THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY FOR MARCH 1919 Published By The West Virginia Collegiate Institute Institute. W. Va. " THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY 3 The Institute lVlonthly be excessive in its advocacy, and Advisory Council are to receive r grow unmindful of its correlative $1000 each per year, and neces- Entered as second-class matter, January 29,1914, at the post-office at Institute, West Vir- educational value? sary travelling expenses. The ginia, under the act of Marh :t, 1879. r" Are not the thots suggested suf- new code makes the minimum Vol. 11 MARCH 1919 No.5 ficient to incite a holy desire, and term eight months, after 1923. a real effort to better conditions? Commencing with the school year, The road to Avernus is down 1919-20, the minimum salary for ~=============================lD hill and easy to travel; the road to first grade certificates is to be $75 the City Beautiful, is narrow, steep, per month; for second grade, $60; EDITORIALS and up. and for third grade, $45. Provision There is no royal road to educa- is made also for the gradual raising HE Monthly sorrows A similar complaint goes up tion. of the qualification of teachers. with those who sorrow about the fundamentals of English, r--- over the pas sing 0 f and we are wondering more and "Sec. 67. Shall Provide Schools Professor Hatchett, an more just where the trouble is EDUCATIONAL for Colored Pupils-White and col- assistant of Professor J. W. Scott, and what can be done to remedy ored pupils shall not be taught in the principal of the Douglass High the condition. At the regular session of the the same school, or in the same School of Huntington. In the discussions that have West Virginia Legislature which building, but it shall be the duty Professor Hatchett's death was arisen in our educational gather- closed February 21, 1919, the new of the board of education to estab- due chiefly to the flu. He had ings, many have borne witness as School Code was adapted which lish one free school, or more if nec- been associated with Professor to the condition, few, if any, completely revises the school laws essary, in any sub-district wherein Scott for many years, and was have had the temerity to prescribe of this state. The new code creates there are fewer than ten. For regarded highly in his profession. a remedy State Board of Education consist- the purpose of carrying out this His obsequies were observed It may be true that the average ing of seven members, to take the section the board of education may Sunday afternoon in Huntington, youth must enter practical life with place of all other State Boards re- establish schools composed of pu- and were attended by represent- no further mental equipment than lating to education. An Advisory pils from adjacent districts in the' atives from this school. that offered by the grammar Council to the State Board of Edu- manner provided in section fifty- Mr Hatchett has left an impress school. If this is granted, then it cation was created, to assist the nine of this chapter for white pu- in the hearts of those, whose lives seems that the most thoro and State Board in formulating and pils. he has helped to mold, that will efficient process should be applied earring out policies in respect to Whenever, in any school district, be long remembered. to accomplish the desired results. Surely, in this stage of educa- the education of the colored youth the benefit of a free school educa- -0- tional progress there is some estab- of the state. The Council is to con- tion is not secured to the colored sist of the State Superintendent, children of school age residing There seems to be a general lished, well defined, line that will and two other members of the Ne- therein in the manner mentioned lament over the decadence of thro- stand the test of time. gro race, to be appointed by the in this section, the funds applica- ness in the fundamentals of May it not be true that too Governor, on or before May 1, 1919 ble to the support of the free arithmetic among the products many of us are pursuing the false one for a term of two years and one schools in such district shall be di- of the common schools. gods of doubtful fads to the detri- for a term of four years. The vided by the board of education In the secondary schools, this is ment of the youth of the country? State Supervisor of Colored Schools in the proportion which the num- very noticeable among those who Since we have accepted the en- is to receive a salary of $2400 a year essay to take up secondary math- trance of the practical into our ber of colored children bear to the ematics, system of education, may we not and the other two members of the number of white children therein, 4 THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY 5 according to the last enumeration through the Hindenburg line last fully trained it. full course with honor to yourself and credit to the School. made for the school purposes, and September. I STlTUTE GRADUATE the share of the former shall be From my own experience with set apart for the education of col- ENLISTED IN CHICAGO Lieutenant Gordon in civil life our instructors, I realize that the was a meat inspector in Chicago. ored persons of school age in such Both men were members of Com- earning of this Diploma represents districts, and be applied for the pany C. They enlisted in Chicago He is a graduate of the West Vir- much conscientious study and purpose from time to time in such in April, 1917, in the eighth Illinois ginia Collegiate Institute and Wa- thought on your part. way as the board of education regiment which had returned from bash College. He intends to go You remain a member of our may deem best. Any board of ed- service on the Mexican border. to Chicago within the next few School, entitled to the use of all the ucation failing to comply with this Samuel Gordon was commissioned days from where he will go on a departments and I hope you will section may be compelled to do so a lieutenant in May, 1917, and sail- tour with the famous 370th in- call upon us if we can assist you in by mandamus. ed from Newport News in April, fantry regimental band. any way. 1918, and landed at Brest the latter The younger brother, Sergeant With my best wishes and con- part of that month .. Luther Gordon, was wounded gratulations believe me, GORDON BOYS WIN They were sent to the front while engaged in conveying food Very sincerly yours, HONORS in June where they served until to the regiment at the head of 60 Ella H. Nerille. the end of the war. men. His knee was fractured by shrapnel and he was confined to a The course represents work cov- Among the colored men of this It is stated in Lieutenant Gor- ering three years study, and the section who have won distinction don's citation, which is signed by hospital for two months and a half. holder of a diploma from this in the military service of the Unit- General Rondeau, that it was - The Charleston Gazette. school, has made more than ordina- ed States are Lieutenant Samuel earned through absolute disregard ry advance along a given line of S. Gordon and his brother, Ser- of personal danger while under knowledge. geant Luther Gordon, both of heavy bombardment and machine MISS MARY E. EUBANK The work of the school is highly whom formerly lived at St. Albans gun fire. He was not wounded RECEIVES HONOR endorsed by the standard educa- and are the sons of John Gordon, through experiencing almost con- tional authorities of the country, who lives there at this time. tinuous service on all fronts. He The following letter is self-ex- and the line of work chosen, by Lieutenant Gordon is a man of is the very proud prossessor of a planatory: Miss Eubank is especially fitting large stature, impressive bearing dog captured by him during a for the performance of the duties anb courteous manner and speaks . trench raid. The mother of the AMERICAN SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS of the position held by her at this CHICAGO with modesty of his adventures. dog had been observed for several Institution. He wears upon an expansive chest days attending the German wound- February 24, 1919. Miss Eubank is a graduate, of the Croix de Guerre with a star, ed in no man's land and when the My dear Miss Eubank: the Va. N. and 1.1., and has studied and in company with his brother, trench was captured, the dog was at the Columbia University. who wears a wound stripe on his found with a litter of very young It gives me great pleasure in be- sleeve, he arrived in St. Albans pups. She was taken in charge by half of the Board of trustees to yesterday morning on a visit to the captain of the company and send your Institution Management his old home after an absence of Gordon managed to conceal one Diploma in Home Economics, to Summer School six years. The men were mem- of the pups in his shirt where he which you are entitled. At the West Virginia Collegiate bers of the famous 370th infantry carried it for several days during This is our formal testimony that Institute which, brigaded with the 59th the advance.
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