one of and scientiests are other benefits. The survey, conducted by the Census still having trouble with sons charged with criminal trespass its on- Bureau and the Department of Housing board computer system. in connection with a protest over and Urban Development, shows four the construction of a controversial Scientiests say they still don't out of five Americans rate their know gymnasium on the Kent State campus. just what position a 7 foot boom neighborhoods excellent or good, The judge says it's jail for the which carries cameras and scientific while only about 2 1/2 per cent con- professor if he fails to turn in equipment is in on Voyager II. That sider the area in which they live to his composition in 30 days. boom was apparently not secured be poor. earlier in the flight, and loss of Ethiopia asks The study shows nearly half of computer data has kept scientists those polled have complaints about Young, Owen search in the dark on whether the problem neighborhood services. has been rectified. People are most irritated by lack U.N. to bring of transportation services, while for Rhodesian most residents cite schools as their U.S., Russia prevent best neighborhood service. peace plan peace to N.E. Africa About 19 per cent of those in low the income brackets listed crime as a RHODESIA (UPI)--U. N. Ambassador S. Africa from (UPI)--Ethiopia is asking peace to problem, surprisingly enough, the Andrew Young and British Foreign United Nations to bring same percentage of high income people Secretary David Owen are in South northeastern Africa. from said they have crime near their Africa, in their continuing search testing nuclear bomb Radio Ethiopia claims troops for support of an Ango-American (UPI)--Whether or not South Africa neighboring countries are conducting homes. peace plan for Rhodesia. has a nuclear bomb, the combined a massive invasion in its Ogaden That plan must still be submitted efforts of Washington and Moscow Desert region, and in northern to Rhodesia's white supremacist gov- have reportedly kept the South Afri- Eritrea province.
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