PUBLIC SUMMARY HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE PT AGRO MUARA RUPIT Phase III & IV Musi Rawas Utara Regency South Sumatera Provice, Indonesia PT Perencana Karya Hijau, 2020. 1 Date contract for assessment was signed 'Letter of Statement' of Consultant Work, 08 March 2018 Assessment start date (month/year) Pre-assessment, March 2018 Initial screening study, 26 – 29 March 2018 Full assessment, 03 – 09 April 2018 Final Public Consultation, 10 July 2019 Additional field visits, consultation and confirmation, July 2020 Date of first report submission to ALS 18 October 2019 Date of first report resubmission (if August 2020 applicable) Date of second report resubmission (if January 2021 applicable) Name of ALS lead assessor SIGIT BUDHI SETYANTO (ALS15024BS) E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +6282131532318 Contact information of lead assessor PT Perencana Karya Hijau (PT PKH) (Organisation or institution, address, email, Jalan STM, No. 73, Kelurahan Suka Maju, telephone, Skype) Kecamatan Medan Johor, Medan Sumatera Utara. Phone: +6281381170568 Kontak person: Riswan Zen Email: [email protected] Contact information of Organisation PT Agro Muara Rupit Fase III & Fase IV commissioning the NKT assessment (name, (PT AMR III & IV) address, email, phone) Kantor Pusat: Gedung Forum Nine LT.10, Suite 1-11, Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 9, North Sumatera – Indonesia http://www.tolantiga.co.id Kontak person: Hamdani Email: [email protected] 2 Contents 1. Introduction and Background ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2. Timeline ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 3. Pre-Assessment Phase ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 4. Scoping Study …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 5. Full Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19 5.1. AOI Boundaries …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 5.2. Social Fieldwork ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 25 5.2.1. HCV 4 Ecosystem services in critical situations ………………………………………………. 31 5.2.2. HCV 5 Basic needs of local communities …………………………………………….…………. 35 5.2.3. HCV 6 Culture value …………………………………………………………………………………..…. 38 5.3. Environmental section …………………………………………………………………………………………...…. 38 5.3.1. HCV 1 Concentration of biodiversity …………………………………………………………………….……. 41 5.3.2. HCV 2 Wide landscape ………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 44 5.3.3. HCV 3 Rare ecosystem ……………………………………………………………………………………..………. 44 6. Management and Monitoring Recommendations ……………………………………………………. 47 7. Overall summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 52 8. Reference …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 58 3 1. Introduction and Background The High Conservation Value assessment activity was conducted in March, April and Mei 2018 (detail timeline information is shown in the 'Table of Timeline for HCV Assessment'), which includes three stages of activity: (i) pre-assessment, (ii) field identification, including Stakeholders Consultation I and (iii) data analysis and report preparation. Field activities were divided into two stages, namely: Scoping Study and Main Assessment, while Stakeholder Consultation II was held in July 2019. In addition, the assessment team also carried out a series of activities at the post-field stage to re-verify and corrections action to the HCVRN panel review. The scope of the HCV identification area of PT Agro Muara Rupit Phase III & IV (PT AMR III & IV) are areas that are legally licensed for location permits granted by the Regional Government which are planned to increase the area of new planted oil palm plantations with an area of 5,500 hectares with details of 1,300 Ha from the PT AMR III location permit and 4,200 Ha from the PT AMR IV location permit. The two additional location permits are adjacent to the PT AMR I & II location permit. PT AMR, which has carried out a series of Social Environment Impact Assessment (AMDAL) and Social Impact Assessment as well as High Conservation Value (HCV) with the results of the study concluded that: “PT. Agro Muara Rupit has complied with the RSPO New Planting Procedure which was effective since January 1, 2010 and stated that the Assessment Report and Plan document was comprehensive and complied with the RSPO New Planting Procedure.” In the 'RSPO Notification of Proposed New Planting', 19 March 2014 for PT AMR I1) and 10 June 2014 for PT AMR II2). The area of PT AMR III & IV's additional location permit is a mosaic of cultivation land which has been managed belonging to the community (brownfield). PT AMR plans to carry out a series of processes to obtain management rights. Activities that have been and are being carried out by the company include intensive socialization and data collection of community lands or preparation of the GRTT (Compensation for Planting Area) process, as well as environmental and social studies involving external and internal parties, including AMDAL (EIA), Social Impact Assessment, Internal Land Tenure study and internal boundary mapping. PT AMR management is committed to the location permit area that will only be cleared land (land clearing) when the RSPO New Planting Procedure (NPP) process is completed. PT AMR is an oil palm plantation company located in North Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province which is part of the SIPEF group of companies (Société Internationale de Plantations et de Finance) or also known as PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia (PT TTI) which manages several oil palm and rubber plantations and their processing industries in Sumatra island, while the tea plantations are in West Java province. SIPEF is domiciled and headquartered in Schoten, Belgium founded in 1919 registered on 'Euronext Brussels'. Nowadays, the main business is in the field of certified exclusive agro-industries such as palm oil, natural rubber, tea and banana products from tropical countries of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Ivory Coast. The management area includes oil palm plantations, plasma area and village plantation scheme (Kebun Masyarakat Desa/KMD) located in the Provinces of North Sumatra, Bengkulu and South Sumatra with total area of 97,305.00 Ha3). SIPEF has been a member of Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 20054) and is committed to sustainable production according to RSPO standards. PT AMR is located in North Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province, with the capital Muara Rupit. The area for the location permit for the new addition of PT AMR Phase III is based on the Decree of the Regent of North Musi Rawas Regency, Number: 75 / KPTS / II / DPM-PTSP / 2018, dated 27 August 2018 and PT AMR Phase IV is based on the Decree of the Regent of North Musi Rawas Regency, Number: 04/03/KPTS/DPM- PTSP/2018, dated 26 April 2018 for oil palm plantations covering an area of 1,300 Ha and 3,090.9 Ha. PT AMR Phase III & IV geographically located between 1020 04’ 00”-1030 22’ 13” East and 020 19’ 15”-030 06’ 30” South. In government administration, it covers 3 districts and 7 villages, namely: (A) Rawas Ilir District with (1) 1) https://www.rspo.org/file/3b%20PUBLIC%20NOTIFICATION_RSPO%20NPP%20PT_%20AGRO%20MUARA%20RUPIT%20(Indonesia).pdf 2) https://www.rspo.org/file/NPP-RSPO-AMR2-Eng-Revised.pdf 3) Source: https://www.rspo.org/file/acop2017/submissions/sipef%20group-ACOP2017.pdf 4) Source: https://www.rspo.org/members/156/SIPEF-Group 4 Beringin Sakti, (B) Nibung District with (2) Jadi Mulya, (3) Jadi Mulya I and (C) Karang Dapo District with (4) Karang Dapo, (5) Karang Dapo 1, (6) Rantau Kadam and (7) Biaro Lama. Figure 1 present the orientation map and Figure 2 present of location permit map for PT AMR III & IV. In principle, Regional Development in Indonesia follows the spatial planning policies set at the national, regional and regional scales. The National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) through Government Regulation Number 26/2008 and updated through Government Regulation Number 13/2017. The substances of the regulation are indication of the national zoning program as outlined in the spatial structure and spatial pattern. Based on the RTRWN, the area for location permits for PT AMR III & IV and its surrounding areas is designated for cultivation area and plantations. Likewise, what is stated in the Sumatra Island Spatial Plan (Presidential Decree No. 13/2012) the area is programmed as a cultivation area. Referring to the spatial plan (RTRW) of South Sumatra Province based on Provincial Decree No: 11/2016, the PT AMR III & IV location permit area has been allocated as a plantation area and horticultural crops. Furthermore, in the draft of Regency Spatial Plan Decree of North Musi Rawas Regency, the area of PT AMR III & IV location permits is allocated as a similar private plantation area. Figure 3 presents a map of PT AMR III & IV location permits on the RTWR map for 2016-2030 of South Sumatra Province. In 2013, it was estimated that the forest area in Indonesia was around 82,487,000 ha, ranking 11th in the world and first in Southeast Asia, but currently the annual rate of deforestation is estimated to be the highest in the world). Until 2013, natural forest cover was only 82 million hectares or about 46% of Indonesia's land area5). Meanwhile, the rate of deforestation on the island of Sumatra in the period 2009 to 2013 decreased forest cover by 1,266 ha, so that the remaining area was 24.3% of the land area of the island of Sumatra (FWI, 2014). Changes in primary forest in the area adjacent to the PT AMR III & IV location permit area are presented in Figure 4 which depicts the historical map of Intake Forest Landscape (IFL) in 2000, 2013 and 2016, the area of PT AMR III & IV location permits is outside the IFL area. Sumatra is the fifth largest island in the world, with a length of 1,800 kilometres and a width of 400 kilometres. The Bukit Barisan Mountains are a mountain range on the western side of Sumatra extents from the north to the south of the island, while the east coast is dominated by lowland forest and swamps. This difference in topography causes differences in the nature of the rivers that flow on the two sides of Sumatra. Rivers flow to the west coast tend to be short and swift, while those flow to the east coast are long and winding.
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