FIR/T ANNlVERJARy ISSUE *7ransSisters ‘Ifie Joumatof‘Transsexualfeminism Issue # 6 ftutumn 1994 Should Preoperative transsexual Women Be Allowed to Attend the Mew Woman Conference?: Conflicting Views Plus : Transsexuals at Stonewall 25 • She’s Baaa-aack!: Janice Raymond’s The Transsexual Empire reissued • Transsexuals Allowed to Enter MWMF • and more "v CfransSisters* fThe Journal of^rarussaijuUfeminism 4004 Troost Avenue %ansas City, Missouri 64110 (816) 753-7816 davinaanne@aoLcom. ‘Publisher / ‘Editor. Purpose Daz/ina flnne CjaBricf Statement of In recognition of the fact that transsexual persons have been systematically silenced, marginalized, maligned and even brutal- Writers: Staff ized, not only within mainstream society, but also even within Christine ‘Beatty feminist philosophy and culture, TransSisters: the Journal of Transsexual Feminism has been %aiee Chinquapin created to further the process of defining ourselves and creating our own reality, rather than allowing others to do so. ‘Dallas Denny the As such, Transsisters is committed toward accomplishing following objectives: •Vavina Anne gabriel dealing specifically with issues of 1.) to providing a forum Margaret Deirdre O'tHartigan transsexuality from a feminist perspective; giving voice to the ideas, feelings, concerns and perspec- ‘RychelPollacf^ 2.) to tives of transsexual feminists; misperception that transsexuality and femi- Mustang Salty 3.) to ending the nism are antithetical; Wilchins invisibility and marginalization of transsexu- HtpftAnne 4.) to ending the al persons within the feminist community; of the phenomenon of transsex- 5.) to fostering understanding StaffCartoonist: uality among nontranssexual feminists; dialogue, understanding, cooperation and 6.) to promoting Diana green reconciliation between the feminist and transsexual communities; consciousness within the transsexual 7.) to promoting feminist community; . , issues Contributing Writers 8. to promoting honest examination of the complex ) non- which affect the lives of transsexual persons in a constructive, ‘This Issue: di to the empow- dogmatic manner within a feminist context lea ng principles. Merissa SherrillLynn erment of transsexual persons through feminist Although the primary focus of TransSisters is on issues of con- to female-to- Denise 9forris cern to male-to-female transsexuals, issues of concern relevant to its purpose. Lynn ‘Elizabeth Walter male transsexuals are also Janis Walworth quarterly by Skyclad Publishing Co^ TransSisters the Journal of Transsexual Feminism is published 2SnSS Avenue, K^sas City. Missouri 641&,<816) .753-W16. Qpg«. W-g-JJ Jessica Meredith Xavier of its publishers or staff. Con advertisement contained herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions ref the advertisers. TransSisters reservesthe of all advertisement is the sole responsibility of photo: Participants in the second annual New which it considers Cover publication of any advertisement, article, letter or other submission Essex, Massachusetts; likeness Woman Conference, goals and purpoL. Publication of the name, photograph or >ar September 1992: (back row, 1-r): Kathryn Freshley, orientation, gender identity organization is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual Pierce, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Rena reserved. Contents may no Wendi beliefs of such persons, businesses or organizations. All rights Rachel Sutecnption ral& 5-4.UU Swifthawk, Elizabeth Neal, Angela Wensley, reproduced except for personal use without permission of the publisher Pollack, Susan Cocker, Katherine Hawkins, Sr. Mary $25.00 onttufeof UnrtedSta. four issues in the United States, Canada and Mexico for four Hannaford; (front row, 1-r): the United State^-^iacB Elizabeth. Gwyneth Canada and Mexico for four issues. Back issues are available for $6.00 eachtn Kaiser, Christina oung. Nancy Burkholder. Payment for all Wendi Y and Mexico, $6.25 each outside of United States. Canada and Mexico. Walworth, Diane Vanden-Broek, Anne All checks or money Janis issues or advertisements must be made in United States funds only. Ogbom, Renee Guilmette, Georgette Cardano 1994. should be made payable to Davina Anne Gabriel. Entire contents copyright Issue # 6 TransSisters: tfU Journal of Transsexualfeminism Autumn 1994 Table of Contents Letters to the Editor 2 Trans-Action News 9 Stonewall 25 Revisited: Queer Politics, Process Queens and Lessons Learned by Jessica Meredith Xavier 14 Suddenly Last Stonewall by Mustang Sally 17 Introducing Dallas Denny 20 You’re Strange and We’re Wonderful: the Relationship Between the Gay/Lesbian and Transgender Communities by Dallas Denny, M.A . 21 She’s Baaaa-aaack! by Margaret Deirdre O’Hartigan 24 Why Post-op Transsexual Women Should Not Be Allowed at Michigan by Riki Anne Wilchins 31 All In the Family by Merissa Sherrill Lynn 34 What Precisely Is a New Woman? by Lynn Elizabeth Walker 38 The NWC and Its Critics by Rachel Pollack 39 Let Our Sisters Attend by Denise Norris 42 In Support of NWC Policy by Janis Walworth 44 The New Woman Conference Is Hypocritical by Christine Beatty 46 Let NWC Be NWC by Davina Anne Gabriel 48 An Unexamined Life by Diana Green 55 Price Increase Notice: possible, so as to be affordable to the greatest number of people, Beginning with the next issue, the cover price of TransSisters does not have a large operating budget. Therefore, TransSisters: the Journal of Transsexual Feminism will increase TransSisters greatly appreciates receiving donations, both from $4.50 to $6.00 per copy. Prices for one year (four issues) financial or otherwise, (e.g., stamps, envelopes, labels, computer subscriptions will rise from $18.00 to $24.00 ($25.00 outside the software & equipment) of any size or kind. Such donations are a United States, Canada and Mexico.) Prices for back issues will be way for those who are better off financially to help insure the increased from $6.00 to $8.00 per copy. ($8.25 outside the United continued survival of TransSisters, to make possible States, Canada and Mexico) Although TransSisters just raised its improvements in the quality' of the publication and to help keep cover price only very recently, this additional price increase is its cost down, so that those who are less well off financially can necessary both because of the dramatically increased content of continue to afford it. TransSisters, and because of the improved printing quality which was instituted with issue It 5, which has added greatly to its Receive TransSisters Free! production cost. Although the cover price of TransSisters will TransSisters is in need of finding more retail outlets which effectively be twice that of its first issue, its size is now two and will be willing to carry it. If your local alternative (or one-half times of that issue, and is expected to continue to mainstream) bookstore does not already sell TransSisters, and you increase in the future. The price of TransSisters also remains are able to persuade them to do so, you will receive a below that of most other publications dealing with similar subject complimentary one year subscription. Just inform us of the name matter. Every effort is made to keep the price of TransSisters as and address of the bookstore you have contacted, and have your low as possible, and all money made above operating costs go bookstore mention your name along with its order. Wholesale back into improving the quality of the publication. rates are listed elsewhere on this page. Retailers: COMING IM THE NEXT ISSUE OF TransSisters: the Journal of Transsexual Feminism is ‘TransSisters: the Journalof available to retail sellers in quantities of five or more for two- thirds of the cover price, postage paid. Payment is due 90 days ‘Transsexual‘Feminism: after receipt. Full credit (minus return shipping cost) will be given for whole copies received within 30 days following TranssexuaI Women At publication of next issue. Call (816) 753-7816 or write to 4004 Troost Avenue; Kansas City, Missouri 641 10 to order. tIie 1994 MichiqAN Donations: WoMyN’s Music Festival Since TransSisters is a relatively new, small circulation publication, and every effort is made to make it as inexpensive as 1 Issue # 6 TransSisters: the Journal of Transsexualfeminism. Autumn 1994 ® fetters to the Editor Dear Da vina, Dear Davina, I applaud Margaret Deirdre O’Hartigan for her work on the Thank you so much for TransSisters. I received your Mysteries of Cybele and Attis. Well done, Maggie! The articles magazines a few days ago and they have brought me a lot of written in TransSisters If 4 not only clear up questionable understanding. 1 feel very connected with you and the “Christian” ntes, but also provide a transsexual myth! This is TransSisters team. What you write is in harmony with my life very exciting indeed! Keep up the great work! You are all and my way. I can’t describe how good it was to read those first Blessed by the Great Mother. four issues. I read them all cover-to-cover on the same day I received them. I was thirsty and you gave me water. Admiringly, I am a TS and I was struggling with this fact since long ago. Gwenevere Ferguson, Since two years ago, I have been meeting with doctors, and for Seattle, Washington the past few months I have been taking hormones. I am now 42 and sometimes I feel too old to go where I want to go. But reading you, and meeting a TS group last week, gave me the Dear Ms. Gabriel, strength and the courage to do it. I spend a lot of time saying that I recently read your third issue of TransSisters. What a 1 can’t pass as a woman, with this and that and so and so, but this marvelous magazine! I would like to see this magazine in week I decided that I have to make the jump because it is MY gay/lesbian bookstores because the quality of writing has great life. I wanted to share that with you because you’ve helped me impact and the issues addressed have import for the entire queer with your writing and your magazine, to take the nsk to be community.
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