Final Project A PROJECT ON PEPSI CO. STING ENERGY DRINK (2011) ------------------------------------------------- Submitted By: FFaarrhhaan Abbiid 11663322--110099000044 Ghulam Shabbir 1632-109007 MBA (Marketing) ------------------------------- Approved by: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _ Dean Faculty of Marketing Project Supervisor Inner Title A PROJECT ON PEPSI CO. STING ENERGY DRINK A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE PIMSAT INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MARKETING) BY FARHAN ABID & GHULAM SHABBIR MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF MARKETING, PIMSAT INSTITUE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, PAKISTAN 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS SSeerriiaall DDeessccrriippttiioonn PPaaggeNN oo.. CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess vviiii--iixx Acknowledgements x DDeeddiiccaattiioonn xxii EExxeeccuuttiivveSS uummmmaarryy xxiiii CChhaapptteerNN oo.11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioon TTo EEnneerrggy DDrriinnkk 1133--1144 11..11 IInnggrreeddiieennttsOO fEE nneerrggyDD rriinnkk 1155--1188 11..22 EEffffeeccttss 1199--2200 11..33 AAtttteemmppttsTTo BBaa nn 2211 11..44 HHiissttoorryy 2222--2244 11..55 CCaaffffeeiinnaatteedAA llccoohhoolliicEE nneerrggyDD rriinnkkss 2255--2266 11..66 AAnnttii--EEnneerrggyDD rriinnkkss 2277 11..77 HHiiddddeenRR iisskks 2277--2288 CChhaapptteerNN oo.22 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonTT oPP eeppssii 2299--3300 22..11 CCoommppaannyOO vveerrvviieeww 3311--3322 22..22 ABB rriieefPP eeppssiHH iissttoorryy 3333--4400 22..33 MMiissssiioonn 4411 22..44 VViissiioonn 4411 22..55 OObbjjeeccttiivvee 4422 22..66 SSttrraatteeggiieess 4433 22..77 PPoolliicciieess 4444 22..88 PPeeppssiiCCoVV aalluuees& PP hhiilloossoopphhyy 4455--4466 22..99 MMaarrkkeettiinngg 4477--5511 22..1100 PPrroodduucctPP oossiittiioonniinngOO fPP eeppssiiCCoo 5522 22..1111 PPeeppssii--CCoollaMM aarrkkeettiinngMM iixx 5533--5566 22..1122 PPeeppssii--CCoollaBB rraannddss 5577--6699 CChhaapptteerNN oo..33 PPeeppssii--CCoollaii nPP aakkiissttaann 6600--6622 33..11 UUnniiqquue SSeelllliinng PPrrooppoossiittiioonn((UUSSPP) OOf PPeeppssi 6633 33..22 PPrroommoottiioon SSttrraatteeggy OOf PPeeppssiiCCo IIn PPaakkiissttaann 6644 33..33 SSeeggmmeennttaattiioonOO f PPeeppssiii nPP aakkiissttaann 6655 33..44 PPllaaccee((DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn))SSttrraatteeggy OOf PPeeppssiiCCo IIn PPaakkiissttaann 6666 33..55 SSWOOT AAnnaallyyssiis OOf PPeeppssiiCCo IIn PPaakkiissttaan 6677--7711 33..66 TTOOWSAA nnaallyyssiisOO fPP eeppssiiCCoII nPP aakkiissttaann 7722--7755 33..77 PPEESSTAA nnaallyyssiisOO fPP eeppssiiCCoo 7766--7777 TABLE OF CONTENTS SSeerriiaall DDeessccrriippttiioonn PPaaggeNN oo.. CChhaapptteerNN oo..44 SSttiinngEE nneerrggyDD rriinnkk 7788--8800 44..11 IInnggrreeddiieennttss 8811 44..22 AAddvveerrttiissiinng CCaammppaaiiggnns 8822 44..33 PPeeppssiSS ttiinngBB iigCC hhaannggeII nPP rriiccee 8833 Chapter No.5.5 Pakikistan’n’s Enerergy Drininks Market 84-8-855 55..11 RReedBBuullll 8866 55..22 BBoooosstteerr 8877 55..33 OOzzoo 8888 55..44 PPoowweerrffuull 8899 55..55 SSppeeeedd 9900 55..66 SSttiinngg 9911 55..77 OOtthheerEEnn eerrggyDD rriinnkkss 9922 55..88 CCoommppaarriissoonCC hhaarrtt 92 CChhaapptteerNN oo..66 RReesseeaarrcchM eetthhooddoollooggyy 9933--9944 CChhaapptteerNN oo..77 SSuuggggeessttiioonnss 9955--9966 77..11 EEnneerrggy DDrriinnkks SShhoouulld NNoot BBe MMiixxeed Wiitth AAllccoohhooll 9977 77..22 EEnneerrggy DDrriinnkks SShhoouulld NNoot BBe CCoonnssuummeed DDuurriinngg 98 Exercise 77..33 EEnneerrggy DDrriinnkks SShhoouulld NNoot BBe CCoonnssuummeed BByy 99 Children 77..44 EEnneerrggy DDrriinnkks SShhoouulld NNoot BBe CCoonnssuummeed BByy 100 Pregnant Woman Chapter No.8.8 Conclulusision & Recommendations 101-103 Bibliography & Reference 104-105 QQuueessttiioonnnnaaiirree 110066--110077 TThheEEnndd 110088 PROJECT COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Certified that the research work contained in this project titled “A Project on Pepsi Co. Sting Energy Drink” has been carried out and completed by Mr. Farhan Abid and Mr.Ghulam Shabbir, Roll no. 1632-109004, 1632-109007 under my supervision during their Master of Business Administration. ______________________ Date: _______________ Research Coordinator _________________ Dean Faculty of Marketing PIMSAT Institute of Higher Education Pakistan CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINERS Certified that the quantum and quality of the research work contained in the project titled “A Project on Pepsi Co. Sting Energy Drink” isis adequate for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration. Internal Examiner External Examiner Signature: ________________ Signature: ________________ Name: ___________________ Name:e: ____________________ Date: ____________________ Date:e: _____________________ Dean of Faculty Signature: ________________ Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________ DECLARATION I, Farhan Abid and Ghulam Shabbir, Roll no. 1632-109004, 1632- 109007, Student’s of Master of Business Administration during the session 2011, hereby declare that the matter printed in the dissertation titled “A Project On Pepsi Co. Sting Energy Drink” is our own work and has not been printed, published and submitted as research work in any form in any university, research institute etc, in Pakistan or abroad. Dated: ___________________ __________________ (Signature of Deponent1) Dated: ___________________ __________________ (Signature of Deponent2) Submission Form for Project Student’s Name1 Father’s/Guardian’s Name Student’s Name2 Father’s/Guardian’s Name Student’s E-Mail Address1 Student’s E-Mail Address2 Student’s Mobile Number1 Student’s Mobile Number2 Student’s Registration Number1 Student’s Registration Number2 Date of Submission Project Topic Selected We declare that the attached project is all our own work. We agree that we shall be bound by the regulations of the PIMSAT Institute of Higher Education. SiSiggnattuurre1 ____________________________________________________ Datte: _________________________________ _ SiSi tt e2 Datt ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A task undertaken without offering prayers to almighty and talking blessings from the elders is not a good beginning. Likewise the work completed without acknowledging the assistance to those who were always by our sides to make our efforts fruitful in the task left incomplete. Firstly, we would like to thank ‘God’ for his cordial and merciful blessings which have enabled us to complete this project. This project is an outcome of effort, guidance and channelization of our teachers and parents. We wish to extend our deepest regards and obligation to Sir Bilal Sarwar who has guided us in this project and helped us in all possible ways to collect and analyze all the data. We are obliged and grateful to our Professor Mr. Amjad Shazad for his help and guidance in completing the project. Last but not the least, our special gratitude goes to our friends and classmates who indirectly assisted us in the successful completion of this project. Thank you all for teaching us endlessly how to become a better person, friend and student. DEDICATED To Our Dearest and most respected Parents. Whose efforts and prayers are great source of strength to us in every noble venture? Their love inspired us to the higher idea of life. Executive Summary We select this topic because there is currently no project is done on that topic. And now a days the energy drinks are played a vital role in our daily life so that why we want to take a look on its all aspects. As we all know that beverages are going become a necessity of our life. So in this concern we must have to know the benefits and the disadvantages of these drinks which we like to be consume on daily basis. The Main purpose of this project is to create awareness about energy drinks and its side effects. The other purpose of this project is to tell readers about the Pepsi cola Co. and its new launching of Sting Energy Drink in Pakistan’s market. Some suggestions are includes in this project to create proper awareness of the circumstances when you don’t have to consume the energy drinks. There is also some recommendations are includes in this project to improve the sale of the Sting energy drink. Chapter No.1 13 | Page Introduction to Energy Drink Energy drinks are soft drinks advertised as boosting energy. These drinks usually do not emphasize energy derived from the sugars they contain, but rather through a choice of stimulants, vitamins, and herbal supplements the manufacturer has combined. Energy drinks are canned or bottled beverages sold in convenience stores, grocery stores, and bars and nightclubs (in mixed drinks). Most energy drinks are carbonated drinks that contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar with additional ingredients, such as B vitamins, amino acids (e.g. taurine), and herbal stimulants such as guarana. Energy drinks are marketed primarily to people between the ages of 18 and 30 as a stimulant, which is why energy drinks have names that convey strength, power, and speed, and sexuality. 14 | Page Ingredients Nowadays, energy drinks have become common choice of beverages. Sugar and caffeine are the two major ingredients in energy drinks.. Ingredients in the energy drinks are legal ingredients which are added to give an instant energy boost. What are these energy drinks made of? How can you get charged up right away after drinking these energy drinks? These drinks are commonly known as soft drinks. Let us discuss the energy drink ingredients. Generally, energy drinks include methylxanthines (including caffeine),), vitamin B and herbs.. Other common
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