This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com JFK Assassination System Date: 4/27/201 Identification Form Agency Information Peleased under the John AGENCY: FBI F. Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10279-10232 ~ssassination Records ollection Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES : HQ (44 USC 2107 Note) . ase#:NW 45946 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER : CR 63-4426-305 b-16-2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: HART, ARTHUR V. TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 05/21/1959 PAGES: 60 SUBJECTS: NRO, MEETING, HOODLUMS, APALACHIN, NY, INTV PROGRAM, B/F INT, LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified · RESTRICTIONS : 4; 10(a)2 CURRENT STATUS:· Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/06/1998 OPENING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE COMMENfS: v9J NW 4.:;946 Docld:32301897 Pa.ge 1 AL 62-1152 2.. Will intel'view PETER Tb.c.co., 38001 Ha·rvara, Ma'nager of Pfeiffer Macomb Distribut:ors and a partner of JOSEPH ZERILLI tn. thls business. · THE JACKSONVThLE OFF ICE .. A.T TALLAHASSEE,. FLORIDA 1. · At the -F-ederal ·correctional Inst·itut.e,. will · 1nterv1e\'! JOHN JOSEPH. COUGHLIN ' (see ·i ,nde-x _o:f' atta.che:d. ·report) and obta1.n. from him all specific facts and so· urc~s by which the story which he ·'furnished iri re.$pect to ALBERT A.NAS.TASIA •·. s ·move into ·Cuban gambling and subseq.u·ent. murd.er by the Mafia lead­ :krrg to ins·tant meeting., :c·an be verifled or disproved. THE HOUSTON OFF.ICE · AT: GALVESTON, TEXAS I t *1-. Will ma,.ntain contact W:ith Conf'i:d·entia:t rn·f'ormant T-6~ {PCI ANTHONY F:ER,TITTA} to guide him in obtaining . I inf· ~rma1&:1op fr.om BENNTE BICKERS, friend of JOSEPH FRANCIS I CNELLO of Dalla-s, who at-tended instant me.eting. r f THE KANS.NS CITY OFFICE i AT KANSAS ·;CITY:z MISSOURI .[ - 1. W-ill consider .inter.vie:W· of· SAM L:. 'BUCCERO., . 5106 l Thompson (-offtc·e is in Columbia Ba-qk Bi.lilding), attorney for· l JOSEPH .FILARDO and NICHOLAS CIVELLA, and' President of the ! ,. Itallan :So.cia1 ·Club or Ka.nsas City, Miss.ouri. 1: I 2.. W. ~ll. intervtew CARL CIVELLA, brother. and· top associate .of NICHOLAS : CIVELLA a·nd Kansas City Top Hoodlum. 3 . Will :tnt ~ervl.ew· NICHOLAS CIVELLA;, . -. - - . - ~ . 4. · Will ·int _ erv~ew JOSJ~~PH FILARDO' (Mote FILARDO is ¢urrent·ly subj·ec't or :l:nvest:igation .by Immigration and Na.tura11zat16n ~ Service re possible d . eportat~on· and by U.S-. Treasury concernfng possible ·income ·t ·ax vlolation. No interview, should 'be conduc·ted until no embarrassment c.o.ulo . - r: - COVER PAGE ~=-----------~----~---~~----------============~~------- - ---- NW 45946 Docld: 32301897 Pa.ge 2' JFK Act 6 (4) AL 62-1152 result from possible interference with either mentioned investigation by our interview4) / 5. Will interview MORRIS {SNAG) KLEIN, owner of Original Toy and Jobbers Company, 303 West Ninth Street, where CIVELLA has office space and spends most of his time. KLEIN is a top associate of CIVELLA. · 6. Will interview ANTHONY ORLANDO, operator o.fthe Midwest Money Order Exchange, or which CIVELLA allegedly receives 50 per cent of the receipts. 7. Will interview STEVE PLAS, former associate of NICHOLAS CIVELLA in a trucking business (now defunct) with whom CIVELLA continues friendly association. 8. Will consider interview of Kansas City Top Hoodlum THOMAS (HIGHWAY) SIMONE, top ;associate of NICHOLAS CIVELLA. LEGAT I HAVANA 1.. Will furnish Albany and the Bureau results of additional contacts with PCI GUIDO DE PHILLIPS. 2. Will consider ::: n:s:~:1tity of interviewing and developing as PCI or CIImaid ror SANTO TRAFFICANTE, JR., at his current and t e e ces, and maid for other Americans involved in gambling in Havana. 3.. Will consider whether arrangements could be made for interviews of JOSEPH SILESI and SANTO TRAFFICANTE~ JR., in Havana or, if they travel to the United States, at Miami, New York or other appropriate place. If interviews feasible, will attempt to arrange same. In event specific reasons exist for not attempting interviews in Cuba or in the United States (other than their possible lack of cooperation) 1 will inform Albany and the Bureau •. 4. Will consider whether it may be desirable and practicable to interview the following mentioned associates of JOSEPH SILESI and/or SANTO TRAFFICANTE, JR.: - J - COVER PAGE NW 45946 Docld:32301897 Page 3 AL 62-1152 40. Will interview ROBERT SELMAN~ President­ Treasurer~ S & R Trucking Company~ Inc.~ 460 West 35th Street~ business associate of JOSEPH ROSATO. 41. Will advise Albany of the results of contacts with PCI MAX w. STEIN~ partner in the A B & S Contracting Company with RUSSELL A. BUFALINO and DOMINIC ALAIMO (Philadelphia top hoodlums from Pittston~ Pennsylvania). 42. Will develop the past associates~ estranged relatives 1 etc. as previously requested on Apalachin hoodlums in respect to SALVATORE TORNABE and will interview the same. It is noted TORNABE is dead and thus admissions on the part of persons interv1ewed cannot now injure him. 43. Will interview CARMINE TRAMUNTI~ whose card was found at the scene of the Apalachin Meeting by police. Full identification on TRAMUNTI is available in New York Office files. 44. Will reinterview NANCY (CHIC) JAMES~ 133 East 56th Street~ New York City 1 girl friend of ANIELLO (NEIL) MIGLIORE. AT PLAINVIEW; I NEW YORK 1. Will consider interview of JOSEPH AMARU, 8 Prospect Street~ attorney who executed and transmitted releases concerning the automobile accident allegedly involving AMERIGO MIGLIORE, NEIL MIGLIORE~ and PETER VALENTI. Note that PETER VALENTI denies having been at the scene~ in the car or signing any document. AT QUEENS, NEW YORK 1. Will interview SAM GALANTE~ 107-01 109th Street~ brother of CARMINE GALANTE and associated with him as operator of the Rosiaa·Costume Company~ 1515 70th Street~ New York City. 2. Will consider interview of ANTHONY LUCHESE~ 35-15 7th Street~ Jackson Heights 1 brother-in-law and top associate of JOSEPH ROSATO. 3. Will interview PETER VALENTI 1 57-41 Xenia Street, Corona~ New York, who denied accompanying AMERIGO MIGLIORE on November 15~ 1957~ at Binghamton~ New York (where they were X COVER PAGE NW 45946 Docld:32301897 Page 4 --. () AL 62-1152 PH*bADELPHIA OFFICE AT PITTSTON1 PENNSYLVANIA 3.Will interview WILLIAM ALAIMO, brother and business associate of DOMINICK ALAIMO in Jane Hogan, Inc. (where he also associates with top h~odlum DAVE OSTICCO}. · 4.Will interview MIKE ARNONE, part time bartender at RUSSELL BUFALIN0 1·s Club 82. · 5.Will interview LEONARD BLANDINA, partner of ANGELO JOSEPH SCIANDRA in S & B Machine Company, Pittst~n. 6·. Will identify, locate and interview ANGELO· BUFALINO, a cousin of RUSSELL BUFALL~O and ANITA.OSTICCO, daughter of DAVE OSTICCO, who were employees of RUSSELL BUFALINO in the Penn Drape and Curtain Company. ·rt is noted that ANGELO is likely identical to the ANGELO BUFALINO \'-Tho now fronts for RUSSELL BUFALINO and operates the Club 82 at 82 North Main Street, Pittston •. 7 .. Will interview CHARLES BUFALINO •.. B. Will interview RUSSELL A. BUFALINO, if considered desirable in light of the current deportation case pending against him. 9. Will interview JOSEPH N. c·ASTELLINO, who oper.ates City . Auto Service, 163 South Main Street, for RUSSELL A. BUFALINO~ lO~Will advise Albany of the results of contacts with PH 526-c, PCI ORLANDO MENCH! and PCI WILLIAM J. STRUBECK, concerning Club 82, hangout and allegedly property of RUSSELL A. BUFALINO and hangout ~f DAVE OSTICCO. · ll.Will interview S~roEL STEPHEN DE BELLA, employee of RUSSELL A~ BUFALINO in the Penn Drape and Curtain Company, 161 S~uth Main Street, and a top ass~ciate of BUFALINO. 12~Will consider interview of WILLIAM A. DE GILLIO, att~rney for ANGELO SCIANDRA~ 13.Will interview MODESTO LOQUASTO, 372 South Main Street, a top associate of RUSSELL BUFALINO and employed in BUFALINO' s Club 82. COVER PAGE AA NW 45946 Docld:32301897 Page 5 AL 62-1152 ALBANY OFFICE AT AUBURN 1 NEW YORK 1. Will interview CHARLES FIORICA, Auburn Glass Company, .. legitimate associate of SAVERIO MONACHINO. 2. Will interview SAM SCHENA, Auburn Glass Company, legitimate associate of SAVERIO MONACHINO. AJ! BING~TON, NEW YQRK 1. Will reinterview PCI FELIX ANTHONY JULIAN (see index attached report) and will endeavor to pinpoint the sources of information who mentioned to him that Havana gambling was on the adgenda of instant meeting. 2. Will interview GUY PASQUALE, Binghamton, legitimate past associate of JOSEPH BARBARA$ SR. and JR. AT ENDICOTT, NEW YORK 1. Will interview FRANK CANNONE, brother of IGNATIUS CANNONE, wh ~~ operated IGNATIUS CANNONE r s Nat • s Place, 420 North Street, Endicott (now cloSed). AT ENDWELL, NEW ~ORK 1. Will consider interview of JOSEPH CONVERTINO, owner of grocery store at 3015 Watson Boulevard, where PASQUALE TURRIGIANO works and who is son-in-lattt of TURRIGIANO. AT NEl!l HARTFORD 1 NEW YORK 1. Will interview JOSEPH FALCONE's alleged girl friend, MADELINE HANNA, 82 Genesee Street. ~4Bl\_!Q9A SPRJJ!gS a NEW YORK 1. Will interview LOUIS "DOC" FARONE concerning SANTO TRAFFICANTE, JR. and instant meeting. TRAFFICANTE has been alleged to be an associate of FARRONE and LONGY ZWILLMAN (who committed suicide in early 1959, at Newark, New Jersey) as well as associates of ANTHONY STASSI, Aka. ANTHONY ROGERS and his brother JOE STASSI, Aka.
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