Wednesday, Wood County March 15, 2017 Vol. 2 No. 11 Two Sections MONITOR 50 cents www.woodcountymonitor.com Alba Police Chief Tim Koonce looks on as Alba Alba city secretary, chief of police City Secretary Lindy McCarty goes over some paperwork just face questions at council meeting before the start of the Alba City By TOMMY ANDERSON off as scheduled was that City cussion of these two city em- [email protected] Council monthly Secretary Lindy McCarty ployees, McCarty requested meeting last and Police Chief Tim Koonce that all conversation about Monday night. An executive session of the didn’t want themselves dis- her performance and possi- Both Koonce and Alba City Council for discus- cussed behind closed doors. ble disciplinary action be dis- McCarty were sion of employees’ perfor- When Mayor Theodore cussed in open session and listed on the mance review and possible Levitt announced that the Koonce followed her request agenda as topics disciplinary actions relating council would move into ex- of an executive to the chief of police and city ecutive session for the dis- See ALBA, Page 9A session of the secretary didn’t come off council. as scheduled at the group’s Originally scheduled on the agenda for executive session, (Monitor photo monthly meeting last Mon- by Tommy day night at Alba City Hall. both parties requested any discussion about their job Anderson) The reason it didn’t come performance be held in open session. Commissioners NOT P0LITICS AS USUAL Project proposals sail through sparking tourism short agenda may get HOT funds By LARRY TUCKER The Wood County Industrial Com- [email protected] mission is asking for Hotel / Motel Occupancy Tax fund project propos- Wood County Commission- als to consider for funding support for ers took care of a short item the 2017-2018 fi scal year. agenda in about 10 minutes Projects must meet the following Friday morning highlighted criteria: directly enhance and pro- by fi ve personnel actions in mote tourism the Wood County Sheriff ’s De- and the hotel / Projects that partment. motel industry Two new deputies, John Da- in Wood Coun- benefit just one vid McQueen and John Mat- ty; fi t into one of area of Wood thew Peacock, began their du- the six statutorily ties at $20.24 per hour. Melissa provided cate- County may be Pollard was moved to a depu- gories for expen- given lesser priority ty position at $20.24 per hour diture of local and Aaron Kinkaid went from hotel occupancy whereas projects deputy to patrol sergeant at tax; demonstrate that generate more $20.49 per hour. Records clerk need and have Lori Bentley was made admin- the potential of overnight visitors istrative secretary at a salary of Gould honored as Man of Year att racting a max- $17.57 per hour. imum number of to the county may In other matt ers commis- tourists to Wood be given greater sioners approved: at Mineola chamber banquet County. priority. KIKI BETTIS A resolution of the dona- By DORIS NEWMAN er of the Year and Jim Herlocker for Guidelines and tion of a trained canine from [email protected] the B.R. Ray Short Community Spirit Funding Request Winnsboro Police Department; Award. Forms are available through the WCIC Payroll and claims; Art Gould was recognized as Man of Cle Walton with the Lions Club pre- offi ce. The forms provide examples of A road permit for Pct. 1;. the Year and Joyce Williams as Wom- sented the Woman of the Year to Wil- the types of projects that may be fund- An inter-local contract with an of the Year during the Mineola Area liams saying she has had a remarkable ed and can be obtained on the WCIC Winnsboro ISD for street re- Chamber of Commerce Annual Ban- impact on Mineola and an impressive See FUNDING, Page 3A pairs and materials; quet and Community Awards Thurs- career as an educator in the Mineo- The racial profi ling report for day before a packed house at the civic la ISD for two decades as a science Constable Pct. 2 Kelly Smith; center. teacher. “During this time she assist- Constable reports; The awards presentation was a short ed in founding Junior Historians and Quitman JH, HS A contract with Suddenlink and sweet aff air. Honors were also dis- through the years this chapter has as- for optical internet access for tributed to Jim Phillips as Humanitari- drop-offs to change Justice of the Peace Pct. 3; an of the Year, Kimberly Witt as Teach- See CHAMBER, Page 8A A proposal from Offi ce Pride to provide the county with after spring break cleaning at Justice of the Peace Jayna Pct. 3. Williams Quitman School District Superin- presented Art tendent Rhonda Turner announced Gould with a change in dropping students off ONE ACT PLAYS the Man of the which will be in eff ect after spring Year Award. break. TOP PHOTO: “It is such an exciting time for QISD “Keep Mineo- as we watch all of the construction la Great” was progress; however, we are going to the title of the need your help as we enter the last spoof of this phase of our improvements. When late, not-so- great political our students return from spring season and its break the normal drop off and pick front-runners. up area in front of the junior high SEE MORE and high school will not be available. PHOTOS, There will be a fi re lane, but it is to PAGE 10A. remain open at all times and is only Quitman advances, Page 4A (Monitor pho- to be used for an emergency,” Turner Mineola, Yantis advance, plan tos by Doris acknowledged. fundraisers, Page 6B Newman) See DROP-OFF, Page 8A This Week in Your Neighborhood Amtrak ranked tops in passenger rail service • Thursday and Friday the Quitman the Land’s End Pavilion. The Amtrak Texas Eagle is the num- ticket revenue is also logged. Friends of the Library are having a • On Sunday East Chapel CME is ber one passenger rail train from a TEMPO will celebrate the 20th an- spring cookbook sale at the library hosting Rose Johnson’s 47th Musician fi eld of 15, it was announced during niversary of the organization this fall from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Appreciation Service at 3:30 p.m. a TEMPO (Texas Ea- with a special planned • The Mineola Yellowjackets’ fi rst • On Monday from 1-3 p.m. Wood gle Marketing and event. Founding game in the Van Tournament is sched- County Extension Agent Angie Monk Performance Orga- members of TEMPO uled for Thursday at 6 p.m. will give a food nutrition demonstra- nization) meeting from Mineola are Celia • On Saturday an anniversary ban- tion at the WIC offi ce in Quitman at held March 4 in San Boswell, Mercy Rushing quet for Rev. Demethruis and Kathy 1020 East Goode Street. The public is Antonio. and Barbara Musgraves. Boyd of St Paul Missionary Baptist invited. Dr. Bill Pollard, TEMPO di- Rushing, Mineola city adminis- Church in Mineola is being held at • Tuesday will bring the second rector, and Griff Hubbard retain title trator, presented a check for $18,000 Addie McFarland Center at 6 p.m. Call Mineola School Board tour of facili- of Revenue Management Team. They to Hubbard, the Longview Station 903-569-1145 for more information. ties. Those interested in viewing the oversee and track the ridership daily. Master, covering the expense for four • The Republican Party of Wood buildings to get fi rsthand information In addition to tracking how many pas- reserved rail cars for the annual Min- County will host its annual Lincoln for the bond election are invited to the sengers use the various stations along eola Wine Train scheduled later this Day Dinner on Saturday at 6 p.m. at high school gym lobby at 6:30 p.m. the Texas Eagle route, the amount of month. Church Directory ...........................6A Meals on Wheels .......................... 7A Sports Inside Classifieds ................................4-5B Opinion ........................................ 2A Community Calendar..................... 2A Police/Fire Reports ...................... 5A Yantis athletes earn Mineola ISD releases www.facebook.com/WoodCountyMonitor Letters to the Editor ...................... 2A Sports ................................ Section B All-District recognition fourth six week honor rolls 2A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Tucker’s Turf Letters to the Editor By Larry Tucker Dear editor, Greg Hollen Thought you and your readers Mineola As we roll in to spring break, somebody was always missing who were not able to att end the activities in local school districts because they were in another ac- Lake Country Symphonic Band To the editor, reach a uniquely busy level. tivity. After going to watch some Sousa Palooza concert on Sunday What a grand music event Teachers, coaches, sponsors and of my students at the Fort Worth might enjoy a brief recap. played at the Historic Select The- parents do their best to keep up Livestock Show I became a big What a delightful way to spend ater last week! The Lake Country with students who are involved in fan. I had some great parents and an afternoon, with 18 tunes Symphonic Band completely multiple activities. In small school ag teachers along the way who delightfully presented by a local fi lled the stage. Under the di- districts from Class 3A down worked with me to get kids to group, ranging in age from the rection of Mike Holbrook they to Class A, the rush of activities and from events, sometimes trav- early teens to folks in their 90s! played patriotic American music usually takes hold after the winter LARRY TUCKER eling many miles multiple times Regardless of age, they all played compositions of John Philip break and goes non-stop until in one day to get someone to a their hearts out! Sousa.
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