NBA standings College scores Eastern Conference Monday's College Basketball Results Atlantic Division East Alfred 92. Buffalo U SB W L Pet. QB American 68. W Chester 66 Boston 36 13 .735 Bloomsburg 72, Wilkes 67 Boston U 65, Maine 63 Philadelphia 36 14 .720 Vi Bryant 71 W New England 70 New Jersey 25 26 .490 12 CW Post 70 Adelphl 69. OT California (Pa) 70, Fla, Int 1 63 Washington 24 25 .490 12 Cheyney 100, Lincoln 69 New York 23 29 .442 14 Clarion 95, Geneva 75 Connecticut Coll 68. Concordia 56 Central Division Dickinson 75, Albright 58 Milwaukee 36 14 .720 Edlnboro 77. Gannon 61 Fartelgh Dickinson 98 MarlstSO Detroit 22 29 .431 141 r Fr Pierce 138 Lyndon St 85 Indiana 22 29 .431 14 Holy Cross 67, New Hampshire 54 ! Howard 80. Campbell 71 Atlanta 19 26 .404 15 Indiana (Pa) 87. W. Liberty 71 Chicago 19 31 .380 17 lona 74, New Orleans 69 Ithaca 70, Cortland 68 Cleveland 11 39 .220 25 Kutztown 72. Textile 63 Western Conference Lebanon Valley 95, Alvernla 45 Messiah 72, Bucknell 70, 20T Midwest Division NY Maritime 61 , Yesh iva 60, OT W L Pet. GB Navy87,MlllersvllleSt69 Northeastern 79 Canislus61 San Antonio 32 17 .653 PennSt 62. So Carollna60 Houston 27 22 .551 5 Phila. Pharmacy 76, Allantown 55 Pitt --Johnstown 88 Frostburg 79 St.-Behre- Denver 27 23 .540 5 Pitt Bradford 79, Penn nd 57 Utah 18 32 .380 14 Plymouth St 88 Hawthorne 74 Quinnlplac 66, New Haven 64 Dallas 16 33 .327 16 ' RIT89,Geneseo54 Kansas City 16 34 .320 16 Rhode Island Coll 66, Sulfolk 49 toosteTftHobiit78"-- w - -'- -- 3ciSnWrr95,llsrlBordlaT1 -'- - : - SeattleH.."..:.r.':.34- - Wrss,Vw'" Afeom St 93, Prairie View 67 Los Angeles 34 17 .667 Alaerson-Sroaddu- s 73, W Va. Wesleyan 71 Portland 28 21 .571 5 Armstrong SL 64, Georgia Southern 62 Atlantic Christian S3. Catawba 52 Golden State 27 22 .551 6 Belmont Abbey 59 Mars Hill 56 5 Phoenix 26 22 .542 7 Carson-Newma-n 86, Mllllgan 80 Charleston 53. Cstl Carolina 52 j San Diego a.14 36 .280 20 Citadel 91. Va. Mllltary74 ' Clemson 79, Furman 82 Monday RmuH Delta St 41, Livingston 40 Denver 145, Utah 134 E. Carolina 78, E. Illinois 54 ,' Tuesday's Qames Elon64, Lynchburg 60 Dallas at New York, 6Ji p m. FayettevilleSt 69, Livingstone 67 Houston at Detroit, 705 p m. Fla. Southern 112, Cent Flonda95 Phoenix at Chicago, 7 35 p m Glenvllle 84, Wheeling 65 KansssCHy at Denver, &S5p.rn. Jacksonville 98, Stetson 84 Seattle at Los Angeles, 9 30 p m Lincoln 90, Union (Ky) 71 9-3- at Portland, 0 p.m Washington N -- 5 So Florida 74 C Charlotte 69 Atlanta Diego. 9-3- m. at San p So. Carollna-Alken9S-. Voorhees 94 Wednesday's Game So. Mississippi New 84, SW Louisiana 75 Chicago at Jersey Tenn --Chattanooga 71, E Tenn St 60 Dallas at Philadelphia . j Virginia 56, Georola Tech !7 Houston at Cleveland Midwest Indiana at Milwaukee Anderson 78, Flndlay 70 Detroit at San Antonio Ball SL 78, Toledo 61 Phoenix at Kansas City Bellarmine 63. St. Joseph s 60 Atlanta at Utah Bethel 80, St Francis 67 Boston at Golden State Cahaton67,Coee4 Central SL 88, ISU-Evansvil- le 74 Cincinnati 87, Virginia Tech 81 OePaul83,Oh!oU61 NHL Drake 58, Tulsa 55 standings Evansville 45, Oklahoma Cily 41 Kentucky Wesleyan 75. Ashland 69 Wales Conference Lewis 91. Indiana Central 74 Patrick Division Loyola (III) 82. Xavler (Ohio) 80 W L T Pts. OF GA Memphis SL 82, SL Louis 64 Mld-Am- er Nazsrene 81, Kansas Newman 70 NYlsl 37 13 6 80 266177 Mt Marty 80, Yankton 69 Phila 31 21 5 67 232 221 Nebraska 65, Oklahoma 51 Oakland 95, III. Tech 79 NY Ran 27 21 9 63 211219 Olivet Nazarene 70, Concordia 58 21 27 10 52 216 246 Oral Roberta 65, Butler 63 Pitts So llllnois84,W Texas St 79.20T Wash 16 33 9 41 220245 St Norbert 77, Michigan Tech 57 Adams Division Southwest Abilene Christian 60, Texas A&l 58 Montreal ...33 11 12 78 267163 AngaloSt 58, SW Texas 56 32 18 3 72 233-18-8 Arkansas 92, Texas A&M 75 Boston Dallas Baptist 83, Texas Wesleyan 72 Buffalo 30 18 9 89 220181 E. Texas Bapt 69, Louisiana Coll 53 Quebec 27 22 10 64 258 246 Lamar 92, Toxas-Arlingto- n 76 NE Oklahoma lOUngston 87 Hartford ....16 26 14 46 168 238 Campbell Conference Arizona St 80, Southern Cal 62 Norris Division W L T Pts. OF QA Rock Bridge Minn 23 18 17 63 245208 St. I 25 27 5 58 231244 jMofearty 38, Rock Bridge 72 Chicago ....21 28 10 52 254 272 Rock Winnipeg ..20 25 11 51 214247 iMoberty fg ft tp Bridge Ig It tp Asbury 0 0--0 0 Calvin 4 04) 8 18 29 14 46 227265 ; Toronto Graham 4 CM) 8 Wright 1 CM) 2 11 2-- Detroit 16 30 43 199245 Miller 4 00 8 Schroeder 2 3 6 1 Smyths Division jMordecal 54 7 Farquhar 8 04 16 1 0-- 0 1-- Freels 2 Overby 4 2 9 13 11 0-- Edmntn 36 83 320232 Richards 1 0 2 Thelen 3 12 7 Calgary 21 25 13 55 234 254 iRumsey 10-- 0 2 Marrett 0 04 0 Jones 1 1-- 4 3 Rea 0 0 21 12 ; 04 Vane 26 54 205208 Chlam 6 ! 2 22 Llnneman 3 2 2 8 L.A 15 30 13 43 228277 Ward 0 04 0 Rhodes 7 04 14- - Colorado ..13 38 9 35 179262 Sehleeter 1 04 2 qualify Neese 0 04 0 . (Top In each division 1 8-1-4 four rotate IS 39 Totals 33 6--9 72 for Stanley Cup playoffs.) Score by quarters Monday Results IMoberly 7 14 3, 9 8038 Minnesota 3, Toronto lla tock Bridge 19 21 Vancouver 4, Chicago 1 ie 1672 Tuesdays Oames Winnipeg at Quebec. 6.33 p m Colorado at Montreal, 7:05 p m Sports on the air 5 ; Pittsburgh at N.Y.Islendera. 7-0- pm. p-- Buffalo at St lotrte, fcuB m. 10 a,ni Professional tennis. WCT finals Irom Hartford at Calgary, B 35 pm. Richmond, Va., replay (Cable 6) ' Wednesdays Qamai 1pm USQF gymnastics single elimination NY. Rangers at Pittsburgh chamolonshlpa, replay (Cable 6) "i Detroit afToronto 2:30 pm.-Col- lege basketball. St John's at V Buffalo at Chicago Providence, replay (Cable 6) i Minnesota at Edmonton 5pm- .- British soccer: The Road to Wembley, Washington at Los Angeles match five, replay (Cable e) g Boston at Vancouver 7pm. Power boat racing-198- 1 chow six, re- play (Cablet)), Collage basketball Duke at North Caroline State (Cable 22) 8pm- .- College basketball Iowa State at Mis- J souri (Cable 8) (88.1 FM) (86 7 FM) (1400 AM) (1580 Transactions AM) &30 pm. NBA basketball: Kansas City Kings at Denver Nuggets (Cable 14) 6 Traded InlleWer Wayne Krenehlckl fcSO p ra College basketball. Fordham at Baltimore Dame, tape delay (Cable 22) Cincinnati to complete the deal (or pitcher Paul Notre t to 1 1 p.m. Professional rodeo, replay (Cable 6) U Moskau: signed third baseman Cal Ripken Jr and outfielders Mark Corey. John Shelby and Dallas . Williams to 1-y- ar contracts. 3i CwSgolNL) Signed outfielder Steve Mender-- S Sports around town" sonVSiche?!!-Hayes, MMdar Tye WaHer and utillryolsyerRyneSandberBtoVyearcontracts. Missouri Baptist CoUege basketball at Columbia MlhraXe-Sign- 0 i ed pltchera Chuck Porter and College, 7-3- p tritOakland Junior High School) . Iowa Slats men's basketball at Missouri, 8.-0-5 pm JJkUeen8nedcalchGanCtertrMS-- Pilot Grove boys' and girls' basketball at New Franklin ' CLcXiwoned basemen Tow Herr James)own boys' and girls' basketball at Prairie Homo . t' KemperMllltary boys' basketball at Sturgeon 8 Andersen. Jany Don OJeMon, Karl Best and Ron , North Callaway boys' and gW basketball at Paris catcher Dan Hlgfcee boys, and girts' 3 MusnuwrtfleJeeSlmpswi, 1-y- basketball at Ashland Flrove end thlrdlSwaman Jim Presley to ear Fayette boys' and girls' basketball at Tipton S contract. ' ruuTtsfc boys' sod girls' batxetbtllafGlasgow . S - PeoCbtfl Boonvllle boys' basketball at Wsrrensburg Thorn IB Cleveland- - Defeased defensive bocks Macon boys' and girls' basketball at Centralis M 0aneAu1rayBiaTon. - He) las boys' basketball at Fulton a Nocsey Hallsvllle boys' and girls' basketball at Laddonia Chicago Coach Keith Magnuaon resigned..
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