RESULTS SUMMARY Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Women Final Standings Team Players Position - Function Points GoldCAN - Canada HOMAN Rachel 4 S 25 MISKEW Emma 3 V COURTNEY Joanne 2 WEAGLE Lisa 1 - A 2SWE - Sweden HASSELBORG Anna 4 S 20 McMANUS Sara 3 V KNOCHENHAUER Agnes 2 MABERGS Sofia 1 - A 3RUS - Russia SIDOROVA Anna 4 S 9 FOMINA Margarita 3 V PORTUNOVA Julia 2 GUZIEVA Julia 1 - A 4JPN - Japan FUJISAWA Satsuki 4 S 9 YOSHIDA Chinami 3 V SUZUKI Yumi 2 YOSHIDA Yurika 1 - A 5USA - United States ROTH Nina 4 S 9 PETERSON Tabitha 3 V HAMILTON Becca 2 GEVING Aileen 1 - A 6SCO - Scotland DODDS Jennifer 4 S 6 CHALMERS Victoria 3 V WRIGHT Victoria 2 GRAY Lauren 1 - A 7CHN - China JIANG Yilun 4 V 6 LIU Sijia 3 S DONG Ziqi 2 JIANG Xindi 1 - A 8KOR - Korea KIM Minji 4 S 3 KIM Hyerin 3 V YANG Taei 2 KIM Sujin 1 - A Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip CURWTEAM4-------------------------_76B 1.0 Report Created SUN 16 SEP 2018 14:11 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Women After Final Competition Summary Session Date Time Sheet A Sheet B Sheet C Sheet D Sheet E Session 1 12 SEP 15:00 SWE6- 3 CHN JPN5- 6 SCO CAN6- 5 RUS KOR6- 8 USA Session 4 13 SEP 8:30 SWE74- JPN Session 5 13 SEP 12:00 CHN74- SCO Session 6 13 SEP 16:00 CAN12- 0 KOR Session 7 13 SEP 19:30 RUS3- 8 USA Session 8 14 SEP 8:30 JPN7- 2 CHN SCO4- 6 SWE Session 9 14 SEP 12:00 KOR1- 11 RUS USA1- 9 CAN Session 10 14 SEP 16:00 CHN2- 9 SWE SCO5- 7 JPN Session 11 14 SEP 19:30 USA8- 5 KOR RUS2- 8 CAN Session 12 15 SEP 8:30 JPN72- SWE Session 13 15 SEP 12:00 KOR8- 2 CAN USA48-- RUS SCO10 1 CHN Session 15 15 SEP 19:30 CAN8- 2 USA SWE8- 1 SCO CHN54-- JPN RUS10 1 KOR Final 16 SEP 12:00 CAN7- 3 SWE Standings after Round Robin Group-A Group-B Rank Team Games Points Rank Team Games Points 1 SWE - Sweden (Hasselborg) 6 15 Q 1 CAN - Canada (Homan) 6 15 Q 2 JPN - Japan (Fujisawa) 6 9 2 RUS - Russia (Sidorova) 6 9 3 CHN - China (Liu) 6 6 2 USA - United States (Roth) 6 9 3 SCO - Scotland (Dodds) 6 6 4 KOR - Korea (Kim) 6 3 Final Standings RankTeam Points Gold CAN - Canada 25 2 SWE - Sweden 20 3 RUS - Russia 9 4 JPN - Japan 9 5 USA - United States 9 6 SCO - Scotland 6 7 CHN - China 6 8 KOR - Korea 3 Legend: Q Qualified for the final CURWTEAM4-------------------------_76A 13.0 Report Created SUN 16 SEP 2018 14:04 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Women SUN 16 SEP 2018 Final Start Time 12:00 Game Results SheetGame Team LSFE12345678 Total Points 7 CAN - Canada (Homan) * 02101003 7 10 7 SWE - Sweden (Hasselborg) 00010200 3 5 Shot Success Shot Success CAN - Canada SWE - Sweden Game Game 4 S HOMAN Rachel 83% 4 S HASSELBORG Anna 67% 3 V MISKEW Emma 94% 3 V McMANUS Sara 86% 2 COURTNEY Joanne 86% 2 KNOCHENHAUER Agnes 89% 1 WEAGLE Lisa 69% 1 MABERGS Sofia 73% A- - A- - Team Total 83% Team Total 79% Shot Success Analysis CAN - Canada Game SWE - Sweden Game 4 HOMAN Rachel Draws 1 50%%%3 75 4 69 4 HASSELBORG Anna Draws 2 63%%%6 75 8 72 Take-outs 7 86%%%5 90 12 88 Take-outs 3 83%%%5 50 8 63 Total 88 81%%% 84 16 83 Total 51 75%%%1 64 16 67 3 MISKEW Emma Draws 1 100%%%2 100 3 100 3 McMANUS Sara Draws 0 -%%11 86 11 86 Take-outs 7 100%%%6 83 13 92 Take-outs 1 100%%%4 81 5 85 Total 88100%%% 88 16 94 Total 11100%%%5 85 16 86 2 COURTNEY Joanne Draws 0 -%%5 85 5 85 2 KNOCHENHAUER Draws 2 88%%%8 97 10 95 Take-outs 8 88%%%3 83 11 86 Agnes Take-outs 1 100%%%5 75 6 79 Total 88 88%%% 84 16 86 Total 31 92%%%3 88 16 89 1 WEAGLE Lisa Draws 4 75%%%8 53 12 60 1 MABERGS Sofia Draws 8 88%%%8 59 16 73 Take-outs 1 100%%%3 92 4 94 Take-outs 0 ---0 0 Total 51 80%%%1 64 16 69 Total 88 88%%% 59 16 73 A- Draws 0 ---0 0 A - Draws 0 ---0 0 Take-outs 0 ---0 0 Take-outs 0 ---0 0 Total 00---0 Total 00---0 Team Draws 6 75% 18 71% 24 72 % Team Draws 12 83% 33 80% 45 81 % Take-outs 23 91%%17 87% 40 89 Take-outs 5 90%%14 68% 19 74 Total 29 88% 35 79% 64 83% Total 17 85% 47 77% 64 79 % Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip Legend: Clockwise Counter-clockwise LSFE(*) Last Stone First End CURWTEAM4-------------FNL-000101--_73 1.0 Report Created SUN 16 SEP 2018 14:04 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Women After Round Robin Competition Matrix Group-A Group-B Team CHN JPN SCO SWE Team CAN KOR RUS USA 2 - 7 0 7 - 4 3 3 - 6 0 12 - 0 333 6 - 5 9 - 1 CHN CAN 5 - 4 3 1 - 1000 2 - 9 2 - 8 0 8 - 233 8 - 2 7 - 2 3 5 - 6 00 4 - 7 0 - 12 000 1 - 11 6 - 8 JPN KOR 4 - 5 0 7 - 533 7 - 2 8 - 2 3 1 - 1000 5 - 8 4 - 7 0 6 - 5 3 4 - 6 0 5 - 6 0 11 - 1 3 3 - 8 0 SCO RUS 10 - 1 3 5 - 700 1 - 8 2 - 8 0 10 - 133 8 - 4 6 - 3333 7 - 4 6 - 4 1 - 9 0 8 - 6 33 8 - 3 SWE USA 9 - 2 3 2 - 7 0 8 - 1 3 2 - 8 0 8 - 5 3 4 - 8 0 Standings after Round Robin Group-A Rank Team Games Points 1SWE - Sweden (Hasselborg) 6 15 Q 2 JPN - Japan (Fujisawa) 6 9 3 CHN - China (Liu) 6 6 3 SCO - Scotland (Dodds) 6 6 Standings after Round Robin Group-B Rank Team Games Points 1CAN - Canada (Homan) 6 15 Q 2 RUS - Russia (Sidorova) 6 9 2 USA - United States (Roth) 6 9 4 KOR - Korea (Kim) 6 3 Legend: Q Qualified for the final CURWTEAM4-------------------------_76C 12.0 Report Created SAT 15 SEP 2018 21:38 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Women Entry List by Country As of WED 12 SEP 2018 CAN - Canada Group-B RUS - Russia Group-B 4 S HOMAN Rachel R 4 S SIDOROVA Anna R 3 V MISKEW Emma R 3 V FOMINA Margarita R 2 COURTNEY Joanne R 2 PORTUNOVA Julia R 1 WEAGLE Lisa R 1 GUZIEVA Julia R -A A - C THIESSEN Nolan C KALALB Svetlana CHN - China Group-A SCO - Scotland Group-A 4 V JIANG Yilun R 4 S DODDS Jennifer R 3 S LIU Sijia R 3 V CHALMERS Victoria R 2 DONG Ziqi R 2 WRIGHT Victoria R 1 JIANG Xindi R 1 GRAY Lauren R -A A - C McRORIE Carolyn (CAN) C MURDOCH David JPN - Japan Group-A SWE - Sweden Group-A 4 S FUJISAWA Satsuki R 4 S HASSELBORG Anna R 3 V YOSHIDA Chinami R 3 V McMANUS Sara R 2 SUZUKI Yumi R 2 KNOCHENHAUER Agnes R 1 YOSHIDA Yurika R 1 MABERGS Sofia R -A A - C LIND J.D. (CAN) C- KOR - Korea Group-B USA - United States Group-B 4 S KIM Minji R 4 S ROTH Nina R 3 V KIM Hyerin R 3 V PETERSON Tabitha R 2 YANG Taei R 2 HAMILTON Becca R 1 KIM Sujin R 1 GEVING Aileen R -A A - C LEE Sungjun C RESTALL Howard (CAN) Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip, C = Coach Legend: R Right-handed CURWTEAM4-------------------------_32E 1.0 Report Created WED 12 SEP 2018 16:12 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Men Final Standings Team Players Position - Function Points GoldCAN - Canada KOE Kevin 4 S 25 NEUFELD BJ 3 V FLASCH Colton 2 HEBERT Ben 1 - A 2NOR - Norway WALSTAD Steffen 4 S 20 HOEIBERG Markus 3 V NEDREGOTTEN Magnus 2 VAAGBERG Magnus 1 - A 3SCO - Scotland MOUAT Bruce 4 S 12 HARDIE Grant 3 V LAMMIE Bobby 2 McMILLAN Hammy 1 - A 4SUI - Switzerland SCHWARZ Benoit 4 V 9 MICHEL Sven 3 DE CRUZ Peter 2 S TANNER Valentin 1 - A 5SWE - Sweden EDIN Niklas 4 S 8 ERIKSSON Oskar 3 V WRANAA Rasmus 2 SUNDGREN Christoffer 1 - A 6USA - United States PERSINGER Greg 4 V 7 RUOHONEN Rich 3 S BEIGHTON Sean 2 NERNBERGER Kroy 1 - A 7CHN - China ZANG Jialiang 4 S 6 BA Dexin 3 V MA Yanlong 2 WANG Jinbo 1 - A 8JPN - Japan AOKI Go 4 V 0 IWAI Masaki 3 S SHUKUYA Ryotaro 2 OGIWARA Kouki 1 KAMADA Kei A Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip CURMTEAM4-------------------------_76B 1.0 Report Created SUN 16 SEP 2018 18:01 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Men After Final Competition Summary Session Date Time Sheet A Sheet B Sheet C Sheet D Sheet E Session 3 12 SEP 21:00 SWE3- 5 USA NOR4- 2 CHN CAN6- 4 SUI SCO9- 1 JPN Session 5 13 SEP 12:00 CAN11- 1 SCO SUI10- 1 JPN SWE8- 5 NOR USA6- 5 CHN Session 7 13 SEP19:30 NOR91- USA SCO54- SUI JPN28-- CAN CHN72 SWE Session 9 14 SEP 12:00 USA8- 9 SWE CHN3- 7 NOR so Session 10 14 SEP 16:00 SUI4-- 7 CAN JPN2 9 SCO Session 12 15 SEP 8:30 CHN5- 3 USA SCO3- 1 CAN NOR10- 3 SWE JPN3- 6 SUI Session 14 15 SEP 16:00 CAN12- 4 JPN SWE6-- 4 CHN USA3 9 NOR Session 15 15 SEP 19:30 SUI6- 5 SCO Final 16 SEP 16:00 CAN6- 5 NOR Standings after Round Robin Group-A Group-B Rank Team Games Points Rank Team Games Points 1 NOR - Norway (Walstad) 6 15 Q 1 CAN - Canada (Koe) 6 15 Q 2 SWE - Sweden (Edin) 6 8 2 SCO - Scotland (Mouat) 6 12 3 USA - United States (Ruohonen) 6 7 3 SUI - Switzerland (De Cruz) 6 9 4 CHN - China (Zang) 6 6 4 JPN - Japan (Iwai) 6 0 Final Standings RankTeam Points Gold CAN - Canada 25 2 NOR - Norway 20 3 SCO - Scotland 12 4 SUI - Switzerland 9 5 SWE - Sweden 8 6 USA - United States 7 7 CHN - China 6 8 JPN - Japan 0 Legend: Q Qualified for the final SO Shoot-out CURMTEAM4-------------------------_76A 9.0 Report Created SUN 16 SEP 2018 18:01 Page 1/1 Suzhou, China Curling World Cup 2018-19 Leg 1 Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre Men SUN 16 SEP 2018 Final Start Time 16:00 Game Results SheetGame Team LSFE12345678 Total Points 7 CAN - Canada (Koe) 03020100 6 10 7 NOR - Norway (Walstad) * 10101011 5 5 Shot Success Shot Success CAN - Canada NOR - Norway Game Game 4 S KOE Kevin 89% 4 S WALSTAD Steffen 73% 3 V NEUFELD BJ 91% 3 V HOEIBERG Markus 72% 2 FLASCH Colton 86% 2 NEDREGOTTEN Magnus 77% 1 HEBERT Ben 92% 1 VAAGBERG Magnus
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