US 20040252142A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0252142 A1 Struk et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 16, 2004 (54) ENHANCING ANGULAR POSITION Related US. Application Data INFORMATION FOR A RADIAL PRINTING SYSTEM (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/815,064, ?led on Mar. 21, 2001, noW Pat. No. 6,736,475. (75) Inventors: Robert S. Struk, Sunnyvale, CA (US); Carl E, Youngberg, Mapleton, UT (60) Provisional application No. 60/191,317, ?led on Mar. (US); Jan E. Unter, Alamo, CA (US) 21, 2000 Publication Classi?cation Correspondence Address: BEYER WEAVER & THOMAS LLP (51) Int- C17 - B41J 3/00 P_()_ BOX 778 (52) US. Cl. ................................................................ .. 347/2 BERKELEY, CA 94704-0778 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee; ELESYS, Inc” Sunnyvale, CA Methods and apparatus for radially printing onto a rotating media are disclosed. Techniques and mechanisms are used to receive a pulse train frequency source signal in generating a (21) Appl, N()_j 10/848,537 rotation index pulse and an angular position pulse. Tech niques and mechanisms are further used to condition the pulse train frequency source signal as necessary for the (22) Filed: May 17, 2004 radial printing application. 200 216\/\ Image Source 202 Head Assembly Synchronization System ‘ l 204 r |I Encoder/Sensor —’> Angular Position. | j Processing Unit 205 < Servo ’ l 203 208 I 2063 Rotation Motor Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 1 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 FIG.1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 2 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 216 200 \ V‘ Image‘ Source' > 202 Imaging ' <—-— 210 Platter Head Assembly 201 Synchronization System 220 ‘ l Media . - y 204 I Encoder/Sensor —-’> _ _ I _‘ Angular Posltlon | j ' Processing Unit 205 i < Servo - f L S ‘ 203 208 I 206 Rotation Motor FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 3 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 320 330 332 - 334 336 PCA PMA Lead I“ Program Area Lead Out _ ‘ (TOC) _ 340 ‘ Disc \ Wobble S|gna| > Disc Hub , ' _ >Edge (/ CD-R Pregrooved Spiral Track 350 FIG. 3 r 320 330 332 334 336 PC}; PMA Lead In Program Area Lead O‘ut (TOC) ' 340 Wobble Si nal Disc L'N g + > Disc H b Wrid e u \\\/l CD-R Pregrooved Sm)‘. 9 V 410 ' 350 FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 4 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 Optional Placement of Codewheel or 110‘ Diffraction Grating Pattern 120 Lead In PMA Program Area (TOC) FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 5 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 ' Radial Print f 200 . System v 610 100' Custom CD-R Devicev Interface CD-R Dei/ice Rotation f 630 S rvo S stern Motor e y Control 620 FIG. 6 730 740 I Radial Print f 200 ~ \ - System 720. _ * \\—-\ I f 660 Optical Encoder 120 Y .' , Rotation ‘$12226y <—» Control K 710 FIG. 7 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 6 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 Steps to retrieve angular position from CD-R Recorder for Radial Printing 814 810 812 340 or 410 g"- _ ' ébfR'rie'cBidingbeliée “- ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : | l | l : Laser Head Rotary Index Wobble or v _ i | Radial Position Period Clock Data-code Signal : l l l l 818 340 or 410 820 *\ f ' _l_l_l_ ' JLI'LFL . r 870 ll l 840 .lll'Ul ll Count Signal n D . t f/ ' Pulses Between ‘ . ecl'emen ‘ /,___J/ Index pulses 7 ‘Period Counter 830 832 $2225 n f Pulse Counter 816 \ a Signi?cantTest for Load 874 Laser Head Radius Scale . Issue Factor {LP ‘Angular [ 880 Change . ~ - . into Posltlon Period Pulse Counter ‘ NO 864 . 884 850 _. ll / ’ 876 Predict number of signal counts n to next index pulse and output ‘V _l_l_l_ 204 860 scaling factor. 862 r) _l— Radial Print 1 R t t. I d P I > Synchronizing o a ion n ex u se - System FIG. Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 7 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 Steps to retrieve angular position from an Encoder pattern on CD-R Media for Radial Printing / 920 ML Encoder Pulse Counter 950 Reset 4/ - Counter 912' Encoder Pattern 930 - ‘ Zero Mark I 934 . ' NO 940 9141/ - AngularPosition _ l n 200 Radial Print 130 System 660 110 910 100 FIG. 9 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 8 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 9 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 740 1130 1170 1140 - 1150 i 1110 _\__J - m Phase Low-Pass Detector Filter VCO >_ fout ,1 120 1 102 Divide by N 4 1 I Counter ‘ 1 160 J / Aqxihary > Index Pulse ' DlVldel’ FIG. 11 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 10 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 /——\ 1206 A / \ I 1204_ 1202 T ' ' —|~/;;10 MHHJHWHHJMWMHMN Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 11 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 1300 Bin X Mnemonic Control 1 Bln Y Mnemonic I Control 1320 1330 FIG. 13 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 12 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 1400 f 1404Y 1406 1403- l il Il / f___ 1402 bil’l1 bin2 bil13 "- X-1 x+1 x+2 x+3 u. bin n 1510 FIG. 15 Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 13 0f 13 US 2004/0252142 A1 1708 _ 1710 FIG. 17 US 2004/0252142 A1 Dec. 16, 2004 ENHANCING ANGULAR POSITION from a code Wheel on the shaft of the rotating spindle motor; INFORMATION FOR A RADIAL PRINTING or using an entirely independent encoding pattern pre-placed SYSTEM during manufacturing directly on the inner hub or outer circumference edge of the CD-R media coupled With an CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED external encoder sensor. These signals are uniquely com APPLICATIONS bined With a radial printing system to form a synchroniZed [0001] This application is a continuation-in-part of US. system for printing a label on the top surface of the record application Ser. No. 09/815,064, ?led Mar. 21, 2001, Which able disc media While the disc is spinning, independent of claims the bene?t of US. Provisional Application No. recording, during recording or during playback. 60/191,317, ?led Mar. 21, 2000, Wherein these references [0006] The CD Standard Speci?cations Orange Book are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety for all speci?es in detail hoW CD-R media are to be pre-grooved for purposes. This application is also related to US. application use, Which is Well knoWn to those skilled in the art. Timing Ser. No. 09/062,300, ?led Apr. 17, 1998, now US. Pat. No. markings along a pre-grooved spiral track contains a Wobble 6,264,295, Which is also incorporated herein by reference in signal. This Wobble signal provides CD laser head servo its entirety for all purposes. tracking alignment and clocking information to control disc spin rate. The native Wobble is present throughout the BACKGROUND prerecorded CD-R disc media, including the prerecorded [0002] The present invention relates to printing systems track in the PoWer Calibration Area (PCA) 320, the Program and methods for printing With the same. More particularly, Memory Area (PMA) 330, lead-in 332, data programming the present invention relates to printing systems With ink jet 334, or lead out 336 areas. Alternately this invention uses the cartridges that are con?gured to radially print directly on to timing-code information in the post-recorded data area of the top surface of a circular media that is inserted into a CD the CD-R media. drive mechanism, While the CD drive mechanism rotates the [0007] The present invention uses several methods for media in relation to a printing assembly. sensing the angular position of rotating or spinning CD-R [0003] In the art of dispensing ?uidic ink objects as it media to be utiliZed in a radial printing system. FIG. 2 is a applies to radial printing, there is a need to place ink objects diagrammatic representation of an example radial printing accurately and precisely onto the spinning circular media to system in Which the present invention may be implemented. effectively use the mechanisms of radial printing. In a radial As shoWn, the printing head assembly 210 is placed radially printing application, ink is placed onto a circular media as it over the spinning CD disc 214. The synchroniZation system is rotating. To properly place the ink, the mechanisms 204 uses signals from the CD servo 206 to sense the disc 220 governing the print process must have as one of its inputs (platter 201) spin rate or control the motor 208. Several information relating to the instantaneous position of the disk embodiments of a radial printing system are described above With respect to the print engine emitting the ink. That in the US. Pat. No. 6,264,295 (BradshaW et al), Which is information over a period of time translates to instantaneous incorporated by reference. Radial printing can be optionally angular position and velocity, Which affects other aspects of performed on spinning media, even While actual CD record radial printing such as pen ?ring frequency. Thus, in any ing is in process. As such, a radial printing system preferably radial printing system, a mechanism must be employed to determines the instantaneous angular velocity and position provide the electronics governing the printing process With of rotating CD-R media to enable radial printing. the information regarding the instantaneous position of the rotating media or disk.
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