Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 21, Number 5, January 28, 1994 EIR circulates fact sheet on Victor Gunnarsson and Palme's murder In view of the circulation internationally of fallacies and 1986, met with Swedish authorities, and reported back to omissions in the recent international news coverage of the the FBI.In November 1986, one month after U.S.officials discovery of the body of 40-year-old Victor Gunnarsson in conducted a paramilitary raid on the offices of publications the North Carolina woods, EIR News Service (EIRN S) re­ associated with LaRouche, Pat Lynch acted as a liaison be­ leased a news bulletin on Jan. 15 reiterating "certain facts tween Swedish and U.S.authorities to revive the discredited about Gunnarsson and the assassination of Swedish Prime story.Corrupt U.S.officials working with Rasch and Mark­ Minister Olof Palme." ham continued to foster this lie into 1987 in an effort to In August 1992, Herbert Brehmer, a former official of bolster the railroading of LaRouche and his associates. the East German Communist intelligence service (Stasi), was The ADL was acting as a part of a concert of action with quoted in an article published in the Swedish newspaper the prosecution, including Mark Rasch, in Boston to attempt 10urnalisten. He said that the effort to identify Lyndon to implicate presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche and LaRouche as the author of the assassination of Palme, which numbers of his associates in the Palme assassination. Since occurred on Feb.28, 1986, was concocted by the East Ger­ that time, evidence has been placed on the public record from man Communist intelligence services, acting upon orders government documents and government witnesses, showing from a higher level. The East German services used their conclusively that, at all times, from 1979 to the present, the agents in various countries, especially Sweden, to cause this U.S. government was aware of the complete innocence of false report to be circulated.The report was picked up later Lyndon LaRouche and his associates of all charges placed by Reuters and other internationalpress agencies, and turned against them by the government. up in such improbable places as the Vatican newspaper L' Os­ The evidence shows, in the recordof legal motions seeking servatore Romano. LaRouche's exoneration filed by attorneys Ramsey Clark and The EIRN S release named three principal agencies col­ Odin Anderson-before the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Ap­ laborating with the East Germans in the circulation of this peals and with Janet Reno, the Attorney General of the United false allegation: 1) the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai States-that at all times the U.S. government not only knew the B 'rith, based in New York City; 2) working in close coopera­ innocence of the accused, but used subornation of peIjury and tion with the Anti-Defamation League, the NBC-TV news in lying to bring about a false conviction in these cases. the United States; 3) in witting complicity with both the ADL Full documentation is available on request.What follows and NBC, U.S. Justice Department attorneys Mark Rasch here, is a chronology of the communist disinformation cam­ (now an attorney for the ADL) and John Markham. paign linking Victor Gunnarsson, the Palme crime, and In March 1986, shortly after the assassination of Olof LaRouche's associates. Palme, Swedish police arrested Victor Gunnarsson in con­ nection with their investigation of the murder.Gunnarsson Chronology was later released and not charged.In the period following Feb. 28, 1986: Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is his arrest, the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet and papers shot dead at approximately 11:21 p.m. in Sweden, began reporting a false allegation that Lyndon March 1: Georgii Arbatov of the Soviet U.S .A .-Canada LaRouche or his associates were linked to Gunnarsson and Institute states, "I do not know who killed Palme, but I know therefore implicated in the Palme crime. The Soviet press all too well who hated him .. .." repeiltedthis defamation.In the United States, NBC-TV pro­ March 2: Soviet publications Pravda and Izvestia assert ducer Pat Lynch, working with Irwin Suall, the national that "right-wing circles " and "westerncircles " were responsi­ director of the ADL's Fact Finding Division, circulated and ble for the Palme murder. broadcast this lie. March 3: Ekstra Bladet of Denmark runs a story claim­ This slander against LaRouche was repeated periodically ing, "Sources in the police leadership reveal they are looking in 1986 and in 1987, even though the Swedish police had intensely at right-wing extremist groups, such as the Swedish discredited the false accusation. Suall, in an effort to fuel neo-Nazis and the so-called European Labor Party [E AP], " these false allegations, traveled to Sweden in the summer of co-thinkers of LaRouche in Sweden. EIR January 28, 1994 National 63 © 1994 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. March 10: A 32-year-old suspect is picked up for inter­ by William Welch. Article ci�s the ADL's Irwin Suall and rogation, but is released the following morning. federal authorities as sources f�r the report. A UPI wire story March 12: The 32-year-old man, Victor Gunnarsson, is datelined Stockholm: "Policei Discredit LaRouche Link to arrested as a suspect. Palme Assassination." The article quotes a Swedish source March 18: NBC producer Pat Lynch, calls the CI A Pub­ saying, "There is a dispropor(ionately great interest among lic Affairs Office (PAD) "to tell PAD that a member of Lyn­ journalistsin the United States!about one of the leads we have don LaRouche's organization is being accused of involve­ followed up during the invest· ation," Hallberg said."Every ment in the murder of Sweden's Prime Minister Palme." time NBC or some other agenc from the States calls us about NBC Nightly News: Brian Ross segment accuses LaRouche this [LaRouche angle], we 101 at each other at police head­ of complicity in Palme assassination; ADL Fact-Finding Di­ quarters and say, 'Oh no, not �gain,' he said.... " vision director Irwin Suall is interviewed and says that it is Jan. 27-28, 1987: Sovie� television airs "docu-drama" "not inconceivable " someone connected to LaRouche could on "Who Killed Olof Palmer' on the first anniversary of have killed Palme. P�lme's death, which accuser LaRouche, by name, of the March 19: At a press conference at 3:30 p.m.in Swe­ cnme. I den, Hans Holmer, the police chief of Stockholm, announces March 20: Swedish au�orities contact the FBI to ar­ that there is no evidence that merits continuing to hold Gun­ range interviews with Americjms concerning Palme assassi- narsson, and thus he was being released. An article in the nation. i Washington Post by John Mintz is entitled: "Suspect in Palme April 14: FBI headquarters sends out a teletype to make Case Had LaRouche Party Tie: Swedish Group Says Link arrangements for the Swedishlauthorities. Was Cut in '85." April 20: Front-page h · dline in Swedish newspaper March 25: Irwin Suall, national fact-finding director of Aftonbladet: "New Tracks in e Police Investigation-Main the ADL, appears on the Phil Donahue Show and accuses Track Is the EAP ." r LaRouche of being involved in Palme assassination. April 21: Swedish inve�igators arrive in U.S. Radio May 22: The FBI's London Legate office sends a tele­ Moscow reports: "Swedish Mlice still suspect the extremist type to FBI HQ in Washington concerning LaRouche and the right-wing European Labor P in the Palme investigation." Palme investigation. April 22: Radio Mosco repeats earlier slander citing Summer 1986: Irwin Suall travels to Stockholm to look AJtonbladet. t I into LaRouche's operations there and is questioned by Swed­ April 24: Swedish news�per Expressen repeats accusa­ ish investigators.He says he was later questioned further by tion of EAP link to Palme ,ssassination. Izvestia repeats I a Swedish consul official.Suall says he gave the FBI a written Expressen accusation. report on his findings. April 25: Aftonbladet �nd Dala-Demokraten report Aug. 26: FBI HQ sent to London Legate office and three Swedish police and FBI colla�oration� in continuing the false field offices (Alexandria, Virginia, Charlotte, North Caroli­ allegation of an EAP link to lme assassination. na, and Washington) an airtel concerning the Palme assassi­ May 2: Norwegian dail Morgenbladet moots Soviet nation. Contents are still classified for "national security " involvement in Palme assassi ation. reasons. Aug. 20-26, 1992: Sw dish newspaper Journalisten Nov. 3: The Boston FBI office sends a teletype to FBI publishes an article titled "Hq Laid Wrong Tracks Concern­ HQ which in tum forwards it to London Legate, requesting ing the Palme Murder, " repo�·ting that former East German that an agent be assigned to review evidence concerning Stasi agent Herbert Brehme� says that he was assigned to LaRouche links to Palme assassination. plant "false tracks in the hu�t for the murderer." Brehmer �' Nov. 7: London FBI legate responds. describes how he "drew up t outlines " of how to direct the November-December: Pat Lynch of NBC-TV calls blame at the Swedish Euro an Labor Party."Three days U.S. Attorney John Markham in Boston to inform him that afterthe murder ofOlof Palm , Stasi officer Herbert Brehmer Swedish police investigating the Palme assassination want to and Department X were ass gned the mission of planting come to Boston to review documents in Markham's posses­ false tracks in the hunt for thelmurderer.They were to ensure sion concerning LaRouche and Palme.
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