May 19, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E881 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING NICHOLAS GIGLIO They completed their first marathon, in 1981 still pending—the Migratory Bird program has FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF in Boston. Four years later, they competed in done an excellent job of matching public funds EAGLE SCOUT a triathlon, for which Dick had to not only learn with private donations. In fact, this program how to swim, but then do so in the race with has brought in more than $60 million in private HON. SAM GRAVES a small boat tied to his waist with which he sector funds to protect and restore habitat, to OF MISSOURI pulled Rick. study species declines, to provide technical While continuing to race, Rick also furthered assistance, and to encourage public-private IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his education. In 1993, Rick graduated from and international partnerships. Thursday, May 18, 2006 Boston University with a degree in Special Mr. KIND’s legislation will enable the Interior Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Education. Department to continue providing this much- to recognize Nicholas Giglio, a very special Today the Hoyts have completed 206 needed funding to conservation efforts both in young man who has exemplified the finest triathlons, 20 Duathlons, 64 marathons, and the United States and throughout the Amer- qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- over 500 other races. They have biked across icas. He has done an excellent job shep- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- New England and America. Their best time for herding this bill through the House, and I am ica, Troop 98, and in earning the most pres- a marathon, running together with Dick push- hopeful that the Act will soon be reauthorized. tigious award of Eagle Scout. ing Rick, is 2 hours and 40 minutes, only 35 f minutes short of the world record holder who, Nicholas has been very active with his HONORING TOYOTA MOTOR’S 20TH of course, was not pushing another person troop, participating in many Scout activities. ANNIVERSARY IN GEORGETOWN, while running. This past year they competed in Over the many years Nicholas has been in- KENTUCKY volved with scouting, he has not only earned their twenty-fifth Boston Marathon. I personally numerous merit badges, but also the respect have run the SIDS Road Race in Springfield, of his family, peers, and community. Massachusetts, with the Hoyts many times in- HON. BEN CHANDLER Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in cluding this past fall. OF KENTUCKY commending Nicholas Giglio for his accom- Truly, the Hoyt’s story is one of a deep love IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plishments with the Boy Scouts of America and commitment between father and son, and Thursday, May 18, 2006 and for his efforts put forth in achieving the is one that speaks to all of us. They have won Mr. CHANDLER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased highest distinction of Eagle Scout. awards from organizations around the world, to congratulate Georgetown, Kentucky, and f and regularly receive letters from others Toyota for their successful 20-year partnership whose lives they have touched. Dick Hoyt and that has resulted in significant opportunities for PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE HOYTS his son Rick are truly two of the most remark- Georgetown residents and substantial growth able people I have the honor of calling friends, for Toyota. HON. RICHARD E. NEAL and I am proud to be able to pay tribute to The benefits to Kentucky cannot be over- OF MASSACHUSETTS them here on the Floor of the House of Rep- stated. Toyota is among the top employers in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentatives. the Commonwealth, with 7,000 jobs in Thursday, May 18, 2006 f Georgetown alone. That total does not include the many spin-off benefits in terms of eco- Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I SUPPORTING THE NEOTROPICAL nomic development from the many suppliers rise today to pay tribute to two of my most ac- MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVA- and partners that have started operations in complished and most inspiring constituents. TION IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2006 the vicinity of Georgetown. Kentucky benefits Dick Hoyt, of Holland, Massachusetts, and his from the thousands of secure, well-paying jobs son Rick, are a world famous pair, known HON. GEORGE MILLER our citizens can be proud to go to every day. around the world for their frequent appear- OF CALIFORNIA Supporting economic development is one of ances at road races, marathons, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my most important jobs in Congress. It triathlons. They are not, however, average Thursday, May 18, 2006 strengthens families and communities, and it athletes. makes possible all the promise America has to In 1962 Rick Hoyt was born with his umbil- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. offer—education, reliable health care, a better ical cord wrapped around his neck. Doctors Speaker, I rise in support of the Neotropical home, and safe, stable communities. We are told Rick’s parents, Dick and Judy, that their Migratory Bird Conservation Improvement Act fortunate to have Toyota help provide that en- son would be unable to live on his own and of 2006, introduced by my friend from Wis- vironment. that he should be institutionalized. They re- consin, Mr. KIND. I was one of the coauthors Toyota, also, has thrived during this 20-year fused. of the original Neotropical Migratory Bird Con- period, thanks to its hard-working, dedicated Instead, the Hoyts did all that they could to servation Act in 2000, and I am very pleased team in Kentucky. Its Georgetown operation enroll Rick in public school with other children to see this new legislation make its way now produces a half million cars a year, far his age. Their first major breakthrough came through the process again. This has been a more than what was projected when it when a group of engineers from Tufts Univer- highly successful program, and its reauthoriza- opened. During that time, Toyota has become sity built, in 1972, an interactive computer that tion will help to continue this record of suc- one of the top manufacturers of cars, in terms enabled Rick to communicate. His first words cess. of number and quality, and we in Kentucky are took his family by surprise. They learned that The hundreds of species of birds that mi- proud that those cars are American-made. he had been following the Stanley Cup finals grate through our Nation every year are facing Toyota has given back to Kentucky in so along with the rest of his family when he said, urgent threats. Warblers, plovers, and kites many ways. It is deeply involved in our civic ‘‘Go Bruins.’’ were once common, but many species are life. Toyota provides jobs for Kentucky resi- From that moment forward, Rick was now listed as endangered or are dwindling dents, but it also supports our schools and unstoppable. He was admitted to public school rapidly and will soon approach that point. The youth programs for the next generation. Toy- in 1975, and 2 years after that, asked his fa- Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act ota generates significant tax revenue for Ken- ther to enter their first race together: a five has greatly helped the effort to protect these tucky and our cities and counties, but it also mile benefit run for another local athlete who creatures here and in Latin America and the participates in our community activities, shar- had been paralyzed in an accident. Dick says Caribbean. ing its resources and the time and talents of that he remembers Rick telling him that night Like the other multinational species con- its employees. that he did not feel handicapped when they servation programs including the Great Apes And Toyota foresees even more opportunity were competing together. Conservation Act—whose reauthorization is in Kentucky. I am pleased that it has selected ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 17:18 Jun 23, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\ERIC\E19MY6.REC E19MY6 gechino on DSK3YST671PROD with REMARKS E882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2006 Georgetown as the first site in the United ment for fiscal year 2007 and setting forth SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND States to produce hybrid vehicles. Toyota per- appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years IDEALS OF PEACE OFFICERS ME- haps sees this as a wise investment in a po- 2008 through 2011: MORIAL DAY tentially rewarding market. I and many in Ken- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Chairman, I rise tucky see it as an entry into a cutting-edge in strong opposition to the Republican Budget SPEECH OF technology that will continue our leading role Resolution. HON. BART STUPAK in the U.S. auto industry, and we hope eventu- Today, this Congress has the opportunity to OF MICHIGAN ally provide an alternative for Americans sad- send a clear message of hope for a better fu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture to American families by investing in crit- dled with ever-increasing gas prices. Tuesday, May 16, 2006 This is a happy occasion for Toyota, for ical programs that enhance our children’s abil- Kentucky, and for me personally. I hope to ity to go to college, protect our public health Mr. STUPAK. Madam Speaker, I rise today see many more such occasions over the com- against diseases and epidemics, and protect to say thank you to the 850,000 police officers ing years as Toyota and Kentucky continue to our public safety from gang violence and ter- who go to work in our communities each day, expand their relationship.
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