aynrand.org/impact Volume 19, Number 2, February 2013 Registration Now ARI Responds to the Fortieth Open for Summer Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Conference anuary 22 marked the fortieth f you are looking for an oppor- Janniversary of Roe v. Wade, the I tunity this summer to learn landmark Supreme Court case on about Ayn Rand’s ideas and meet abortion. The Huffington Post pub- other fans of her work, look no lished Leonard Peikoff’s article on further than the annual Objectivist abortion from April 1999 (with an summer conference. Packed with updated lead), in which Dr. Peikoff numerous educational offerings and fun social explains how to defend the right activities, Objectivist Summer Conference 2013 to abortion in fundamental terms. promises to be one of the most engaging, infor- Dr. Peikoff’s article, published on mative and inspiring events of the year. January 23, appeared under the title This year’s conference will take place July “Abortion Rights Are Pro-Life” and 5–11 in Chicago at the Westin Michigan Avenue can be read at bit.ly/lpabortion. Chicago Hotel. For information about events and ARI also recorded a podcast pricing, and to register, visit objectivistconferences about Roe v. Wade, featuring ARI .com. Keep up with the latest updates about the con- legal analyst Thomas A. Bowden and ference at facebook.com/ObjectivistConferences. If ARI senior fellow Onkar Ghate. you are attending the conference, we encourage you Among the issues that Mr. Bowden to join the Facebook OCON 2013 group. and Dr. Ghate discuss: health care, economic policy, the law and • Ayn Rand’s view on abortion and the Roe v. foreign policy. Wade ruling Episodes can be heard on ARI’s blog, • The legal basis for the Roe v. Wade decision Voices for Reason (blog.aynrandcenter.org), • State-level attempts to undermine Roe v. Wade and are also available on iTunes. • The labels “pro-life” and “pro-choice” • The future of the Roe v. Wade decision This podcast episode is the first in a new series launched by ARI. Eye to Eye: An Ayn Rand Institute Podcast is an interview show that will deal with issues related to public policy, including science and environmentalism, The Value of ARI’s Support for an Academic Career Interview with OAC Alumnus Christian Beenfeldt hrough our vari- academic career? was “not willing to turn psychology over to T ous programs, CB: For me, it was always the research. Titchener and his school.” ARI provides finan- In other words, it was the fact that as an aca- Today, while nearly all the textbooks Objectivist Academic Center cial and intellectual demic, I would be able to spend most of my include a section on introspectionism, they support for promis- productive time each day thinking, reading teach the wrong lesson about it. The standard ing students interested in academic careers. The and writing about intellectual subjects. Since story is that introspectionism was undone by following interview is the first in a series high- I first became familiar with Ayn Rand’s writ- its use of introspection. The implication for lighting students in our programs who have now ings as a teenager, I’ve been fascinated by the contemporary research is clear: If introspec- begun careers in academia. extent to which people’s lives, careers and rela- tion failed so abysmally before, why rely on it tionships are shaped by their values, their ideas again? Thus, the employment of introspection Impact: What is your current position, and their level of knowledge or ignorance. To in psychology is still viewed askance. Dr. Beenfeldt? make one’s living as an academic philosopher, With my book, I aim to help change this by Christian Beenfeldt: I I felt, was a great way to deal directly with this clarifying the historical record. Briefly put, I currently hold the position crucial dimension of human life. argue that the major intellectual flaw of intro- of postdoctoral research Impact: What projects are you working spectionism was its utter reliance on a number fellow at the University of on? of important assumptions adopted from the Copenhagen. It’s a two-year CB: I just finished my book! It is on the philosophical psychology of early modern fellowship, financed by a historical school of psychology developed by empiricism. These philosophical beliefs and $200,000 grant from the Edward B. Titchener. This school is known suppositions were upheld by Titchener in open Carlsberg Foundation. By today as introspectionism, structuralism or defiance of introspection, not because of intro- the time this interview is classical introspective psychology. Titchener’s spection. Paradoxically, then, introspection- published, the grant period approach to psychology was so influential in ism was undone by its commitment to a false will have ended and I will be in the process of America around the turn of the twentieth cen- philosophical theory rather than by its commit- seeking new funding for my next project. tury that the father of behaviorism, John B. ment to introspective data. Impact: What attracted you most to an Watson, vowed in a letter to a friend that he continued on page 2 The Value of ARI’s Support for an Academic Career, continued from page 1 Let me now turn to the practical side of my book project. The current status is that the book manuscript has passed peer review and that a good publication offer has been made. Certain details still need to be negotiated before the contract is signed. The publisher is Springer, the huge European publishing Love and Sex diction in terms: it means that one is indifferent to house that counts over two hundred Nobel that which one values.” (“The Ethics of Emergen- Prize winners among its previous and cur- n this section, Impact highlights writings from cies” in The Virtue of Selfishness) rent authors and editors. It is my understand- I Ayn Rand’s corpus for fans who wish to learn Rejecting the view that sex is a mindless ing that Springer will seek to sell the book more about her philosophy, Objectivism. physical indulgence—to be renounced puritani- mainly to universities, research libraries, cally or indulged in indiscriminately—Ayn Rand think tanks, R&D departments, etc.—not ove, according to Ayn Rand, is “the emotional regarded sex as the appropriate expression of on the mass market. L response of one man to the virtues of another, romantic love. “Romantic love, in the full sense Impact: What do you enjoy about teaching the spiritual payment given in exchange for the of the term, is an emotion possible only to the college students? personal, selfish pleasure which one man derives man (or woman) of unbreached self-esteem: it is CB: So far, I’ve done my teaching mainly from the virtues of another man’s character.” (“The his response to his own highest values in the per- as a graduate student. I’ve had no substantial Objectivist Ethics” in The Virtue of Selfishness) son of another—an integrated response of mind teaching duties for the past two years. As Ayn Rand opposed the idea, widely held and body, of love and sexual desire. Such a man far as my enjoyment of teaching, I think I’ve today, that love requires selflessness, and that (or woman) is incapable of experiencing a sexual been pretty spoiled by my years at Oxford. In to love someone is to sacrifice for him. On the desire divorced from spiritual values.” (“Of Liv- Oxford’s tutorial system, one gets to teach one, contrary, she writes, “One gains a profoundly per- ing Death” in The Voice of Reason) two or three undergraduate students at a time, sonal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the For further reading on this topic (in addition to every week throughout the term. The sessions person one loves. It is one’s own personal, selfish the essays already cited), see “The Playboy Inter- are very rigorous. They require the student to happiness that one seeks, earns and derives from view” with Ayn Rand and “The Meaning of Sex” do a substantial amount of reading and then love. A ‘selfless,’ ‘disinterested’ love is a contra- in For the New Intellectual. to write an essay or make an oral presentation based on this material. During these sessions, the tutor has a very generous amount of time to probe the student’s understanding, ask challenging questions, correct errors, clarify Deadlines Nearing for Essay Contests central concepts, etc. Undergraduate students at Oxford are eadlines for ARI’s annual essay contests Fountainhead, We the Living and Anthem. extremely motivated and keen to excel and Dare quickly approaching [see graphic We offer more than six hundred fifty prizes what I loved most about teaching was the evi- below]. Please spread the word about these worth almost $100,000 to the winners of these dent improvement of their research, thinking contests to anyone who might be interested. contests every year. The largest prize is for and writing skills that I could see as a direct The essay contests program is part of ARI’s the first-place winners of The Fountainhead result of our tutorial sessions. While their first efforts to introduce young people, especially and Atlas Shrugged essay contests, who each paper might be quite unimpressive, their final high school and college students, to Ayn Rand’s receive $10,000. paper of the term would often be much more novels. ARI offers contests on the themes of To learn more about ARI’s essay contests, careful, logical and well crafted. each of Rand’s novels—Atlas Shrugged, The visit aynrandnovels.org. “[T]o support education, teaching and research is to make a wise investment.” Anthem The Fountainhead For 8th, 9th and For 11th and 10th graders 12th graders Impact: How have ARI’s programs assisted you in developing your career? Entry Deadline: Entry Deadline: CB: They have helped me in countless March 20, 2013 April 26, 2013 ways.
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