NH Society of Health-System Pharmacists ~ August 31, 2015 Hyperlink Title Committee Status NH SOCIETY CACR 7 Providing that all moneys received for the substance abuse treatment House Finance 2/11 killed in House via consent calendar 0 fund shall be used for the purpose of the fund and not diverted to any other purpose (Pamela Brown) HB 0001 Making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the Committee of 8/31 at 1 Continuing Resolution Work Group: Sununu 0 state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017 (Neal Conference Center; 9/10 at 1230 Continuing Resolution Work Kurk) Group: Dept of HHS; 9/10 at 130 Continuing Resolution Work Group: Cities and Towns; 9/16 Veto Day HB 0002 Relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures (Neal Kurk) Committee of 8/31 at 1 Continuing Resolution Work Group: Sununu 0 Conference Center; 9/10 at 130 Continuing Resolution Work Group: Cities and Towns; 9/16 Veto Day HB 0101 Relative to prescription refills (Dan McGuire) House HHS 2/11 killed in House via roll call vote 191-151 0 HB 0129 Relative to unused prescription drugs (Frederick Rice) House HHS 2/11 killed in House via consent calendar 0 HB 0151 Establishing a committee to study end of life decisions (Larry Phillips) Senate HHS 6/11 killed in House (veto sustained in House via roll 0 call vote 184-154 lacking the necessary 2/3 vote) HB 0202 Repealing the authority for the dispensing of prescription drugs in House HHS 3/4 killed in House 0 certain clinics (Kurt Wuelper) HB 0217 Relative to fees for reinstatement of licenses, registrations, and Senate Exec 5/5 signed by Governor; Chapter 0010; effective 0 certifications established by the pharmacy board (Virginia Irwin) Dept & Admin 07/04/2015 HB 0223 Relative to external review under the managed care law (Edward Senate HHS 6/2 signed by Governor; Chapter 0064; effective 0 Butler) 08/01/2015 SHEEHAN PHINNEY CAPITOL GROUP TWO EAGLE SQUARE SUITE 400 CONCORD NH 03301 603-228-2370 (PHONE) 603-224-8899 (FAX) BILLS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE GOV’T WEBSITE AT WWW.STATE.NH.US/GENCOURT/ Bill # Title Committee Status Priority HB 0271 Relative to possession and administration of an opioid antagonist for Senate HHS 6/2 signed by Governor; Chapter 0065; effective 0 opioid-related overdoses (Amanda Bouldin) 06/02/2015 HB 0337 Relative to the patients' bill of rights (Carol McGuire) House HHS 3/4 killed in House via consent calendar 0 HB 0422 *Relative to certification of death certificates by physician assistants Senate HHS 6/12 signed by Governor; Chapter 0140; effective 0 (Thomas Sherman) 01/01/2016 HB 0446 Relative to access to investigational drugs, biological products, and House Judiciary 3/12 laid on table in House (committee voted 10-5 to 0 devices (Donald Wright) recommend the bill be killed; minority recommended the bill ought to pass) HB 0476 Amending the definition of "qualifying medical condition" in the Senate HHS 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0195; effective 0 therapeutic cannabis law (Stephen Schmidt) 09/04/2015 HB 0483 Relative to the commission on primary care workforce issues (Thomas Committee of 7/13 signed by Governor; Chapter 238; effective 0 Sherman) Conference 07/13/2015 HB 0508 *Relative to the dissolution of the New Hampshire medical Committee of 7/20 signed by Governor; Chapter 263; effective 0 malpractice joint underwriting association and relative to cost-sharing Conference 07/20/2015 and various parity for oral anti-cancer therapies (John Hunt) HB 0564 Relative to prior authorizations for certain prescription drugs (Thomas Senate HHS 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0199; section 3 0 Sherman) effective 06/30/2015; remainder effective 07/06/2015 HB 0569 Including certain nonprofit charitable enterprises under the business House Ways & 2/10 retained in committee 0 enterprise tax, and reducing the rate of the tax (David Hess) Means HB 0628 Relative to indemnification of health care facilities under certain Senate HHS 5/21 re-referred to committee in Senate 0 circumstances (Thomas Sherman) HB 0670 Relative to the rights of conscience for medical professionals (Warren House HHS 2/18 killed in House via roll call vote 237-88 0 Groen) 2 Bill # Title Committee Status Priority HB 0686 Establishing a single payer health care system and making an House 2/18 killed in House 0 appropriation therefor (Richard McNamara) Commerce HB 1692 COMMISSION ON PRIMARY CARE WORKFORCE ISSUES; Statutory 9/24 at 2 regular meeting at NH Medical Society, 7 N. 0 2010 Chapter Law 114; RSA: 126-T; Effective: 6/1/2010; Laws of 2010 Commission State St., Concord SB 0025 Relative to epinephrine administered in schools (Lou D'Allesandro) Senate 3/12 re-referred to committee via consent calendar 0 Education SB 0031 COMMITTEE TO STUDY CERTAIN ISSUES RELATIVE TO THE Study 10/6 at 10 regular meeting 0 2015 CONTROLLED DRUG PRESCRIPTION HEALTH AND SAFETY Committee PROGRAM; Chapter 0048; effective 05/21/2015; Laws of 2015 (Jeb Bradley) SB 0036 Making oral contraceptives available without a prescription (Andy Senate 2/12 killed in Senate via consent calendar 0 Sanborn) Commerce SB 0045 Relative to opioid treatment agreements under workers' compensation House Labor 9/8 at 1045 full committee work session on retained bill 0 law (Andy Sanborn) SB 0056 COMMISSION TO STUDY OVERSIGHT, REGULATION, AND Study 9/8 at 11 organizational meeting 0 2015 REPORTING OF PATIENT SAFETY AND INFECTIOUS Committee DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE SETTINGS Chapter 0147; RSA 126-A; effective 06/12/2015 Laws of 2015 (Nancy Stiles) SB 0064 *Relative to rulemaking authority and enforcement concerning prices House 5/19 retained in committee 0 for filling certain prescriptions (Donna Soucy) Commerce SB 0067 *Establishing a commission to study opioid misuse in New Hampshire House HHS 5/19 at 1030 full committee work session on retained bill 0 (Lou D'Allesandro) SB 0071 Relative to administration of glucagon injections for children in House 5/5 signed by Governor; Chapter 0020; effective 0 schools (Nancy Stiles) Education 07/04/2015 3 Bill # Title Committee Status Priority SB 0084 Relative to the definition of "telemedicine" (Nancy Stiles) Committee of 7/13 signed by Governor; Chapter 246; effective 0 Conference 09/11/2015 and various SB 0104 Relative to licensure of research organizations by the pharmacy board House Ways & 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0203; effective 0 (David Pierce) Means 07/01/2015 SB 0106 Restricting the sale or possession of synthetic drugs (Molly Kelly) House Criminal 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0204; effective 0 Justice 07/06/2015 SB 0108 Relative to health care associated infections (Nancy Stiles) Committee of 6/17 killed in Committee of Conference (report not 0 Conference signed) SB 0109 Relative to receivership of nursing homes and other residential health Senate HHS 3/26 re-referred to committee 0 care facilities (Molly Kelly) SB 0112 *Requiring the Medicaid program to cover telehealth services (David House Finance 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0206; effective 0 Pierce) 07/06/2015 SB 0128 Relative to pharmacy benefit managers paying claims (Sam Cataldo) Senate 3/5 re-referred to committee via consent calendar 0 Commerce SB 0137 Relative to cost-sharing parity for oral anti-cancer therapies (Jeb House 6/9 at 2 full committee work session on retained bill 0 Bradley) Commerce SB 0163 Relative to wholesale hospital-to-hospital laboratory and testing House 7/6 signed by Governor; Chapter 0213; effective 0 services (Nancy Stiles) Commerce 07/06/2015 SB 0187 Allowing a patient to designate a caregiver upon entry to a medical House HHS 5/18 signed by Governor; Chapter 0044; effective 0 facility (Nancy Stiles) 01/01/2016 SB 0226 Requiring certain notice from pharmacy benefit managers (Donna Senate HHS 3/12 re-referred to committee 0 Soucy) 4 Bill # Title Committee Status Priority SB 0245 Establishing a committee to study occupational regulatory boards and Senate Exec 3/12 killed in Senate via consent calendar 0 commissions (Russell Prescott) Dept & Admin SB 0248 Establishing a committee to study health care provider payment rates House HHS 5/6 killed in House via consent calendar 0 (Russell Prescott) HB 0141 *Relative to rulemaking authority concerning practice standards and Senate Exec 5/28 re-referred to committee 1 safe and secure operation of pharmacies (Peter Schmidt) Dept & Admin HB 0190 COMMISSION TO STUDY THE STANDARDS FOR Statutory 9/8 at 10 organizational meeting 1 2015 COLLABORATIVE PHARMACY PRACTICE; Chapter: 190:2; Commission RSA:318:6-c; effective 07/06/2015; Laws of 2015 (James MacKay) HB 0383 Relative to the immunization/vaccination registry (Neal Kurk) Senate HHS 6/4 re-referred to committee via division vote 13-11; 1 committee recommendation to kill the bill failed via division vote 8-15 SB 0130 Relative to participation in the immunization registry (Molly Kelly) Senate HHS 3/19 laid on table in Senate (committee voted 5-0 to 1 recommend the bill be re-referred) SB 0202 Relative to licensure of outsourcing facilities by the pharmacy board House Exec 6/26 signed by Governor: Chapter 0180; Section 4 will 1 (Sharon Carson) Dept & Admin take effect as provided in Section 5; remainder effective 07/01/2015 HB 0216 *Relative to recovery of certain investigatory costs by regulatory Senate Finance 5/28 re-referred to committee via roll call vote 14-7 2 boards and commissions, and applying certain general administration provisions to the mechanical licensing board (Carol McGuire) HB 0117 Relative to providers prescribing cannabis for therapeutic
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