Review of The Claude Glass: Use and Meaning of the Black Mirror in Western Art The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Canales, Jimena. 2006. Review of The claude glass: Use and meaning of the black mirror in western art, by Arnaud Maillet. Isis 97: 149-150. Published Version http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/504531 Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:3353755 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA BOOK REVIEWS—ISIS, 97 : 1 (2006) 149 sense of planetary theory and dynamics. In keep- tion of the Arabicword for “the greatest” (p. 61); ing with the title of his book, Linton has little to al-megiste is actually the Arabic definite article say about techniques of observation; nor is there attached to the Greek word for “greatest.” The any attention to physical astronomy or astro- figure on page 91 showing Thabit ibn Qurra’s physics. theory of the trepidation of the equinoxes mis- Linton’s topics include the development of represents Thabit’s theory. On page 452 Linton geometrical planetary theory (Eudoxus, Ptol- says, “George Fitzgerald suggested in The Ether emy, Copernicus, Kepler), planetary tables, and the Earth’s Atmosphere (1889)” that motion Newtonian gravitation theory, celestial mechan- through the ether might produce a longitudinal ics, perturbation theory, the stability of the solar contraction of objects—thus giving the impres- system, and the modification of planetary theory sion that there was a book of this title. Fitzger- brought about by general relativity. These are all ald’s suggestion was actually presented in the subjects with deep mathematical roots, and it is form of a short note in Science (G. F. Fitzgerald, not an easy task to write about them at once ac- “The Ether and the Earth’s Atmosphere,” Sci- curately and engagingly. Linton’s approach to ence, 1889, 13:390). the material is well chosen. There is little math- Still, the merits of the book are considerable ematical development or argument in the book. and easily outweigh the minor inaccuracies. Par- Rather, the mathematical results are displayed ticularly strong are the chapters devoted to the and discussed in plain language. Clear discus- eighteenth- and nineteenth-century development sion of mathematical formulas in plain English of celestial mechanics. This is a technically dif- is a difficult art, and Linton has achieved a high ficult, and some would say dry, subject. But order of conciseness and clarity. Controversial great things were at stake, including the validity topics—for example, the competing claims of of Newton’s law of gravitation and the stability Lorentz, Poincare´, and Einstein over credit for of the solar system. Linton displays a knack for relativity—are discussed dispassionately and clear explanation of the most important devel- evenhandedly. The prehistory of relativity theory opments and for making them matter to the is particularly well treated. Since we are now reader. I also thoroughly enjoyed the section of used to hearing cosmologists attempt to place the book’s final chapter devoted to Einstein’s constraints on the theoretical possibilities open steps toward the new theory of gravity, from the to particle physicists, and vice versa, it was par- equivalence principle of 1907 to the final equa- ticularly amusing to read George Darwin’s 1902 tions of 1915. Linton does as nice a job as one comment, about a meeting in Go¨ttingen, that could wish of explaining what was at stake, as “the greater part of one day’s discussion was de- well as what went right and what went wrong voted to the astronomical results which would along the way. follow from the new theory of electrons” (p. Within the limitations of the survey genre, 456). Linton has done an excellent job. I came across In a work of such scope, the author naturally something new to me in every chapter and was has had to rely on the secondary literature, which constantly impressed by the clarity of Linton’s he has surveyed with admirable thoroughness. exposition. Professional astronomers are likely Readers who want a detailed technical account to find the book engaging. Professional histori- of some development in mathematical astron- ans of astronomy will find it an indispensable omy will often be able to find an entre´e to the resource. primary as well as the secondary literature in JAMES EVANS Linton’s book. However, the bibliography is re- stricted almost entirely to English-language pub- Arnaud Maillet. The Claude Glass: Use and lications, which means that important works Meaning of the Black Mirror in Western Art. have sometimes been overlooked. Thus there is Translated by Jeff Fort. 300 pp., illus., table, no mention of Michel-Pierre Lerner’s masterful index. New York: Zone Books, 2004. $26.95 history of the planetary orbs (Le monde des (cloth). spheres, 2 vols. [Les Belles Letters, 1996]). And the author has not always made use of the most If you have never heard of the Claude glass, Ar- recent work. For example, in the discussion of naud Maillet’s book might possibly lead you to Ptolemy’s star catalogue there are no references believe that this largely forgotten optical device to work published after 1998. changed the world. This feat is accomplished by A work of such scope will also inevitably en- expanding the definition of the Claude mirror be- tail a few slips. Thus Linton says that the title of yond the small, tinted convex mirror used as an Ptolemy’s Almagest is a medieval Latin corrup- aid in painting. Maillet’s topicencompassesa 150 BOOK REVIEWS—ISIS, 97 : 1 (2006) general array of references to mirrors—so long Maillet does not always strive for coherence, as they differ from traditional flat silvered mir- denouncing a prevalent “hyper-specialization in rors in their shape and tint. Using the “lowest every branch of study” (p. 28). There is similarly common denominator” definition of “convex no intent to produce a strict chronological nar- tinted mirror,” the author takes the reader on a rative or geographical treatment, and the author mind-boggling journey across time and space (p. guides the reader into frequent detours. 15). The most analytical part of the book, which Let me list a few of his examples: Pliny the will perhaps be of most interest to historians of Elder’s anecdote in which a tigress is tricked by science, is Chapter 12, “Limits on the Use of the a convex mirror; Albrecht Du¨rer’s woodcut Van- Claude Mirror.” This chapter turns to Jonathan ity and the Devil, showing the reflection of “the Crary’s thesis in Techniques of the Observer devil’s ass” in a convex mirror; catoptro- (MIT, 1990) and sees in the history of the Claude mancy—divination by means of mirrors— glass further evidence of a rupture in scopic re- where necromancers use black mirrors to con- gimes occurring sometime between 1810 and jure the dead; “the lustrous convexity of a 1840. The turn from geometricto physiological woman’s head” resembling a mirror (p. 70); Az- optics noted by Crary coincided with the apogee tecobsidian mirrors and their associationwith of the Claude mirror. This change was evidenced the divinity Tezcatlipoca; Saint Paul’s famous in the widespread use of the Claude mirror as a “through a glass, darkly” expression; a citation tool for turning away from the nature-as-is goals of the black mirror by Truman Capote; the black of the Dutch school of painting. Further support mirror in modern art (Roy Lichtenstein, Rainer of the role played by the Claude mirror in nine- Mu¨llet, Gerhard Richter, Franc¸ois Perrodin); teenth-century debates in the arts comes from Subcomandante Marcos’s musings about revo- John Ruskin and Pre-Raphaelite painters, who lution and dark mirrors; autoeroticism (if only disdained its use and for whom direct, unme- by virtue of the fact that the mirror is held “with diated experience was essential. Via Crary’s the- only one hand” [p. 174]); and, finally, the black sis, Maillet ties the history of the Claude glass mirror in the Internet (this last accompanied by to some of the central themes of historical epis- warnings about the phrase as an entry into the temology. world of hard-core porn). Maillet offers an important contribution to the These pell-mell references lead Maillet to history of the material culture of art and science. form a few very broad and very schematic con- Thanks to his full-length treatment of the Claude clusions. He sees the development of these mir- mirror, this understudied instrument will perhaps rors as parallel to the emergence of the uncon- one day obtain a place in art and science histories scious (“We see, then, how the notion of the alongside the camera obscura, the camera lucida, unconscious emerges partly in conjunction with and the graphictelescope. the black mirror” [p. 63]), as part of the history JIMENA CANALES of blindness (“The history of the black mirror is also the history of a blindness” [p. 176]), and as Ⅲ Antiquity an essential tool of modernity (“This object is thus inseparable from modernity” [p. 152]). Paul U. Unschuld. Huang Di nei jing su wen: Hidden among these claims is a very careful Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chi- ,.pp., illus., bibl 520 ם study where Maillet narrows his focus to Claude nese Medical Text.
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