Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student Organizations WKU Archives Records 1955 UA68/17/2 Scrapbook 1954-1955 Western Players Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Performance Studies Commons, Photography Commons, and the Public Relations and Advertising Commons Recommended Citation Western Players, "UA68/17/2 Scrapbook 1954-1955" (1955). Student Organizations. Paper 168. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org/168 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Organizations by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , ,. • JII C. • • " - - - • • • • Pres ide.nt Geo'(',.ge Re.eceY' X.Yld Vi c e. Pre sid e'n t Co..th;J AileY) 1st" Vi ce Pre side Y) (j Ma.Y'~ Wo.Y'd \ , I I I \ / \ I I H"storio...Yl 'SecY'e"t"o..Y'~ Po_t V{). n 'vii Y) KI e Ca.ro I AnY)e. Chea.l Trea..sureY' Western Players Hold Traditional Open House The Western Players officially The older club members were began their activities for the year quite pleased with the turnout of last night with their traditional prospective new members. and open house, which is primarily for indications are that the Players the purpose of interesting new will have another successful sea­ students in the club. gon during the school year. Entertainment was provided in • • • the form of a skit, written by Because of the absence of the Wayne Everly. presenting scenes 9lub's regular faculty sponsor, Rus­ from plays which the club has pro~ sell H .. Miller, who is taking a duced in the past. The plays repre­ year's leave of absence to do grad­ sented were "The Heiress, U " Tam­ uate work at Columbia. University, ing of the Shrew," and "Lost in the there will be some changes from Stars." the usual schedule of activities. In- '-___- ______ ____ ,..,) stead of having two major produc- tions, plus 8. musical, during the year, th.e Players will present four plays, under the direction of some of the more experienced members of the club. The first of these productions will r take place on Oct. 13 and will be produced by Maurice Utley, under the direction of Mary Lynn Phil­ lips. The play selected was Noel Coward's light comedy, j'Ways and Means," which promises to be a very entertaining opening for the season. The casting for this play was recently completed. • • • This year, the club wIU be under the sponsorship of Miss Justine Lynn of Western's English depart­ ment. The club officers are as fol­ lows: George Reecer, president; Mary W.ard, first vice president; Cathy Allen, second vice-president; Carol Cheal, secretary. and Wen­ dell Couts, treasurer Besides the four productions, the Players w11I featUre many other activities, such as the annual Home coming luncheon on Nov. 6; field I trips to such places as Nashville, Louisville, or Cincinnati to observe plays presented by other dramatic groups; the Regional High School I Drama. F estival, for which _ the Western Players play host to groups from various high schools f from this area. and aid in the pres- t entation of their one-act plays; and finally, the farewell dinner at the close of the year, for the pur­ pose of honoring departing mem- bers of the club. T o - - o .. " j Players Will Present Comedy Wednesday The Western Players will present the first of four student directed productions, the light comedy "Ways and Means", Wednesday rug-ht, in Van Meter Auditorium. [ The play, starring Chico Ary and Betty Webb, will be produced by Maurice Utley and directed by Mary Lynn Phillips. Noel Coward's comedy in three scenes will feature newcomers Jul­ ius Rather, James Owens, Wanda Reynolds, and Shirley Chandler. Carol Cheal, Bill Doyle, and Bob Kellogg fill out the cast. The dramatic club began their year's activities last week with an open house at the Kentucky build­ ing. The primary purpose of the open house was to interest new stu­ dents in the club. as well as to out­ line the year's schedule of BeUv!· ties. Refreshments were served, and entertainment was furnished by Jane Skinner, violinist, and by a skit written by Wayne Everly, presenting scenes from plays which the club has produced in the past. such as, "The Heiress," "Tanljing of the Shrew," and "Lost in the I Stars." I This year, the Western Players will be under the sponsorship of I Miss Justine Lynn, of the English department, in the absence of their regular sponsor, Russell H. M1ller, who is taking a year's leave of ab~ sence to do graduate work at Columbia University. Officers of the organization are George Reecer, president; Mary Ward, first vice~president; Cathy Allen, second vice~president; Carol Cheal, secretary; Wendell Couts, treasurer; and Pat VanWinkle, his­ torian. Besides four productions under student directorship, the Players will feature other activities, such as the annual Homecoming Lunch­ eon on Nov. 6; field trips to Louis­ ville, Nashville, and Cincinnati to " observe plays presented by other f dramatic groups; the Regional High School Drama Festival, for which the Western Players will play host to groups from various high s'thools from this area and will aid in the presentation of their one- , act plays; and finally, the FareweU l Dinner at the close of the year. ~ • • I Players' First Play Is Comedy 'Ways And Means' The Western Players presented the first of four student directed productions, the light comedy "Ways and Means," recently in Van Meter Auijitorium. The play, produced by Maurice Utley and di­ l'ected by Mary Lynn Phillips, starred Betty Webb and Chico Ary as Stella and Toby Cartwright. Noel Coward's comedy in three scenes presented the ways and means used by the wealthy. social Cartwrights to regain money they had lost by gambling. All the action took place in the bedroom of the Lloyd-Ransom.es· house, Villa Zephyre, on the cote d' Azur. The supporting cast included Carol Ann Cheal as Olive Lloyd· Ransome, owner of the house; Billy Doyle as the butler. Murdock; Bob Kellog as Gaston, the valet; and newcomers Jim Owens as Lord Chapworth; Julius Rather as Stev~ ens, the burglar; Shirley Chandler as the maid, Nanny; and Wauda Reynolds as the princess, Elena. Following the production the gl'OUp h eld a business meeting. Talisman pictures were takeu and plans were made for the annual Homecoming LWlcheon. The lunch­ • eon will be held in the cafeteria of the Student Union building on Nov. 6. This IUllcheon is not restricted to the players and former members. Anyone desiring a reserva.tion may contact Carol Ann Cheal, Catherine Allen, or Mary Ward. l\Iary Lynn Phillips t • , • • " i ! I ! I' ;" f , I ; i I , 1 ; , . I ! I ~ I ~ I , ~ '. I i, , ., i! I , I. I, , ! I i .. _--_ .. _--_.. _--- __ ,-1.~._ --------------f-;.- f I Presented. hJ the 11Jest.ern P18yo~ 1 s PJ. flyshop ! ! Van l·l"tel' AtlClit,<):c.n'.,ll . Ovta 1): .lsSh - '(:)0 P,No Ii Directed by !'li s:; L1'D.l'1 Phill.i.ps i ! ~ ! P::coduc ed by Hisn ?~ai.1T·i.·t: Hi. ley ! I i ,'. PROPERTIES--Bettye Silns, Peggy ,Jenkins , Nor ma Sue HAYS AND lTI'-niS Engle! Janice Crume , Dot SI·rango, Shirley Hartin, Barbara Eubanks 0 COSTUMES--Judy Scholl, Jorene Hudson , Helon ROSD. HAKE-UP-·-}!ildred Royalty, Pauls Vogt, Judy Hore. Cast JVfce Howell, Shirley Begeman. S'J'EU,A CAR'l'1iUlmT·:"H,,,,,~"o'-~;"-'''k;:-vr*l!~d'''f-::""-;H:-~·Betty He:bb TOEY ':lUtT'.. JRIGHT';:~ X-B··~-~:J~-"·~E~~:·~:·'~-::-Y&h·-~~~H~~Hrn~-:h'Y}Jim Ar-:/ SCU1'<"D EFFECTS- -Jackie Kirk, OLIV f:; LL0YD- Ri\~:l SOl'~-h-<,--i~' \-:~'-,}*-,,- (( ,. .. :~-~HH(-~';H~':'~l!-Car-ol Cheal LORn CHA.P~ '10RTH (CRi\.PS );,-.{- _<-:~··.-·"·'f-t-~~~-~;-:~,~·.:;:~~-:-t-i,,,,;rJi.m O\rens P1JBLICI~rY~-J oe: Henry.• Sue Carter;, Pat Ross , Ja.ne i\IAnlL'-K-,,+-·q~.. ~: ··::·;i-~-"I.>I:-~~'·-~""~-::";~·PH'~r',,-;· t..t-:.t-:-" .·21J ~ "".J..HY Chul1<1IET­ Sowan;, Ann \'lilltal1ls, J\ldy BeloH, Daisy WiggintoI'o r'1liR.nC~Ki:-'~ '~..;:, -'.\ 'r':'}-~~.. "A';.'" ~'_'t...:~-'. - ~'!- - :.~" '.-":"~. '=I.. j l ly D.",yle STE;v~,~~Si:-:S~";":;:-;M;--;'- ':-:~:-;-:":"";':,("A-;~ ,:, ,,',:::;:' ~~~LL. ~.~;... "".,. ... -l-us R:.:..tl-;.:;...r CON07rmCTlDN ... =--Jim Ju:y., Ronny Higgs!' R ~ nnitH o lt :l'-' PP.I£1C3!::S EIENPh KRAse:! "' \!n\~! 'q:-"'~:-;:-)l";;··:,,,,·;,,<1.'J7 ·<Jdfj r,.--:.vn .1ds ne(;h~ )I Geu'=:! GJ~·irf i.!l} I?cwoy Bra~:ch€i'r t. GA8T(',tlJ.~ ~:~:.-~.;.-~~.>(~i;.~;~';-;~ -':-4'- '!-~:.- ·;P,''''':-~~-;:·~'';/--::''·H''* ~:-;H;:'~-1:-;;"&:. b Ke..L ..;._' fig HOUSE COl-:MITTEE--?-ladri!ID Cal vel't, Doris Ree'),,-, O(altOS oJ.8.·O'_J :t.!l [;. l)e(t('001fl In lln= J. :<: r y · Wa.~... d5 . I-~ti.:!..d:.... vl::rlkel'u Ll ye. n~,nS (1meD' hour:c .. Ville. Zcohyr8s :) r.l. tho C... 1t0 d A'lUX'.; PROGRAM~Patricia Van l-linkle Wi: 1-fish t o- thank HancJck 's F-.:.rniture st.;rc,. 1-Tho so graci_C' tlEly ~l l?1](~ d us t(! "J.S~ their furnitul't,: for this play_ p' .ODUCED bJr Hi05 Ha1.lrJ.C:~ utley i I '\ ( Western :Ylayers '''''''"''''' 111 11 '''''''''''''" 11' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''"",,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,"""""""""""""""""'"'''''''' J-Lomecoming Luncheon . 'U, ,,,""IIII""""'"'''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',."" ,1 "'''''" .. " .. ", ,,,,,, ,,.,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,, .,, ,.. ,,,"""H"""""'''''''''''' ''''''''''h''' ''''''''"'' '''''''''''''' ''''''''"''''''''''''''""'''''''''''"''' ... '''''",,._..... Stu c! en t 7J n ion J3 u il din 9 12 O'clocK j\joon - 6 }Vovember '54 $ 125 !))e r 91 Q t e $1. 25 Dear Playe:o:, Homecoming at Western is Noy<:mher 6, 1954,. ;,m' Homecoming for the Western P layers wi~: ':ce =€l .
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