IMill mmM HUH HiBUB HWWW Hra11)1 RHHi HHR IHHilnnraimwll! M.L. 29.2 1381s .1 t.2 146114 ^^M^ALOGY COLLECTION Family-Histories AND Genealogies IN THREE VOLUMES— VOLUME FIRST, PART SECOND Family-Histories AND Genealogies Volume First. Part Second CONTAINING A SERIES OF ©eneatojjtcal autr 38tojjrapf)tcal iWouoflmpJs ON THE FAMILIES OF LYNDE, DIGBY, NEWDIGATE, HOO AND WILLOUGHBY COPYRIGHT, 1892 EDWARD ELBRIDGE SALISBURY EVELYN MeCURDY SALISBURY 1146114 H^ntrt Arms : Gu. on a chief Or three mallets of the first. |j|Y the marriage of Elizabeth eldest daughter of Judge Nathaniel Lynde to Judge Richard Lord, and that of his second daughter Hannah to Rev. George Griswold, and of his granddaughter Susannah Lynde to Ensign Thomas Griswold, the Lord and Griswold families, in several of their branches, have the blood of the Lyndes and the Digbys. The two following monographs are memorials of these two distinguished families. Mr. Simon Lynde, father of Judge Nathaniel Lynde, removed from London to Boston in 1650. The family-records that he brought over, or received after his emigration, enabled his son Chief Justice Benjamin Lynde, and his grandson the second Chief Justice Benjamin Lynde, to compile the valuable notes which were the foundation of our Lynde and Digby investigations. He left these records with his immediate family in three forms : on the back of an escutcheon, in an old Bible, and on an old chart-pedigree. "The date of the former is 1740 [several years before the death of the elder Chief Justice]. The younger Judge was the antiquary of the family, and got much of his information from his father, who was living at the time the record on the escutcheon was made, so that what we know of the family, traditionally, came from the elder Judge." 1 a The oldest records extant are found in a Bible printed in 1 595- It 1 Private Letter from Dr. Fitch Edward Oliver (February 14, 1880). Dr. Oliver writes that " many of our family-papers were scattered or destroyed at the time of the death of my uncle Dr. B. Lynde Oliver in 1835." 8 A copy of the " Breeches Bible." : : Bfflti2=2L£tttre is a large folio volume, bound in brown leather, having on the outside of both covers " Enoch Lynd " in large gilt letters. The present owner of this Bible, Mrs. Cornelia (Walter) Richards of Boston, who descends from the Chief Justices Lynde, has kindly sent us, in several letters, the follow- ing statements respecting it Pasted into the volume, on the first fly-leaf, is the following : "An Extract of something to be remembered, from the leafe before the Title-page of a Bible of my Grandmother Mrs. Eliz^ Lynde, sent over to my Father, Mr. Simon 3 d th d Lynde, and Rec by him 13 May 1675 ; at the same time written in the s Leaf th ' \v his own hand as Folio weth, viz : This Bible, formerly my Father Mr. Enoch Lynde's, who died the 23 rd Aprill 1636, afterwards my dear Mother Mrs. Eliz a Lynde had. She departed this Life 1669, and 13 th May 1675 This Bible was brought me here to Boston in New England, and sent me by Eliz a Parker, who writes me my mother gave it her when she Tended on her, but presents it to me, that It might not goe from my Family, But that I and mine might improve It and Its holy Truths —which I beg of God we may! That keeping his Word we may thereby be kept, and found among the number of the Righteous ones. So prayeth Simon Lynde, th " Boston, New England, 13 May 1675.' Then follows, on the first page of the second fly-leaf, this record Mr. Enoch Lynde dyed 23 d April Ano Dom. 1636. Mrs. Eliza- {" beth Lynde his wife (whose maiden-name was Digby) dyed Anno Dom. x66 9 . th ber "My grandparents] "Mr. John Newdigate dyed 4 Sept 1665, aged 85. " by my Mother | Mrs. Anne Newdigate died 1679, aged 84 years. " My hon d Father Simon Lynde Esqre was born June 1624; was " N. B. Living contracted to my hon d mother, then Hannah Newdigate, in Febry children, 9 sons 165 1, and was married to her upon his return from England Feb. daughters and 3 d br 1652 ; and dyed 22 Nov 16S7, aged 63 years. born unto were u "My hon Mother, Mrs. Hannah Lynde, was born 28 June 1635, them in 23 years and dyed 20 th Decber 1684, in the old house, and the same room, from Dec. 1653 where she herselfe and most of her 12 children were born, in —1676" Boston." Showing that the first Chief Justice Benjamin Lynde made the extract. 5 : HfflU8=&fftttre After this come the names and dates of birth and death of the first six " of Simon Lynde's children, with a note on Elizabeth's birth : In the old th house, yet living in her 79 year, wid. Pordage." On the next page, that is, on the reverse of the second fly-leaf, in writing very much defaced, are found the following memoranda, as nearly as they can be made out th c gr. "'July- , 1658. This Bible given to Enoch Linde y son of Nathan Linde by his Grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth Linde " '. gave the ... El [izabeth Parker] " ' Given by El [izabeth Parker] to me S. Lynde by my mother Elizabeth Lynde ['s " direction (or some such word)].' Then, on the same page, is continued and ended the record of the names, births and deaths of Simon Lynde's children. On two following pages, that is, of the third fly-leaf, follows an account of the first Chief Justice Benjamin Lynde's early life ; and on the reverse of the third fly-leaf is the same account of the Bible received from England, in the very same words, as in the extract with which these state- ments begin, in Simon Lynde s handwriting, and signed by him. Below this are these words : th " My Grandfather Mr. John Newgate dyed the 4 September 1665, aged 85 years. My Grandmother Mrs. Anne Newgate dyed 1679, agen 84 years." " Samuel Lynde." Next comes the title-page, on which, alongside of "E. Lynde, 1657," in very quaint old handwriting, the autograph, unquestionably, of Elizabeth (Digby) Lynde, we find the inscription " Simon Lynde of Boston," by his own hand. The history, then, of this precious heirloom, now belonging to Mrs. Richards, appears to be as follows. In the year 1675, six years after the death of Elizabeth (Digby) Lynde, the widow of Enoch and mother 361* Bf0t>ff=&£tttrt of Simon Lynde, the Bible was sent over from England to Simon Lynde in Boston by Elizabeth Parker, a waiting-woman of his mother, who had received it from her, and was probably charged to transmit it, eventually, to her son. The memorandum dated July 5, 1658, twenty-two years after Enoch Lynde's death, and seventeen years before Simon Lynde possessed the volume, was undoubtedly written by Enoch Lynde's widow. This memorandum is of special interest to us, from its giving something of the previous history of the book ; for it shows that the Bible of Enoch Lynde was a gift to him from his grandmother Elizabeth, the wife of Nathan Lynde. It may have been printed in Holland, as many English Bibles were, at that time, though bearing another imprint. The two next following memoranda must have been made by Simon Lynde. The memorandum, above quoted, signed by Samuel Lynde, seems to show that the Bible passed from Simon Lynde to his eldest son Samuel; while the family-records on one of the fly-leaves of the volume prove that Samuel Lynde surrendered his ownership of it to his younger brother the first Chief Justice Benjamin Lynde, in whose line it has since then been handed down. As we shall see farther on, Samuel Lynde provided for a record of his own immediate family, in a separate Bible which has been transmitted in his line. It only remains to speak of the first Chief Justice Lynde's " Extract of something to be remembered, from the leafe before the Title-page of a Bible," now pasted into this old Bible. That the "Extract" was made from this very volume all the circumstances prove. Not the least signifi- cant one is that Simon Lynde's own signed statement stands, in this old Bible, just where the Chief Justice found it in the volume from which he extracted it. He may have intended the "Extract" for some other Bible of family-records, before Samuel Lynde gave him this one ; or he may have pasted it where we find it, in order to draw attention to the original statement on the third fly-leaf, and as a heading to the records which follow. 36: 2!fflfifi=3L»nire The other principal original document relative to Lynde genealogy is an old pedigree of which there are several copies, more or less extensive, existing in different branches of the family. The oldest copy is, without doubt, one of the "carefully drawn genealogical tables" which are mentioned, by the editor of the Lynde " Diaries," as among the manu- scripts of the second Chief Justice Lynde. Another copy, in the hand- writing of the second Chief Justice, is now owned by Mrs. Susan S. Chalker of Saybrook, Conn., great great granddaughter of Joseph son of Judge Nathaniel Lynde, brother of the first Chief Justice. This must have been prepared for and presented to his uncle Nathaniel by the compiler.
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