Mr.Supply meet Mr.Demand Mr.Need meet Mr.Have IN THE PHONE 67 PHONE 67 Kingston Trial Announcements Automobiles » boat and Voand 14 Service ir BARGAINS Goes on To-dav — Station*—Repairing OPEN EVER Y, D A Y* AN D N IG Odds and ends remaining unsold after our recent sale. Each a LOST—Brlndle bulldog, answering real at the asked. Come In and see them ... to name of "Chang." Tel 970. AUTO HLECTKICAL WORK — Igni- bargain price (Continued from Page 1) it about! tion specialists. Battery and brake take your choice out and drive Stock was listed In his service. ‘.has O. Peonlman, 1< Brown position. 9t Phone 6684. Buick Sedan $245 name but this was tor “transfer pur- poses'' and he never owned It, he Automobiles Buick Coach ... $114 said. _ Buick Sedan . $149 witness Identified Frank H. Employment The 0 Auto* and fTncka For Sale. one of the defendants, as Packard Touring $125 Smith, 17. Men Wanted. Kingston’s advertising manager and Buick Sedan $ 65 treasurer of the Groton and Ston- J. CHEVROLET—1930 like ington. He Identified Edmund Roadster, CONTRACTOR—Wants men to repre- Whippet Coupe. $165 brand 1375. Down Orandahy, another on trial, as King- new. payment. sent him In Connecticut. Busy sea- Buick $150. evenings. Touring. $195 ston’s cashier, director of Connecti- Open son Is now on. An opportunity to get Groton and in on the ground floor. Earnings are Ford Coupe Model “A”.$245 cut Utilities and the The Blue Ribbon Inc. of Garage, unlimited. Apply A. J. Standard. Tel Stonington and an employe 428 West Main St. —Other Makes and Models at Attractive Prices!— 7260-J after 6 p. m. Guardian Trust. M. Alcorn State’s Attorney Hugh WANTED—An asst manager and 2 LATE MODEL PACKARDS — added to the mass of documentary salesmen for men’s haberdashery SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS TERMS TO SUIT total 1930 De Luxe Roadster. Every bit like j | evidence to-day, bringing the shop. Must be reliable and exper- new. Many accessories, low mile- of state exhibits to 152. ienced. Apply United Men’s Shops, have been age 15 So. Main Brown Block. Only seven witnesess 1930 7-Pass Sedan—Driven St, THE HOTCHKISS BUICK COMPANY and the only 11,000 heard In six days of trial miles. from a new Cannot be told YOUNG MAN—Wanted who had 3 yrs to summon 60. car. 17-25 WILLOW STREET PHONES 3 AND 4 state Intends experience in painting. See N. Santa 1929 De Luxe Custom "8” Club Sedan. Maria between 7 and 8 a. m., at Luxurious at low transportation BilJ’s Lunch on Phoenix Avc. cost. Pola Negri Was Let Us Show You These Cars Liberal Trades and Terms 18 Women Wanted PACKAHD-BRIDGEPOKT MOTORS, Divorced To-day 37 Cottage Place INC. Phone 1852 SALESLADY—Must be thoroughly experienced in ladies apparel and LOANS (Continued from Page 1) feel able to handle a high grade NASH A OF ! CHOICE SELECTION clientele. Write stating age, exper- USED CAR l» 12 I* T. "A woman’s place is in the home GOOD "TRADE-INS" ience and where formerly employed. Up to $300 AT and Pola did not seem to know it,'* Good salary and bonus to right girl. LOW PRICES Address Box Democrat Office. NO ENDORSERS Prince told the United Press B-5, Wo have taken in trade 2 of j AN AUTOMOBILE Serge Used Cars With Reliable Transpor just BUYS of the ro- the best used -cars as his explanation why tation. looking any j ALL RUNNING — NO JUNK*' automobile merchant ever in ■ REQUIRED A j mance was wrecked. De Soto Coach .$476 19 Help— Male or Female put a little over a year ago, Sedan his used car Only Plymouth .$450 department. of flnanclal “THAT’S ALL —NO MORE TO PAY** became reconciled in Essex .$500 when the pair Coupe 1029 NASH 7 SEDAN Fana!dStnlnmnefed601 WeSSins ob- Sedan man for PASS. the same court after Pola’s first at- Dodge .$300 WOMAN—Or alteration de- Sedan .$200 Lorraine 67 1929 IHJICK 5 COUPE “satlons to break the marriage bonds, Chrysler partment. Apply Shop, PASS. May tind it to their aii tempt Sedan .$ 60 South Main St. advantage Automobiles likened herself and her Willys-Knlght a confldential talk Out the actress Easv Terms Arranged Both have 6 wire wheels and all | Selling prince to cooing doves. The court DeLuxe Either of withal Equipment. We give advice without ob- room was no loft during the ERWIN JENNINGS INC. 20 Wanted pigeon M. CO, Agent these cars have not gone over I to a prospective divorce hearing as opposing lawyers Hudson & Essex Dist. 15,000 miles and both were owned borrower and assist bitter. 488 Watertown Ave. Phone 2509 citizens. grew SUCCESSFUL organization need3 by prominent easy terms told the United Press O'}}the borrower’s Miss Negri more salesladies to sell first had quality Jhinf1/1ability to then that "Mary McCormick hosiery, lingerie; time. PRICES ARE RIGHT repay. spare Large, W lhousands of nothing to do with the divorce.” CHE VROLETS—1928 Models. Sedan, permanent income without invest- at other makes anil models famVMio«e]pedi<3 mi lies and our service SALE NOW was Bonus ON reported ment. credit allowed. Many GOING Miss McCormick $350; Easiest given, Coach, $325. pay- *h 6 m our one time ready to Marry Prince ments. Cirtex Mills. 5 West 29th St, New at new low prices. York. faiendsmade Serge after his divorce from Pola. W° tl,e oldest small loan no alimony by The Blue Ribbon Garage, Inc. The Nash Co. A™ Pola Negri gets Waterbury , company in Waterbury. This is not an auction sale or a trick sale of kind. THESE CARS MUSI' court to- 428 W. Main Conn. Can we any the written decision of the St„ Waterbury, Merchandise 395 WES'! MAIN ST. Phone 1094 help you? day. They were married under a °n n lean of *liio paid back BE SOLD NOW. All cars marked in and will sell as marked. In twenty Install- plain figures law which permitted the division of monthly AL'S TEN DAY SALE t» Materials ment. of «s ench one car to customer. so she retains the fortune Building montS.the each This will protect you. We don’t believe in properties, "er"«c *«*»• hn.ed Only and when she 1930 De Soto on ."“W’ properties possessed Sport Coupe Hotels the legal Interest rate ol sales—but we are LOADED WITH CARS and we think it is the only sensi- — Rooms, Beard, went with her prince to the marri- 1930 Hupmobile De Luxe Roadster HUNTINGTON PIANO Oak finish three and one-half per cent a" 1929 Pontiac — age bureau. Sedan No. 111)80. Master special at $125. Mc- month. Is only *1.84. ble to do. To cut the and sell them out. j 1928 Buick thing prices Paris expected that Pola would Sport Touring Coy's. 158 Grand St. Have a Reputation for 1928 Oakland Sport Coupe 06 Rooms to Let return to film work in Hollywood, Conflde"- 1928 Chevrolet Sedan STERLING PIANO—A real good Fal Service/'"160^- as under French law her husband’s 1930 Marquette Roadster value for the home No. 4834. Special '* "ot necessary to come — room. *!■ V Bu?8* sufficient to BEAUTIFUL Well heated — opposition had been 1930 Pontiac Roadster for ICO. McCoy’s, 158 o oui office our represents- Master, Ine, for gentleman or keep her from fulfilling film con- 1930 Oldsmobile Sedan Grand Centrally located; -He will call. a St. Call 2G77-W, morn- tracts. 1928 Buick Touring business couple. Car^ ings till 11 or evenings after 8. “I am happy and I am sad.” Pola 1928 Oakland Coupe PHONOGRAPHS—Twenty-five, all In Worth 50 Repossessed Fords Kood condition; take your pick from said during the divorce hearing, "it KINGSBURY ST, 32—Furnished front Equitable 28's, 29's, 30’s 31's—Coupes, Coaches. $10 up, weekly $1. McCoy’s, Inc, 158 when a romance into hot water All conven- $200.00 hurts Inside Sedans and Roadsters Grand St. room, heat. whole Phono 8453-J. Industrial Loan which you have put your One to two years to pay. We do our iences. heart goes wrong, but when mar- own financing. Open till 9 o'clock AT THE Y. M. C. A.—Warm comfort- interferes with my work there every evening. All day Sunday. 30 Business and Office Equipment Society riage able rooms. Shower baths, big lobby. is nothing to do but dissolve the all Call. Write or Plione 329 NORTH MAIN STREET Open fires, friendly spirit. Open MANY GARS IN marriage. low. Phone 4532 SAFMS—Two or three small safes night, prices 77 Bank St., Phone 4138 “There was just too much differ- for store or office at bargain prices. I Besides, HOLMES G6—Well furnished THIS GROUP ence in our temperaments. McCoy’s, Inc, 158 Grand St. AVE, room for hot and cold We cars an is really married first of gentleman, have dozen* of fine high grade which we have reconditioned, new paint, guaranteed bat- gtcress DE SOTO 1929—Sedan De Luxe. In conveniences. is no di- water, all all to her art and there splendid condition, $495. tery, new tires, etc. We admit we are going to take our largest loss in this group. You KNOW vorce from that.” The Blue Ribbon'Garage, Inc. 3(1 Household Articles For Rent Real Estate it's cheaper to buy a high grade automobile backed by our also Studebaker’s famous Despite Pola’s statement that 4 28 W, Main St., Waterbury.
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