Higher Education LifeNet FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER 2009 Higher Education Orientation Welcomes Newest ’Noles to FSU By Tom Fritz, master’s student This year’s event, held on Au- late chip cookies. gust 17th, started as it does every Once the reception ended, the Every year, the incoming cohort year with the Hardee Center Recep- students faculty, and administrators participates in an orientation to tion. The entire event this year was filed into one of the classrooms to Florida State’s higher education held in the newly renovated Stone learn about the legacy of Dr. program. This afternoon is filled Building in an effort to show off Melvene Draheim Hardee, what the with information, ranging from the new building to the incoming Hardee Center offers, and upcoming what classes will be taken in their students. The reception, held in the events from the Hardee Center. time at FSU, to advice from older atrium, gave current students, ad- Once the Hardee Center portion was students in the program, to asking ministrators, and faculty members completed, the incoming cohort was about the best restaurants in town. an opportunity to meet and mingle. introduced to the Higher Education While some students are nervous, Additionally, the crowd discussed faculty, the current officers of the many are just excited to get started undergraduate experiences, assis- Higher Education Student Associa- with their classes and find out tantships, and internship opportuni- tion (HESA), as well as Dr. Mary what their schedule would hold for ties, all the while enjoying local Tal- Coburn, vice president of student the year. lahassee fare, and of course, choco- affairs; Dr. Patrice Iatarola, chair of the educational leadership and policy studies department, and Dr. Shoup- ing Hu, program coordinator for higher education. Each welcomed the students and talked briefly about how all of their respective groups worked together to provide the best experience possible to each student. Once the introductions and wel- comes were completed, the students went to separate rooms for their spe- cific master’s and doctoral orienta- tions. Students learned about re- quired courses, and suggested pro- grams of study from faculty. Addi- tionally, they had the opportunity to pose questions to current students about anything that they may want. Many students reported feeling much Some New ‘Noles take time out of class briefly to strike a pose See ORIENTATION page 10. HARDEE CENTER Words from the Director for Leadership & Ethics in Higher Education program. You are an invaluable part of sustaining and promoting the FSU 1204D&L Stone Building LifeNet! P.O. Box 3064452 We hope you enjoy the update Tallahassee, FL 32306-4452 on our current activities and develop- Phone: (850) 644-5867 ments in this issue of the LifeNet. It Fax: (850) 644-1258 is a time of change for FSU and the email: [email protected] www.fsu.edu/~elps/hardee higher education program and this issue of the LifeNet will inform you Many higher education pro- about many of these. It is also a fessionals throughout the country remember challenging time financially and we Dr. Hardee for her establish- hope you will consider the Hardee ment of the FSU Higher Center for a personal gift this fall. Education LifeNet, a support system that continues You will be receiving a direct mailing throughout graduates' profes- very shortly that will explain many of sional years. It is with this guidance that the Hardee our needs and some of the ways that Center quarterly Newsletter promotes the LifeNet you can be of help. of students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the all and football are here on campus We hope you are having a good Florida State University Higher Education Pro- F gram, as well as seek support for future endeavors. as well as a large new class of higher fall and we extend our best wishes education graduate students! FSU's for the holiday season ahead! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: higher education program continues to be one of the most popular higher Best wishes, Orientation 1, 10 education programs in the country and to attract students from across Words from the Director 2 the United States. We appreciate the Jon Dalton Young Alumni Spotlight 3 support of alumni and friends who Hardee Center for Leadership Noteworthy Accomplishments 4-6 encourage prospective students to and Ethics Higher Ed Faculty Search 7 consider the FSU higher education Support the Legacy 8 Adopt a Higher Ed. Grad. Student 8 Encourage students to apply to FSU! NASPA Undergraduate Fellows 9,10 Transitions 10 It’s that time of year again, as applications begin rolling in to higher education programs across the country. Please keep your alma mater in mind! Information Meet the Newest ‘Noles 11-14 regarding admissions to the Florida State University Higher Education Program Dalton Institute 15 is located online at: http://www.fsu.edu/~elps/he/prospective.htm. Dinner Dialogue 16 nd UWI Exchange Program 16 The deadline to apply at FSU is January 22 , 2010 for fall admission. This Research Roundtable Series 17 year’s Visiting Days activities will occur on February 14-16, 2010 for accepted students. Higher Education Student Assn. 17 A Truly Authentic Life 18 Mackenzie R. Streit, Editor Shanna Autry, Layout Editor Kathryn Hogan, Copy Editor Contributors Tom Fritz Lindsey Katherine Kellie Gerbers Richard Kenney Kate Hogan Kasey Price Tamaria Jackson Jenne Vermes 2 Higher Education LifeNet Young Alumni Spotlight: Nancy Friedman (M.S., 2005) & Candace Ford (M.S., 2008) served as an academic advisor both dur- put into their positions at the Career ing and at the completion of her studies Center, they are involved in the FSU in the FSU higher education program. community and continue to support the Nancy is the assistant director for career higher education program. Not only do events and employer relations, coordi- they each supervise current graduate as- nating five career fairs per year, includ- sistants from the higher education pro- ing Seminole Futures each semester. gram, but they provide detailed résumé Recently, both Nancy and Candace critiques, present job-search related coordinated successful career fairs for workshops, offer insider advice on the FSU students, alumni, and community field, and conduct mock telephone inter- members. Despite the weak economy, views to help current students as they Candace and Nancy came together and prepare for their job search led their team of colleagues to increase When thinking back on their time connections with employers to insure enrolled in the higher education pro- effective events. The engineering day gram, Candace appreciates the camarade- expo held at the FAMU-FSU College of rie between students and faculty and the Engineering hosted 61 employers and genuine caring nature of those involved had over 500 job seekers register, while in this department. She is also apprecia- Seminole Futures hosted 113 employers tive of the strong focus on professional and welcomed over 1,800 job seekers to development that has helped prepare the Leon-County Civic Center. The and shape her as a professional. Nancy extra effort of these assistant directors echoed these reflections and added that Candace Ford (M.S., 2008) insured job seekers could continue to her practicum trip was one that allowed By Lindsey Katherine, doctoral candidate network with a variety or organizations her to gain first-hand knowledge of dif- despite the challenging economic times. ferent institutions of higher education as Alumni Nancy Friedman and Candace Myrna Hoover, program director of well as get to know faculty members and Ford work side-by-side in their positions employer relations and recruitment ser- classmates on a new level. within the Florida State University Career vices at the Career Center is grateful to Center. Their positions not only continue have both as members of her team. to support our higher education program, “Nancy constantly implements new ini- but also greatly impact FSU students, tiatives that provide employers greater alumni through various efforts such as the opportunity to network with our stu- coordination of career expositions to con- dents and staff, and streamlines proc- nect job seekers with employers. esses that improve the quality of these Candace Ford, the Career Center’s as- events...Student feedback is just as posi- sistant director for engineering recruit- tive. As a matter of fact if you talk to ment services attended Georgia Southern anyone about Nancy what their response University as an economics major. After will be is she consistently provides the initially enrolling in FSU’s urban and re- highest quality of services without being gional planning graduate program, Can- asked” explains Myrna. As for Candace, dace soon found her niche in the higher the feedback from Myrna is equally as education program and began an assistant- positive. “Candace is clearly a team ship in the Career Center. As part of Can- player, always willing to assist in any dace’s current role, she manages the Ca- event or activity offered at the Career reer Center’s satellite office at the FAMU- Center. In all of Candace’s roles... she FSU College of Engineering, and coordi- has successfully managed these assign- nates two career fairs at the college each ments with new and innovative ideas, year. In addition, Candace works closely programs, and services. Candace is with the career portfolio. clearly an asset to FSU and the Career Nancy Friedman was a political science Center.” major at the University of Florida. She In addition to the passion they each Nancy Friedman (M.S., 2005) 3 Higher Education LifeNet Noteworthy Accomplishments From our Alumni Dr. Harry Cartwright, Sr. (Ph.D. 1991) completed his Sarah Militello Hart (M.S. 2007) recently married second book titled, "Changing Minds in Changing Times: William Hart.
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