
January 25, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S125 Resolved, That Mr. Raskin, Ms. stitution of the United States, and in moval from office, and disqualification DeGette, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Castro of violation of his constitutional duty to to hold and enjoy any office of honor, Texas, Mr. Swalwell, Mr. Lieu, Ms. take care that the laws be faithfully trust, or profit under the United Plaskett, Mr. Neguse, and Ms. Dean are executed—Donald John Trump engaged States. appointed managers to conduct the im- in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House peachment trial against Donald John inciting violence against the Govern- of Representatives. Trump, President of the United States, ment of the United States, in that: Mr. President, that completes the ex- that a message be sent to the Senate to On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the hibition of the Article of Impeachment inform the Senate of these appoint- 12th Amendment to the Constitution of against Donald John Trump, President ments, and that the managers so ap- the United States, the Vice President of the United States. The managers re- pointed may, in connection with the of the United States, the House of Rep- quest that the Senate take order for preparation and the conduct of the resentatives, and the Senate met at the the trial. The managers now request trial, exhibit the articles of impeach- United States Capitol for a Joint Ses- leave to withdraw. ment to the Senate and take all other sion of Congress to count the votes of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. actions necessary, which may include the Electoral College. In the months Thank you, Mr. Manager RASKIN. The the following: preceding the Joint Session, President Senate will duly notify the House of (1) Employing legal, clerical, and Trump repeatedly issued false state- Representatives when it is ready to other necessary assistants and incur- ments asserting that the Presidential proceed with the trial. ring such other expenses as may be election results were the product of You may proceed to depart. necessary, to be paid from amounts widespread fraud and should not be ac- The majority leader. available to the Committee on the Ju- cepted by the American people or cer- Mr. SCHUMER. I suggest the absence diciary under applicable expense reso- tified by State or Federal officials. of a quorum. lutions or from the applicable accounts Shortly before the Joint Session com- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The of the House of Representatives. menced, President Trump, addressed a clerk will call the roll. (2) Sending for persons and papers, crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, The senior assistant legislative clerk and filing with the Secretary of the DC. There, he reiterated false claims proceeded to call the roll. Senate, on the part of the House of that ‘‘we won this election, and we won Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Representatives, any pleadings, in con- it by a landslide’’. He also willfully ask unanimous consent that the order junction with or subsequent to, the ex- made statements that, in context, en- for the quorum call be rescinded. hibition of the articles of impeachment couraged—and foreseeably resulted in— The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. that the managers consider necessary. lawless action at the Capitol, such as: SMITH). Without objection, it is so or- NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House ‘‘if you don’t fight like hell you’re not dered. of Representatives. going to have a country anymore’’. With the permission of the Senate, I Thus incited by President Trump, f will now read the Article of Impeach- members of the crowd he had ad- UNANIMOUS CONSENT ment, House Resolution 24. dressed, in an attempt to, among other AGREEMENT HOUSE RESOLUTION 24 objectives, interfere with the Joint In the House of Representatives, Session’s solemn constitutional duty Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I U.S., January 13, 2021. to certify the results of the 2020 Presi- ask unanimous consent that notwith- Impeaching Donald John Trump, dential election, unlawfully breached standing Rule III of the Senate Rules President of the United States, for high and vandalized the Capitol, injured and of Impeachment, at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, crimes and misdemeanors. killed law enforcement personnel, men- January 26, 2021, the Senate proceed to Resolved, that Donald John Trump, aced Members of Congress, the Vice the consideration of the Article of Im- President of the United States, is im- President, and Congressional per- peachment of Donald John Trump, peached for high crimes and mis- sonnel, and engaged in other violent, former President of the United States. demeanors and that the following arti- deadly, destructive, and seditious acts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cle of impeachment be exhibited to the President Trump’s conduct on Janu- objection, it is so ordered. ary 6, 2021, followed his prior efforts to United States Senate: f Article of impeachment exhibited by subvert and obstruct the certification the House of Representatives of the of the results of the 202 Presidential AUTHORIZING THE TAKING OF A United States of America in the name election. Those prior efforts included a PHOTOGRAPH IN THE CHAMBER of itself and of the people of the United phone call on January 2, 2021, during OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE States of America, against Donald which President Trump urged the sec- retary of state of Georgia, Brad Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I John Trump, President of the United ask unanimous consent that the Sen- States of America, in maintenance and Raffensperger, to ‘‘find’’ enough votes to overturn the Georgia Presidential ate proceed to the consideration of S. support of its impeachment against Res. 15, submitted earlier today. him for high crimes and misdemeanors. election results and threatened Sec- retary Raffensperger if he failed to do The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Article I: Incitement of Insurrection so. clerk will report the resolution by The Constitution provides that the In all this, President Trump gravely title. House of Representatives ‘‘shall have endangered the security of the United The bill clerk read as follows: the sole Power of Impeachment’’ and States and its institutions of Govern- A resolution (S. Res. 15) authorizing the that the President ‘‘shall be removed ment. He threatened the integrity of taking of a photograph in the Chamber of from Office on Impeachment for, and the democratic system, interfered with the United States Senate. Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or the peaceful transition of power, and There being no objection, the Senate other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’. imperiled a coequal branch of Govern- proceeded to consider the resolution. Further, section 3 of the 14th Amend- ment. He thereby betrayed his trust as Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- ment to the Constitution prohibits any President, to the manifest injury of the sent that the resolution be agreed to person who has ‘‘engaged in insurrec- people of the United States. and the motion to reconsider be consid- tion or rebellion against’’ the United Wherefore, Donald John Trump, by ered made and laid upon the table with States from ‘‘hold[ing] any office . such conduct, has demonstrated that no intervening action or debate. under the United States’’. In his con- he will remain a threat to national se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without duct while President of the United curity, democracy, and the Constitu- objection, it is so ordered. States—and in violation of his con- tion if allowed to remain in office, and The resolution (S. Res. 15) was agreed stitutional oath faithfully to execute has acted in a manner grossly incom- to. the office of President of the United patible with self-governance and the (The resolution is printed in today’s States and, to the best of his ability, rule of law. Donald John Trump thus RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Resolu- preserve, protect, and defend the Con- warrants impeachment and trial, re- tions.’’) VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Feb 24, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD21\JANUARY\S25JA1.REC S25JA1 abonner on DSKJLXR7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 25, 2021 REMEMBERING PAUL SARBANES ballroom, the bouzouki band would come Several of the multiple House votes to pass out, and everyone would dance for several the embargo and then override a presidential Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, all of more hours. Having attended these events veto succeeded by only a one-vote margin, us in this body mourn the recent pass- regularly in DC from the 1990s until COVID– recalls Andy Manatos, then an aide to Sen- ing of former Senator Paul Sarbanes. 19, I can attest that after the Senator intro- ator Tom Eagleton, who was successfully Those of us who served with him have duced his rule about a decade ago, the pro- championing similar embargo legislation in known him as one of the finest and ceedings tightened considerably, with the the Senate. ‘‘It would never have passed in most accomplished Senators with dancing commencing at a more civilized 10 the House without the esteem Paul and John whom we have served. And what a PM. enjoyed,’’ says Manatos, now the dean of It was at one of these dinners that I got to Greek-American lobbyists, adding that Sar- great pleasure it was to work with him, know Sarbanes personally when my late wife banes and Brademus were two of the three on so many issues. Kukula found herself seated next to him. She Rhodes Scholars then serving in that body. In addition to his impressive legisla- asked him what kind of cocktail he liked and The Turkish arms embargo—the first time tive accomplishments, Paul Sarbanes went to the bar to fetch it.
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