www.ukrweekly.com m roc ^-- ж от ox ЖЯ — жя- з-с-л 0SO Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! -4 X oo ae-no a. ^i О eom ozm no wo crainian Weekly OT — Vol. L No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1982 І 25 cents ЯЯЧЯІ ЗЗ^І^І^ЗВД^іЗДЯЯ^З^ЖЯіадзЗДіЗДІ^ЯЯ^^ІЗД^ KHRYSTOS ROZHDAYETSIA - CHRIST IS BORN і^я^ївізд^яя^яязадїяетзздїад^т^зад^ Christmas's simple message: love God and your neighbor 1982 Christmas greetings of the Ukrai­ drous event that took place in Beth­ nian Catholic hierarchy in the United lehem. The sense of joy and urgency to States. exchange gifts, and greetings might be regarded as a spiritual by-product of the Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: birth of Christ. What God manifested in Our Lord was bom, on the first the simple surroundings of a cave has Christmas, as a descendant of the prompted people for centuries to dis­ House of David, a royal line. The play a spirit of goodwill. circumstances of His birth did not bring In our day-to-day dealings with other Him any privilege, power, property or people we often forget to show our prestige. gratitude, taking so much of them and The Christmas story is familiar, all that they do for us for granted. The perhaps too familiar, to all of us. This message of Christmas is a message of familiarity has led some of us to a sage simplicity, which is a characteristic we nod of recognition coupled with a life of must cultivate if Christ is to be revealed business-as-usual, unaffected by the to us and, through us, to the world. -significance of the- Ghristmas message. The-mcssagcof'Christmasrabove'att; Christ entered time almost two is that God loves us and wants us to love millennia ago. But consider where and not only Him, but also every person. how Christ came: not into the seat of We, the bishops of the Ukrainian power in that world, the city of Rome, Catholic Church in the United States of but into an outlying province of the America, wish you all the love of God at Roman Empire, Palestine; Christ came Christmas. not into the capital city of this un­ familiar province, Jerusalem, but into Stephen an obscure town, Bethlehem; He came Archbishop-Metropolitan not into the popular dwelling in this of Philadelphia small town, the inn, but into a shelter for animals from storms, a stable cave. Basil It seemed that the world did not know Bishop of Stamford Him, and the world did not want Him, because He did not come as the world Innocent expected Him to come. It was the first Bishop of St. Nicholas meeting of the Messiah with His people. in Chicago They did not receive Him, because they did not know that He was coming, and Robert they could not imagine that He would Auxiliary Bishop of the appear where he did. Philadelphia Metropolitan Christ came in poverty and obscurity. In our human terms, they are not signs of power and greatness, but in God they constitute a sign. A sign that truth and happiness are not found merely in Senate committee supports nomination of Dobriansky for ambassador power or Wealth, or in fame or public WASHINGTON - The historic Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina expressed his gratitude to President recognition. The first Christmas trans­ Senate hearing on the nomination of the was in the chair; only one other senator Reagan for his "faith and confidence" in formed the ordinary into the extraordi­ first Ukrainian as a U.S. ambassador of the 17-member Foreign Relations nominating him ambassador to the nary. It can do the same for us. It can took place on the afternoon of Decem­ Committee, Charles McC. Mathias of Bahamas and thanked Secretary of change our melancholy memories of ber 6 in Room 4221 of the Dirksen Maryland, was present for the hearing (a State George Shultz for his concurrence. present sadness into hope and confi­ Senate Office Building. situation not unusual for hearings on He also expressed "gratitude and appre­ dence for the future. Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, president of nominations of envoys to Third World ciation to the Foreign Relations Com­ The reason of our celebration of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of countries). Sen. Helms heads the Sub­ mittee for expediting this hearing," and Christmas is found in the light of faith America, Georgetown University pro­ committee on Western Hemisphere promised to cooperate with the commit­ that focuses our attention on the won- fessor, author of the Captive Nations Affairs, and Sen. Mathias chairs the tee if his nomination is approved. Resolution, appeared that day before Subcommittee on International Econo­ The committee's action was critical^, -- a the Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ mic Policy. Both are Republicans. - because if it had not found time during INSIDE: tee as President Ronald Reagan's In his opening remarks, Sen. Helms its brief and busy post-election session choice to represent the United States in noted the importance to the United to schedule a hearing on Ambassador^! the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. designate Dobriansky's nomination, he: a Dissident profile: Mykola Rudenko States of the Latin American and the : The committee later voted to support would have had to be renominated andt - page 2. Caribbean region, from which the his nomination. president had just returned, and spoke considered for the post by the new-L І Dr. Roman Solchanyk on Soviet Joining him at that session were two of the need "to prevent victory of Congress — sometime in February^ nationalities policy - page 6. 4- "ft - subversion and oppression from outside 1983, or later. r a Ukrainian Christmas traditions - other nominees: Samuel Firelander j чя a Hart, nominated to be ambassador to the region." He then invited the no­ Sen. Helms, the courtly Southern s : s й page 8. minees to make any statements they ш Christmas Panorama - page 9. " Ecuador, and Victor Blanco, nomi­ gentleman and shrewd parliamentarian nated to the Board of the Inter-Ameri­ wished. who has been known to hold up ad- can Foundation. Ambassador-designate Dobriansky (Contlnucd oo page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1982 No. 51 Dissident profile. Ex-hunger-striker joins husband in West WASHINGTON - A Soviet woman divorced her 41-year-old husband, a who went on a 32-day hunger strike last physicist at the University of Rochester, Mykola Rudenko: summer to press her demand to be to enable him to leave the country. allowed to join her husband in the West Authorities had promised that she and Kiev Helsinki Group chairman was reunited with her family here at her daughter would be allowed to join National Airport on December 12, him later. JERSEY CITY, N.J. -Toseveral reported the Associated Press. Her plan backfired, however, when Ukrainian human-rights activists Tatyana Lozansky, 29, and her 11- (Cuil-ill m fW 4) who knew him, poet Mykola Ru­ year-old daughter were greeted at the denko was an unlikely candidate for airport by her husband, physicist Ed­ dissent. A decorated Red Army ward Lozansky, thus ending a six-year veteran and a former editor of struggle with Soviet authorities. Baptist dies Dnipro, the official journal of the Holding bouquets of flowers, Mr. Young Communist League of the Lozansky rushed to greet and embrace in Soviet prison Ukrainian SSR, Mr. Rudenko sur­ the two as they stepped from the plane, prised many when he joined Amnesty which had been delayed two hours MUNICH - A Soviet Baptist leader International in 1974 and, two years because of the weather. who had spent nearly 29 years in prisons later became^ founding member of "Thank you very much for my free­ and labor camps for his religious the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. dom, for my life, for my husband and activities died recently while serving the But, like many other talented and for my family," Mrs. Lozansky said in final year of a three-year term, reported conscientious Ukrainian intellec­ broken English. East/West News. tuals, Mr. Rudenko could no longer As he waited for the plane, Mr. Nikolai Khrapov, 68, reportedly died reconcile the obvious hyprocrisy of Lozansky told reporters the event following a heart attack in Mangysh- the Communist system with the "proves that human spirit is much lakskaya Prison. He was due to be harsh reality of Soviet life. His stronger than Communist, totalitarian, released on March 3, 1983. decision to speak out was to cost him I would say dead, ideology." Mr. Khrapov was arrested in March his position at the top of the official "It's a great victory for the forces of 1980 and charged with conspiracy to literary establishment, his place in good over the forces of evil," he said. commit a crime. It was his fifth arrest. Soviet society and, ultimately, his Last May, Mrs. Lozansky began a Although Mr. Khrapov is the first freedom. ^ Mykola Rudenko hunger strike with a group of Soviet Soviet Christian known to have died Mykola .Danylovych Rudenko mation and ideas among peoples, for citizens seeking to join their families in while in prison this year, several others was born 62 years ago today in the Ukraine to be represented by its own the West. The fast marked the final are reported to be in poor health and Ukrainian village of Yuriyivka in the delegations at all international con­ chapter of a six-year struggle with some are said to be close to death. Voroshylohrad region. After com­ ferences and for the accreditation in Soviet officials.
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